👽 ailolai

Gemini as emergency protocol. Imagine the situation. The world is a better place and a lot of people have a Gemini Client installed. Say there's a network near collapse thanks to some meteorite, flood or zombies. Gemini could work great to provide esssential information on little resources.

Text will get through.


5 months ago · 👍 gnuserland, smokey, haze, bavarianbarbarian


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9 Replies

👽 bavarianbarbarian

Well, let's think that everthing is f*cked up, what will fail first? Imo it's the powersupply. So no more ISPs.. Then, as a well prepared Doomer, you can use your solar panels and a CB radio to rebuild some kinda internet. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packet_radio. That was my intention with CB radio xD · 5 months ago

👽 ailolai

@bavarianbarbarian I don't mean for casual surfing but to go to howToSurviveZombies.gmi or even ifVolcano.gmi · 5 months ago

👽 haze

Actually I have been using Gemini for low-bandwidth situations. Like on my phone during a long distance train/bus. Feels good that I can still brows the *internet* when most people can't. · 5 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

As a doomsday prepper (*joking), i'd suggest to get some CB radio and independet power supplies. and as smokey said, interwebs and stuff should be one of the latest things to care about. If shit hits the fan, this will be not our real problem. · 5 months ago

👽 smokey

To be fair, you DID mention zombies and meteor impacts as an example disasters, prime apoc material ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ · · 5 months ago

👽 ailolai

@smokey, I was thinking more in terms of a localized disaster, not some zombie apoc · 5 months ago

👽 smokey

Its a cute idea to fantasize about, but if such a global catastrophy ever happened, decentralized networks and data transmission will be the least of your worries. · 5 months ago

👽 smokey

what matters is *how* that data is distributed. If the foundations of the internet like cell towers, satalites, data distribution centers, and internet providers collapsed then ultimately your left with a situation that most rural people without any internet already face: How is that data getting to you, and where is it being sent? You would need to build your own wide area network without running miles of ethernet cable. Radio based data transmission is a thing i suppose, but then you need to worry about antennas and visibility across miles and miles. · 5 months ago

👽 gnuserland

I think a quality of Gemini that is quite underrated is the resiliency. You can be sure that 10 years next to the future you will be able to read any gemtext content without any issue.

I cannot say the same for the HTML which cannot be even read offline since most of the HTML pages require additional contents that is delivered through CDN like jquery, css and fonts. · 5 months ago