👽 devyl

Hm, back to macOS... A Déjà-vu. After trying Linux as my daily driver for over a year now i just bought a new Macbook x.x like over 20 years ago after BeOS disapeared; Linux is more modern these days, many more people work on it and create just awesome things... But for just do daily stuff i don't want to fix stuff here and there again and again - i just want to use the computer. So i will keep using Linux as secondary OS of choice. But the UX of macOS is just better and Apple Silicon is just out of comparsion. At least there is stuff like Little Snitch to make macOS less a privacy hell...

3 weeks ago


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10 Replies

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@hyperlinkyourheart really? i could not even image to work with my very private custom keyboard/shell/shortcut layout. Out of the box does not work for me.... · 3 weeks ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

You should try bunsenlabs, with just a few tweaks it works for me ootb, like its predecessor crunchbang. Very fine lightweight distro. · 3 weeks ago

👽 earboxer1

I use popOS on my "I just want it to work" computer. It stopped booting recently because a log file filled up with 150GB of data... Easy fix, but definitely not a "just works" distro. · 3 weeks ago

👽 hyperlinkyourheart

@devyl I tried putting Linux on a MacBook recently and it did not get the same battery life as MacOS. Maybe there are ways to improve the power management, but if you want to get the most out of it without a bunch of work you will probably want to stick with MacOS · 3 weeks ago

👽 hyperlinkyourheart

@bavarianbarbarian I prefer starting over from scratch usually :D I might try to take some of my current configs with me the next time I upgrade/switch distros though · 3 weeks ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

You write your personal configs one time and take your config files with you from update to update. That's a one time job, i think my oldest dotfiles last for about 20 years now... but if it works for you, use it, that are just personal preferences. · 3 weeks ago

👽 devyl

I compared the default settings of Gnome on Debian with macOS in my arguments :) yeah, i know i can configure hours and hours every bit and byte, can use "super" like "cmd" on macOS, can rearrange all stuff (besides a graphical file manager with column-view ^^") and so on... · 3 weeks ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

To be honest, you have never used a well configured WM/DE according to your arguments... · 3 weeks ago

👽 devyl

Yeah, thats maybe a long term solution. Atm i will stick with macOS. It has lost its 'glory' from the 'Mac OS X' -days, imho. But it's still more usable as Gnome or KDE for me. For example the column view (❤) or the hotkeys via cmd are much more productive; cmd+v vs shift+strg+v (...) in the terminal... · 3 weeks ago

👽 cipres

The UX of macOS isn't bad but overrated. Good thing with macbooks now is that you can get rid of macos and install a Linux distro. · 3 weeks ago