馃懡 aka_dude

Writing web chat without js 馃

7 months ago 路 馃憤 devyl, bimzhob


馃憢 Join Station

4 Replies

馃懡 aka_dude

Right now I am mostly having fun with HTML/CSS. It is nice to immediately see fruits of your work, more rewarding than my usual backend stuff. I have ideas for better bots/interactivity than existing (popular) chats have. If I end up implementing something interesting, I'll write about it. It's a shame Station is not that great for threads, I kinda don't want to setup my own capsule. 路 7 months ago

馃懡 aka_dude


display messages

Simplest case: chat's interface is located in / (root). What happens when browser requests / ? If there is cookie that corresponds to username/password, then return HTML page with messages; else return some kind of login page.

TL;DR: server-side HTML rendering for changing content, cookies (TLS certs, maybe?) for auth, plus some room for optimization, e.g. mentioned iframe-s 路 7 months ago

馃懡 devyl

@dimitrigorvachov for example with php. on the frontend side you should go with frames. a iframe for the chat with a autoreload of... 30 secs? ... would work. all other in serverside scripting and sessionvars :) that's easier as you might think. 路 7 months ago

馃懡 dimitrigorvachov

parden my ignorance, but isn't that impossible? how will you display your messages? and also, how would you assign nicknames/IDs to users? 路 7 months ago