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Piano songs partly learned
- A Field of Homes and Dreams
- Baka mitai(バカ・ミタイ)
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Clark by C418
- Danny by C418
- Dearest Treasure from Angel Beats
- Demon Slayer OP
- Haggstrom by C418
- Ievan Polkka
- Living Mice by C418
- Lost Woods
- Megalovania from Undertale
- Mice On Venus by C418
- No Game No Life OP
- Ruins from Undertale
- Subwoofer Lullaby by C418
- Sweden by C418
- Tetris Theme
- Thomas The Tank Engine
Piano songs fully learned
- Dry Hands by C418
- Fairy Tail Theme
- Kalinka
- Katyusha
- Soviet Russian Anthem
- Wet Hands by C418