Difficult Hike - 07/04/2021

Today we are going home from the hike which I attended yesterday. It started on friday when a bit after work I with a packed backpack went to bus station and traveled to this city where my sisters picked me up. By the time they picked me up they already went 100km. That is insane, they were little tired and already had some blisters covered by patches on feet.

We then traveled to place by the river where the camping spot was, it is very beautiful place. We sit until the evening, got some beer and food, and then went to sleep.

On saturday(yesterday) we all woke up, ate and went for a first track together which was 31km. it was tough, but not too bad. I got little grumpy, my legs where little melted, but we came back and I only had few moscito bites and was tired. We ate and sit for an hour, also I went to a shower.

We then set out for a second round. 27 more kilometers, I knew it will be hard. One of my sisters started up bandly her leg was swolen and she had few nasty blisters, we started slow, but eventually gained speed. All went fine. Well we stopped midway somewhere to rest for like 30minutes cause I really needed that, I felt fine, but I was too tired at the time. After we rested I felt much better, my sister however not got better, but instead it was more painful for her again to walk after that long pause. Oh and yea before we stopped I started to feel pain and suprise suprise I inspected my feet when we stopped and it had few blisters, I put some moisturizer cream and we carried on. We got back eventually, my legs this time were totally melted, but once I sit down, I felt so good and was so glad. I did it, I finished all 54km on one day, more than ever before. Total distance all combined was 200km, I only took a quarter of it, but still my NEW RECORD!!! Hooray!

After we got back again rest then shower then eating, and then I was all chill. Got some beer and spend rest of the evening with my sister who was feeling not good, she decided to not go again too and stayed with me cause of her legs. My other sister though decided and went with some small group for a 3rd track of a day, another 24km. So eventually we got to sleep. She came back at night or rather early morning, rested a bit and said that she will go for last 4th track too. What a mad lad! And she did come back feeling relatively fine, altough looking super sleepy and tired in the eyes. We let her sleep for few hours and then we packed our things and went home.

I would say that one of the most difficult things of a hike was heat, it was close to 30C and I just cant stand heat like this. It caused me to feel nauseous, weak and me complaining and whinning more than usual. If it was like 20 or so degrees it would have been perfect weather.

But yea what an intense weekend it was, I overcame myself and yea. Oh and I got some mosquitto bites. My legs recovered in a span of few days and now I am looking forward into next weekend cause we will go for another 33km hike.