How to Work with People Who Aren t Good at Working with People

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

May 26, 2015

Twenty five years after the term emotional intelligence was first introduced

by academics, thousands of independent scientific studies have highlighted the

importance of managing your own and others emotions in relation to career

success, job performance, entrepreneurship, and leadership.

But research suggests that people with low EQ, as emotional intelligence is

often called, may not realize what important skills they lack. Indeed, studies

have shown that all of us are better at evaluating others EQ than judging our

own, but that this is especially true when we have low EQ: because EQ also

includes the capacity for self-knowledge.

Although lower EQ people are generally less rewarding to deal with they are

grumpier, more negative, and more erratic than average there will be many

circumstances where we have to deal with low EQ individuals. Given the

difficulties this can entail, it may be useful to keep in mind the following,

evidence-based recommendations for managing those situations effectively:

Be gentle. Just because someone is unpleasant doesn t mean you have to respond

with unpleasantness or ostracize them. In fact, you can become a stabilizing

and calming agent for low EQ people if you make an effort to act politely and

kindly in your interactions with them. Remember that having a lower EQ is

psychologically taxing, not just for others but the low EQ individuals

themselves. They are often fighting inner demons and riddled with existential

angst the academic euphemism for this is emotional labor. So, don t make them

work even harder. Instead, you can brighten them up and make their lives seem a

little simpler, safer, and happier, or at least less anxious. Conversely, if

you react in a negative way they will perceive you as a psychological threat

and source of stress. Kindness and positivity go a long way with everyone, but

even more so with emotionally unintelligent people. Yes, some people lack soft

skills, but being hard on them is not the solution. On the contrary, tact and

delicacy are needed particularly with those who are less capable of displaying

those very qualities.

Be explicit. In particular, avoid social subtleties, or you will be

misinterpreted. Low EQ individuals are generally less capable of reading

between the lines and their ability to decode others intentions is typically

limited. As Professor Simon Baron-Cohen noted, they are quite similar to the

stereotypical engineer or professor: disinterested in nonverbal communication,

non-empathetic, and somewhat detached from interpersonal contact; happiest when

on their own or interacting with their own thoughts rather than people.

Baron-Cohen s spectrum theory posits that cognitive skills often increase at

the expense of social skills (take this brief test to find out where you fall).

Be rational. Although low EQ people often behave in irrational ways, so does

everyone else. Furthermore, the only antidote to emotionality is rationality,

which starts by being aware of your own biases, being data-driven, and

accepting the possibility that you may be wrong. When dealing with low EQ

individuals, remember that they are more likely to fall prey to their own

emotions than most people are, so, rather than trying to manipulate them by

engaging them emotionally, you can gain their trust by being the voice of

reason and developing a reputation for being logical. This will not just enable

you to persuade them in the short run, but also influence them in the long run.

The main point is that even if emotional persuasion works with them, there are

moral reasons for not going down that path.

Do not get offended. One of the common characteristics of emotionally

unintelligent individuals is their bluntness. They have low interpersonal

sensitivity and find it hard to empathize with others, which is why they may

come across as politically incorrect or overly direct. On the upside, this

makes them quite transparent. You can usually see right through them and they

tend to mean what they say, and say what they mean. The key, then, is not to

take things personally. They may not operate within the realm of conventional

etiquette, but you can still find a way of dealing with them and helping them

deal with you.

Finally, remember that just as high EQ is not always a blessing for example, it

says nothing about a person s reasoning ability, expertise, or ambition it is

not the end of the world if you yourself are the one with low EQ. This may

sound odd, because EQ has become a very loaded term today perhaps even more

than IQ. However, there is a bright side to low EQ, and a dark side to high EQ.

Low EQ individuals are often more passionate, creative, and self-critical than

their higher EQ counterparts. And higher EQ individuals can be complacent,

smug, and overly optimistic compared to their low-EQ counterparts.

While interventions to boost EQ are often successful, people have limited

control over their personalities, and each personality will confer more

strengths in some situations than in others. The current enthusiasm about

emotional intelligence can obscure the fact that plenty of brilliant and

successful people, from Friedrich Nietzsche to Steve Jobs, had lower EQ and

that these people are also capable of rewarding relationships, even with their

work colleagues.

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority on personality profiling,

talent management, and people analytics. He is the CEO of Hogan Assessment

Systems and a Professor of Business Psychology at University College London

(UCL) and Columbia University.