______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 2, Issue 2 ~oo~ Number 18 ~oo~ SPRINGTIME 2017 ~.=......Z8?=.,:..+:Z7:,?.=I$?7DNN8$$Z?I+~... ..~.....?...,I.,7,,.ZDO=.......,~=???IIZZI,:..., || } LESS { || :,....8N......:.I~$,,~..... . ...,,,,:I?II7=,,.... || } { || :=.8...7....:,I:Z.~?:. ... . ...,,,,~~+==~.:.... || } THAN { || ,~,=..I.,:..:.=,7.=,.............,,,,:::~==:.~...... || } { || ,I...: ......?.Z......... . .....,,,::=~=:.:. || } NINE { || ,...........+.......... ... ... ....,,,,,::,,... || } { || ..........,+........... . ....,,,... ., || } IS { || .., ..,...=..:.,.,,..... ...,:~:,,,,. ... || } { || ,......:.,:+7.~+,........ ..:...,,,~=+=,~==~...... || } SIMPLY { || ......,....~,.....,,,.....=7MNMMMMMMM8+I~I:?I:.... || } { || =......................~:7$,,?ONMMMMMN=::ZNMMMMM7.. || } FINE { || ++........~.... ...,,,,,,~OMMMMMMMMZ+..+MMMMMMMM8. ,,.......+..... .......,=MZ~ZIMMMMZ7=,..,DMNMMM8I. $,.~..............,...... ....:7I$=:,:,.,:M~MMMM=. What The U.S. =:=7+,::............... ......+7I,.....,.,.88MDM.. Constitution I8$7?D,.,:+,.,:?,,,.. ...~=.... ...,...DOI:.. ~ Says About ~ Z7+=..?+~==7=,,,::::,,... .....,.....:,..,,N8I... The Size of ::?,.,MO:,,,,..::=:~,.... ...,:,,~:..,..,=$I+,.. The Supreme Court Z~I.=ZI~...=:,,~,::~,,,..... .:+I:...,??I?$ZI,:,. =~I.I..=...:,,,.,,:,,,,... ..=I8?$OMMMMDN8DO$?:. ~,?....:.:~:,,,:,:,.,.,.....:OO...,::=OMMMMDO$~.. | ALSO: $+..,..?=:~:,,,,,:,.... .ID........:8+8?NM8Z: | Jack Bauer vs Terrorists +88I:...==:,....,,,......~$.....~..:+8I?Z,MNZ~. | On a Bus ZDDMN$DO+::,,,,:,,......,..+I?$II?IOI77D$+Z?. | Z$MMNN8+~:,:.,,,.......:.7MM8:...,:+?OD?8N?. | Max Headroom: A Man ?$DO$O7+~:~,::,.,.....,?,..... ~+O7$$MMD?. | A�Head� of His Time $88ZZO??===~=,:,....,~... ...~?77DD8MN=+. | O8$7$8Z$I?I~=~::~:==,. ...:,=~OODDDOIMII. | Build a First Aid Kit ?7?7ZDDD8$II==+~~,:......,:..=IZDDO?N8:. I+=?ZDNND8OI?~,,,,.........:~+7+ZNIDZ 7+=+I$DDDDDOZ$+==+=~,.....=:+=$O+8+8. COVER IMAGE: Justice Neil Gorsuch Page 2 ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 2 ---- Issue 2 -- } ||| It's a table! ||| { SPRINGTIME 2017 } ||/ You get it by now. ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published April, 2017. } { } People are discussing LiberTORian..4 { -- } { } DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY...........5 { LiberTORian is published on an } Deep Paste { irregular basis. } { } ARTICLE............................6 { N(c), 2017. Readers are welcome, } Real Fake News vs Fake Fake News { actually encouraged, to copy and } { distribute this text by any means } BLURB..............................6 { possible, preferably by photocopy- } And While We're On the Subject... { ing. } { } GUEST POST.........................7 { } Who Are To Blame For Trump's Victory { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion } GUEST POST.........................9 { } I Was Riding My Bicycle The Other Day { (Thanks to Kheper & Xl33t) } { The views expressed in LiberTORian } FEATURE...........................10 { aren't necessarily those of the } Max Headroom: A Man A �Head� of His { webmaster. That's fine with us } Time { libertarians. } { } HARD COPY.........................12 { } *In Full Color* by Rachel Dolezal { CORRESPONDENCE (NEW ADDRESS): } { libertorian@protonmail.com } GUEST REQUEST.....................13 { or �Synonymous� on Galaxy 2 } An Introduction to Hinduism Blurb{ (http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion) } pg.{ } COVER STORY.......................15 13 { Send submission & letters to } Less Than Nine is Simply Fine { LiberTORian at the above address. } { } BLURB.............................17 { } Don't You Just Hate... PROPAGANDA?! { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } BLURB.............................18 { Even a millibitcoin! } Lesson Plan on Internet Censorship { (.001 BTC) } { } PRIVACY TIP OF THE DAY............18 { } Yahoo sucks IS THE TIP { DON'T HURT OTHERS } { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } FEATURE...........................19 '-________________________________-' Jack Bauer vs Terrorists on a Bus GUEST POST........................30 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART...........22 McCarthyism & McCarthyism 2.0 Making a Fist Aid Kit BLURB.............................31 CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......24 Tor get-text.txt D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32 Page 3 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ============================= ----------------------------- A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y >>> - by Synonymous 1 - <<< ----------------------------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ============================= What a ride it's been! I each other, and yet we it's not a responsibility Requested that Synonymous don't. We could be hav- we can entrust to his- 2 present the �Acquiring ing a conversation with torians. They deserve Relay� section in a new 3 our next door neighbors first-hand accounts from column format, to give it and not know it. And at the real people who lived a test drive. LiberTOR- a time when these bonds it. ian Magazine attempts to are broken, it's like we reproduce the magazine never really knew them. Another factor relating format as closely as to the long space between possible withing the con- It's been a wide gap be- issues is that I had some straints of 80 character tween issues of Liber- health issues. These are ASCII text. Your typical TORian. Sorry for all all behind me now, for- magazine lays out text in those who miss it. It's tunately. But it's hard three columns. I wanted so weird because we've to return to writing, and to experiment to assess experienced an election what LiberTORian's other its readability and as- and transition of power. contributors submit are thetics. Dear reader, I There's a lot to cover, insufficient to fill an ask that you send us your but at the same time, it issue. So, while there thoughts in a personal really isn't. Some of were a lot of changes message on the Galaxy 2 the stories here might occurring in the world, social network, at: seem outdated, but the a lot of it won't be part purpose of LiberTORian of this issue. Don't w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion wasn't to merely discuss fret, Dear Reader. Every current events, but also word of this issue was Or with a message at the to apply the principles written as a labor of new LiberTORian email of libertarianism to the love for the readers, the address: events that shape us as Constitution, and the a society. There are principles of individual libertorian other reasons, too, as liberty. @protonmail.com the magazine isn't just for political and topic- I submitted a draft to As you know, the deep web al analysis. Hopefully Syonymous 2 who formatted email giant Sigaint is no it prompts you to think this article into three longer functioning, and for yourselves, or look columns. I look at it within a short time, the at things from other and conclude that I don't same became of mail2tor. perspectives, whether or like it. It did give me The deep web is so fluid not you agree with them. A bit more room, so there that you never know when It is also designed to are a few extra line here a site's time as come. I help an individual be which I have to think to wonder if Galaxy 2, prob- more reliant on oneself, fill. Oh well. able one of the most pop- and to be an education ular sites on the deep for those who discover we hope that this was web, would be unexpected- this magazine long after worth the wait and you ly gone one day, and at its circulation has end- come to enjoy this issue, that time, would all the ed. The principles of even if you don't agree social connections be libertarianism shouldn't with it all. As a liber- lost for good. It's kind have changed decades in tarian, we don't mind if of a paradox, a social the future. Plus, they you enjoy it or not, or network in an anonymous have to know the real if you don't read it at forum. We seem to know history of our era, and all. ((L)) Page 4 X ###### _______________ X | all 12 comments X #######~ ,' '. X | sorted by: best X #### _| | People are | X | X ### <' | discussing | X | vergissmich 3 points 1 year ago X ##C _\ \ LiberTORian | X | X # | _/ ______________.' X | http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion/ X | C <__/ X | This is LiberTorian, a retro eZine X \ __/ X | discussing issues covering indi- X |__| / \ X | vidual liberty. Very interesting. X @ @' X | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | - PhukdNtheHead 1 point 1 year ago | On bitbin, user 0coincidence0 posted | I love Synonymous only all the table of contents to | LiberTORian Issue 8. | - vergissmich 1 point 1 year ago | https://bitbin.it/mE1IpapX | We all love Synonymous1 Meanwhile... They love Synonymous 1? Some people are really messed up! An unknown user took a "snapshot" of the older site up to issue 6. This The conversation can be found here: includes both an actual image file plus a �snapshot� of the homepage https://www.reddit.com/r/deepweb/ from 8/22/2015. The links are all comments/40h6mn/any_good_links mirrors of the direct links, which, of course, aren't active any more. Next, there is a site dedicated to Besides, the links go through onion bringing �the most controversial .to, so it's not safe or anonymous. pieces of work to the spotlight.� Included on that list: �Mein Kampf, https://archive.fo/bf304 The Communist manifesto, a section on suicide, and other controversial The Japanese blog wzss.alai.net has books.� After listing, the poster the following text, the typical pro- adds, �Anyways, I will also include mo that LiberTORian posts on chans the deep web LiberTORian articles. and pastebins: Enjoy.� By the syntax, it seems the magazine is in addition to the con- xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion.link � troversial content but not contro- LiberTORian 2.0 versial itself. Oh, well. Liber- TORian made the decision not to pub- LiberTORian 2.0. LiberTORian is a lish the URL. We believe in free retro eZine covering issues regard- speech, but some of the other con- ing individual liberty. Click to tent doesn't need the attention. We view file ENGLISH aren't sure if the controversial ma- terial is being archived in the name xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion.link of free speech or if the person be- hind the site has a grotesque ob- Again, it's the unsafe onion.link session with or love for much of the extension. The post can be found at racist content. However, there's a lot of historically crucial content http://wzss.alai.net/2346/ as well as the hate being archived. Link%202.0 If you want to find the site badly enough, you'll know how to find it. The following exchange is visible on Reddit, considered the best answer If all these people talking about to the question, Any Good [deep web] LiberTORian isn't enough, there is Links: still more! Page 5 On the site 8chan, A.K.A. Infinity _####__ Chan, someone posted a request for \ oo/ /\ deep web links. This was one of the u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ replies: * DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY * \_( | http://bdpuqvydi5vgwj4s.onion/ - > D E E P P A S T E < | Anarchy Directory: Completely > http://depastedihrn3jtw.onion < | uncensored deep crawler | http://armor64oojvty6ob.onion/ - Pastebins on the deep web have been | The Armory: Looking to buy a gun? dropping rapidly. But there's a new | Come here! one to take their place: Deep Paste. | http://rrcc5xgpiuf3xe6p.onion/ - Things I like about it: | Gee, I wonder what the fuck this | is? 1) The color scheme: it's a nicely | http://cloudninetve7kme.onion/ - retro monochrome green on black. | Doxbin: Yes, doxbin. Cloudnine is 2) You can search pastes by keyword. | the new host. 3) No javascript required to solve | http://4iahqcjrtmxwofr6.onion/ - the captcha | SIN: You know what this is, just | enter for a treat. What I don't like about it: You only | http://h2am5w5ufhvdifrs.onion/ - see the most recent pastes. For ol- | Basically SIN with different shit. der pastes you must keep the URL. | http://imtrjhs6n6widwmr.onion/ - But people who don't have the URL | Anonymous Insiders: Need I say can't find it without knowing what | more? To look for or stumbling onto key- | http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/ - words that match. You can actually | Anon Pastebin view older pastes if you register. | http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion/ - <== Registering lets you view more than | LiberTORian: You're welcome one page of pastes, and see every- | http://styxbe4ba3fxv4er.onion/ - thing in reverse chronological order | STYX: No clue, just looks cool I one page at a time. It also grants | guess. you access to a sister site, �Deep Link�. Deep Link enables divers to The author of the link reply above locate verified onion links by key- anticipated the reader thanking him word. Try it for LiberTORian and or her for providing LiberTORian. you'll come across the official site Read the post here: but you are reading this, so you may not need it on the first place. https://8ch.net/baphomet/res/ 106493.html#q106506 The URL for Deep Link is: This exchange was seen on Galaxy 2, - http://deeplinkdeatbml7.onion the deep web social network: Just for kicks, I tried the site's By JDM �Check Out A Random Onion� feature, Finally a weekend, so I'm doing and was redirected to �Open Hacking good. Relaxing with some friends Lab�, found here: and trying to make plans. I know you like politics syn so can you - http://4xiz3doafaqvbxjh.onion/ send links that you use? Thus, Deep Paste and Deep Link are By Syntax your Deep Web sites of the day. Do http://visitorfi5kl7q7i.onion/ you have any sites that you consider links/politics-and-religion/ worthy of the title? If so, send us You can look here, and here also a message at Synonymous on Galaxy 2 http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion/ or send an email to libertorian ((L)) @protonmail.com. ((L)) Page 6 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&====&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & ===================================== & = REAL = = FAKE = & ------------------------------------- & vs & } By { & Fake Fake & } Synonymous Xi { & News News & ------------------------------------- & & ===================================== &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&====&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& These days, we all hear the term the original site. �fake news� everywhere politics is found. We are finally at an era This is what's meant by a fake news where journalism lost the respect site. It's an imposter of a site. of the average consumer, and �fake news� is used to describe a network, Certainly we get a rise mocking dis- publication or web site that lost honest media outlets as �fake news�. its trust. Under this usage, MSNBC Libertarians aren't going to stop is television's king of fake news. you either from your fun. But it's Liberals use it to describe Fox good to be informed of the term's News. Conservatives use it to de- intended usage. ((L)) scribe everyone else. However, this is what we should call .---------------------------------------- �subjective fake news�. In no way | is this meant to assert that any of | &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& these �news� outlets have any integ- | rity. For the most part, they | ...And While We're On The Subject... don't. The term, �fake news� | evolved very quickly from its | &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& original meaning. This short arti- | cle is here to explain the original | By Synonymous 1 meaning. | | Meanwhile, Oxford Dictionary editors Let's say, for some (irrational) | chose their word of the year 2016: reason, a person wants to read an | �Post-Truth�. article from USA Today. She visits | https://usatoday.com to read it. | Here's an example of Oxford trying to Easy. | create trends rather than identify | them. It wasn't a widely used term Now, say this reader clicks a link | but they chose it hoping it would be. or mistypes one letter, and she | Here are numerous better candidates. thinks she's headed to USA | Which would you select? Today.com | | - Alt-Right Instead, she's redirected to (ex.:) | - Bigly (entymology: *Crazy English* http://USAToday.us.info.ru or | by Richard Lederer) something like that. Without tak- | - Brexit ing care to check the URL bar, she | - Cuck thinks she's reading something at | - Deplorable USA Today, when she's reading a | - Netflix Binge (n. or v.) phony story at a site, probably on | - Safe Space a foreign server, under the guise | - Snowflake of USA Today, complete with logos, | - Transgendered graphic design and layout totally | - Trumpist indistinguishable from the graphics | - Wait. Wut? And layout, fonts and all, used by | - White Privilege ((L)) Page 7 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ WHO ARE TO BLAME FOR TRUMP'S VICTORY > GUEST POST BY EMPTY TURRET < /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ [NOTE FROM SYNONYMOUS 2: This piece You had Google, Twitter, Facebook, was submitted to LiberTORian, who in Tumblr and most of social media on turn posted this in the Deep Web the your side, all actively stumping for week following the 2016 presidential you. election. It contains a few errors in grammar and spelling, and is And you even had the Republican posted as-is, which is our standard establishment handing you the least LiberTORian policy.] qualified, easiest to defeat, most . . . . liberal candidate in the republican field... the only one in 17, other First things first: I'm not a Trump than Kasich, who you could defeat. supporter. Hillary Clinton support- ers, my candidate who wasn't Hillary And you still couldn't close the Clinton also lost in 2016. Only deal. difference is I'm not whining, burn- ing buildings, fighting cops and It's partly your smug overconfidence trashing my neighborhood. Thinking madam, but it's also you and your about Al Gore and Kerry's reactions cohorts' relentless attacks on de- to losing, it seems exclusively cent, hardworking people, and the democrat [to have a problem with principles they adhere to. I've election results]. seen them mocked, ridiculed, dis- missed, treated as if their concerns To socialist democrats: it's you to were illegitimate and unimportant, blame that Trump won. Congratulate maligned, persecuted, and had their yourselves. How do you expect mill- lives ruined, all because their out- ions of Americans to react when look on man's relationship to their government not only undermines government was different than yours the will of the people, not only and your figurative monolithic dismisses them, but also spits in steamroller, flattening any dis- their faces daily for nearly a dec- senting view in its path. ade? They fight back. Then they elect someone who fights back. I know you aren't taking defeat easily. Your ambition blinded you There's no reason Hillary Clinton from the important things in life, should have lost: until all you concerned yourself with was being president. After a You had virtually the entire news life of serving yourself, power was media on your side. all you wanted. But now you ren- dered yourself impotent. It wasn't You had nearly all of Hollywood, Donald Trump who defeated you. It television, and the music industry wasn't even the electorate. You de- on your side. feated yourself in your arrogance and a lifetime of living above the You had the president and federal law. Obama talks about two Ameri- government on your side. cas, one living unfairly at the ex- pense of the other. He's right for You controlled the education system once, but not on who lives in the for a generation and indoctrinated other America. It's people like the [sic] to support your side. himself, you, and others who use their power as a sword to strike Page 8 . ..,.....,::::::::~:~~~~~:=7==:,::==I+?7$II7?77$I~:~~~,,=,,$$8D.. . .. .,..,,,,,,:~~:,:::,~~~+:=+=~=~==~++II7777II$7Z?I:=,:,.,:~:O8Z... ..+.....,,:::~~~~::,:::~===~:=::~~~===+?=I7II?I77+=+=::,,,:=I7O$... . :,,..,,,,,~:=~~~~~:~::::::~=+==~~=~~~=?+?77+$I?=?I=::=~+,,:~?8ZON. ..=~,..,::~=~=~====~~~~:::~~~=:~==:~~~====++?++$===~~~~:~??::+$7DO8+.. ..7,,.,,:~~::=~~====~~:::~~:~~=====:==:=~=+=+?I=??++:~~?=I?I:=7$O8O8M. .. .~=...,,~~==~:::~~~~~~:~,:~~:~==~~=:,::::::~~??===+I~:~==I7$$+IIO?ZZ8M.. . .::,,...,,~~~~~~~::::~~:::::~~~:~=~::~=:~::,::~=:=~=??==,?$I$Z$Z$Z$ON8DD. . .,:.,,,....,:~~~~~::~~~:,,:::~~~::~~:,~::,=~=~~=~~~=+??=~:7II$$Z8OZZDO8N ..,,~:,:,..,,,:::~,,:~:::::::::~=~~,:,~~:,,,:~~=~~=~~I~=~$?+7$$7ZZOO888D88 . . .~:,,,,,,..,,:::~::::::::,,,:~~~~:::,::~::,,:==+?~+==I+I=$I$?Z7Z7OZ888D88. . . ?,.,..,:...,,,::~,:::::::~~,:::~~~~,,,::==~=,,=?I7I7IIZ+$I7ZZ$ZZ8OZZ$DNN. . . . ,,.,.,,. .,...,,,::::~~~~~~~,,:~:~~~,,:::~~==+~=++$7$$7I$ZZOZ88OZ8ZOO8M .. ....:...,,,. .......,:~:~:~~~,,,,:::~~~:::::::~=++=++?$$7ZZ$$ZOZOODZ8DOOZD . .7:,..,,. . ...,:,,,,,:,,,,,:,::::~~=~~~~~~===?77$IIZZOOOOZOZDOOD8DZND. :~,,,,,, .....,:,.,,,,,,,.,.,,::::===+++===+?7II77$OZ888O8DNN8DD88NM. 7.~::::. . .....,,,,,,,,,,.,....,,,:~==++++++++?+II$ZZZ888ODNNNNNNDONM .:....~.. ..........,,...,,,::,,:,,.,,::~~~===+??+++I7ZZODD8O8D8NMMMMMO8N7 .$..,:..,...,,:,.........,...,::::::,,,~=~~++==+++++?7ZOZO87ZZZODNMMMMMD8N. ..,,..,,.,=++,........,..........,~:~=~~=++++=+I=+??????Z$Z$$$ZZDMMMMMDOD. .,..,,,:~=++,...,.,,:,.,...,.......,,:~=+7=+~+?==~++?+I$$IZZ7OODMMMMMD8MM. ....:::=:~==:...,,,.,,.,,.,,,,~,,,..,~+~==?:~~+?~~+I7I7OI8Z$Z$O8NMMMMMNDMM . . .,,~=:~~=+,.:,,,,,,,,,,:+~:=+I$I+III7?+?~===7Z+ZOZO8NNNDDNNNDMMNMMMMDNM ..,:==~=7::,:,::,,:,:~===$Z8OZ888O8D88OO?+++78NNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMM. .....,.=?I?7::,::::::,===7DD8DMMMMD8ONOODD+:,.,:?8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM . .. ,.:=?+?,..,~:::,,,~++......,::=+7$$$?,....:+$N8ZZ?I??I7$$NNMMMMMMMMMM . . ..,:==~...:,~::,.........,:.,,::~~,..... .:=?O?+~=~,~=+7IZ8ODMMMMMMM8 ,:..:,..,:::~:...,:~:,,::::~~~+?,........:=?Z=~:~=+7ZO88OD7DMMMMMMM~.. .........:~:~:,,....,,,:==I77I:......... .,=I7=I=~+I77+::+$OZ$DMMMMM.. ..,~.....,::~~:,,,............ ..,...... .:=77?7I~:~,..:+?I7$7NMMMM. . :......,::~~~~,,,....,.,.......,,,,.,...,+$$I$$~~:,::~=+I7$ZNMMMM .........,:,:~==~:,,.............,:,.... .=7O$Z$~~:::~~=??$ZDMMMMM . ...=,...::,::~~=~::,,........,,,~+=:... .,=+$NNZ==~~~~=+?IZDMMMMM ..?:,~:,:,~~~::~:,,,,,,,,,~:~=++,,.....:~~ID87+=~~:~=+?$ODMMMMN ..~~::::::~:~~:~::::,:::~~=?7:......,.,~?ZD$+==~==++$Z8MMMM . .. 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You've lived without conse- him like it was an entitlement, re- quences your entire political ca- member to take time to look at your- reer, and in your arrogance and hu- self, and reflect on how your career bris, thought it could last forever. is over- Mrs. Clinton, you'll NEVER But you forgot one thing: the vic- be the president- and how it was tims along the way. They aren't your own undoing. You couldn't even just the Benghazi Four and the fami- win the easiest election you could lies whose faces you lied to at have handed to you, all because your their funerals. It's all Americans. lack of character and utter dis- Because even if everyone isn't regard for anyone but yourself. harmed directly by your actions, if Thank you very much. You spared us not everyone is treated fairly, then another four years of your continu- there's no true justice for anyone. ance of the most corrupt, most criminal, and most destructive po- So when you're done throwing your litical machine in American history. last plate at your husband, screech- ((L)) .:*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*-..-*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*:._.:*L*:. __ ,--. C__) I WAS RIDING MY BICYCLE THE OTHER DAY... `- |________7 |`. |\ (I was inspired by a book that I learned .--|. \ |.\--. about in LiberTORian's *Hard Copy*) / ,j \ `.7__j__\ \ ( (o ) (o)____O) ) \ / L \ / .A N O T H E R G U E S T P O S T `---' `---' . b y E M P T Y T U R R E T I began riding a bike to keep in are allowed to visit only the parts shape, and at first rode around the of town where civilization wants us back roads in my town. After a few to be. It's a bit like being a two days I chose another path quite dimensional object in the novella serendipitously. I came to a gap in *FLATLAND*, all on a plane, and only a miles-long fence, which I crossed. being able to see each others' Soon the homes were obscured by the edges. Suddenly a square from Flat- wonders of nature: fauna, lakes, land is taken off the plane and can dirt hiking paths. I continued ex- look down at the beautiful shapes of ploring these paths for an hour. the polygons, not just the edges. Not a person was in sight. There were no places here accessible by This prompted me to become a micro- car. The scene was familiar; I read explorer, to find and visit new lo- about it in a sci-fi novel. I soon cal natural areas that are �cut imagined myself as an enforcer in off�. I found a small forest with the book *Agenda 21*, riding the lake right in the middle of my town, bikes to find people trying to es- behind a few streets, with a not-so- cape the perimeter. In the secret but rarely-noticed entrance. occasional fields my mind construct- ed the health center, recycling cen- In a few days I visited some places. ter, food production center, and the Others were marked �no trespassing�, other places in the story. the land that the federal government usurped. Later that day I found the paths I rode on a non-Google map site. It But that doesn't stop me from look- was vast, and yet hidden from street ing at them from space. level views. Without those maps we ((L)) Page 10 _ _ __ __ _ _ _ / / / | \/ | __ ___ __ | | | | ___ __ _ __| |_ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ / / / | |\/| |/ _` \ \/ / | |_| |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_]/ _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / / / | | | | (_| |) ( | _ | __/ (_| | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | | | | | | /_/_/ |_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ |_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_| \___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| --- A M A N A � H E A D � O F H I S T I M E --- B Y S Y N O N Y M O U S 1 Among many other things, there was a �But off switches are illegal!� she mission at LiberTORian to discuss exclaims. popular culture in a way comparative to its relationship to sociology. In the same episode, it's election I'm a fan of science fiction, and a day. Voting is cast directly British series that didn't see as through TV interaction. Keep in much success in America was Max mind this episode is seven years be- Headroom. Though it wasn't a popu- fore the invention of the World Wide lar series (having a six episode Web. Everything in this show is season may be one factor), Max be- prophetic. Our instant gratifi- came a pop culture phenomenon in the cation culture is sent up with the mid to late-mid 1980s, mostly for TV announcer's statement, �Take your his glitchy whimsical side. The TV time and make your decision. You program, however, was an edgy sci- have three more seconds to cast your ence fiction series which constantly vote.� Poll result graphics appear made cultural statements. Yet, it on the screen almost immediately. did so in an equally funny, but �Here's how you voted:...� flatly deadpan way. In the episode �Security Systems�, Here are a few examples to get this the cheapening of human life and so- analysis started: ciety's placing money over life is addressed. Edison asked Theora what The premise is that television con- crime another character committed. sumption is the leading activity She looked up the answer. �Credit among human beings. Thus, TV is the Fraud.� By the way, this was writ- dominant industry in the world. It ten at a time wen credit fraud was seems that there's a corporate- far less commonplace and much more government conglomerate that retains difficult to attempt. Edison was its wealth and power by the public's shocked. He exclaimed without a TV viewing, so its no surprise that hint of irony, �Credit fraud? its influence is used by then as a That's worse than murder!� social engineering tool. That's why in episode 6 of the American series, Max Headroom was more than sci-fi �Blanks�, investigative reporter entertainment. It was more than Edison Carter and his GPS-tracking biting commentary presented as hu- guide Theora (decades before GPS mor. It was thought-provoking. positioning was commonplace, Theora Returning to the �Blanks� episode, would guide Edison to locations or the one with the illegal off switch- safety from her remote terminal) are es. The blanks were a counter-cul- shocked to find in someone's home a ture movement who, like uber-prep- television that shuts off! Edison pers, lived off the grid. Blanks presses the button on the TV console were technologically savvy and re- several times and watches the pic- moved themselves from all government ture go away and return, in utter databases. They were also criminals amazement. �Look at this!� He just for being blanks. demonstrates it to Theora, who never saw on herself in her lifetime. The new mayor was cracking down on Page 11 _ _ __ __ _ _ _ / / / | \/ | __ ___ __ | | | | ___ __ _ __| |_ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ / / / | |\/| |/ _` \ \/ / | |_| |/ _ \/ _` |/ _` | '_]/ _ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / / / | | | | (_| |) ( | _ | __/ (_| | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | | | | | | /_/_/ |_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\ |_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__,_|_| \___/ \___/|_| |_| |_| MMMMMMMMNDD8=,....:~?8DDNNNNM....:+:~~,... .. ... .+::.?+8N8DOZ$Z7?7==~=+~:=~==+ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNN$=,DN= ::Z,+::,..,~~. .. . .ZNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNO7=?DD. .,?==, .,::. ..,,,,:,,..DMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NDO$+~:,,.....:~IO88DNMNDO$77D:.:~I==.:,~.. .. .....,,:~,.ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNDDNNNOZ?$8..,::.,.. ... ...,... ...::==~.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD8OZ+O=~:,:,.. .... .::~=?I+.,:,:~~??+?7$Z$Z8Z +II$OO8O88DDNNNNNNNMM7NN8OZ$$$I7=,.,... . .,,,,...+I:?MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMNNNNDDNDDDDDDDDNDD8ZZZ77+=::... .,,::~==..+:.$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNND8ZZ7II+~~:,... ..,,,::=+.,~8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMNMND8OZZ$7?===:,. .,,,~==?I::,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ~~~=~~~~~======++?IIMNDDOZ$$7I++~~,.. ..,::=~+??$~:DNZZI778DMM8MMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDDOZ$$7++=~=:,,.. ..,:~~+?II::+MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMND8O$7II?++==~~,.. .,,:=~+II$7=7NMNMMMMMMMMMMM ~:,........,,=?77$8DMND8Z$II++====~=~,.. .,,:::=+?7$$$?8MMMMMMMMMMMMM8 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN8O$77====+?++~:.. ..,,,::::~==I777$IOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNND8Z$I+~:.,++=~:. . ..,:::,,:~==++???77$DMMMMMMNZ8MMDMM NNND8I?=~....,~?O8DDDNND8OZ7I+...++==:,.. .........,::~~===+I7I7INMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMI+....,?8$$$7?:..+=~::..,.... .,,::~~=?+I7$II?NMMM$ZMN8MMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMNM.. ........ ...,,.:~~:,,... .,,:~====+I$7+~MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMND88=~.,:...MNNMMNNNNNO. ...... .. . ....,...~:,.:INZZDMMMMMMMMMMM ++$DNNMMMMMMMNN MMMMMMMMNMMDN. .8DDDDD8DOI. . .. +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMDD.MMMMMMMMMMNND. .. ODNNDDNDDD88O. ..~,.. . 7Z8NMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMDZ~:,,=O.MMMMMMMMMMNDD .+: $DNNNNNNNDDDD7..D888O888Z7. .:MMMMMMMD7NMMM ..+Z8NNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN.+~=~ ...DDDDNNDNDNDD+ .. . ..:~:,::.Z88MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMNN8..MMMMMMMMD.D=+~ .IONNNNNNND8Z. ,:~++$, ..DMMMMMDMMMMMM MMMMMMN8+.,$ZDDDM= . . .DO==.. :D8DDDNDO7$ ..:~=+$+~ .+NMMMMMMMMMMMM ..,Z8NNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMNNNND++.. . . ,Z88O? .~:.,.=,..NMMMMM$MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMD8::+NMMMNNNNNDI~,. . ..,O?~,,,. . ..:=~,:. .,.=MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMNO~,IDDNMMMMMMMMMMMMND8I....,...,I,... .. .....::~=+=+..,..?NMMMMMMMMMMMMMM +,=8DNMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMNNDOZ$ZZZ$7~?Z?,,.,..,::~~~=+??+II=~,~NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI MMMMMMMMMMN8?,?DNMMMMMMMMMMMNDD8=. . .~Z+=~,:~~:==++=?+~.,,:~DMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMM MMMMN$:~ONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNO77$,. ..?$+~~~~==+++?+?I7ZZ$DDNMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,=ONMMMMMMMMMMNZI$NMMMMMMMMDOZ$$$=. ..:ZI=:~==+???????$8NNNMMMMMMMMM$MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMND++ONNMMMMMMMMMMMNDD8ZZZZ$$?~~==ZZ?~~=+?+??+=?=~DMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMD+~INNMMMMMMMNOI$MMMMMMMMM. .... .O$77ZOI=~~=+?+?+=+~7DNDMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM +8MMMMMMMMMND?O8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDNNMNDDD8O8$+==+????+=::O~=DNN7~MNMMMMMMMMMMZMMM MMMMMMMD?+DNMMMMMMMDMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNND88ZI++??????++:DDD=IDDN7?NNMD+MMMMMMMMM MMO=I8NMMMMMMMDI7DMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNND87+8D888Z?+++??+I?+~+:IMDNI:NNND:$MMN8~MMZDMM DMMMMMMMMDI+8NMMMMMMNMMMMMMNN7.,..=~,..Z7IOI?~=~++=+??+=ND:=DNND=INNMD,8MNM?~MMM MMMMM8IIMNMMMMMN87DNMMN7?DD7D7~=:?=+:~Z++IZ+:====~+=?+?==DNN8++NDND~$NNMD~NMMMO= NI$DMMMMMMMN8ODMMMMMMNNO?DD8ZZ$??I?I7$:~++Z=:=++=+=++?+:.D==DNNN+=MMNM+=NNMM7+MM MMMMMMMDZ8NMMMMMM88DNNND7DDD8Z$I?+?I,.:~=+I~:~+++++++?~:,~D~N+:8NNMO,DNNNN:$MNMM MMN$7DMNMMMMM88DDDDI=ONNZNMNND88OOZZI===+?+:~~+=+?III==:~~O, +D:IDNNNI:NNMNO:O 7NMMMMMMNO8DDNDZ~$NNNMMM8ZDDDDDDD8OZ$I+====~=++?7$$I~:::,=.. .. ..Z8:+NMMMO:DMM MMMMNO$DNDND+INNNN7ZMMMMDZ$$ZZZOOZZ$I+=~:===+I77$7?+==~:. . . .:ND7:NNNND N$$DMNMD~+DNMM8=+MMMMMMMNOZ$7II7I??++~:::=++7$$Z$7?==:. .. ,8NDNN~: NNMN+=DNNMNI~OMMMMMMMMMMMN8Z$$?+:,,,.,:=+?IZO8Z$I?=~... : ..$:~NM $+DMNMMD=IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOOZ7?=~~=+I7$DND8OZI+~.... .......~ MNMN++NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMND8Z$7$$Z8NMMNN887:.,.,.,..,,::.,: $=INMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMNND?~:,,:,+7ONMMMMMMM. . .. Page 12 blanks, and a blank leader, Blank &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Bruno, was extorting him to release all the blanks or he would set bombs H A R D C O P Y off. Edison Carter confronted Blank Bruno and told him, �I agree with &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& you in principle, but the method stinks!� Meaning, he stood for the blanks' cause, but will not condone IN FULL COLOR: violence against innocents as a FINDING MY PLACE IN A BLACK AND means to achieve it. Working with WHITE WORLD his computer technician co-worker, Bryce, Edison devised an alternate, RACHEL DOLEZAL non-violent but equally savvy way to WITH STORMS REBACK resolve the blank crisis. The quote personally made a powerful Rachel Dolezal is a very fascinating impact. It was a declaration that character to me. People give me the ends do not justify the means. grief that I don't condemn her, but Even when violence isn't involved, hey! To each his own! That's what this is a powerful maxim. President being a libertarian is all about, Trump's first acts involved execu- isn't it? So I can be interested in tive orders to make changes many the topic of Rachel Dolezal, and she libertarians believed in. And while can pretend she's black if she wants the results were positive, doing and we all live happily ever after. them by executive order is the prob- lem. There are strict criteria re- Before continuing, I want to be up garding when an executive order is front: I, Synonymous 1, didn't read Constitutionally valid. As Negativ- this book yet. But it's on my want land (see LiberTORian 10) once put to read list. So expect a �review� to song in their �free� album, �The devoid of anything substantive from law cannot break the law to enforce the book itself. Sorry. the law. Otherwise they go against their own Constitution... But they In case you forgot, Rachel Dolezal do it anyway.� I actually agree was chairwoman of the Spokane WA with Trump on some things, but the chapter of the NAACP, until she was method stinks. removed and disbarred for being a white woman. But she surely had a Why is this important? Because, as lot of people fooled for a very long Marxists were told condoning eight time! You can read more about her years of Obama's daily Consti- story in the article, �Rachel Dole- tutional violations, �One day you'll zal: An Issue As Clear As Black And have a president you don't like, and White?� way back in LiberTORian 4. by not standing for the Consti- tution, you're setting a precedent I don't understand why she is hated for that president to do the same, so much by the left; she is a per- and you won't be able to say any- fect poster child for the racial thing about it.� equivalent of the new transgender movement, which is the newest in- That time has come. carnation of privileged groups! But it's all a sham anyway, as they have So while the President is writing no regards for other ways to �love�, executive orders, why not check out like those who wish to practice this underappreciated mid-1980s sci- polygamy, etc. So I wish to read fi series. Is it out of line if I Rachel's book, and see what it's say, even though the technology was like to identify as a black person, less reality based, that it's the when she's not one, and what guides Mr. Robot of that decade? ((L)) her thinking. ((L)) Page 13 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& AN INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& [NOTE FROM SYNONYMOUS 1: typically I present guest posts unedited and without commentary. In this case, I'd like to provide background. M. Kali was posting brief Hinduism lessons on Galaxy 2. I had been interested in learning more, be- cause I'm ignorant in this area of religious studies. I asked him/her if he/she would be interested in writing about the topic for LiberTORian. I asked to be- gin with an introduction to Hinduism. The reply was this explanation as to why There could be no adequate �introduction to Hinduism�. This explanation was the perfect introduction to Hinduism!] \_______________ |\ _____________/ / | | | ___ _____ / &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | | | [_ | | _ | | | | |___| | |_| | | | An Introduction to Hinduism | | _____|_____| | | | | | _ | ___ | | &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | | |_| | | [_ | | | | |_____| |___] | | | / _____________| | | - By M.Kali X / /______________ \| \ It is a bit complicated to make an stand basic terminology so I found "Introduction of Hinduism" especial- very good dictionary and bookmarked ly for the webzine. In that group I it. I also put on some pictures so try to write blogs and make book- ordinary people can be attracted to marks so I would attract people to them, and decide to go a bit deeper be a little bit more informed about into the matter. the matter. When I was in India, I discovered that I went there well I am not a teacher, nor I have for- prepared compared to some Westerns, mal knowledge upon religions and like Americans etc who couldn't tell Hinduism, I just read a lot. In the difference between major dei- that sense I refuse to write blogs ties, thinking that Shiva is female and texts that would be something and so on.. like "my thoughts" on it, because basic principal in Hinduism is the There I knew what to look for, which respect of spiritual authority - temples are useful to visit, all due and those are scriptures, Veda and my course in bhakti-yoga. Bhakti Upanishads. movement is more connected to Krish- na, and I wanted to go further with Well, let's just see how it's all this and start with Hinduism in develops so maybe we can find so- general, which is, as I have said lution to that, theme is really ENORMOUS corpus and system of be- huge for one person to grasp it lief. In order for simple person to "in just one life" ;) understand it is necessary to under- ~Mkali.x ((L)) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- SO THERE ISN'T A WAR AGAINST HETEROSEXUALS? -- -- FROM THE U.K. NEWS -- �Londoners Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan challenged a ruling that they could not have a civil partnership as they are not of the same sex. The Court of Appeal found against them.� ((L)) Page 14 .... ,od88888bo. %%%%%%%%%%%%% ,d88888888888b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,dP""' `"Y888b ,. { } d' `"Y88b .d8b. , %%% SHIVA and an OHM SYMBOL %%% ' `Y88[ , `Y8P' db { } `88b Ybo,`',d88) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ]88[ `Y888888P" %%%%%%%%%%%%% ,888) `Y8888P' .od8888P ... ..od88888888bo, .d888b `""Y888888bo. .d888888b . `Y88b"Y88888P"' `Y8b :. `Y88[ `"""' `88[ |b |88b Y8b. `8[ :888[ , :88) __ ,..---.._ Yb :888) `b. d8P' +''''`--''-..`--..__ `8b. ,d888[ `Ybo. .d88[ .\ _,/:i--._`:-:+._`.``-._ Y8b. .dWARP' `Y8888888P /`.._,,' \ `-.``--:.b....=. `Y88bo. .od8888P' "YWARP |`..__,,..`. '`.__::i--.-::_ `"Y8888888888P"' `"' )- .....--i'\.. --+`'''-' `"Y8888P""' ,' .'.._,.-'|._-b\ `""' ' /,'<' V `oi| \\ _. |/ -|,--.." ,'-. ||\.. _.,;:'_<' ''/ | . 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' ``'--....Y''-' `''--..._..____._____...,' | 'o-' Page 15 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ( ) ( ___)/ __)/ __) (_ _)( )_( ) /__\ ( \( ) ( \( )(_ _)( \( )( ___) )(__ )__) \__ \\__ \ )( ) _ ( /(__)\ )` ( ) ( _)(_ )` ( )__) (____)(____)(___/(___/ (__) (_) (_)(__)(__)(_)\_) (_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(____) ____ ___ ___ ____ __ __ ____ __ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ (_ _)/ __) / __)(_ _)( \/ )( _ \( ) ( \/ ) ( ___)(_ _)( \( )( ___) _)(_ \__ \ \__ \ _)(_ ) , ( ),__/ )(__ \ / )__) _)(_ )` ( )__) (____)(___/ (___/(____)(_/\/\_)(__) (____)(__) (__) (____)(_)\_)(____) ____________________________________________________________________________ /o ____________ ____________ o\ ( (____________) B Y S Y N O N Y M O U S O N E (____________) ) \o__________________________________________________________________________o/ With nearly a year before the Obama The Supreme Court was ushered in by regime was to end, Justice Scalia, a the signing of the Judiciary Act by stalwart defender of freedom and one President George Washington in 1789. of the most sane minds on the U.S. Washington appointed all the members Supreme Court, died. This left a of the first Supreme Court on the vacancy which Senate republicans same day. There were six justices vowed not to fill until the next in all, with John Jay named as the president took office. It was one first Supreme Justice. of the few promises republicans kept in recent years, and one of the few The functioning of the Supreme Court instances of them displaying back- is elaborated in Atricle 3 of the bone. This didn't stop Obama from U.S. Constitution. No provisions nominating another anti-Consti- exist regarding any number of Jus- tutionalist anyway. Fortunately, tices is enumerated. Instead the the Senate neglected to conduct con- Constitution gives that power to the firmation hearings. legislative branch. In the post- Civil War days, nine became the There is a phrase, �turnabout is standard, and the number didn't vary fair play�, and in this example, it often from there, until the dark is literal. During Obama's two days of the progressive era, when terms, he subverted the separation none of the rules mattered. of powers and eschewed congress The year was 1937. President Frank- whenever he didn't get his way lin Roosevelt was in the midst of legally. But the congress was never imposing his counter-productive New out of line or violating the law by Deal plans onto an already depressed refusing to hold hearings. Liberal nation. He faced a small problem whiners everywhere, who didn't blink (that's sarcasm): The Constitution. twice at Obama's daily assaults on Plus, there was a majority of Jus- the Constitution, suddenly expressed tices that respected the law enough outrage that the Senate didn't �do to prevent many of FDR's lawbreaking its duty�, and appoint Mr. What's- policies. So, as progressives do, His-Name to the Supreme Court. Con- they try to get around the law on a trarily, the Senate does not have a technicality. He just needed to put duty to approve a potential Supreme more Justices on the Supreme Court! Court Justice or even hold confir- mation hearings. Moreover, nowhere Roosevelt would require a large num- in the Constitution does it state ber of justices to cancel out the that there MUST be nine Justices. rulings of the members of the Court. And there are all sorts of numbers So he appointed six new judges, all throughout US history up to this anti-Constitutionalists who sympa- point. thized with his policies, in an at- tempt to �stack the court� with his Page 16 ================================================================================ ...... ..7MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD8$NNMMMD. . ..... . .+8MMMNMMMMNMMMMDNDD8NDMMMMMMM$.... .. . .,7MMMMMN8NDNMMNDODN8OOD8O$ZO8DDNMMMMMM8+~ ... ,$MMNMMMNMMMMMMMD8OOZDNDDO88$7II778DNMMMMZ8O8MD: . . ...++=O$$NDN8MMMM8MMMNNN8ONDDOZZ$$ZZ$7$7$$ODN8OOMMMMMMMMM$ . ....ZD?IOOMN8Z$8MDONMMNOOD88O8OZ$O7++I?=??$OO8OZNMMMMMMMMMMMM= ....,?NI7?$ZOZ$Z88DZ87$I$77I=:~.,:,,:,,:~~==+=?7I$8MMMMMMMMMMMMM: ...:ZDZZ8NI???I?II++=~~==~:,.. ..,,,,::::=++=~=?$$DN8MMMMMMMMM= .,?$8$O?... .. ...,~~~~~:::,.... ..,:~==~=++===+++=I77DMMMMMMMM, . :+7=O8= . ...,~~~=~~::,......,,,:~=====+==+++===+OMMMMMMMM$ 8O?.OZ: .:::~==~~~~::,.....,,,:.,:====++++??::=$DMMMMMMMM: ~M$ +7I ..,,:~++=~~::,,. ....,~:::::~=~:=++I7?+==+7OMMMMMMMM ~N~:$+ ,~,:?~=:::,,:::,....,...,:,~~++~++I7I?+=I$ZNMMMMMMM .,,+? .::~~~~~~:::,,...,..,,,,~===+=++==???I?+++IZ8MNMMMMM+ ,,~., ,~=~:~:~~:,::~:,,,,:,,,:,,,:~~~==+I77???+?Z7ZZN8ONMNN . .~7, ,~~=~=~~~:,,,,,::.:,:,,,,,::~=??=++????II??7ZDZONNMMMM . ?Z ,::~=~::~:,,,,,:~~::,,......::,:~=++7???I?I$$ZZ$O8MMM.. .... . .,::,:,,:,,,...~::,,,,,.....,?+,,:==+?+?I77$$OOO8ODND ..:~~~~:,,::,,,,,:~:::,,..,,,,=I+=~,:=+?+??$7$ZZO887NMO: . . ..::,:~::,.,:,,,~~~=+7$OOZOOOD8Z?+$$77??I$$$ZZNOZMM7$$Z. .~=~I$$O77$+++I+,,.+?Z8MMMMMMMMMDMMMMMMM87?Z??IZOMMMOI$MMMZ ' .,7I$ONMMMMMMMM88Z,..+OMMMMMDMNDNNNDNDDMM8O7IO+$77ZDZM8$D$OZI . :ZMMMMMNNDMMMMMMMN~.,~$MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNZI$ZI7ZONMNM8$Z$ZZ: ,7MNMOI7DMMMMMMMMMN~.,:7MMM8$D~=DDNOO8DON87?I??$7$ODMMDMMNOZ$, .~OMMMMNZ8DNO=88MMD~.,~I8Z$+I$8OD8O7Z$II+~~=~~=7$$88DDI+N8IZ. +MMMM8I=~~:~??ONNO~,,=I7?=77ODO8Z7+I$+?+=~~:~=I8888NDZ$+I?7 = .+8DMI=?DZO8$Z?INMMZ=,:=777+:+$MMMNNZ??~::::,,~+O88OO88OI=+=7 ,,,?~~+7ZZI$ONMM= ,,,~I77?:,...:~+==:~,,,,::=I88OZZDD8+:?D . ..:=++IO8OOMZ$$M ,,,:?I+I=~,...,,,:,,,::,~+?Z8D$$Z8OD$III .. .,:::~?ZOI?=?=Z, ,,,~??$?++~.....,,,.,~~+77$ZOO$$OO8D$$8 ... .. ,,=++?I??==+?+7$ ,.,~++~~?I8?~,,,,:,:==?7Z$$7ZOOOD8MN8M: . .... .,+7III??++II7M ...,:~::~??INZ+=~:~=~?$8O$$$7O8OONMN. . ..... ,:?77+II??+?INO .I~~::?+II$$=:~MMO+=~~+7$8O7$$$88ZODNN.. .... ::=7?=I?=?+7DMMIM?NMMNMMMMMM~:,,,:ON$?==?$Z?$I$$OOODMMD: ... ,~I?+=IZZ?OMMMMMMMMMMMZ==~:,,...,,:~OZ+I$?III7ZO88NMMNI ... .:??~+OZ$$MNNMMMMMMMMM$~:,,,...,,,:,::Z?++?7?Z8OZONMMOZ .. ,=~+$OO7NMDNMMMMM8?:~$+~:,~:+?+?~=~,,:~=+?I7ZZZ8NMMM8D= ... .~=+$?Z$MDNNMMMMNI:,+=~:?O8DNNMMM7+~::,:++?+7$8DMMM8DNMM. ,~+O+7DDDMMMMMMMD7I7+::,,.,,:::::I?~::==I7$ZOMMMMMZ8O8MMI ~~I==ZO8MMMMZ:.,==?I?=+=~+~~:::.~:?+~=+I$ZZ88MMM7OOZ..MM,. :~7~=$O8NNMDO$8NNDN88D8$?=,,~~::=??I+=I$7ZODNMMMO8$O MMMO.. ,I7?$DDNNM8?IZO8OII,,,... .,,:::~+7$$7ZZ8MMMM$88N7 :MMMMM, =$7ZNNMMD?~:... ..:... .,,:~~==?$OD8MMMMZZZ8$ MMMMMMM, :I$MDDI: ..,. ..:=+IZZOMMMMMM8$ZOO MMMMMMMMM8 ... .~I7ZI=. ,.~::: ...:=+DNMNMMMMMM8ZZO7 MMMMMMMMMMM . ~DMMMN~N8N.. ~7+:,$?+?+.,::=:~?DMMMMMMMMMMDOOZ MMMMMMMMMMMM . . :8MMMMMMMM+NMM::+DMNO$7ZO$I7$?IZDMMMMMMMMMMMMDM$, .ZMMMMMMMMMMMMM . .:ZMMMMMMMMMMM?MMINMZ7DMMMMMNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMN MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :7O8OZ8MMMMMMMMMMMMMM7IZMMM.+8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, . +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM D8Z8DNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD77$NMMM ,:OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM O8DNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNN$7Z88MMM$ . .OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMZ7$78MMMMM. 7=8MMMMMNDOD88NM+ . ,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ================================================================================ )))) (((( FORMER PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT )))) (((( ================================================================================ Page 17 own allies who would disregard the %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% law on his behalf. If he was to be successful, the size of the Supreme Don't you Just Hate... PROPAGANDA? Court would grow to a massive 15 Justices, something never witnessed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in U.S. History. Consider, for ex- ample, that until FDR, no one saw a - A True Story by Synonymous 1 - president arrogant enough to fulfill more than two terms, out of respect to George Washington. Fortunately, In a store visit, I found a used the U.S. Senate countered Roose- book called �Discovery Kids: The velt's plan and none of his nominees Presidents of the United States� or attained a seat on the Supreme Court. A similar title. I'm unsure of the author and a DuckDuckGo.com search The damage to the Court was exten- didn't produce the one I saw. All sive enough with Obama's two appoint- clues point to Andrea Arnold. The ees: Sotomeyer, an intolerant racist, point is, I picked it up and flipped and Kagen, a Marxist who, before through to find my favorite presi- being confirmed to the Court, was to dent: Calvin Coolidge. I opened it be the attorney arguing the unconsti- up at Bill Clinton. In large print, tutional Obamacare law. Thus, she the first thing written was, and was supposed to recuse herself when this is no attempt to paraphrase, the case came to the Supreme Court but if I'm off a word or two, it's due to a conflict of interest. Had because this is from memory: she done so, the 4-4 deadlocked Court would have put Obamacare in an early | When Bill Clinton was president, grave. But progressives know no eth- | America had more peace and a ics and will do anything to subvert | greater economy than any other justice or the Constitution. If | time in its history. Obama got a third Justice through, it would further damage an already weak- Are you insane? This is nothing ened Court with another enemy of more than Discovery Kids brain- freedom. washing children. Anyone who lived through the glorious 1980s, or had This chapter of America's story is parents who told them about it, behind us now and will fade into ob- knows this statement is patently scurity. For you, Dear Readers, you false. These children who are this can be content knowing the snowflakes book's target group never lived in who didn't get their way were totally the times Clinton inherited a re- wrong when they said that the Senate covery after a blip of a recession, had a duty to bring the Supreme Court stifled the economy with America's to nine members. The U.S. Senate has largest tax hikes until the Contract the power to confirm judges. This with America and welfare reform power does not mean that it is re- saved it; the dot com bust, gas in- quired to hold a confirmation vote. flation, and a recession before he The Senate isn't even required to left office. So they never experi- conduct confirmation hearings. And enced the Clinton years and just the Constitution says nothing about accept these lies because children a nine-judge requirement. There was are trusting by nature. When these nothing that the 2016 Senate did that brainwahsed children are adults, you is unconstitutional. can't convince them otherwise. And this one sentence is all it can take For those who are wondering, the ac- to do it. If the first thing I read tual name of �judge whats-his-name� is this bad, imagine the whole book! is Merrick Garland. He's noted here I believe in free speech, so they although he'll just become a lost may lie all they want. But so can I footnote in history. ((L)) freely call them on it! ((L)) Page 18 While LiberTORian was searching for a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% document the National Education Association may try to scrub from YAHOO: TAKING A STEP BACKWARDS history, it found this... I answered! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | THE INTERNET | Most of our students are young peo- - By Synonymous 1 | ple, for whom the Internet has al- | ways been available. I feel that | it�s particularly important to en- PRIVACY TIP OF THE WEEK... FOR YAHOO | courage youngsters to think care- | fully about the wealth of infor- You are really stupid. I mean, it's | mation, possibilities and dangers bad enough you're the victim of re- | presented by the Internet. Inter- curring cyber attacks. But when the | view questions could include: freedom & privacy hating people at | Google take steps to make logging in | - Did / do your parents try to lim- LESS SAFE... don't copy them! | it your Internet use? If so, how? But technology's like that sometimes If so, that's not censorship. It's where people take a step backwards teaching responsibility. For no other reason than stupidity. | - Do you believe, as the United Na- What the heck are you talking about? | tions does, that access to the I hear you cry. It's this: | Internet is a basic human right? Web sites that require a login often No. ask for your username and a password and you then click to proceed to the | -Do you believe that NetNanny and next page or gain access. This is | similar software is an appropriate good because if a person is trying | reaction to the dangers of the to break into an account, and one of | Internet? The two is wrong (username or pass- word), you'd get a message saying Yes. It's not infringing on the fil- the information was incorrect, but tered sites' free speech, it's an not which one. individual's parenting choice to use such software. So now Yahoo, and their subsidiaries like Dropbox and Tumblr, now put | - What do you believe might be a each step on a separate page, so if | suitable punishment for misuse of a crank types in a correct username, | the Internet? it lets you know you got it right and takes you to step two. So s/he Please define �misuse� first. has one of the two down and free from guesswork. | - If one of your favorite news | sites or blogs became unavailable Thank you Yahoo. You are dumb. So | because of something it had pub- the privacy tip for this issue is: | lished, how would you react? When Google does something stupid, I'd stand up for its rights. But don't copy them. And while you're this is question is designed to cre- at it, don't copy anything they do. ate an emotional response, not a Google is evil. rational one. Why doesn't you ask this question: If a news site became If you're not Yahoo but one of their unavailable because of something it users, the only advice is to be said, but you disagreed with what was careful, and consider a deep web said, how would you react? ((L)) mail with better security. ((L)) Page 19 Jack Bauer vs. Terrorists in a Bus .---------------------------. /============================| A constructive criticism of Trump. .==| |"""||"""||"""||"""| |"""|| /======"---""---""---""---"=| =|| -- An article by Synonymous One -- |____ []* ---------____ | ==|| // \\ // \\ |===|| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "\__/"---------------"\__/"-+---+' Don't worry, you Trumpsters read- a misuse of executive orders. Peo- ing. I'm not piling on alongside ple complain about George W. Bush's the snowflake generation with executive orders, and counter with blind Trump hate. You know we ac- a moot argument that he issued (un- tually think at LiberTORian. Our til a certain point) more than criticisms are legitimate. Obama did. The difference is that, agree or disagree with them, most I begin with the positive. As I were within the confines of their type this, everyone I know just use in the U.S. Constitution, for returned from the high elation wartime emergencies. I'm going to watching Obama leave the White be Ron Paul about it and still be House for the last time. It marks concerned about Bush's executive the close of a chapter in our new orders since technically, the Con- dark age. It was a day of cele- gress didn't authorize an actual bration, not because of it being War on Terror, only a military ac- inauguration day, but because af- tion. This is an argument we ought ter all we've been put through, to have had when the War on Terror we Americans needed some moments was beginning, but right now the to celebrate the relinquishment of focus will be on the main point. power from their worst, most de- structive, most sociopathic post- Let's examine Trump's first execu- WWII president. tive order: Defunding IPPF. In my heart, I'm rejoicing. It's like In Trump's first 24 hours, he did the Nazi party was defunded. But more good than Obama did in his in my mind, I'm upset. Sentiment entire 8 years. Actually, by de- is overwhelmingly against Planned fault, all Trump as to do is one Parenthood and the current congress good thing and he's better than can easily pass a bill to defund Obama. He did that before enter- IPPF that Trump would sign. ing office by choosing one good cabinet member. But in his first I hear those who rationalize, �But day in office Trump signed an there is a War on the Unborn, a executive order defunding the holocaust, so this is a wartime International Planned Parenthood emergency measure.� That makes the Federation. Human lives will be executive order justified. saved as a result. Other stopgap measures to Obama's destruction But, like the War on Terror, the were signed by executive order in congress never officially declared Trump's first few days. But let's such a war, so it's not. be intellectually honest. There's a problem with this. The problem This isn't what the executive order isn't with the intentions of these is used for. It's not even Consti- executive orders, but the use of tutional to reverse executive or- them. ders from a former president, even if the original order was Unconsti- This isn't how to get things done, tutional itself. Obama issued his because, good or bad, it's still a share of unconstitutional executive violation of the Constitition and orders, which are better defined as Page 20 . .. . ..,:I?IOD$Z78ZNMNMD8OOD88NMMNNDDDDDOZ7III8DDDMMMMMMMDNNZ$777... . .. ...:?8+ZNM+I8ZDNNMNNDNMNMMMMD88ODD8ZO$NNNDDZ87OD$DNNMMMDMDDMON8Z. . . . .=.$??Z$M$$$DNMMMMMMNNNMNNNNNNNMMNDMODDDNN8NZO$88OZDMMNMMZ8DNDD8Z.. . .....OIZ?O87+?$OO8NNMMMMMMMMNNDNDD8O8NDM88$OZODDOOOZ7$7$8DDDNNOMNNNN8.. .. . .?77IZZO$8=N8INDMMDNNNNNNNDDNNDDDDD8OZ7$Z$OOO8$Z?77$7IO88ZDDD$MDDNM:$. . ..77I$Z~~D77O8?$OZN8NNNNNNNNNNDDND88OZZO8OZ$Z$$$===~I?+~=~Z8ODN$ODN8M8O$.. ..$77:7:N+7ZM+N77$8NNDNNDDDNNNDD8888888OZZO77I7I7~=~=~======IZZO$8888ONZZ~: . .7+77,NDN7+NIM$MO7ZO8DDDNND88DD8O88OZ$$7I++~+=:~~~=~~=~=~~==~=ZOZ?$Z8O$ZZ7. .$+777$DO7MD7DZOZ78888DDD88DD888O$$77$$7??=~:~::::::::~~~:~:~=~Z7$IZ?$Z$$Z. . .7777IM8MMDOO888888888D88OOOZZZZZ$$$$7?++~~~::,,:,,:,::::~~:~~~=?I7OZIZZ7$7. . ..777$MDMMDD8O88888888888OOZZ$$$$777II7?+=~~:,,.,,....,,.,::::~~~?~IZN$Z$8ZZ. . .777+8NMNDD8O88888888OZZZZZ$Z$77$III?I=~~:::,,,,.....,,,,::~:::~~~~$7OZOZO:. . .77~=+MN8D8OOOD888888OOOZ$$$$77III?++===~~:~:,,,,.....::::~:::~=~=+~$OD8D:$. .7777:+ODZDOO7OD888888OZZZ$$77?I??I??+===~~::::,,,....,:~:::~::~=~===?$8D888. . .,7777:7788887888888888OZ$77$$7I?????+=====~~~~~:,,,,::~~~~~:::==~===+$8DDD7. . .77?7~Z88D8OO8888OO88OOO$$$$$$7I?????=========~=:,,:::~~~:~::~=~~==+=$DNDD. .. :+777+ZZ88O8O88888O88OOOZZ$$$$77I?+?+?++=~=~===~~~~~~~:~=~~~~===~~~+IODDN7. .~77,??7$8D8O888888888OOZ$$$77777I??++++++===+===~:~~:~~~~::~~~=~~~~?7O8887. .$.+I:7~=$OOO88O8888888OOO$$77$777I?I+?++=+===~~:~::::~:~~~=~==~~====?$8NDN7, ..~,N?:~=:77O88OO8888888OOZZ$$77IIII+++++=+=+=~~:::,,::::~~~~=~~~~~~==?788DD:~. .~~D=~77?7=?OZ8OOOO8888OOZZZ$77I?++=+++=+====~=~~:,::::~~~~==~=~~~~~~~+8ND8O=,. .:~OD~77+77$8ZZO8OOOOOOOOZZZ$$7I???=+?+++++++=~~~::::,::~:~=~~=~:~~~=~?D8OZ7+:. .,O8D77777I8O7Z7ZODOOOOZZZZZ$7I?I?++++==+++++==~~~~~::~::::::::~~~~=~7DZ$?Z?,. . .=8N7+I+7$OZ7$ZO8OOOZOZZZ$$$7IIII???+++?+?+=+==::~~~~~~:,:::~~~=~~=~ZD$I~$~~. . ~DD7+=I7?O87Z7OOOO8OO8ZOZ$$$$I$$??I?++++I?++?=+=~==~+=+?I+==~~:~:~~$D=+=~~. . .=8D87~+7OOZZZI88D8D8D88D888O8OOZ7$7I????Z7$$$7$ZZZZZ$??=~~~++~:::~~ZO+++:.. .:DDDI77+:ZZOO$O8D7ZDOMDD8NNDDN8OZZ$7?=+=OOOOO8D8N8O7I7I?::::~=:,:==ZZ+I+, . ..,D,M7=7~OZOO8ZOZZOZO8DDDNNDN8D8ZZZI+:,:~7$OOD8ZIO8$7,=I=O=:~~,,~~=I:II=, . .NNZ87=7~ZOZ8OOOZOOOOO88DDDDDD88OOZ?+,,:::~$$ZZ7I?+=~:~~~:::,,:::~=+::=~:.. . .+D8D++7?ZO8OOOOOOOOOOO88O8OO88OOOO7?=,:,:,.,IZZZ$$I?=,,,..,,,::~==+:=+:,=. .=Z8O7::I8OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZZO8OOOZI?~,::,...,~~===~::,,,,,,,:::~==~::~:.I. .+DOON~~I8OOOOOOOZZZZOOOOOOOOOOO8OZ?+~,::,:,,::~:::::,,,,::::~~~~=+=+~,,... ....,,8DD::IOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO8O7I+=~,,,,,,,:~~~:::::::::~~~:~~=++~~:,.,.. . ...+D=:8ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO8O$77?=~~::~::::~~=~~:~:~:~~~::~~~=+=:,~:~. .. .~?::ODOOOOOOOOOOOOO888DDO8OI??+==~::~~~7=~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~... .. ..... ..:$DOOOOOOZOOOO8O8888OO8OI??===:,,~~,:?+======~~=~~~~:~~~==. .. . . . ,+O8OOOOOOOOOOOO8888OOOOZ7I??+=~=+~=~?II+==========::~~~=.. ... ....ZO8OOOOOOOZOOO8OOOO888OOOZZI778?,.,:=+I++====~~~+=~~=~+.. . ., ..,+$O??ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO88888OOZ?II~::,,,,,,::++++===~~:?=~~~~. . . :~NMM7~7$8MM+$ZOOOOOOOOOO888888888OII:?Z+~,:,,,:::::~==+=~==:+=~=~D7:. . 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It's certainly good to passed such a defunding bill before codify the repeal of Obama's numer- and was vetoed by the evil Obama. ous illegal decrees, but not with But now there's a president who will another decree. This again isn't eagerly sign a defunding measure, a the purpose of executive orders. We congress who could get such legi- were, or weren't told the adage when slation to sail through congress, we were children: and a public cheering on that type of action. An executive order isn't | Two wrongs don't make a right. even necessary when, within the law, it can be done with utmost speed and The problem isn't with what Presi- facility. dent Trump did, but how he did it. �Obamaniacs�, the ACLU, and other If you're familiar with the TV ser- lower-leftists did themselves in. ies, 24, these issues are addressed By standing idle while Obama tramp- all the time. At one point, Jack led on the Constitution, they let a Bauer, in day (season) 8 was asked, precedent to be set. They were �How do you do what you do, act warned that, �one day, someone you first and worry about the fallout don't like will be the president and after?� Jack answered, and I am your complicity will enable that paraphrasing because this is from president to get away with the same memory, �If I see a bus, and some violations that your favorite presi- terrorists hijack the bus and start dent did.� That time is here. Now stabbing children to death, I don't Trump is doing the same, writing re- stop and think about the ramifi- verse decrees to undo the decrees of cations of stopping them. I just do his predecessor. As a libertarian whatever it takes to save those with intellectual honesty, I'll ex- children.� The program was intended press my outrage equally. Obama's to get viewers to think about the blind followers and anyone else who struggle between freedom and securi- enabled this precedent can complain, ty and arrive at your own answer and but their words are hollow and with- have a discussion about it with oth- out meaning. They destroyed their er viewers. Naturally, decent peo- own credibility. ((L)) ple want to save as many people as possible, but we don't do it at the EPILOGUE: expense of the liberty of innocents. Since this was written, congress Trump's IPPF decree exemplifies that passed a law reversing Obama's final struggle: it would save lives, but gift to Planned Paranthood's assass- harm is done to the Constitution. ins, reversing his decree, and re- This instance isn't so dire as the storing states' 10th amendment right dramatics of *24*. Children are be- to withhold funding to them. Mike ing murdered, but defunding them in Pence exercised his one and only job today's social climate is almost as assigned by the Constitution: to easy as an executive order. The cast a vote to break a tie in the ends don't need to justify the Senate. While this isn't the same means. As the federal defunding bill of the Obama era, and this law only brings Besides, consider that public senti- things back as they were before ment against Planned Parenthood was Obama, it goes to show you that such always of a vast majority, but now things can be done legally. Presi- it's higher than it ever was in its dent Trump signed the bill in a le- archaic 100 year history. Expose gal manner and the system worked. videos by groups like Live Action dot org [CLEARNET LINK!] and the Let's continue to do things this way Center for Medical Progress cast the and we'll never have to worry about disinfecting light of truth upon what to do if there are terrorists this nefarious outfit. The congress on a bus. ((L)) Page 22 ++++ Raiders of the Lost Art: ++++ have a container that locks. + + + making a first aid kit + + + PRE-PLAN ++++++++ By: Synonymous 1 ++++++++ Go to a craft store or the craft section of a department store and buy 3� by 4� lockable and resealable First aid kits are commercially poly bags. These are to help keep available, but it's more rewarding small items sorted. Some bags have and personalized if you build your white fields printed on them to make own. Your personal first aid kit is labeling bag contents easier. It's custom-made to fit your needs, and optional. But be sure to have a usually better than the generic permanent marker. A Sharpie(tm) is items in a commercial kit. Building excellent. Clear tape's advised be- one is intuitive, and it's something cause even Sharpie ink on the slick that may be handy in an urgency so surface won't hold long. You may why be without one? Keep in mind: also like 4x6 poly bags too, for handling a variety of item sizes. THE STORAGE MEDIUM + A first aid kit needn't be too BUILD YOUR KIT large so it's cumbersome. Yet it Many of these items mat already be should be large enough to hold all in your home. Others can be bought its contents in an organized manner. and added one by one. Keep a check- If you wish to make a smaller, list that you mark as you fill your secondary �pocket kit�, that's all kit. Try to buy by priority. right too, but don't let be a sub- stitute for the primary kit. The poly bags are useful to sort and identify medications. But also cut These make suitable primary kit out and insert the composition, the containers: expirition dates and instructions and insert into the bags along with + A tackle box. These are great if them. This is a tip you'll NEVER you intend to use for travel because find in �how to� guides for First many are waterproof Aid kits. Note: expired meds still may take effect, but may be less po- + A Rubbermaid/Sterilite/etc con- tent. rainer, but one with a lockable lid. It's preferable to use one with Suggested items include: handles that lock as opposed to one with the lock on the lid. + 20 to 30 adhesive bandages of various sizes + A tool box. You can even buy a + 3x3� & 4x4� gauze pads, 6 of each plastic one for a dollar at a Dol- + Gauze roll lar store + Medical tape + 5x9� sterile absorbent compress + A lunch box dressings, 2 or 3 + Ample amount of moleskin + An official empty kit or a pro- + Moist Towelettes fessional rescue squad kit from eBay + Triple Antibiotic or the underground market + aspirin, acetaminophen and ibu- profen. Aspirin may stop heart I prefer something with a hinged lid attacks that have begun and handle to make it easy to carry, + Hydrogen peroxide but as a libertarian you can make + Cotton balls and cotton swabs yours however you want. If you have + Iodine children around, it's advised to + Eye Wash Solution (tubes) Page 23 + Icy Hot put the kit where it's easily ac- + Burn ointment cessible, and if necessary, out of + Tourniquet (DO NOT follow Elroy reach of small children. Show the Jetson's advice & tie one around a kit to all members of the household person's neck to stop a nosebleed) and instruct them on how and when to + Small splints use it. + Safety scissors � often forgotten! + Medical thermometer + sterile gloves REFRESH FIRST AID + First Aid manual It's important to keep up on basic first aid, lest you forget it from Other important items that are left non-use. It's also suggested to out of average kits, but can save purchase and familiarize yourself your life: with more serious lifesaving and medical tools, just in case you can + Butterfly sutures. Can close not rely on professional help. wounds tightly + Duct tape. Same thing for larger, gaping wounds... it may save your MAINTAIN YOUR KIT life, but it's no fun removing it! Every three months, refill the kit. + Ipecac syrup. This induces vomit- Moist towelettes should be rotated, ing in the event of some poison- as they tend to dry out over time. ings. It's illegal to purchase in Casinos, hotels, and Chick Fil-A may the USA (FDA JERKS!) but I bought offer free moist towelettes. Pick a some before the ban. day and on that day on a month whose + CPR mask ordinal number is evenly divisible + Tecnu! This magic formula creates by three, (March, June, September, a chemical bond with poison ivy December,) refill the kit. Also re- oils to make an inert subatance fill it if you use up all or most of which washes off. Miracle maker! a certain item in a single use or over a short period of time. I've heard of preppers who included items such as dental tools, stetho- A first aid kit may save a life, or scopes, surgical equipment, and be- reduce the severity of an injury. yond in their hits! If you want to But remember that First aid is just do this, you're more interested in a that- FIRST. Follow up on serious backpack for storage. This may be injuries. overkill. I'm a libertarian, so make one if you wish. Just consider having a second, more basic kit for DEAR READERS accessibility and ease of use, stor- That's it! You may want other items age, and portability. In your kit. Visit your pharmacy, walk the ideas, and look for inspir- This is a comprehensive list, but it ation. What did you put in your isn't exhaustive. You may think of first aid kit? Do you think that I other important things, or personal- stupidly left something crucial out? ized needs: spare medications, medi- Did you make one because of this cines you use often, like allergy article and it saved your life? We medication, etc. If you can get at LiberTORian want to know. If you your hands on penicillin, add that. feel like it, write us at our new I keep a separate �cold kit� for my- email address: self so I'm ready as soon as I think I'm sick. | libertorian@protonmail.com Or reach me at Synonymous on Galaxy STORE THE KIT 2. Maybe we'll publish your letter You made your first aid kit. Next, in a future issue. ((L)) Page 24 TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXT TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< > > > < < < classic .txt file of the day >>> get-text.txt <<< > > > < < < TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXT TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< In the days BBS services, the 1980s obsolete or moot. version of the Deep Web, things were not much different. People shared A carryover from this decade that is information on how to do all sorts still relevant today is the art of of semi-legal and illegal things... locksmiths, or lock-picking, for the for informational pruposes only, of people who do it without authori- course! The world of fon phreakin', zation. The file get-text.txt is a for instance, was an entire culture compilation of lock picking files in dedicated to subverting the phone one. And as always, it will be pre- system and making free calls. Tech- sented, misspellings and all, in its nology and free nationwide calling original 80-column text. turned this entire cultural movement into a nostalgia trip, as almost ev- And, yes, this file is for educa- ery phreakin' technique is either tional purposes only. ((L)) [NOTE FROM SYNONYMOUS 2: One carriage return was added after the ASCII image of a key, so that other images in the .txt file wouldn't be cut by page breaks.] ******************************************************************************** Picking Combination Locks by: The Byte Byter The writer of this text file takes responsibility for what this text file is used for. Well, on with the text file. Ok, so ya say ya wanna learn how to pick combination locks...This text file should help you. As a matter of fact, if ya do it right, it will help you. First of all, let me tell you about the set-up of a lock. When the lock is locked, there is a curved piece of metal wedged inside the little notch on the horseshoe shaped bar that is pushed in to the lock when you lock it. To free this wedge, you must(must is a word used to much) you usually(that sounds much better) have to turn the lock to the desired combination and the pressure on the wedge is released therefore letting the lock open. I will now tell you how to make a pick so you can open a lock without having to waste all that time turning the combination (this also helps when ya don't know the combination to begin with). First of all, ya need to find a hairpin. What's a hairpin? Well, just ask your mom. She will have one. If she asks what its for, say ya gotta hold something together... If she says use a rubberband or use a paperclip, tell her thanks anyway and then go to the store and buy you a box of 50 or so. Ok, enough stalling (yea, I was stalling). Once you have your hair pin (make sure its metal), take the ridged side and break it off right before it starts to make a U-turn onto the straight side. The curved part can now be used as a handle. Now, using a file, file down the other end until it is fairly thin. You should do this to many hairpins and file them Page 25 so they are of different thicknesses so you can pick various locks. Some locks are so cheap that ya don't even have ta file! But most are not. Ok, now you have a lock pick. Now if ya haven't figured it out, here's how ya use it. You look at a lock to see which side the lock opens from. If you can't tell, you will just have to try both sides. When ya find out what side it opens from, take the lock pick and stick the filed end into the inside of the horseshoe- shaped bar on whichever side the lock opens from. Now, put pressure on the handle of the lock pick (pushing down, into the crack) and pull the lock up and down. The lock will then open because the pick separated the wedge and the notch allowing us thieves to open it. Don't say bullshit until you've tried it. Also, this technique works best on American locks. I have never picked a Master lock before because of the shape of the pressure wedge. But if anyone does it, let me know how long it took. Also, the Master lock casing is very tight so ya can't get the pick in. So, if you're locking something valuable up, use a Master, cuz at least ya know I won't be picking it and I'm sure there aren't that many that could. And when I say pick, I don't mean lighting a stick of dynamite next to the lock, picking is opening a lock without using force, making a substitute key, etc... If any of you believe that this information is not sufficient for picking an American lock, or any other kind besides Master, leave me a message at /\/\etalland 1 (503) 538-0761. This concludes my text file on picking combination locks. My next text file will probably be "Picking key locks". See ya later. The Byte Byter This text file was written on 06/21/85. Edited on 11-1-87 by Z.W. BROUGHT TO YOU BY COMPUTER PIRATES OF UTAH COURTESY OF THE SAFEHOUSE (801)-264-8201 L O C K P I C K I N G WRITTEN BY: DARC DEATHE THIS TUTORIAL WILL DEMONSTRATE HOW TO "PICK" A PIN TUMBLER LOCK. USE OF THIS MATERIAL IS FOR LOCKSMITHS ONLY, ANY USE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES IS FORBIDDEN AND AGAINST THE LAW. (AS LONG AS WE ARE AT IT, DO YOU WANT TO BUY SOME LAND IN FLORIDA?) IN ORDER TO PICK A PIN TUMBLER LOCK, YOU WILL REQUIRE FOUR ITEMS: A LOCK, YOU, A PICK, AND A TENSION WRENCH. YOU CAN USUALLY GET THESE AT A LOCKSMITH STORE, IF YOU CAN NOT FIND ONE NEAR YOU THERE WILL BE AN ADDRESS AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE THAT YOU CAN ORDER THEM FROM. HERE IS AN ILLUSTRATION OF A PICK AND A TENSION WRENCH: ________/ !________ PICK TENSION WRENCH MOST PEOPLE KNOW OF THE NEED FOR THE PICK, BUT HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE WRENCH IS FOR. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND WITHOUT IT IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK A LOCK. IN ORDER TO PICK A LOCK, WE MUST COUNT UPON THE IMPERFECTION OF THE LOCK. BEFORE WE LOOK AT HOW TO ACTUALLY PICK THE LOCK, WE WILL LOOK AT THE PARTS OF IT AND HOW THE IMPERFECTION PART FITS IN. HERE IS A DISSASSEMBLED LOCK: / / / / \ \ \ \ SPRINGS -> / / / / \ \ \ \ Page 26 _ _ _ _ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! DRIVERS ->! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !_! !_! !_! !_! _ _ ! ! _ ! ! BOTTOM PINS ->! ! ! ! _ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _____________________ ! : : : : : : : : ! HOUSING ->! : : : : : : : : ! ! : : : : : : : : ! !___: :_: :_: :_: :___! ! : : : : : : : : ! PLUG ->! : : : : : : : : ! !______________________! ! ! ! ! ! ! !_____________________! ___ / \ ! !__ _ _ ! \__ / \_/ \__ ! \/ \ \__/------------------- <- KEY WHEN YOU INSERT A KEY INTO A LOCK, THE BOTTEM PINS ARE PUSHED UP, AND IF IT IS THE PROPER KEY, THE TOPS OF THE BOTTOM PINS WILL MATCH WITH THE SPOT WHERE THE PLUG AND HOUSING MEET, THUS ALLOWING YOU TO TURN THE PLUG, AND OPEN THE DOOR, ETC.. WHEN YOU INSERT THE KEY, THE BOTTOM PINS GO INTO THE VALLEYS OF THE KEY, THUS MEANING THAT THE KEY MUST HAVE THE RIGHT HEIGHT VALLEYS TO MAKE THE LOCK OPEN. PRETTY ELEMENTRY, RIGHT? WELL NOW WE CAN MOVE ON TO HOW TO PICK A LOCK. IN ORDER TO PICK A LOCK WE (AS I SAID BEFORE) DEPEND ON THE INACCURACY OF THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS. THE FIRST THING TO DO IS TO INSERT THE TENSION WRENCH INTO THE LOCK AND APPLY A SLIGHT PRESSURE TO THE LEFT (OR RIGHT IF YOU WISH) SO THAT IF YOU COULD LOOK INSIDE THE LOCK AT WHERE THE PLUG AND THE HOUSING WOULD MEET, IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !*! ! ! !*! ! __________! !*! !___________ __________ !*! ____________ ! !*!! PLUG ! !_!! ! _ ! ! !*!! ! \_/! Page 27 NOW A SLIGHT PRESURE IS ON THE PINS. BECAUSE THE PINS CAN NOT BE PRODUCED EXACTLY THE SAME, THERE IS ONE PIN WHICH IS THE WIDEST AND THEREFORE HAS MORE TENSION ON IT, AND ONE WHICH IS THE THINNEST AND HAS ALMOST NO PRESSURE ON IT. WE NOW USE THE PICK TO >GENTLY< PUSH EACH PIN UP (AND TRY TO FEEL IT WHEN YOU LET IT DOWN) UNTIL WE FIND WHICH IS THE TIGHTEST ONE AND WHICH IS LOOSEST. GETTING THE FEEL FOR THIS IS THE HARDEST PART OF LOCK PICKING. NOW THAT YOU HAVE FOUND THE LOOSEST ONE, GENTLY PRESS IT UPWARD UNTIL YOU FEEL A SLIGHT REDUCTION IN TENSION ON THE TENSION WRENCH. THIS WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE TOP OF THE BOTTOM PIN BECOMES EVEN WITH THE JUNCTION OF THE PLUG AND THE HOUSING. DO NOT RELEASE ANY TENSION FROM THE WRENCH NOW! THE DRIVER WILL NOW BE TRAPPED IN THE HOUSING AS ILLUSTRATED HERE: (DON'T I DRAW PRETTY) ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !*! ! ! !*! ! ___________! !_! !___________ _______________ ___________ ! !*! ! PLUG ! !*! ! ! \_/ ! ! ! NOW YOU CONTINUE THIS PROCESS WITH EACH OF THE PINS UNTIL YOU WORK YOUR WAY UP TO THE ONE THAT IS WIDEST. WITH SOME PRACTICE YOU CAN GET FAIRLY FAST AT THIS. I SUGGEST PRACTICING ON A FOUR PIN TUMBLER LOCK THAT IS BOUGHT FROM A HARDWARE STORE, THE CHEAPER THE BETTER. I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS A PATICULAR CONFIGURATION OF THE PINS NOW THAT MAY PRESENT A PARTICULARLY HARD JOB TO PICK. THIS IS GRAPHICLY SHOWN HERE BY THE TWO MIDDLE PINS: !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !_! !*! !*! !*! _ !*! !_! !*! !*! !_! _ !*! !*! _ !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !_! !*! !*! !*! _ !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_______________ WHEN YOU TRY TO PUSH THE 2ND PIN FROM THE LEFT UP, YOU WILL UNAVOIDABLY BE PUSHING THE ONE IN FRONT OF IT UP BECAUSE OF IT'S LONG BOTTOM PIN. THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR THIS IS TO GET A SPECIAL PICK THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS: \ \ _______________ \_/ THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH THIS IS THAT IT IS HARD TO INITIALLY DETECT. THE REASON THAT IT MAKES IT HARDER IF IT IS NOT IMMEDIETLY APPERANT IS THAT YOU UN- AVOIDABLY PUSH THE 3RD PIN FROM THE LEFT UP INTO THE HOUSING, GETTING IT JAMMED: Page 28 ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !_! ! ! _ ! ! !*! ! __________! !*! !________ ___________ !*! ________ !!*!! PLUG !!*!! !\_/! I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO ADDRESS A TECHNIQUE CALLED RAKING. IT USES A TOOL LIKE THIS: \/\/\/\___________ BASICLY YOU "RAKE" IT BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE PINS, HOPING THAT COMBINED WITH THE TENSION IT WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT COMBINATION. THIS WAY HAS BEEN KNOWN: FAST SOMETIMES, BUT IS NOT VERY RELIABLE, AND I WOULD SUGGEST LEARNING TO ACTUALLY "PICK" THE LOCK. EARLIER I PROMISED AN ADDRESS TO ORDER LOCKSMITHING MATERIALS FROM, SO HERE IT IS: GARRISON PROTECTIVE ELECTRONICS BOX 128 KEW GARDENS, NEW YORK, 11415 SOURCES: PERSONAL PRACTICE AND MANY EXCELLENT BOOKS FROM MENTOR PRESS, IF YOU WOULD LIKE THEIR CATALOG, SEND A SASE TO: THE INTELLIGENCE LIBRARY MENTOR PULICATIONS 135-53 NORTHERN BLVD. FLUSHING, NY 11354 AND ASK FOR ANY INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE INTELLIGENCE LIBRARY. THIS CONCLUDES OUR EXTRAORDINARILY GRAPHIC ARTICLE ON LOCK PICKING. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, LEAVE E-MAIL FOR DARC DEATHE ON MOST NATIONAL BBS'S. Edited by : Quasimoto LOCK PICKING BY ^^^NIGHTWING^^^ SO YOU WANT TO BE A CRIMINAL. WELL, IF YOU ARE WANTING TO BE LIKE JAMES BOND AND OPEN A LOCK IN FIFTEEN SECONDS, GO TO HOLLYWOOD BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY PLACE YOUR GONNA DO IT. EVEN EXPERIENCED LOCKSMITHS CAN SPEND 5 TO 10 MINUTES ON A LOCK IF THEY'RE UNLUCKY. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR EXTREMELY QUICK ACCESS, LOOK ELSEWHERE. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS WILL PERTAIN MOSTLY TO THE "LOCK-IN-KNOB" TYPE LOCK, SINCE IT IS THE EASIEST TO PICK. IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT DEMAND, I WILL LATER WRITE A FILE DISCUSSING THE OTHER FORMS OF ENTRANCE, INCLUDING DEAD-BOLT FIRST OF ALL, YOU NEED A PICK SET. IF YOU KNOW A LOCKSMITH, GET HIM TO MAKE YOU Page 29 A SET. THIS WILL BE THE BEST POSSIBLE SET FOR YOU TO USE. IF YOU FIND A LOCKSMITH WILLING TO SUPPLY A SET, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE. IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR OWN, IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A GRINDER (YOU CAN USE A FILE, BUT IT TAKES FOREVER.) THE THING YOU NEED IS AN ALLEN WRENCH SET (VERY SMALL). THESE SHOULD BE SMALL ENOUGH TO FIT INTO THE KEYHOLE SLOT. NOW, BEND THE LONG END OF THE ALLEN WRENCH AT A SLIGHT ANGLE..(NOT 90 DEG.) IT SHOULD LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS: #1 \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (THIS IS THE HANDLE \\\ THAT WAS ALREADY \\\ (HERE.) \\\ \\\ \\\ NOW, TAKE YOUR PICK TO A GRINDER OR A FILE AND SMOOTH THE END (#1) UNTIL IT'S ROUNDED SO IT WON'T HANG INSIDE THE LOCK. TEST YOUR TOOL OUT ON DOORKNOBS AT YOUR HOUSE TO SEE IF IT WILL SLIDE IN AND OUT SMOOTHLY. NOW, THIS IS WHERE THE SCREWDRIVER COMES IN. IS IT SMALL ENOUGH FOR IT AND YOUR PICK TO BE USED IN THE SAME LOCK AT THE SAME TIME, ONE ABOVE THE OTHER ? LETS HOPE SO, BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY YOUR GONNA OPEN IT. IN THE COMING INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE REFER TO THIS CHART OF THE INTERIOR OF A LOCK: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| K # # # # # # | E # # # # | Y * * | H * * * * * * | O | L | E XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| #= UPPER TUMLER PIN *= LOWER TUMLER PIN X= CYLINDER WALL (THIS IS A GREATLY SIMPLIFIED DRAWING) THE OBJECT IS TO PRESS THE PIN UP SO THAT THE SPACE BETWEEN THE UPPER PIN AND THE LOWER PIN IS LEVEL WITH THE CYLINDER WALL. NOW, IF YOU PUSH A PIN UP, ITS TENDANCY IS TO FALL BACK DOWN, RIGHT ? THAT IS WHERE THE SCREWDRIVER COMES IN. INSERT THE SCREWDRIVER INTO THE SLOT AND TURN. THIS TENSION WILL KEEP THE "SOLVED" PINS FROM FALLING BACK DOWN. NOW, WORK FROM THE BACK OF THE LOCK TO THE FRONT, AND WHEN YOU'RE THROUGH..... THERE WILL BE A CLICK, THE SCREWDRIVER WILL TURN FREELY, AND THE DOOR WILL OPEN. DON'T GET DISCOURAGED ON YOUR FIRST TRY! IT WILL PROBABLY TAKE YOU ABOUT 20-30 MINUTES YOUR FIRST TIME. AFTER THAT YOU WILL QUICKLY IMPROVE WITH PRACTICE. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven Page 30 & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X ******************************************************************************** &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (which still seems to be highly cor- rupt), helped create the UN and > McCarthy and McCarthy 2.0 served as the UN ambassador for the > GUEST POST BY ChatTor US, created the International Mone- tary Fund (IMF), and give the sci- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ence behind the Atomic Bomb to So- viet Russia and possibly other na- [NOTE FROM SYNONYMOUS 1: Some infor- tions. mation in paragraphs 4 and 5 of this article is speculative. The author Ultimately, Joseph McCarthy was able doesn't intend to lead the reader to to oust some of the spies, but the believe it as fact.] damage they were able to do was far too great and there were far too [Note from Synonymous 2: WARNING: many spies for Joseph McCarthy to be contains a clearnet link] able to handle on his own. In the end, the spies won, and I believe Between watching Trump from the day that they make up the "powers that he announced his candidacy for be" that exist today. Also, kind of president of the US until his a minor point, as someone who went inauguration and some other infor- to public schools for my entire mation I've come across recently schooling life, in "Modern US His- (The truth about McCarthyism tory", the history lesson ended with World War II saying that Hitler was https://www.youtube.com/ the worst person to ever life. No watch?v=wljpYZ8wejA ), mention of McCarthyism (which is something that college-educated I've come to realize that a lot of liberals are heavily misinformed on the things in the US that seem to and like to claim that he was some be conveniently places (or gone) are mad dog who was on a witch hunt), all signs that point to a larger nor Mao who murdered far more people conspiracy. than Hitler ever did. I think the reason that the subject of McCarthy As a brief summary, after World War is largely banished from modern his- 2, Joseph McCarthy devoted his po- tory is because he was right and the litical life to outing the soviet "powers that be" control the public spies who had infiltrated the US education system. government (even at very high lev- els). These spies are confirmed to Finally, the way that relates to to- have given China to communist dic- day and Trump is that Trump is tator Mao who killed 76 million of basically McCarthy 2.0. The media is his own people via significant cor- treating him like they did Joseph ruption of the state department McCarthy (constant slander, constant Page 31 lies, literal made up stories), the | ooooooooooooo | establishment (which is likely heav- | 8' 888 `8 | ily infiltrated) is against him, and | 888 .ooooo. oooo d8b | Trump has made it clear that he | 888 d88' `88b `888""8P | wants to "Drain the Swamp" by re- | 888 888 888 888 | moving the corrupt politicians (AKA | 888 888 888 888 | "the powers that be") from their po- | o888o `Y8bod8P' d888b | sitions of power. Another thing I'm speculating on is that Putin, as the --------------- By Synonymous 2 ---- current leader of Russia (the #2 or #3 nation in the world), sees how corrupt the US is, and is willing to We always get letters to LiberTORian work with Trump on providing him (but not in this issue, because all with information that Trump would our letters stayed on Sigaint's ser- never be able to get from his own vers and they went bye-bye) politely government. It seems that the only informing us that Tor as in the Tor agency that's consistently been browser is spelled Tor and not TOR. against these "powers that be" (even So please fix the misspelled name of in McCarthy's time) is the FBI, and your magazine title which should not the fact that James Comey, director have all three letters of Tor raised of the FBI, recommended against in caps. indicting Hillary Clinton for fear of his life speaks volumes about the Thank you all. We were babies when possible influence and power of we began LiberTORian magazine in re- these "powers that be". This last gards to our Deep Web experience, as bit about Putin, Russia, and the FBI we floated in it like embryonic flu- is all just my speculative opinion, id. And we were ignorant of the but it sure seems to explain a lot. Spelling of Tor. We understand it now, being that the Tor project gang Also, I just want to point out that, want to avoid the appearance of any if you pay attention to how Trump elitism, and spelling �Tor� without has run his campaign since day 1, he all caps somehow accomplishes that. knew that he was going to be Mc- That's the explanatioon we received, Carthy 2.0 and expected the media to anyway. But LiberTORian it shall treat him as such. He knew exactly remain, because the actual reason we how to deal with them, and chose to capitalize Tor in the logo effectively used the power of the is because it stands out. Look at Internet to counter the efforts of these alternate possibilities: the media to smear him. I think that Trump has a lot of the same ideas LiberTorian: �Tor� becomes buried in about the current US government that the middle of the word. I just explained based on the ac- tions of himself, the media, the LiberTorIan: who is Ian? Do they establishment, Hollywood, etc, and I want me to pause awkwardly before expect him to either work with Putin saying, �Ian�? to expose and oust these "powers that be" or get assassinated. As a public service message, I wish to inform you that we understand now Now, this is (of course) all specu- the reason Tor is spelled the way it lation right now, so we'll (ob- is, but it doesn't affect the spell- viously) have to wait and see what ing of �LiberTORian�, and spelling happens, but I expect this to be a it this way conveys no intended dis- hell of a 4 years assuming Trump respect. It's okay with you, right? lives to the end of his term (and an even crazier 4 years if he doesn't). After all, it *IS* the individual freedom of someone to spell, or mis- ((L)) spell anything as we wish! ((L)) Page 32 #################################### I understand that Obama never has. and never will have, a shred of dig- D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED nity, class, decency, or respect. #################################### I hope you enjoyed this issue of LiberTORian. Or not. But I do hope .FINAL THOUGHTS WITH SYNONYMOUS ONE. you appreciate the sweat that went into bringing it to you. There were times where we could have cut down It really took a lot of labor to get on the research, or write something this issue out. I honestly thought hastily, just to try to get issue 18 it would never come to realization. released in a timlier manner, but we But you know the adage: just didn't. It was important to us that quality trumped quantity. This | Life Happens. was just as important to Synonymous Xi, who kept reminding us the im- And if you don't, now you do. portance of maintaining the quality of the writing, regardless of how Life gets in the way of the best long it takes. laid plans. You never know where it will lead you, like the feather in To facilitate the release of this *Forrest Gump*. The best thing to issue, we experimented with writing do is be as prepared as you can for methods that didn't pan out so well. any situation, and make yourself And it didn't achieve the desired able to adapt to things that you result anyway. I'm talking about never planned to handle. People who things other than the three-column adapt are the ones who survive the experiment in this issue's �Acquir- worst situations. You may never get ing Relay� article. Hopefully, you your next issue of LiberTORian to didn't notice the issues caused by your Dear Readers, but it's okay. This experimentation. If you did, You planned ahead with the disclaim- well... let's keep this our secret? er: �LiberTORian is published on an irregular basis.� The final setback is that Synonymous 2 never received my main article for Producation on this issue began six publication. I returned to it to months ago, in October. To say that resent only to discover why he never a lot has happened since LiberTORian got it in the first place: it some- 17 is an understatement. The elec- how got deleted. So, a feature that tion with a twist ending, the rise I poured my soul into, and was the of snowflake-ism, Democrats not lik- reason for much of the delay, must ing the Russians, Republicans lik- be re-done. There's always Liber- ing the Russians... it's been crazy! TORian 19. This is the first issue with Obama out of power. Of course, while I Also, Dear Readers, please write for imagined he'd go join ISIS, instead future issues. Deep Web sites come he's back to what he knows best: and go, but LiberTORian will most community aggravating. Until Obama, likely be circulated by concerned I've never seen a U.S. President use citizens. And please consider (or his time and energy, and his advo- not) donating Bitcoins. Where else cacy group that raises money, to do you find an ASCII production like actively attack and try to undermine this in today's age? Especially one his successor. It doesn't surprise trying to make ASCII writing an art? me. Nothing does. But I guess I still to this day think that there The Bitcoin address is: actually is something that's beneath 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s Obama. After eight years, which I'm thanking God daily for being over, - - - END OF FILE - - -