Mobile phone roaming charges cut within EU

By Brian Milligan Personal Finance reporter

30 April 2016

From the section Business

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UK consumers using their mobile phones in Europe will see reductions in their

bills from Saturday.

Further caps are coming into effect on roaming - or connection - charges within

all 28 countries of the European Union (EU).

From June next year, roaming charges in the EU will be abolished completely.

The government said that those making calls, downloading data or texting would

save millions of pounds in charges following the latest changes.

"Roughly a million Brits stay the night in Europe every day, and they spend

around 350m a year on roaming charges," said Ed Vaizey, the minister for the

digital economy.

"So by realising these changes, we're going to save British consumers millions

of pounds a year."


Consumers pay roaming charges whenever they connect to an operator based

abroad. The charges are in addition to the cost of the call itself, and for

short calls they can make up a large proportion of the overall fee.

The biggest reductions will be for people downloading data - such as emails,

pictures or social media - where the roaming charge will be cut by about 75%.

Charges for outgoing phone calls will be cut by a similar amount. The charge

for texting will be reduced by about 66%.

So whereas those making a phone call in Europe would previously have paid

roughly 16.5p to get connected, they will now pay just 4p.

Data downloads, which previously cost a maximum of 17.4p, will also now cost


EU roaming charges from 30 April 2016

Service Previous maximum charge (approx) New maximum charge (approx)

Outgoing phone calls 16.5p 4p

Incoming call 4p 1p

Data download 17.4p 4p

Text 5p 2p

source: EE/Vodafone/ O2

When the call charges themselves are taken into consideration, the government

says the average total cost of a phone call should fall by more than half.

Not all customers will see a reduction, however, as some operators include

roaming charges within special packages.

O2 said most of its customers would see immediate reductions, while EE said the

majority of its customers would not be affected. Three already provides free

roaming for most of its customers in a limited number of countries.

EU referendum

Mr Vaizey questioned what would happen to the roaming charge caps should the UK

vote to leave the EU.

"I don't know what would happen if we leave the EU, and that's the problem," he

told the BBC.

"They might stay, or they might not stay."

The controls on charges are being introduced under an EU regulation - not a

directive - which means they have not been specifically incorporated into UK


So if the UK voted to leave the EU, it could decide whether it wanted to keep

them or not.

The Vote Leave campaign said the UK would be able to retain the price caps if

it wanted to.

"These charges are being abolished across Europe and abroad. There is no

evidence to suggest that they will go up if we vote leave," said Matthew

Elliott, chief executive of Vote Leave.