cromwell realised that while anne was in power, a spanish alliance that was vital to the security of the realm and his own future, would be in jeopardy. for now, anne was his biggest adversary. her hold over the king was still considerable. he ultimately confessed to chapuys that anne had to be eliminated, for good. cromwell devised a plan that would bring not only her, but her supporters down. he realised that supporting jane seymour would save his career and allied with the allies of the seymours. some days later, the lord chancellor instructed cromwell and norfolk to investigate unspecified cases of treason amd other offences committed in kent and middlesex. it is unlikely, that the king knew that his wife was to be the object of an inquiry. contrary to some historians, henry had every reason to be pleased with anne, for the evidence suggests that she was pregnant once again. her reconcillation with the king bore fruit. the king was anxious to show the world that he could father an heir and justify his marriage to anne. cromwell was alarmed at her pregnancy and if she gave birth to a boy, she could render herself invincible. cromwell and his conspirators kept all their options open and discussed the possibilities of an annulment. the queen was just too powerful and only the most damming charges against her would shake her.