Shulchan Arukh, Orach Chayim 622
Shulchan Arukh
622 [1] **“The order of the Afternoon Service** **on Yom Kippur” - Containing four paragraphs.**
In the Afternoon Service one says “אשרי”, and “ובא לציון”, but one does not say “ואני תפלתי” even if it (Yom Kippur) falls on the Sabbath.
- Hagah* : We are not used to saying “אשרי” and “ובא לציון” before the Afternoon Service, only before the Closing Service, *Ne’ilah*, and so wrote a few of our rabbis, (מרדכי והגהות מיימוני סוף ספר אהבה, וסוף הלכות יו״כ, כל בו ומנהגים). We do not say “אין כאלהינו”, (“there is none like our God”) on Yom Kippur, (מנהגים). [2] We take out the Torah scroll and three (men) read from the portion “עריות” (Incest), (Leviticus 18:1-21) until the end of the portion and the third (man reads) the *Maftir* (*Haftarah*) from the Book of Jonah and concludes with, “who is a God like You etc.,” (Micah 7:18-20) and he says the blessings before and after (the *Haftarah*), and if (Yom Kippur) falls on Shabbat he mentions in (the blessings of the *Haftarah*) the Sabbath and he concludes with the blessing of the Sabbath.
- Hagah*: But he does not say (the part of the blessing that states) “for the Torah and for the Service, etc.” during the Afternoon Service, (הגמ״יי סוף הלכות י״כ ומהרי״ל ומנהגים והגהות מרדכי). [3] If (Yom Kippur) falls on the Sabbath we say the prayer, “…צדקתך”, “you were righteous, etc.” and we say, “אבינו מלכנו”.
- Hagah*: In these lands we do not say “…צדקתך” and not “אבינו מלכנו”, when Yom Kippur is (on the Sabbath). [4] They (the priests) do not lift up their hands (i.e., the *Cohanim* do not bless the congregation) during the Afternoon Service on Yom Kippur, and a priest who transgressed (i.e., made a mistake) and went up to give the priestly benediction, behold then he does perform the priestly benediction and they do not make him go down.
Version Info
Version: Hilkhot Yom ha-Kippurim, trans. by Jan M. Brahms. HUC, 1976
License: CC-BY
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