Want a better memory? Stop and smell the roses

Want a better memory? Stop and smell the roses


By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People who want to learn things might do better by

simply stopping to smell the roses, researchers reported on Thursday.

German researchers found they could use odors to re-activate new memories in

the brains of people while they slept -- and the volunteers remembered better


Writing in the journal Science, they said their study showed that memories are

indeed consolidated during sleep, and show that smells and perhaps other

stimuli can reinforce brain learning pathways.

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Jan Born of the University of Lubeck in Germany and colleagues had 74

volunteers learn to play games similar to the game of "Concentration" in which

they must find matched pairs of objects or cards by turning only one over at a


While doing this task, some of the volunteers inhaled the scent of roses. The

volunteers then agreed to sleep inside an MRI tube. Functional magnetic

resonance imaging was used to "watch" their brains while they slept.

At various stages during sleep, Born's team wafted in the same scent of roses.

The volunteers were tested again the next day on what they had learned. "After

the odor night, participants remembered 97.2 percent of the card pairs they had

learned before sleep," the researchers wrote.

But they only remembered 86 percent of the pairs if they did not get the rose

smell while sleeping.

And the stage of sleep was important too, the researchers said in a finding

that will add to the debate over whether people "learn" in their sleep the way

some animals have been shown to.

Research has shown, for example, that rats learning a new maze will rehearse

their movements during sleep, and that songbirds rehearse their songs.

Born's team said the scent improved learning when it was administered during

slow-wave sleep, but had no effect during rapid eye movement or REM sleep.

The MRI showed that the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with

learning new things, was activated when the odor was wafted over the volunteers

during slow wave sleep.