Re:A lot of good "Linux" IDEs exist
(Score:5, Insightful)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 13, @06:50PM (#19498727)
I understand it takes time to get there, but then it has to be understood a lot
of devs won't be interested until then.
Perhaps a lot of monkeys won't be interested until Linux can provide all the
same efficiency-destroying crutches that let them currently hobble through the
process of hacking together buggy and WTF-ridden programs, but frankly we can
do without their sort turning Linux into the hell that they've made Windows
Yes, I'm elitist. That's because it's the only logical position to take. The
human race is never going to advance until we abandon our pathetic obsession
with the blatantly untrue claim that everyone has equal potential, and
acknowledge that most technical jobs require special skills that only a
fraction of the population will ever possess. (Until we grow mature enough as a
species to accept the harsh reality that eugenics is the only way we will ever
put an end to poverty, overpopulation, and all the other major sources of
suffering in the world.)
But I digress. To put it bluntly, programming is actually very hard, and no
visual IDE, however "sophisticated", will give monkeys the ability to do it
properly. So they should find jobs they are actually capable of, like stacking
shelves or flipping burgers or swinging from tree to tree like nature intended,
and leave programming to the intelligent elite, who, being intelligent, are
capable of learning to use difficult-but-powerful tools like emacs or vim
properly and thereby being vastly more productive than the monkeys who rely on
point-and-drool crap like Visual Studio.
Mod me "troll" or "flamebait" if I've hurt your feelings, mod me down into
oblivion if you can't handle what I've got to say - but you know it's true.