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馃懡 muppeth

馃憢 Drummer, sysadmin, floss extremist, anarchist, builder

馃棧 Followers 4 路 Following 3 路 Logs 4 路 Docked 11 months ago



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馃懡 muppeth

Is there a way to use markdown on gmi file such as bold italic etc. formating or does it only do headings?

馃挰 7 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 9 months ago

馃懡 muppeth

Is there a gemini software that provides a platform for people to create their own capsules without much knowledge? Basically way for peple to create accounts/sites/gemlogs from within gemini browser? I would like to host something for other to make suer of in an easy way not involving ssh etc.

馃挰 8 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 10 months ago

馃懡 muppeth

Now I know why gemini sucks me in so much and why I really like it so far. It reminds me of all the demoscene zines I have read on my Amiga. Also it does have the 'undergound' feel to it, which does correspond to all kind of zines so popular in 80s/90s . I love reading your gemlogs people. I just started discovering it but I know the rabbit hole goes deep.

馃挰 1 Reply 路 2 Thumbs 路 11 months ago

馃懡 muppeth

Finally decided to check the gemini more. This is freaking awesome!!! Brings me back to the time internet was a much better place. Hi all!

馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 11 months ago

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