The Branding Logic Behind Google s Creation of Alphabet

Kevin Lane Keller

August 14, 2015

The Google brand is one of the most valuable brands in the world. In 2014,

Interbrand placed a valuation of the brand at $107.43 billion, only trailing

the Apple brand in value.

A reasonable person might ask, if the Google brand is so well-known, why muddy

the waters by introducing a new parent brand, Alphabet? To help answer this

question, the stories of two other iconic brands Starbucks and Virgin are



Starbucks offers a cautionary tale. There is a danger to any brand from

diluting its brand promise or overextending into areas where that brand promise

is not relevant.

At the turn of the century, having experienced two decades of spectacular

growth, Starbucks began to view itself as more than a brand about coffee or a

coffee experience, but as a lifestyle brand that transcended those roots to

reflect more of an attitude that would be relevant to many other categories.

Reflecting this broader viewpoint, the company began to expand its market

footprint, by, for instance, investing in a start-up that planned to sell

furniture via the internet.

Concerned about the company s lack of focus, Wall Street hammered the Starbucks

stock, resulting in a drop in share price of 28% in one day a $2 billion loss

in the company s market capitalization. Hearing the message from the financial

analysts, Starbucks went back to basics to focus more on its core business of

coffee and a coffee experience and reaped the rewards, maintaining their price

premiums and profit margins throughout the subsequent economic downturn.

However, as the decade wore on, the company made a series of decisions using

bagged coffee rather than freshly ground coffee, no longer scooping fresh

coffee from the bins and grinding it fresh in front of the customer, blocking

the visual sight line customers previously had to watch their drink being made,

and so on that collectively resulted in a significant loss of the personal

experience that consumers had with Starbucks and its baristas. By failing to

deliver on the Starbucks brand promise of providing the richest possible

sensory experience, sales naturally slumped as unhappy customers chose to go


Again, Starbucks responded by going back to basics, making a number of

changes such as introducing new coffee-making machines and selling coffee

paraphernalia in stores again, bringing back freshly roasted coffee and

introducing new blends (Pike Place & Blond), and famously closing all 7,100

U.S. stores in February 2008 for three hours to re-train baristas. As founder

Howard Schultz remarked, We lost the focus on what we once had, and that is

the customer.

Through these different episodes, Starbucks has come to appreciate the

importance of keeping a tight focus and delivering on its brand promise.


Virgin has taken an entirely different tack from Starbucks by directly

expanding its corporate brand into an incredibly diverse set of industries.

Internally, their businesses are organized into seven categories:

Entertainment, Health & Wellness, Leisure, Money, People & Planet, Telecom &

Tech and Travel. In all that they do, Virgin s brand promise is to be the

champion of the consumer to go into categories where consumer needs are not

well met and to do things differently and do different things to better satisfy


Such an abstract brand promise has potential relevance across a vast array of

categories. Actually delivering on that promise, however, has proven to be

extremely difficult, as evidenced by the problems or even failures the Virgin

brand has encountered across a whole set of product and service markets.

Consumers evidently felt their needs were met sufficiently well enough that

they didn t need a cola, vodka, or bridal apparel from Virgin, among many other

products and services which Virgin has introduced and subsequently withdrawn.

The danger to Virgin of continuing down that hit-or-miss path is that as young,

hip or cool as their brand might be now, repeatedly violating their brand

promise will raise doubts in customers minds and weaken their bonds to the

brand over time.

Think of the equity of a brand in terms of a bank account. When the brand does

good things, such as introduce a highly innovative new product, a deposit is

put into the brand bank account. But when the brand does something bad, such

as introduce a new product that fails to satisfy or excite consumers or even

fails, that results in a withdrawal from that account. Virgin has benefited

from the launch of some highly successful new products through the years

Virgin Megastores, Virgin Atlantic, and Virgin Mobile among others that

placed huge deposits in their brand bank account. If they are not careful,

however, they run the risk of drawing down that account with too many

compromises of the brand promise. The recent tragic crash of a Virgin Galactic

test flight underscores the dangers associated with adopting such an expansive

corporate brand strategy and the potential tarnishing of the brand that could


In contrast to Starbucks, the Virgin brand strategy is a high-wire act that

requires incredible management and marketing skill and creativity.


Google is wise to learn from these two brand histories. Up to this point, the

company has employed both a branded house strategy, where they have used

their Google corporate brand one way or another across a broad range of

products (such as Google Glass and Google Play), as well as a house of brands

strategy where they assembled a brand portfolio of different brands where the

Google brand is not present (such as with Nest, Calico, Fiber, etc). Hybrid

brand strategies are not uncommon, but it is important to ensure that all

aspects of the brand strategy are designed and implemented properly.

In Google s case, they have no doubt come to the realization that as strong as

the Google brand is, like all brands, it has boundaries and takes on more

meaning and value in certain areas. Just as a rich, rewarding coffee

experience is at the core of the Starbucks brand, relevant, available

information is at the core of the Google brand, following directly from its

stated corporate mission to organize the world s information and make it

universally accessible and useful. Their search product exemplified that brand

promise as well as the related different extensions that followed, maps, books


As Google moved farther and farther afield, however, into areas such as

driverless cars and curing diseases, the relevance of that brand promise and

corporate mission seemed remote and fairly removed. The brand was being

associated with too many different areas, potentially blurring its meaning and

creating confusion as to its purpose for both consumers and financial analysts.

With the creation of Alphabet, Google has codified and clarified this dual

brand strategy that allows them to have the best of both worlds a tight focus

with the Google brand, as well as a broad portfolio approach with the Alphabet

brand. Alphabet will allow the Google brand to focus more directly on its

corporate brand promise and mission. That sharpened focus will benefit their

business partners, drive profitability, and be rewarded by financial analysts.

Separation also allows the Alphabet brand to serve as an umbrella brand over a

diverse portfolio of individual brands. The Alphabet brand would be in the

background to the individual brands making up the portfolio, although it could

be used, if desired, as an implicit or explicit endorser brand.

Fundamentally, brands survive and thrive on their ability to deliver on a

compelling brand promise to provide superior delivery of desired benefits in

ways that can t be matched by another other brand or firm. By aligning their

brand architecture strategy with their brand promise and product development

strategies, Google has brought needed clarity to the consumer marketplace and

to financial markets.

Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School

of Business at Dartmouth College and the author of the best-selling textbook

Strategic Brand Management.