* Exported from MasterCook II * Steamed Spareribs with Black Bean Sauce (Dow See Jing Pie Recipe By : Serving Size : 2 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Chinese Pork Ceideburg 2 Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 pound Spareribs 1 Clove garlic -- minced fine 2 tablespoons Salted black beans 1 tablespoon Fresh ginger -- minced 1 teaspoon Dark soy sauce 1 tablespoon Cornstarch 1 tablespoon Sherry Here's a couple of simple, good recipes that use black bean sauce. Just in case you don't know, these black beans are the Chinese fermented black b eans. They're extremely salty++and should be rinsed before use++ and have a ver y nice, savory taste that blends well with many foods. Very common in Chinese ma rkets and I've seen bottles of ready prepared black bean sauce in supermarkets i n the Oriental food sections. Just substitute the deep fried tofu cubes for the meat in these recipes. One of these recipes is for pork spareribs and one for p rawns. They'll give you an idea of how the beans are combined with the other ing redients to come up with the sauce. Yield: 4 servings Preparation: Have butcher cut spareribs into 1-inch pieces. Trim off fat. Pla ce spareribs in a heat proof dish. Wash and rinse black beans 2 or 3 times, the n mash them with garlic, ginger, soy sauce, cornstarch and sherry. Mix with spa reribs. Cooking: Place heat proof dish on steaming rack in wok. Add water to bottom o f wok. Cover. Steam for 30 minutes. Do-ahead notes: Do through preparation. Comments: Spareribs can be left in the steamer for 2 hours if dinner is late. Substitute bean sauce for salted black beans++and abracadabra! Mein See Jing Pi e Quat! (Steamed Spareribs in Bean Sauce.) From "The Chinese Village Cookbook." A practical guide to Cantonese country coo king. Rhoda Yee, Yerba Bueana Press, San Francisco. 1975. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; January 10 1991. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -