17th June 2022 - Dead Kindle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Written while watching/listening to the one day cricket match between England and Netherlands. My Kindle died on Monday. Well the screen has. I went to awaken it and weird lines appeared on the screen. Having attempted to reset it, the screen remains stuck on the screensaver with weird lines. Sigh. The backlight still turns on so I guess it is alive with no output method. It annoyed me in not working. However, it turns out I bought it in 2013. 9 years of life is pretty good really. I have ended up replacing it with another paperwhite. I know that walled gardens are rubbish etc but I find the Kindle a great device and it encourages me to read more. Not with annoying reminders or anything but just by being easy to carry, having a light and not hurting too much when it falls on my face as the eyes fail to stay open. There are other eink readers but they tend to be hard to buy in the UK. With calibre, I know I can own these books and I can buy from other sources. Yes it hurts knowing I am supporting Amazon but there are battles to pick. It does help they offer ebooks for 99p in some daily offer affair. That is the prime cause for my large to read list. I was considering other eink devices but kept hitting the issue of high cost for low confidence in reliability or high import taxes. The Onyx series were tempting but have the issue of running Android and I do not have the confidence that the version will be updated. I suspect the software would lead to my retiring the device rather than hardware failures. The other options all seem to be Chinese manufacturers. This makes me nervous as I would have to buy from China and the cost to risk seems undesirable. This is the risk of a faulty device and trying to return it. There are some eink phones which have been tempting too. Perhaps with colour eink we shall see more manufacturers trying to enter the market. Now, can I replace the screen for relatively cheap and have a device to play with as a terminal? I would like an eink terminal for use with SDF in many ways. Time to see if I can get a screen for less than £0!