馃懡 mc

Amfora is a great gemini client. Lagrange also, but much more intrusive. (Just my oppinion.)

1 year ago


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7 Replies

馃懡 bacardi55

@mc I'm not saying you can't explain opinion and I know that i just know nothing :) (that's the subtitle of my capsule/blog) :D

All I'm saying is that "intrusive" seemed a strong statement that implies big concerns security/privacy wise and I'd love to understand more what you mean by this :)

I wouldn't have said anything if your adjective was "bloated", "heavy", "not friendly" or anything else that wouldn't imply somehow a security threat :)

PS: to answer your question, no I don't contribute to lagrange at all, my programming skills in C are close to not existant ^^. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 mc

I also agree with you, @krixano, on that I have any kind of obligation to justify my opinion in this case. However, it would be unpolite of me to leave a polite question unanswered. Is it enlightening enough to refer that the software changed some system settings when I installed it? Or that it retains previous configurations even after the server was rebooted? - and I was not able to find any way (at least obvious) to clean the cache. P.S.: Any of you is a contributor to skyjake's project? I couldn't spot any of these nick names there... Happy coding. :) 路 1 year ago

馃懡 mc

You're right, @bacardi55. I try hard not to share opinions about something I haven't tested or some subject I know nothing or little. I was able to install the software from a .deb package for Buster which which @skyjake pointed me, and tested it summarily. I intended to give some feed back to skyjake, but in order to do that I wanted first to give a good look at the code, and I still have not found the time to do it. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 gnuserland

could you define better "intrusive"? 馃 路 1 year ago

馃懡 bacardi55

@krixano: I disagree with that sentence, "an opinion" should be based on some fact, specifically for opinion are factual and negative like this :)

I could have understand a more "heavy", "complex", "rich".

But "intrusive" implies security or data "threat" or asking too much. I see none of that in Lagrange so I don't understand and wish to be enlighten :) 路 1 year ago

馃懡 krixano

@defunct He doesn't have a reason, that's why he explicitly put "Just my oppinion", because you don't have to justify opinions. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 defunct

more intrusive how? 路 1 year ago