馃懡 lykso

I really like Gemini, but inline links have been very hard to let go of for me.

6 months ago 路 馃憤 mc, aka_dude, devyl, akkartik


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6 Replies

馃懡 bronzie_beat

Every time the aura of irritation regarding this design choice arises, I turn back towards the elegance of gemini and and the feeling passes me by ;) 路 6 months ago

馃懡 lykso

@marmaladefoo I've heard this as well, but client support would need to arrive first, for me. And I'm not yet so irked by the absence of inline links that I'm willing to implement and maintain such a feature for some client either. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 lykso

@isoraqathedh Yeah, I've seen this done in some places. A bit inconvenient, having to scroll to the bottom to see what's linked, but it does allow one to avoid breaking up the flow of one's text. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 marmaladefoo

The key aspect is text/gemini is a line based format like Gopher. Everything else flows from that. You can always serve Md/Html/PDF over the Gemini protocol if you use case requires inline links. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 isoraqathedh

I learnt to value them now that I can't use them. But you can fake them quite easily by using superscripts (think maths paper style [number in square brackets]) and then slap the link where it looks convenient. 路 6 months ago

馃懡 moddedbear

Yeah that's the case for a lot of people it seems. I personally like the organization that the restriction forces though. 路 6 months ago