gemini:// ``` is having some trouble for me.
1 year ago
[1] gemini://
station links are fine. it's just one part of the site that has a problem. and i don't think anyone can take down the gemini protocol. · 1 year ago
Did the author of that capsule ask for a waiver or authorization to mirror the content of those websites on Gemini?
I smell stink of copyright infringement! It will take lesser than a simple snap to take down the geminispace if we end up into the ground of the DMCA bulldogs.
I think the Geminispace should be about original contents; there are tons of alternative to read, through a standard browser, those websites without being tracked, or without ads as well as blocking javascript.
Please avoid to use or promote those kind of capsules if you care about Gemini. · 1 year ago
Are you guys saying that links aren't working here in Station? They seem ok for me. · 1 year ago
Links are not opening for me too. · 1 year ago