Trance Vibrator

A "Special Package" version of the PlayStation 2 release of the game was sold

in Japan only, including a USB device called a Trance Vibrator, which pulses in

time with the music. The intended use of the business-card-sized device would

be to hold it, put it in a pocket, or sit on it while playing (a pouch was

provided to protect the device); similar to the DualShock, it would vibrate in

time with the music, but much more powerfully than the DualShock's own

feedback, helping to extend the synthasia to the player's feeling of touch.

While not explicitly marketed as a sex toy or masturbatory aid, it has

reportedly been used as such.[5] [6] The devices are available from various

aftermarket retailers for (as of 2006) approximately $35 USD. The trance

vibrator is also compatible with Space Channel 5: Part 2 and the Japanese

version of Disaster Report.

There are two models of the Trance Vibrator: The Sega one, which they included

in the Special Package release, and a third-party one made by ASCII. Both are

compatible with the Japanese version of the game, though international

compatibility may vary. The ASCII-branded one is also known to be compatible

with the USA version.

Reverse-engineering efforts to allow the Trance Vibrator to attach to and be

controlled by a PC have been successfully executed in Japan, resulting in a

device driver for Microsoft Windows XP and Windows 2000. Unstable drivers are

also available for Unix -based operating systems.