18/03/2021 (things i learned)
- downloaded octave! lol it's quite good, difficult codebase
fast, looks great, loads to learn from the source code!
- GNU Bison parsing! Wow!
- verified a gpg signature. downloaded a bunch of gnu public keys but
im not quite sure how it works, cuz stllman's one doesn't match his website's
- i WONDER... does the charity of free software hold back antitrust action?
- the POINT is to build. if there isn't any free software, there wouldnt be
any free software. duh!
- materials mechanics is quite interesting, modulus of elasticity, ultimate
tensile strength, fancy graphs. i should learn some hehe
- oh mai gawdd three hours is SO LONG
- ish how to scrape translation files from chromium.. why such a weird source..
- what is this .ts .pm translation file types -_- what is qtlinguist?
- what's up with lousy docs? Qt also is a mess :/
- building octave only uses 1 core but my computer is soooo slowwww
- yeet i translated octave keywordsss, but no gui :/
- read build instructions before building hehe (shouldve put it in README hmph)
there are no trade secrets in code, only anti-competition tactics
if data is most important, then programs are most scary
2 most important mathematical computing ideas: anythingness and metathinking
lol discussion really makes u think clearer, these catchphrases aren't that great
when given more thought.. e.g. why would octave want to mimic matlab? maybe to
take advantage of existing academics' habits, or maybe cuz it's been ironed out
nicely. also, patented stuff =/= trade secrets? i guess. i just mean to say to not
let catchphrases guide your thinking, cuz too much nuance get thrown out. Not too
bad for discussion tho..