# http://humanstxt.org/ # TEAM Webmaster & Software Craftsman: Iván Ruvalcaba Contact: ivanruvalcaba[at]disroot[dot]com From: Naucalpan de Júarez, Estado de México # THANKS With ❤ to: My family (Luz María, Valeria, «el chaparrito», Jean, Iván, «Bisho» 😺) and my Father gemini, zond and rofimoji Developers: Hey guys! Without you this would not be easily possible Vim Developers: The best text editor ever!!! Free & Open Source Developers: You rules!!! # TECHNOLOGY COLOPHON Last update: 2022/07/15 Language: Spanish Language Markup: Gemtext Text editor: Vim and Sublime Text Static Site Generator: zond Components: ❤ and 🍵 Software: Git, GNU Make