Rachael Rettner
LiveScience Staff
LiveScience.com rachael Rettner
livescience Staff
livescience.com Tue Sep 15, 10:35 am ET
As we get older, our brains get smaller, or at least that's what many
scientists believe. But a new study contradicts this assumption, concluding
that when older brains are "healthy" there is little brain deterioration, and
that only when people experience cognitive decline do their brains show
significant signs of shrinking.
The results suggest that many previous studies may have overestimated how much
our brains shrink as we age, possibly because they failed to exclude people who
were starting to develop brain diseases, such as dementia, that would lead to
brain decay, or atrophy.
"The main issue is that maybe healthy people do not have as much atrophy as we
always thought they had," said Saartje Burgmans, the lead author of the study
and a PhD candidate at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.
Burgmans and her colleagues wondered what would happen if they were able to
screen out all of the people with so-called "preclinical" cognitive diseases.
Using information collected for Holland's Maastricht Aging Study, the
researchers analyzed data from 65 "healthy" individuals who did not show signs
of dementia, Parkinson's disease or stroke and who were monitored for a period
of nine years. Participants were on average 69 years old at the study's start.
Every three years, participants completed neuropsychological tests, which were
designed to assess their cognition. They also underwent a brain MRI scan.
From the test results, the researchers divided the participants into two
groups: a "healthy" group of 35 people, who showed no loss of mental abilities,
and another group of 30 people who showed substantial cognitive decline, but
did not have dementia.
Then, they analyzed the brain scans, looking at the size of seven regions
associated with cognition. In the healthy group, age did not have a significant
effect on brain size. In the other group, there was a large effect in all seven
brain areas - older participants had significantly smaller brain areas than
younger ones.
"What we found is that when you exclude all those people [who] are suspicious
for preclinical disease, and you just look at the healthy people who don't have
any suspicious cognitive decline, then you see that there is a very small age
effect in this group," said Burgmans.
The researchers caution that their findings are only preliminary, and that they
need to be confirmed in a larger group of people. Also, future studies should
include brain scans of people over time, and not just one brain scan, as was
the case for this study.
But their results demonstrate that it is important for scientists studying the
aging brain to assess the cognition of their participants over a number of
years, the researchers say.
The study was published in the September issue of the journal Neuropsychology.