Vegetarians 'avoid more cancers'

Vegetarians are generally less likely than meat eaters to develop cancer but

this does not apply to all forms of the disease, a major study has found.

The study involving 60,000 people found those who followed a vegetarian diet

developed notably fewer cancers of the blood, bladder and stomach.

But the apparently protective effect of vegetarian did not seem to stretch to

bowel cancer, a major killer.

The study is published in the British Journal of Cancer.

Researchers from universities in the UK and New Zealand followed 61,566 British

men and women. They included meat-eaters, those who ate fish but not meat, and

those who ate neither meat nor fish.




Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

Multiple myeloma

Overall, their results suggested that while in the general population about 33

people in 100 will develop cancer during their lifetime, for those who do not

eat meat that risk is reduced to about 29 in 100.

Special protection?

The researchers said they found marked differences between meat-eaters and

vegetarians in the propensity to cancers of the lymph and the blood, with

vegetarians just over half as likely to develop these forms of the disease.

In the case of multiple myeloma, a relatively rare cancer of the bone marrow,

vegetarians were 75% less likely to develop the disease than meat-eaters.

. At the moment these findings are not strong enough to ask for particularly

large changes in the diets of people following an average balanced diet .

Professor Tim Key Report author

The reduction was less notable for fish-eaters with these cancers. The reasons,

researchers said, were unclear, but potential mechanisms could include viruses

and mutation-causing compounds in meat - or alternatively that vegetables

confer special protection.

There were also striking differences in rates of stomach cancer. Although the

numbers of cases were small, fish-eaters and vegetarians were about a third as

likely to develop the disease as meat-eaters.

Previous research has already implicated processed meats in stomach cancer, so

these findings were not entirely surprising. It is thought N-nitroso compounds

found in these meats may damage DNA, while the high temperatures they are

cooked at may also produce carcinogens.

But the same reduction for vegetarians was not found with cancers of the bowel,

one of the most common forms of the disease. The vegetarians in the group in

fact had a slightly higher rate of cancers of the colon and the rectum,

although not significantly so.

But the relative risk for fish-eaters and vegetarians of cervical cancer was

twice that of meat-eaters. The number of cases was small, and could be down to

chance but the researchers said it was possible that dietary factors influenced

the virus behind cervical cancer.

Professor Tim Key, the lead author, said it was impossible to draw strong

conclusions from this one single study.

"At the moment these findings are not strong enough to ask for particularly

large changes in the diets of people following an average balanced diet."

Vegetarian diets tend be lower in fat and higher in fibre, but they can require

careful planning to ensure necessary protein and vitamins - notably B12, which

is mainly derived from animal products - are taken in sufficient amounts.

'Complex process'

A spokesperson for Cancer Research UK, which funded the research, said: "These

interesting results add to the evidence that what we eat affects our chances of

developing cancer. We know that eating a lot of red and processed meat

increases the risk of stomach cancer.

"But the links between diet and cancer risk are complex and more research is

needed to see how big a part diet plays and which specific dietary factors are

most important.

Myeloma UK said this was the first data of its kind for the bone marrow cancer

"and for that reason we are treating it with caution.

"Dietary advice to myeloma patients remains aligned with national guidance -

that they should eat a healthy, balanced diet high in fibre, fruit and

vegetables and low in saturated fat, salt and red and processed meat."

Dr Panagiota Mitrou, Science and Research Programme Manager for the World

Cancer Research Fund, said: "The suggestion that vegetarians might be at

reduced risk of blood cancers is particularly interesting.

"However, this finding should be treated with caution since not much is known

about the link between diet and these types of cancer. Further studies of

vegetarians are needed before we can be confident this is actually the case."