Lax parents 'fuel binge drinking'

By Martin Hutchinson

BBC News

Parents who allow their children alcohol at home may be increasing the chances

of future drinking problems, says England's chief medical officer.

Sir Liam Donaldson accused some parents of a "laissez-faire" approach and said

letting children taste alcohol to ready them for adulthood was "misguided".

Evidence showed that this could lead to binge drinking in later life, he said.

New official guidance says under-15s should drink no alcohol, with under-17s

drinking only under supervision.

Legally, parents and carers can give their children alcohol at home from the

age of five onwards.

'Middle-class obsession'

However, Sir Liam described the idea of a glass of watered-down wine for a

child as a "middle-class obsession", and criticised the approach among some

parents towards their children getting drunk.

He said: "Across England, 500,000 children between the ages of 11 to 15 years

will have been drunk in the past four weeks.

"The science is clear - drinking, particularly at a young age, a lack of

parental supervision, exposing children to drink-fuelled events and failing to

engage with them as they grow up are the root causes from which our country's

serious alcohol problem has developed."

He added: "The more [children] get a taste for it, the more likely they are to

be heavy drinking adults or binge drinkers later in childhood."

He announced a major publicity campaign on the subject in England, which will

get under way in January 2010.

Similar advice is expected in Scotland at around the same time. In Wales, a

health spokesman said work was already under way to tackle drinking among young


The advice was welcomed by alcohol campaign groups, although Alcohol Concern

said that the availability of alcohol at "pocket money prices" was a key factor

in abuse and should be addressed by ministers.

Sir Liam said that he wanted to address the "ready availability" of cheap

alcohol and called on supermarkets and corner shops to "take a stand".


Knighted in 2002

Championed swine flu strategy

Pushed for smoke-free public places

Recommended a minimum alcohol price

Made changes to organ retention/consent post-Alder Hey

Set up the Health Protection Agency

He said that he would be able to "shout louder" about his suggestion for a 50p

minimum price for alcohol - rejected by Prime Minister Gordon Brown - after he

steps down next year.

Jeremy Todd, chief executive of the parenting charity Parentline Plus, praised

the guidelines.

He said: "Parents can have a huge influence on their child's drinking choices.

Parental influence

"Rates of teenage drunkenness are higher amongst both the children of parents

who drink to excess and the children of parents who abstain completely.

"Whilst parents have a greater influence on their children's drinking patterns

early on, as they grow older their friends have a greater influence.

"It is therefore crucial for parents to talk to their children about alcohol

and its effects."

Professor Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians and chair

of the Alcohol Health Alliance, said: "We know that adults who drink sensibly

tend to pass these habits on and that some families choose to introduce alcohol

to their children younger than 15 in a supportive environment."

He stressed that not drinking alcohol at all remained the "healthiest option"

for children.