Corporate strategy - Where thinking is king

A more rigorous attempt to dissect the corporate mind and its effect on success

NOTHING succeeds in business books like the study of success. The current

business-book boom was launched in 1982 by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman with

In Search of Excellence . It has been kept going ever since by a succession of

gurus and would-be gurus who promise to distil the essence of excellence into

three (or five or seven) simple rules. The undisputed king of the genre at the

moment is Jim Collins, whose Good to Great and Great by Choice can be found

piled high in airport bookshops around the world.

The Three Rules is a self-conscious contribution to the genre; it even

includes a bibliography of success studies . Michael Raynor and Mumtaz Ahmed

work for a consultancy, Deloitte, that is determined to turn itself into more

of a thought-leader and less a corporate plumber. They employ all the tricks of

the success genre. They insist that their conclusions are measurable and

actionable guides to behaviour rather than analysis for its own sake. They

divide companies into three cutely named categories: miracle worker , long

runner and average Joe . They even employ the cutest trick of all: the third

rule is, There are no other rules.

But the authors are also more rigorous than most success-ologists. Mr Peters

and Mr Waterman chose the companies that form the heart of In Search of

Excellence by canvassing McKinsey partners and a bunch of other smart people

about who s cool and who s doing cool work . Messrs Raynor and Ahmed studied

Compustat data on companies that traded on American exchanges between 1966 and

2010 25,000 companies from hundreds of industries over 45 years. It uncovered

344 companies that produced statistically exceptional results.

Success authors usually serve up vivid stories about how exceptional business-

people imprinted their personalities on a company or rescued it from a

life-threatening crisis. Messrs Raynor and Ahmed are happier crunching the

numbers: they provide detailed appendices on calculating the elements of

advantage and category, trajectory and era analysis . This means that they

escape from the most obvious booby traps. Alas, it also means that The Three

Rules , though clearly and sometimes even elegantly written, can be tough

going, stranded in the no-man s-land between the airport and the ivory tower.

The authors spent five years studying the behaviour of their 344 exceptional

companies , only to come up at first with nothing. Every hunch led to a blind

alley and every hypothesis to a dead end. It was only when they shifted their

attention from how companies behave to how they think that they began to make

sense of their voluminous material.

Management is all about making difficult trade-offs in conditions that are

always uncertain and often volatile. But exceptional companies approach these

trade-offs with two simple rules in mind, sometimes consciously, sometimes

unconsciously. First: better before cheaper. Companies are more likely to

succeed in the long run if they compete on quality or performance than on

price. Second: revenue before cost. Companies have more to gain in the long run

from driving up revenue (for example by charging higher prices or appealing to

more customers) than by driving down costs. The authors illustrate these rules

with examples from a wide range of industries: miracle workers include

Heartland Express in Trucking, Linear Technology in semiconductors, Thomas &

Betts in electrical wiring and Weis Markets in groceries.

Most success studies suffer from two faults. There is the halo effect ,

whereby good performance leads commentators to attribute all manner of virtues

to anything and everything the company does. These virtues then suddenly become

vices when the company falters. There is also the post hoc ergo propter hoc

fallacy whereby commentators assume that the simple fact that a behavioural

difference is visible between two companies explains the difference in


Messrs Raynor and Ahmed work hard to avoid these mistakes by studying large

bodies of data over several decades. But they end up embracing a different

error: stating the obvious. Most businesspeople will not be surprised to learn

that it is better to find a profitable niche and focus on boosting your

revenues than to compete on price and cut your way to success. The difficult

question is how to find that profitable niche and protect it. There, The Three

Rules is less useful.