2016, Apr 16 - Dimitri Merejkowsky
License: CC By 4.0

Today I thought I'd share my experience with various test tools for the Python programming language.

I was maintaining a Python tool that did a lot of `subprocess` calling, reading and writing files. This kind of code is not easy to test. My solution to this problem was to create a lot of temporary directories, so that I could exercise the code under test safely, without interfering with the rest of my filesystem. Also, temporary directories are created empty, which is a good way to isolate tests from each other. (No files read or created by `test_one` in `/tmp/test_one` can interfere with `test_two` running in `/tmp/test_two`)

Using unittest

I naturally started with `unittest`, which is in the standard library. (Note: this was a long time ago, `unittest` did many progress since then)

Basic test with a temporary directory

This is what the code looked like:

# in test_one.py

import unnitest

class TestOne(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tmpdir = tmpfile.mkdtemp("test-one-")

    def test_one(self):
        # do stuff in self.tmpdir
        rc = ...
        self.assertEquals(rc, 0)

    def tearDown(self):

# in run_tests.py

import unittest

    # ....

suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for test_case in TEST_CASES:
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
result = runner.run(suite)
if not result.wasSuccessful():

Sharing fixtures

Also, I had tests that shared a common set up and tear down. I found two solutions, but neither was really satisfying:

So in the end there was a lot of code duplication among tests...

Problems with unittest

The last two points illustrate a fundamental problem with `unittest`: since it's part of the standard library, you are stuck with the version coming with your Python installation, and you cannot get new features without upgrading Python too.

Yes, I know `unittest2` exists, but if you're going to use an external package to run the tests, why stick with `unittest`?

Switching to pytest

Before diving into `pytest` specific features, let me point out that **pytest is fully compatible with unittest**, so if you want to switch, you don't have to rewrite all your tests right away :)

Basic test

Here's what the same code looks like when using `pytest`

def test_one(tmpdir):
      # do stuff in tmpdir
      rc = ....
      assert rc == 0

Well, that's nicer isn't it?

file test_foo.py, line 1
    def test_foo():
        actual = "foo" + "bar"
        expected = "fooBar"
>       assert actual == expected
E       assert 'foobar' == 'fooBar'
E         - foobar
E         ?    ^
E         + fooBar
E         ?    ^

test_foo.py:4: AssertionError

1: https://pytest.org/latest/builtin.html#builtin-fixtures-function-arguments

Sharing fixtures

The nice thing about `pytest`is that the code of the "fixtures" (the setup / tear down) is completely separated from the code that exercise the production code.

`pytest` encourages you to write them in a special file called `conftest.py`. Sharing fixtures is then as easy as writing a function, decorate it with `@pytest.fixture` and then pass it as parameter to whatever function needs it.

Here's an example:

# in conftest.py

import pytest

def db():
    connection = DataBaseConnection("...")
    yield connection

# in test_one

def test_one(db):
    # ...

# in test_two

def test_two(db):
    # ...

Note how the code that deals with closing the connection to the database is right next to the code that opens it, and how `pytest` uses the `yield` keyword to stop executing the fixture code while the test is running.

Also note how the tests do not care where the database come from: they just use it as a parameter. (This is Dependency Injection at its finest)

Finally, by default fixtures have a scope of "function" (meaning the database will be opened and then closed for each test function), but you can chose to have a "module scope" or even a "session scope".

(This is quite hard to do with `unittest`)

You can even have fixtures that are always implicitly called, by using `autouse=True` in the fixture definition.

Customizing pytest

You can also extend the command line API: this is especially useful if you need some kind of token to run your tests.

Here's an example:

# in conftest.py
import pytest

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--token", action="store", help="secret token")

# in test_foo.py

def test_foo(request):
     token = request.config.getoption("--token")

Again, this is quite hard to do with `unittest`

Awesome plugins

Last but not least, there are a lot of plugins available to use with `pytest`.

Here are a few:

You can even use `pytest` with tests written in C++ using `gtest` or `boost::test` thanks to the pytest-cpp[6] plugin

2: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-sugar

3: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-cache

4: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-xdist

5: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-cov

6: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-cpp


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