Top 5 Issues at the Copenhagen Climate Conference

By Kent Garber Kent Garber Tue Dec 8, 2:01 pm ET

For the next two weeks, until December 18, officials from more than 190

countries will be gathering in Copenhagen to write a new treaty on climate

change. For much of the year, there have been questions about whether the

conference would come together and, if so, what it could accomplish at a time

when much of the world is preoccupied with the global recession. In recent

weeks, however, many of the world's economic powerhouses and biggest polluters,

including the United States and China, have said they're serious about hashing

out an agreement. Of course, with so many countries attending, "success" can

mean different things to different people: Some want a political agreement;

others want a legally binding treaty. Here are five things that could determine

the outcome:

[See a slide show of the Top 5 Issues at Copenhagen.]

1. Developed Nations Vs. Developing Nations

Pretty much all the countries attending the talks agree that greenhouse gas

emissions are contributing to climate change. But few want to slash their

emissions without first ensuring that competing countries will do the same.

Developing countries want the United States and other developed nations to cut

emissions the most, since historically it's the industrialized world that's

responsible for most of the carbon pollution in the atmosphere. But China,

India, Brazil, and many others are growing rapidly, so the United States and

other developed countries argue that the developing world must get a handle on

its emissions, too.

2. Targets for Cutting Emissions

In Copenhagen, this tension will most likely play out in a numbers game. The

scientific community says industrialized countries need to cut their emissions

25 percent to 40 percent by 2020 to avoid the worst of climate change. The

European Union seems OK with that idea, but the United States has been

resistant. President Obama recently announced that he'd call for cutting U.S.

greenhouse emissions by about 17 percent. It has gotten a mixed response, with

many nations saying the United States needs to be much more aggressive.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, China announced that it will curb the "intensity"

of its emissions (relative to GDP) by 40 percent to 45 percent by 2020. That

was hailed as a sign that China is getting serious about climate change, but it

has also left some questions. Watch for countries in Copenhagen to press China

to be more specific about what its emissions goals mean.

[See photos from the Copenhagen climate conference.]

3. Assistance to Poor Countries

Many of the countries that will be hardest hit by climate change are poor. Some

are island nations. Some are prone to drought. Others have big coastlines and

are already seeing the impact of changing ocean chemistry and rising sea

levels. To respond to climate change, they say, they'll need Western help. A

lot of it. And that means money. But it's unclear right now just how much rich

countries will be willing to give poor countries (especially when government

treasuries aren't doing so well) in terms of cash and new technology. The World

Bank estimates that poor countries will need up to $100 billion a year to

respond to climate change. So far, Obama and Western countries have pledged $10

billion by 2012. Clearly, a lot of work remains to be done.

4. Carbon Trading

There's a general agreement--internationally, anyway--that the best way to

tackle emissions is by putting a price on carbon. That means a future involving

a busy, lucrative global carbon market, in which people buy and sell permits to

emit carbon. These global markets, not surprisingly, are complicated, and there

are a lot of tough issues to be worked out when it comes to making sure that

markets are honest and transparent. No one wants a repeat of the current

financial crisis. But many countries also don't want an international

regulatory body telling them how to run their economy.

5. Pollution Offsets

One way for countries to cut emissions is to switch to cleaner forms of energy

or to make their power plants more energy efficient. But there are other

options. For example, a power company, rather than trimming its own emissions

on site, might find it cheaper to pay a forest owner to plant a bunch of

carbon-trapping trees. In other words, the power company is "offsetting" its

pollution by paying someone else. As part of the Copenhagen talks, officials

will be considering which types of offset programs work and can actually be

enforced. (There's a big potential for fraud here.) Countries like Brazil and

Indonesia, for example, are pushing hard for a forest program that would

handsomely reward them for not cutting down their trees.

--Read 10 Things You Didn't Know About Copenhagen.

--See 10 Animals Threatened by Global Warming.

--See more coverage of the Copenhagen conference.