Texting while walking claims another victim, woman falls off pier

By Mike Flacy | Digital Trends Thu, Mar 22, 2012

As reported by an ABC news affiliate in South Bend, Indiana, a woman named

Bonnie Miller fell into a river connected to Lake Michigan while she was

attempting to walk along a pier and send a text message at the same time.

Miller was strolling along the pier with her family and realized that she had

to correct an appointment time via a text message. As she was writing the text

message, Miller didn t pay attention to how close she was to the edge of the

pier and ending up tripping into approximately six feet of cold water.

Miller s husband and a 19-year old bystander jumped into the water to help her

reach a ladder that led back to the top of the pier. A police officer also used

a flotation device attached to a rope to help guide the group to the ladder.

While Miller was definitely embarrassed by the incident, she wants people to

understand how texting while walking can be a problem. In an interview with the

news affiliate, Miller stated I couldn t let pride stand in my way of warning

other people to not drive and text or walk and text. It can be dangerous.

Earlier this year, a research team at Stony Brook University conducted a study

around texting while walking and found that participants consistently veered

away from walking a straight path by a 60 percent deviation. Wandering to the

left or right could easily explain how Bonnie Miller found herself falling off

the edge of the pier. The amount of distance traveled by people within the

study increased by 13 percent and participants took approximately 33 percent

longer to reach a destination when texting while walking. The research team

also found that walking while talking on a cell phone increased travel time by

about 16 percent.

The number of falling incidents when texting while talking that have been

captured on video and published on the Internet has increased over the last few

years. During February 2012, a live CBC broadcast caught a woman s fall down a

section of steps while she was texting while walking and the video is nearing

four million views on YouTube. During January 2011, a woman named Cathy Cruz

Marrero caught national attention after a security guard at a shopping mall

released footage of Marrero tripping and falling into the mall s fountain after

texting while walking. Marrero hired an attorney shortly after the incident

specifically to go after the mall s management for allowing the footage to be

leaked onto the Internet.

Another study published in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Pediatrics

journal during 2009 found that children that text or talk on a cell phone while

walking near or on a street are 40 percent more likely to get hit by an

automobile. During April 2011, lawmakers in Rexburg, Idaho rolled out a new law

that fines pedestrians $50 for texting while walking in order to dissuade

people from the practice. Documentary maker Casey Neistat also recently created

a somewhat comedic public service announcement for people that text while

walking. Within the video, Neistat equates the practice to walking the streets

with a blindfold on and recommends that people stop walking to stand against a

building while texting.

For consumers with Android-powered smartphones, a application developer named

Sascha Affolter has created an app called Transparent Screen that uses the

camera to show what s directly in front of the user while walking. The

transparency effect can be adjusted by the user and works when texting or using

other applications like Google Maps.