👽 marginalia

Removed 2 characters of code and saved myself 600 Gb of disk-writes per day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

10 months ago · 👍 cobradile94, skyjake, maria, figbert, digbat


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2 Replies

👽 marginalia

@ser "*4" -- it turns out I accounted for the size of an integer in two places when calculating the buffer size for a file containing 20 million URL-IDs in my search engine index (a file that's written in 20 different versions every 6 hours). So that makes about 600 Gb worth of zeroes it was writing. The files were large for sure, but it's not *insanely* large by search engine standards so I never looked too closely at them until they ate half the disk they were assigned. · 10 months ago

👽 ser

Yeah, ok: I'm curious. What were the 2 chars? A frequency value? · 10 months ago