So I have updated my phlog creation script to add a description to the title. This should make it easier to find entries and what not. I also took an opportunity to do a spot of tidying up to make it easier to work out what I have written. Mostly through splitting each function up with #'s. I do find it hard to read shell scripts with out this at times. Things start merging together. Anyhow, it appears the test was a success which is great. Tonight I will be seeing Anna Meredith live. It was something I spotted in an advert and then did some Youtubing. Her work confuses me. I like and dislike it at the same time. The music is a hybrid of electronic and classical with arrangements which challenge. I have albums from various artists which I like and dislike at the same time. Often, it can depend on the mood and how much attention is being paid to the music. Steve Reich is a similar artist for me who I love and yet regularly skip on the mp3 player. The repeating rhythms are distracting and irritating unless you actually sit and listen. Then they are amazing. This, I suspect, applies to Anna Meredith. She is supposed to give playful, bold and exciting gigs which blast you away. I am nervously excited!!