0 /* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */

1 #include <strings.h>

2 #include <termbox.h>

3 #include "gemini.h"


5 void tb_colorline(int x, int y, uintattr_t color) {

6 for (int i=x; i<tb_width(); i++)

7 tb_set_cell(i, y, ' ', color, color);

8 }


10 void display() {

11 struct gmi_tab* tab = &client.tabs[client.tab];

12 struct gmi_page* page = &tab->page;

13 tb_clear();


15 if (client.input.mode) {

16 if (page->code == 11 || page->code == 10)

17 tb_set_cursor(client.input.cursor+strnlen(client.input.label,

18 sizeof(client.input.label))+2, tb_height()-1);

19 else

20 tb_set_cursor(client.input.cursor, tb_height()-1);

21 }


23 if (page->code == 20 || page->code == 10 || page->code == 11) {

24 tb_clear();

25 if (client.tabs_count > 1) tab->scroll--;

26 page->lines = gmi_render(tab);

27 if (client.tabs_count > 1) tab->scroll++;

28 } else if (tab->error[0] != '\0') {

29 tb_printf(2, 1+(client.tabs_count>1), TB_RED, TB_DEFAULT,

30 "# %!s(MISSING)", tab->error);

31 }


33 // current tab

34 if (client.tabs_count > 1) {

35 tb_colorline(0, 0, TB_WHITE);

36 tb_printf(0, 0, TB_BLACK, TB_WHITE,

37 "Tabs : %!d(MISSING)/%!d(MISSING)", client.tab+1, client.tabs_count);

38 }


40 // current url

41 tb_colorline(0, tb_height()-2, TB_WHITE);

42 char urlbuf[MAX_URL];

43 int hide = 0;

44 int posx = 0;

45 for (int i=0; tab->url[i]; i++) {

46 if (hide && (tab->url[i] == '/')) {

47 hide = 0;

48 }

49 if (!hide) {

50 urlbuf[posx] = tab->url[i];

51 posx++;

52 }

53 if (!hide && tab->url[i] == '?') {

54 hide = 1;

55 urlbuf[posx] = '<';

56 urlbuf[posx+1] = '*';

57 urlbuf[posx+2] = '>';

58 posx+=3;

59 }

60 }

61 urlbuf[posx] = '\0';

62 tb_printf(0, tb_height()-2, TB_BLACK, TB_WHITE, "%!s(MISSING) (%!s(MISSING))", urlbuf, tab->page.meta);


64 // Show selected link url

65 if (tab->selected != 0) {

66 int llen = strnlen(tab->selected_url, sizeof(tab->selected_url));

67 tb_printf(tb_width()-llen-5, tb_height()-2, TB_WHITE, TB_BLUE,

68 " => %!s(MISSING) ", tab->selected_url);

69 }


71 int count = atoi(client.vim.counter);

72 if (count) {

73 tb_printf(tb_width() - 8, tb_height() - 1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT,

74 "%!d(MISSING)", count);

75 }


77 // input

78 if (client.input.error) {

79 tb_hide_cursor();

80 tb_colorline(0, tb_height()-1, TB_RED);

81 tb_print(0, tb_height()-1, TB_WHITE, TB_RED, tab->error);

82 client.input.field[0] = '\0';

83 } else if (client.input.info) {

84 tb_hide_cursor();

85 tb_colorline(0, tb_height()-1, TB_GREEN);

86 tb_print(0, tb_height()-1, TB_WHITE, TB_GREEN, tab->info);

87 client.input.field[0] = '\0';

88 client.input.info = 0;

89 } else if (page->code == 10) {

90 tb_printf(0, tb_height()-1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT,

91 "%!s(MISSING): %!s(MISSING)", client.input.label, client.input.field);

92 } else if (page->code == 11) {

93 char input_buf[1024];

94 size_t i = 0;

95 for (; client.input.field[i] && i < sizeof(client.input.field); i++)

96 input_buf[i] = '*';

97 input_buf[i] = '\0';

98 tb_printf(0, tb_height()-1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT,

99 "%!s(MISSING): %!s(MISSING)", client.input.label, input_buf);

100 } else {

101 tb_printf(0, tb_height()-1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, "%!s(MISSING)", client.input.field);

102 }


104 tb_present();

105 }


107 void display_history() {

108 int ret = 0;

109 struct tb_event ev;

110 bzero(&ev, sizeof(ev));

111 do {

112 struct gmi_tab* tab = &client.tabs[client.tab];


114 tb_clear();

115 tb_print(2, 1, TB_RED, TB_DEFAULT, "# History");


117 if (!tab->history) {

118 tb_present();

119 continue;

120 }

121 int y = 3;

122 for (struct gmi_link* link = tab->history->next; link; link = link->next) {

123 tb_printf(4, y, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, "%!s(MISSING)", link->url);

124 y++;

125 }


127 tb_printf(4, y, TB_DEFAULT, TB_BLUE, "-> %!s(MISSING)", tab->history->url);

128 y++;


130 for (struct gmi_link* link = tab->history->prev; link; link = link->prev) {

131 tb_printf(4, y, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, "%!s(MISSING)", link->url);

132 y++;

133 }


135 tb_present();


137 } while(((ret = tb_poll_event(&ev)) == TB_OK && ev.type == TB_EVENT_RESIZE)

138 || ret == -14);

139 }


141 int display_download(char* info) {

142 int ret = 0;

143 struct tb_event ev;

144 bzero(&ev, sizeof(ev));

145 do {


147 tb_clear();

148 tb_printf(2, 1, TB_RED, TB_DEFAULT, "# Non-renderable meta-data : %!s(MISSING)", info);

149 int w = tb_width();

150 int h = tb_height();

151 const char* line1 = "Press 'y' to download";

152 const char* line2 = "Press any other key to cancel";

153 int x = w/2-strlen(line1)/2;

154 tb_printf(x, h/2-1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, line1);

155 tb_printf(x+7, h/2-1, TB_GREEN, TB_DEFAULT, "y");

156 tb_printf(w/2-strlen(line2)/2, h/2, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, line2);


158 tb_present();


160 } while(((ret = tb_poll_event(&ev)) == TB_OK && ev.type == TB_EVENT_RESIZE)

161 || ret == -14);

162 return ev.ch == 'y' || ev.ch == 'Y';

163 }


165 int display_open(char* path) {

166 int ret = 0;

167 struct tb_event ev;

168 bzero(&ev, sizeof(ev));

169 do {


171 tb_clear();

172 tb_printf(2, 1, TB_RED, TB_DEFAULT, "# %!s(MISSING) downloaded", path);

173 int w = tb_width();

174 int h = tb_height();

175 const char* line1 = "Press 'y' to open";

176 const char* line2 = "Press any other key to cancel";

177 int x = w/2-strlen(line1)/2;

178 tb_printf(x, h/2-1, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, line1);

179 tb_printf(x+7, h/2-1, TB_GREEN, TB_DEFAULT, "y");

180 tb_printf(w/2-strlen(line2)/2, h/2, TB_DEFAULT, TB_DEFAULT, line2);


182 tb_present();


184 } while(((ret = tb_poll_event(&ev)) == TB_OK && ev.type == TB_EVENT_RESIZE)

185 || ret == -14);

186 return ev.ch == 'y' || ev.ch == 'Y';

187 }