The global economy - Summertime blues

The slowdown is spreading around the world

Sep 1st 2012 | from the print edition

NOT for the first time, the recent behaviour of financial markets has been at

odds with economic fundamentals. The living has been easy on American and

European stock exchanges this summer, despite plenty of gloomy data. Investors

may have been placing too much faith in the capacity of central banks to

counteract economic weakness.

The global economy expanded by just 2.8% in the year to the second quarter,

according to The Economist s measure of world GDP (see chart). That is the

slowest rate since the end of 2009, when recovery from savage recession in the

wake of the financial crisis was getting under way. The most perturbing aspect

of the current slowdown is that the weakness is so widespread, affecting

emerging economies as well as rich countries.

The most fragile economy in the rich world is that of the troubled euro area,

where GDP shrank by 0.2% (an annualised decline of 0.7%) in the second quarter,

leaving it 0.4% smaller than a year earlier. Beset by fears about a possible

Greek exit and a bigger bail-out for Spain (which this week received a rescue

request of its own, from Catalonia s regional government), the euro zone is

sliding ever deeper into the mire. A composite index of output in manufacturing

and services from Markit, a research firm, based on purchasing-manager reports

in July and August, is pointing to a further fall in GDP in the third quarter.

The big bright spot within the 17-country area has been Germany s continuing

strength. Its economy, which makes up over a quarter of the euro zone s output,

expanded by 0.3% in the second quarter, leaving it 1% bigger than a year

earlier. But the German light is dimming, too. A business-climate survey

conducted by Munich s Ifo Institute for Economic Research found expectations

for the next six months at their lowest since mid-2009.

The euro zone s troubles are hurting other rich countries. Bolstered by

reconstruction work following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami of March

2011, the Japanese economy grew by 3.5% in the year to the second quarter. But

the value of exports to the European Union fell by a startling 25% in the year

to July. On August 28th the government highlighted the risk to recovery from a

further slowdown in overseas economies.

America has been doing a lot better than Europe. In the second quarter its GDP

grew at an annualised rate of 1.7%, according to revised figures published on

August 29th. But the recovery has been slowing: growth is down from 2% in the

first quarter and 4.1% in late 2011. Although there are signs that the housing

market is at last coming up for air home prices rose by 1.2% in the year to the

second quarter consumer confidence fell sharply in August.

Making matters worse, the slowdown is also affecting emerging economies. Among

the four BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China), Brazil s fall from

grace has been particularly marked: its growth in early 2012 was anaemic. A

wider slowdown in Latin America is under way as Chinese demand for commodities

from the region slackens.

Flagging imports suggest that China s slowdown will prove to be more severe

than previously expected. The country s exporters are also having a hard time.

In August new export orders for manufacturers were at their weakest since March

2009, according to Markit. Chinese GDP grew by 7.6% in the year to the second

quarter, its slowest rate since the financial crisis. Industrial production

grew by only 9.2% in the year to July, well down on the 14% rate a year ago.

The Shanghai stockmarket, which has plumbed a three-year low, reflects this

sense of weakness.

In contrast, rich-country stockmarkets have been buoyant over the summer.

During the past month American equity prices rose by 4%; European stockmarkets

were even more sunkissed, gaining an impressive 6%. The rallies are now

petering out, perhaps because investors are becoming more realistic about what

central banks can truly deliver.

On August 31st Ben Bernanke, chairman of America s Federal Reserve, was

expected to offer some clues about the direction of the country s monetary

policy at an annual pow-wow for central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Even

if he were to hint at a third bout of quantitative easing, another round of QE

seems likely to have less impact on American growth than the previous two.

This way to the hard landing

One central banker who won t be in Jackson Hole is Mario Draghi, president of

the European Central Bank (ECB). He cancelled his trip because of his workload

ahead of a crucial meeting of the bank s council on September 6th. Markets are

eagerly awaiting what he has to say after that meeting. The single most

important reason why they regained their vim over the summer was Mr Draghi s

pledge on July 26th that the ECB was ready to do whatever it takes to save

the euro. Mr Draghi has laid out a framework for renewed purchases of

government bonds, but a host of crucial details remain to be resolved. Even if

he can present a proper plan in early September, which some doubt, investors

may be disappointed at what emerges not least because Jens Weidmann, head of

the influential German Bundesbank, has stepped up his opposition to bond


The disappointing rich-world recovery following the financial crisis has shown

that central banks cannot by themselves reboot debt-burdened economies. The

endless euro saga has demonstrated that a lasting solution to debt crises

requires bold political action. Financial markets forgot those lessons over the

summer; they may soon have to relearn them.

from the print edition | Finance and economics