馃懡 mntn

Thought some people here might be interested in this, it's a service to turn web pages into an epub for offline reading: https://epub.press/

9 months ago 路 馃憤 lykso, cobradile94, sevb, kelbot, skyfaller, kensanata


[1] https://epub.press/


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5 Replies

馃懡 kelbot

Another related thing. If you have access to a wallabag server (open source alternative similar to Pocket/ReadItLater) it can export individual articles or a digest of your unread articles to a bunch of formats including epub, mobi, pdf, txt and a few others. Straight from the web interface. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 kelbot

:-) I've been poking at this some more since I've been working on a script to convert the last couple days worth of post from my comitium feed for reading on my PDA. I've come up with what I think is a simpler way using the gmni tool rather than gemget. This avoids the downloading of a bunch of gmi docs and just pipes the content of the docs through until it spits out a digest of the days posts compiled into one document in .pdb and .epub format. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 mntn

Thanks @smokey, I wasn't aware of gemget but that looks great. I need to start feeding my daily RSS into these things. 路 9 months ago

馃懡 smokey

I found a cool post by kelbot on gemini to epub, its also a good read: gemini://gemini.cyberbot.space/gemlog/geminitoepub.gmi 路 9 months ago

馃懡 mntn

It's a Chrome extension but I assume you could just ping their API directly. There's a JS library available: https://www.npmjs.com/package/epub-press-js 路 9 months ago