MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Turkey and Rocket Salad with Macadamias Categories: Australian, Salads, Ceideburg 2 Yield: 4 servings Text Only Here are some more recipes from the Sydney Morning Herald, courtesy of Mark Herron. What to do with leftovers is the subject of the next three posts. Turkey meat, which tends to be dry, benefits particularly from this macadamia dressing, but any roast poultry meat you have left over can be used instead. Another soft lettuce can stand in for the rocket (arugula) if you simply can't obtain the latter, but it won't provide the delicate, savoury flavour. Macadamia oil can now be obtained in some supermarkets. Wash and dry thoroughly: 1 bunch of rocket, discarding the coarse stem ends 1 small, soft lettuce Arrange the leaves on four plates. Heat 250 g macadamia nuts in an ungreased container in the oven until they smell appetizing, then set half aside and tip the other half into the bowl of a food processor. Add: 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped. With salt and pepper process to a paste. With the food processor.running, slowly add 100 ml macadamia oil, then 50 ml white wine vinegar. Slice or shred enough turkey for four people and gently loss it in the macadamia salad. Arrange the dressed turkey on the prepared plates, drizzle left-over dressing over the salad leaves, Sprinkle with reserved macadamia nuts, roughly chopped, and finely chopped chives. Serve. Makes 4 servings. From "Raw Materials" by Meryl Constance, Sydney Morning Herald, 12/22/92. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; February 16 1993. MMMMM