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Implementation of JSONDecoder
Subclass of ValueError with the following additional properties:
msg: The unformatted error message
doc: The JSON document being parsed
pos: The start index of doc where parsing failed
lineno: The line corresponding to pos
colno: The column corresponding to pos
Exception.with_traceback(tb) --
set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
args = <attribute 'args' of 'BaseException' objects>
Simple JSON <> decoder
Performs the following translations in decoding by default:
| JSON | Python |
| object | dict |
| array | list |
| string | str |
| number (int) | int |
| number (real) | float |
| true | True |
| false | False |
| null | None |
It also understands ``NaN``, ``Infinity``, and ``-Infinity`` as
their corresponding ``float`` values, which is outside the JSON spec.
decode(self, s, _w=<built-in method match of re.Pattern object at 0x7f92bfb3b1b0>)
Return the Python representation of ``s`` (a ``str`` instance
containing a JSON document).
raw_decode(self, s, idx=0)
Decode a JSON document from ``s`` (a ``str`` beginning with
a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
representation and the index in ``s`` where the document ended.
This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
have extraneous data at the end.
JSONArray(s_and_end, scan_once, _w=<built-in method match of re.Pattern object at 0x7f92bfb3b1b0>, _ws=' \t\n\r')
JSONObject(s_and_end, strict, scan_once, object_hook, object_pairs_hook, memo=None, _w=<built-in method match of re.Pattern object at 0x7f92bfb3b1b0>, _ws=' \t\n\r')
scanstring(string, end, strict=True) -> (string, end)
Scan the string s for a JSON string. End is the index of the
character in s after the quote that started the JSON string.
Unescapes all valid JSON string escape sequences and raises ValueError
on attempt to decode an invalid string. If strict is False then literal
control characters are allowed in the string.
Returns a tuple of the decoded string and the index of the character in s
after the end quote.
py_scanstring(s, end, strict=True, _b={'"': '"', '\\': '\\', '/': '/', 'b': '\x08', 'f': '\x0c', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t'}, _m=<built-in method match of re.Pattern object at 0x7f92bed62650>)
Scan the string s for a JSON string. End is the index of the
character in s after the quote that started the JSON string.
Unescapes all valid JSON string escape sequences and raises ValueError
on attempt to decode an invalid string. If strict is False then literal
control characters are allowed in the string.
Returns a tuple of the decoded string and the index of the character in s
after the end quote.
scanstring(string, end, strict=True) -> (string, end)
Scan the string s for a JSON string. End is the index of the
character in s after the quote that started the JSON string.
Unescapes all valid JSON string escape sequences and raises ValueError
on attempt to decode an invalid string. If strict is False then literal
control characters are allowed in the string.
Returns a tuple of the decoded string and the index of the character in s
after the end quote.
Other members
BACKSLASH = {'"': '"', '\\': '\\', '/': '/', 'b': '\x08', 'f': '\x0c', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t'}
NaN = nan
NegInf = -inf
PosInf = inf
STRINGCHUNK = re.compile('(.*?)(["\\\\\\x00-\\x1f])', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE)
WHITESPACE = re.compile('[ \\t\\n\\r]*', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE)
WHITESPACE_STR = ' \t\n\r'