14/07/2021 (thinland)

- arm sore

- everyone wants something

- malay books and belalang goreng 4 me :)

- tiny little website is super fun

- i love how simple html is responsive by default

- can read signboards

- stupid panic inducing viral videos really stick to brain

even though completely irrational

- matrix is much better than before i love it

- fingernail weak :'(

- SEARCH 'bahasa' in libgen. u wont regret it

- konnakol with good audio o>o

- how tf is a video editing software top 10 app??

- someone needs to archive jing jing beh

- damn movies take up so much space

but super easy to clear up :)

- learning new languages, watch videos over and over

when decently good, watch lots of new videos