Q: How do you get an exteranl url from a gemini link? (For example, you don't want the link to open on the default browser.)
10 months ago
Next Telescope release 0.6 may have this feature since the same author was already interested in it! 路 10 months ago
I'll ask to @op & @op2 if Telescope has this feature or to add this feature in his "todo list" 路 10 months ago
Thanks @marginalia @gnuserland @hedy It is possible to get the links. It's on amfora's help. My problem is that I'm lazy- and lucky because I usually figure out how to do things intuitively. One just has to press Enter-Tab to highlight the links on a page, then Shift-Tab to go throgh them, and then press e to edit the one you want and copy it. I chastize myself for my laziness - it's kind of a self-defense because I spend many hours daily reading on the screen. 路 10 months ago
I don't think it's possible to copy the full url of a link in amfora. Although you can hit <tab> and tab though the list of links on the page and see the relative urls (or absolute if the author used that). on lagrange I can right click or long press a http link to copy link 路 10 months ago
Oh, that appears to be a pretty client-specific limitation then (I'd guess; I don't use Amfora so I can't test myself). But Kristall has such a context menu option so unsurprisingly it's not really a gemini limitation. 路 10 months ago
My question was not very clearly formulated, I think. What I mean is; How does one get an http url from a gemini (numbered) link, to paste/write it on some browser's url bar? (On an http browser, or on a text/markdown document you can use the rightt button of the browser and choose form the pull down menu "copy link" - or just hoover on the link and write it down somewher - but apparently you cannot do this on a gemini link. I use amfora.Is it a limitation of this client?) 路 10 months ago
I use duckling-proxy to open HTTP links into Lagrange & Telescope, if you are speaking about that. 路 10 months ago
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. Are you looking for a gemini proxy that allows a HTTP webbrowser to visit gemini pages? If so I like https://proxy.vulpes.one/ 路 10 months ago