馃懡 krixano

The irony of criticising people that are sharing their views for not allowing others to share their views...

6 months ago 路 馃憤 hyperlinkyourheart, shway


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4 Replies

馃懡 lykso

@krixano Well, you certainly inspired a different interpretation of what you were saying than what you'd intended, so I suppose you can count that as a success. 馃槀

I understand what you intended to communicate now, and had indeed thought you were saying that criticising is silencing. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 krixano

@lykso Also, some of my posts are deliberately cryptic because they are intended to inspire thinking and different interpretations of what I could be saying. Things like proverbs, poetry, and parables have a similar effect to this but are a bit more direct.

It was just something new that I wanted to try to experiment with. :) 路 6 months ago

馃懡 krixano

@lykso I think you miss the point. The criticism is about "not allowing others to share their views", and yet just like you say, criticisms don't imply not allowing others to share views. It's a strawman that has been setup to invalidate criticisms.

Every critique can also be critiqued, but the whole "not allowing people to share their views" is just a mask so people don't have to engage in the actual argument. Essentially, it's a way to "shut up" criticism by using excuses and starman arguments.

And yet the fact that these people have shared their criticisms means they were allowed to share their views, hence the irony. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 lykso

Doesn't sharing your views imply opening them up to critique? And do you feel that critiquing the views of others is equivalent to not allowing them to share those views?

I've no idea what this vague post is about, I'm just taking it at face value. 路 6 months ago