馃懡 mc

Q: How do you get an exteranl url from a gemini link? (For example, you don't want the link to open on the default browser.)

10 months ago


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8 Replies

馃懡 gnuserland

Next Telescope release 0.6 may have this feature since the same author was already interested in it! 路 10 months ago

馃懡 gnuserland

I'll ask to @op & @op2 if Telescope has this feature or to add this feature in his "todo list" 路 10 months ago

馃懡 mc

Thanks @marginalia @gnuserland @hedy It is possible to get the links. It's on amfora's help. My problem is that I'm lazy- and lucky because I usually figure out how to do things intuitively. One just has to press Enter-Tab to highlight the links on a page, then Shift-Tab to go throgh them, and then press e to edit the one you want and copy it. I chastize myself for my laziness - it's kind of a self-defense because I spend many hours daily reading on the screen. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 hedy

I don't think it's possible to copy the full url of a link in amfora. Although you can hit <tab> and tab though the list of links on the page and see the relative urls (or absolute if the author used that). on lagrange I can right click or long press a http link to copy link 路 10 months ago

馃懡 marginalia

Oh, that appears to be a pretty client-specific limitation then (I'd guess; I don't use Amfora so I can't test myself). But Kristall has such a context menu option so unsurprisingly it's not really a gemini limitation. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 mc

My question was not very clearly formulated, I think. What I mean is; How does one get an http url from a gemini (numbered) link, to paste/write it on some browser's url bar? (On an http browser, or on a text/markdown document you can use the rightt button of the browser and choose form the pull down menu "copy link" - or just hoover on the link and write it down somewher - but apparently you cannot do this on a gemini link. I use amfora.Is it a limitation of this client?) 路 10 months ago

馃懡 gnuserland

I use duckling-proxy to open HTTP links into Lagrange & Telescope, if you are speaking about that. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 marginalia

I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. Are you looking for a gemini proxy that allows a HTTP webbrowser to visit gemini pages? If so I like https://proxy.vulpes.one/ 路 10 months ago