Super memory pill and possibly an Alzheimer s cure could be around the corner

Scientists have isolated a gene in mice that works to give them "super

memories" and reverses the course of several degenerative mental illnesses like

Alzheimer's. And because of the similarity of mice and human brains, a powerful

brain pill for humans may now not be far off.

The brains of both mice and humans release a gene known as PKR, which is

triggered by the onset of Alzheimer's. But the newly discovered gene can

apparently block PKR's release--a development that not only can reverse the

course of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, but induces a state

of "super memory" in the mice it has been tested on.

"If we were to find an inhibitor, a molecule, a drug that will specifically

block PKR, we should be able to do the same [in humans]," Maura Costa-Mattioli,

who led the research study at Baylor University, told the Vancouver Sun. "And

we did."

"We recognize that PKR plays a dual role, one in regulating simple everyday

processes like the way neurons talk to each other [for] memory, but also has a

stress response," added John Bell, a senior scientist at the Ottawa Hospital

Research Institute who also contributed to the study.

More from the Sun:

A virus is one form of stress that triggers PKR, but Alzheimer's patients'

brains also experience PKR-releasing stress, said Bell, whose cancer research

led him to create PKR-deficient mice which he shared with Costa-Mattioli's lab.

Researchers found that when PKR is genetically suppressed in mice, another

immune molecule, called gamma interferon, increases communication between

neurons, improving memory and making brain function more efficient,

Costa-Mattioli said.

Reportedly, when PKR is blocked, the gamma interferon can work more or less

spontaneously to improve brain functions--and can be activated via a simple

PKR-inhibitor injection into a mouse's stomach rather than through more

conventional and drawn-out gene therapy. The possible application for humans

would lead to something like taking a "brain pill" to treat diseases like

Alzheimer's, or simply to give the memory a significant boost:

When the researchers tested the PKR-deficient mice in a series of memory tests,

those mice were able to pick up on patterns and remember them on the first try,

while the other mice needed days to figure out how to solve the puzzle. The

PKR-deficient mice consistently showed significantly better memory and learning

abilities than their counterparts.

Of course, Costa-Mattioli said the goal is not to create a new society of

super-memory powered people.

"Let's say we'd compare with Viagra. People use Viagra at whatever age, let's

say 60, 65. But someone (who) is 40 goes to buy it, they can get it," he said.

"But this is not our goal . . . Our goal would be to treat people who have a

memory problem."