馃懡 real_steve

Is gemini ripe for influencers?

8 months ago 路 馃憤 lilith


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8 Replies

馃懡 maria

there's nothing wrong with a Patreon link if you think your content will make people leave a dime. but I guess it'll be more like twitch streaming, once you take the money, you need to deliver what you promised. so far I have yet to find a single decent consistent capsule that throws out periodic content like fiction that had the potential to attract a crowd 路 8 months ago

馃懡 lilith

I think Gemini does not lend itself well to the sort of infinite scrolling / manipulative engagement tactics that are used on websites where influencers proliferate. I imagine without that, its harder to convince people to passively consume content that is primarily advertisement 路 8 months ago

馃懡 real_steve

It's not a joke, it's a serious question. Geminiverse is kind of an experiment for another type of web, simpler, without cookies. I don't know about surveillance. but the question of finance is still there, it didn't go anywhere. People need to make a living, pay for hardward, bandwidth, their creations. You don't want to see ads? well, people got to eat somehow. Influencers is one of the more privacy preserving way to monetize content, like it or not. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 marmaladefoo

Gemini is like the perfectly ripe fruit for picking/influencing. As long as the fruit you want to taste comprises grumpy techno-refuseniks who are trying to build a new utopia somewhere in orbit around the nearest virtual machine. Good luck with herding those cats. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 gwenprime

lets hope not 馃ぃ

I agree with the earlier comments I think the audience here is pretty opposed to being marketeered at so I don't expect we'll get anything like web influencers.

We might see people pushing thier livestreams or traditional blogs but even that feels like a stretch 路 8 months ago

馃懡 mntn

No, but it doesn't mean that people won't try. Given the small reach and the aggressive anti-marketing posture of many Geminauts, I doubt they will find much success. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 tskaalgard

Please no. Gemini is supposed to be for genuine human interaction. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 kevinsan

There's no way to reach a large audience with Gemini as it currently stands, and I think a vanishingly small chance of it gaining enough mainstream traction to ever be of interest. That's not to say people can't or won't push agendas on Gemini, just not 'broad-spectrum influencers' like we see on the web. 路 8 months ago