Israel s computer-security firms - Cyber-boom or cyber-bubble?

Internet security has become a bigger export earner than arms

Aug 1st 2015 | TEL AVIV

ISRAEL S arms exports fell last year. Cutbacks in the defence budgets of many

Western countries pushed the global sales of Israeli weapons systems down to

$5.7 billion, $1 billion less than in 2013. Unexpectedly, another

security-related industry took up the slack. For the first time, the country

sold more cyber-wares than arms. According to figures published recently by the

cyber-task-force in the prime minister s office, in 2014 Israeli companies sold

around $6 billion of internet-security software, equivalent to about a tenth of

the entire worldwide sales of such stuff.

A big chunk of that came from Check Point, best known for its ZoneAlarm

antivirus software for home computers, and a provider of a broad range of

online-security products for business. Its revenues last year were $1.5

billion. But Israel is also producing lots of cyber-security startups. Last

year eight of them were sold to foreign investors, for a total of $700m. In

September CyberArk, which specialises in protecting firms against attackers who

pose as system administrators and other insiders, had one of the year s biggest

IPOs on the American NASDAQ market, and its current valuation is around $2


The number of Israeli cyber-security companies has doubled over the past five

years to 300. Demand for their products has boomed, as businesses and

governments everywhere have come to realise often the hard way that they need

to protect themselves against hacking. And Israel has a good supply of

experienced software engineers. They come mainly from two sources: first,

employees of the 280 high-tech development centres in Israel owned by foreign

multinationals, who have begun to strike out on their own; and second, the

hundreds of people with suitable skills who leave the Israel Defence Forces

each year. The forces have for decades been developing their capabilities both

defensive and offensive in cyber-warfare, and this policy is now paying a

civilian dividend.

The many serious hacking incidents of recent years have shown that computer

systems can be infiltrated through all sorts of channels, for instance through

mobile devices, or by breaking into databases hosted by a third party in the

online cloud . Earlier software was able to detect known strains of computer

viruses, but the rapid evolution of malware has, among other things, given rise

to companies offering software that predicts where hackers may next attack and

provides defences against them. Some of Israel s cyber-security startups have

established themselves as market leaders.

Nevertheless, a few Israeli entrepreneurs worry that the cyber-startup boom may

be turning into a bubble. Every kid who leaves Unit 8200 [the Israeli forces

electronic-intelligence operation] thinks he s going to be a cyber-millionaire,

and then some of the startups are immediately evaluated at $5m without having

done anything, grumbles an Israeli venture capitalist. There is a bit of a

bubble vibe to what is happening, says Yigal Erlich, one of the pioneers of

Israel s venture-capital scene. There could be a limit to this cyber-market.

But on the other hand, for Israeli technology this is a perfect niche-market in

which local companies can become world leaders.

Gadi Tirosh, the managing partner of JVP, a venture-capital fund based in

Jerusalem and chairman of CyberArk, says that over the past two years his fund

has examined nearly 300 startup projects in the cyber field but does not

believe there is a bubble. What we are seeing is an overnight evolution, which

happened when the chief security officers of corporations around the world

suddenly realised how vulnerable they are, and that the cyber-attack can come

from anywhere, including from within That fear is only growing, and in the

cyber-industry, that fear means money. To tap into the reservoir of

technically experienced yet often financially na ve software engineers looking

to enter the industry, JVP has set up a campus in the southern city of Beer

Sheva, which serves as an incubator for startups.

The Israeli firms main competitors are, unsurprisingly, mostly based in

Silicon Valley, where the startup culture, and all the financing and advice

that goes with it, is far stronger and longer-established. But the boss of one

Israeli firm argues that it and its peers have a big advantage over their

American counterparts: the Edward Snowden factor . Since the former contractor

to the US National Security Agency revealed how much American technology firms

were co-operating with the agency, including putting backdoors in their

software to allow surveillance, clients around the world are looking for

non-American security for their data, the Israeli entrepreneur claims.

Notwithstanding the very close relationship between American and Israeli

intelligence, and the links that many Israeli cyber-security entrepreneurs have

with their country s armed forces, the cyber-boss reckons that in many cases,

Israel is their only alternative.