______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 ~oo~ Issue 15 ~oo~ Spring 2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ';. T H E N S A .... l; ''. .:d' T R I E S .:.. ..'c: d;'...'c, T O T A K E ;d;..';;. ''''''''''. 'c:;;;;'''''''''. B Y T E S .;:;...........,,,',,,. .......::, .c:...................................,0; O U T O F 'd'..................................;dx:. 'x,''..............................;lxO: A P P L E k:,'''.........................,:cdxkk. 'x;;,'''.................'',;:clllodxk; :d:;,''.....''',,,,;;;;;;;;;;;::cclodk. ;d:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;;:clx' ~How Apple is byting back! 'x:::;,,'''''''''''''''''''''''',,,;clo .xoc;,'''........................'',;:ll. :dc;,'.............................',;co:. A L S O : .ol:,................................',;coo: .dl;'.................................';ldo More Cipher Methods .oc,.................................':oo. .ll;...............................';lc. Father Gregorio Part 2 ;o:'............................':o; .cl;'...........''...........,:l:. What is The Laffer Curve? .cll:;;;:cc::;;;;:ccc:;;;:ll:. ..;;;,'. ..';;;,. MORE!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above: The Apple Computers Logo -- Don't hurt others and don't take their stuff. -Page 2- ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 15 -- } ||| ||| { Spring, 2016 } ||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published March, 2016. } { } LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN { -- } { } BLURB..............................5 { LiberTORian is published on an } Aaaaa(many a's)aaND... LEGALIZE LSD! { irregular basis. } { } FEATURE............................6 { N(c), 2016. Readers are welcome, } The Laffer Curve, And How It Relates { actually encouraged, to copy and } To the Tax Code { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } EXTRANEOUS.........................9 { ing. } We are less free than we used to be { } { } ARTICLE...........................10 { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } Stealing the Vote Part 1 { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion } The Electorial College { } { (Thanks to an Onionland user. } BLURB.............................11 { The views expressed in LiberTORian } People Are Discussing LiberTORian { aren't necessarily those of the } { webmaster. That's fine with us } FEATURE...........................13 { libertarians. } Cryptology For Dummies, Part 2 { } { } FEATURE...........................16 { CORRESPONDENCE: } Wolf In The Fold: { libertorian@sigaint.org } Father Gregorio, Part 2 { } { Send submission & letters to } COVER STORY.......................19 { LiberTORian at the above address. } Apple Bytes Back! { } { } EXTRANEOUS........................23 { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } Who is & isn't intellectually honest { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } { Even a millibitcoin! } CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......24 { (.001 BTC) } beatlied.omn { } { } ARTICLE...........................28 { DON'T HURT PEOPLE } Television Watches Us Back { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } '-_____________.\_________________-' MASS MEDIA REPRINT................30 \\\ The Most Wonderful Time of the Year ___)| |___ / ______ \ D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32 | / __ \ | _ | | / \ | | [ ] | Don't hurt others | | | \__/ | | [ ] | | | \______/ | [ ] | and | \__________/ [ [___ | | [_____] | Don't take their stuff | synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com works too. -Page 3- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ......................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y }}} - by Synonymous 1 - {{{ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dear Reader, we meet again! Every- Actually, the liberal way is to set thing just got a whole lot more com- up a double standard where this only plicated with Justice Scalia's death applies to liberals or statists, and in February. Statists are making a conservatives or libertarians are lot of confusion about what must evil for even thinking that the same happen next. LiberTORian will look standards be applied to them. Chuck at the source itself: the United Schumer of New York is already say- States Constitution, and see exactly ing that to hold up any nominee's what is and is not permitted. vote in the senate is disgraceful and that the Democrat party would One thing is certain: any nominee *never* do that. Resourceful people from Obama will be a statist. The everywhere shared video of Schumer unfortunate collateral damage to the pledging that any W. Bush nominee in Constitution under statists is their the next 18 months will be blocked! ability to put anti-Constitutional justices to the bench. And whenever My problem is not with liberalism, a statist nominates someone, the but with hypocrisy. Unfortunately, spineless weasels in the Republican hypocrisy seems to be synonymous party never show the courage to with the word "democrat". It's so block him/her, no matter how detri- pervasive there, and in statist-lib- mental to the law they are. eral politicians that it's rare to find anywhere there *isn't* a double Let's examine the two Obama picks standard. who plagued the Supreme Court: We'd like to continue our series on o Sotomeyer: A racist who uses the basic cryptography, and hoped you law as a sword to strike down enjoyed what appeared in issue 14. equal justice share your comments on it with us. o Kagen: A communist who admittedly Or email address is uses the laws of other, oppres- sive countries as a basis for - libertorian@sigaint.org - her decisions, giving them prec- edence over the Constitution of And if you enjoyed the magazine, you the United States may send LT a bitcoin donation at: Both are anti-Constitutionalists. 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s Just as in honor of Ted Kennedy (for We strive to make LiberTORian the reasons I still don't understand), most amazing txt files you ever saw. we HAD to pass Obamacare because he It is a lot easier to just write in just died and that's what he'd want- this format, but we want this to be possibly the stupidest reason to visually stunning, making the .txt enact an illegal, destructive law- format something that's never been why don't we honor the legacy of seen before and demonstrating the Justice Scalia? Scalia is one of potential to take the format to a individual liberty's most noble de- new level, proving that it still can fenders. Isn't the best way to be relevant and aesthetic, even in memorialize his legacy to appoint to this day and age! We hope you enjoy the Supreme Court someone who shared this issue, and we will continue to his values? It's the liberal way. make this as nice as we can! ((L)) -Page 4- .----------------------------------. DEAR KHEPER, | ------ ## | | -- --- ## | After reading the official statement | | from Comcast, LiberTORian retracts | Letters | the article from issue 14. The ar- | to | ticle was based on news from deep | LiberTORian | dot web, and further research led to | | clearnet sites that support the ru- '----------------------------------' mor. ** DEAR LIBERTORIAN AMERICAN YAHOOS, I noticed that the Ted Cruz poster on page 31 of Issue 14 had the word Your magazine makes me sick! Every- KOOK in his hair! How appropriate! thing you write has a pro-American -TRUMP2016 bias! We Europeans are so much more enlightened and don't need your pre- tentious dribble! DEAR TRUMP2016, -Anonymous "Kook" is actually commonly produced from text generater programs and are DEAR ANONYMOUS, never a subliminal thing. For in- stance, right in the same issue, you The main writers are from America, can see "kook" in the images of the and like it or not, where we go, the children saluting the flag. It's on world follows. And unlike most of the flag on the cover. It's in the Europe, the idea of individual lib- picture of Father Gregorio. IT'S IN erty is still a prevailing concept! EVERY PICTURE IN THE ISSUE! AMAZING And as a libertarian, I honor your FACT! That's just one issue. I bet God-given right to *NOT* read Liber- you can find lots of kooks all over TORian, and to make your own maga- LiberTORian! The only words we ever zine espousing socialism, not that intentionally placed was the word, it's such an original thing in the "rats", in the image of Bernie San- deep web. ders on the cover of issue 11. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ** \ / C O R R E K ^T I O N Hold on. Comcast is - in many re- / \C spects - a rotten ISP, but they are &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& not anti-Tor. Comcast was the victim of an inter- LiberTORian published an article in net rumor. See their official state- issue 14 misrepresenting Comcast's ment: position on Tor and the deep web. http://corporate.comcast.com/ After further research, prompted by comcast-voices/setting-the-record- a reader, we learned that the blurb straight-on-tor was based on a rumor. Comcast is not asking customers to LiberTORian wishes to set the record stop using Tor, or any other browser straight. Even if some of us here for that matter. We have no policy have problems with other aspects of against Tor, or any other browser or Comcast, we never want to misinform software. our readers with incorrect infor- -Kheper mation about them, or anyone. ((L)) -Page 5- ---<|iiii|=8 --<|iiii|=8 --<|iiii|=8 But from another point of view, drug abuse *does* hurt others. Drugs Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... have torn families apart, led to Legalize LSD! theft, deceit, and destruction to people known by the user. Many of The one area that holds back a lot us have seen the destructive results of Libertarians of people using drugs. This is the ____ ____ ____ reason I so vehemently despise them. ---<|iiii|=8 --<|iiii|=8 --<|iiii|=8 If a person destroys his own life or even dies from drug use, they face the consequences for their own ac- By Synonymous 1 tions. There are many who use drugs and the drug use seemingly doesn't But what about drugs? This is the affect others. But personally be- question that is is hard for a lot ing the victim of the drug use of of libertarians to wrap themselves others, and seeing other loved ones around. In the world of the deep harmed by it, I want something to web, it's not hard to find people be done to ensure the consequences. who advocate drug use. A large num- ber of deep web visitors are here to But how can that be done? What kind solely access drugs, and they come of laws can stop the hurting? The from the entire political spectrum. war on drugs is an expensive failure But a lot of people, including my- so how can more laws fix things and self, who would otherwise be liber- not restrict freedom further? tarian, have a problem with it. I don't have the answers. As I con- This is not going to be a discussion tinue to evolve, I struggle with the on whether or not drugs should be issue. These are the questions I legal. There are many places for a ask myself. Isn't it understandable discussion of that nature, and as a that a person who finds themselves libertarian, I'll leave it to you to libertarian on most issues can have decide your own stance on the issue. problems with this one, and still be The reason for this is to explain libertarian in most other respects? my personal struggle with the issue and the nature of that struggle. As I figure out how to be true to myself and remain consistent, there The phrase, "Don't hurt others and are two things that keep returning don't take their stuff", was coined to my mind: by Matt Kibbe of freedomworks.com, as a way to succinctly explain the 1) Believing in a person's right to libertarian philosophy. And I un- use illegal drugs also means that derstand that a person is free to the person must take personal re- make his own decisions. If a person sponsibility for his actions. wakes up today, does he work hard, or does he shoot hard drugs all the 2) A libertarisn's belief that some- time? It is ultimately his decision one has the right to use any type to choose his path, as long as no of drug does not mean that the one is hurt in the process. But person who believes in the right rights and responsibility go hand in does not condone the behavior. hand; you can't have one without the _______________ other without being inconsistent. 8=['''|'''|'''|'''}>----- therefore, if the consequences of your actions inflict damage upon I think that I can accept these two yourself, no one is obliged to get concepts, even if I have trouble you out of your situation. If you accepting drug use. And isn't that dig yourself into a hole, it's not much the minimum that is asked of my job to get you out. libertarianism? ((L)) -Page 6- ================================================================================ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_| T _|_|_ |_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_ |_| _|_| |_|_ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| H |_| |_| |_|_ _ |_|_ _ |_|_ _ |_|_ _ _|_| |_| |_|_ _ _|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_ |_| E |_|_|_|_|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_ _ _ _ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_ _ _ _ |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_| |_| |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_|_|_|_ |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_ |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_| AND HOW IT |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| RELATES TO |_| |_| |_| |_|_ _ _|_| |_| |_| |_|_ _ THE TAX |_| |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_ |_|_ _|_| |_|_|_| CODE |_| _ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| -- |_|_ _ _|_| |_|_ _ _|_| |_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|_ _ _ _ By |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_|_|_|_| Synonymous 1 ================================================================================ This article is two economic lessons After his first week of selling coco- in one: The supply and demand curve, nuts, Gilligan raises his price to $3 and the Laffer curve. Most people per coconut. One of his four steady are familiar with or are at least a- customers thinks this is too high and ware of the supply and demand curve. decides to spend $2 per day on fish But since the two operate similarly, from now on. But Gilligan still has and since millennials and other pub- three loyal customers and he noticed lic school students don't learn this that at $3 per coconut, he makes $9 basic economic principle, it will be per week instead of $8! described here. Its relationship to the Laffer curve will become appar- Gilligan thinks, if his worked be- ent. before, it will be even more profit- able if I do it again. So next week, To explain supply and demand, which the price goes up to $4 per coconut. goes by the term "The demand curve", Once again, he loses another of his let's return to the island where we loyal customers, but now his profits explained the nature of economics. disappear. With only 2 loyal custom- (See the article, "You'll Never Get ers buying $4 coconuts, he makes only Rid of Money", in LiberTORian Issue $8 daily again. 10). There are several people on the island, some who collect shells The principle of the demand curve is which represent dollars. One person that if prices are too high, the de- on the island sells coconuts, and mand will drop, and if prices are too another sells fish. The fish guy is low, the demand will increase. There there because, like in a real econ- is a second principle that there is omy, people have more than one sales an optimum price on the demand curve option. As an example, the man who where profits are highest. In Gilli- sells coconuts sells them for $2. gan's case, that price is $3. If we ("$" means $hells.) Over several plot the sales of coconuts at differ- consecutive days, he sells 4 coco- ent prices, it forms a parabolic nuts, earning $8 daily. trend. Since we've come up to the end of a page without enough room to Our coconut salesman, who we'll call draw the chart, this article will go "Gilligan" for short, thinks that if rambling on for a second while we he raises the prices of his coconuts fill this page up with something to he'll make more money. So he does. prevent it from being blank. -Page 7- ================================================================================ .,lOXNXXXXKK0kdlcooollccc:,. .:d0NWWWWNNNNXXK0Okxxxxxdddolooo:.. ,kNWWWMMMMWWWWNNXXK0OkkkOxkkdodddddddc' .xWMMMMMWWWWWWWWNNXKK0OkOO0k0kdxxdddxxddo; dNWMMMMMWWWWWNNNXXXXX0OOkkOOOOxxxxxkkdoooodl, .kWMMMMWWWNNXNNNNXXKKKKKOkkkkkkkxxkkO0kxxkOOOOko,. .0MMMMWWWWNNXKKXXXKK0OkkOkddddoddddxxkOOO00OOOkkkkd:. ,0MMMMMWWWNNXXK00Oxddllccccc::;;;:c:ccoxkkOO0OkOkkxkOl oWMMMWWWWNNXKOkxdol::;,,,'''..........'',;;coxO000kxdxk; cWMMMMWWWNK0kxdoolc:;;,''....... .'ck000kxxOx. .KMMMMMMWWN0kxooollcc:;;,'....... .;dxxk00Ok. lMMMMMMWWNX0kxdoolllc::;,''........ .,odd0NXO' xMMMMMWWWNX0Oxdoollcc:;;,,'............. .,odOKNk. kMMMMMWWNNK0Okdooolc::;,''......... 'lxk00c kMWWMWWWNNX0Okdoooolc:;;'.......... .'cdOOd xMMWWWWNNNX00kxdoollc:;;,'............ .'lxxkO' ;XMWWWNNNNNK00kxdollllcc::,,'''............ .'oOkO0; .0MMWWWNWNNK000OOkxxxdxxxxdolc::;;,..,,',''''''... 'oOOk0o dMMMWWWWWNX0000OOOkdolc:ccldxkxolc;'.;:clooooc:;;'.. .cxOO0O. .dWWMMMWWWNXK0OOO00OkxxdolllloodOOdl:..:oooolc:,'.......;dkO0K' 'XNNWWWMWWNK0OOkxk0000Okxolloooloxdc'..,codxkkxdll:'... ;xkO0Kl oKXNNWWWWNKOOOxddxxoool:::::::cldol;. .';cccclc:coo'.. ,OkOxdo. cOKKKXNNWX0OOkxdoocc::::::;;;:clool:.....,:::;'...... 'dddd:l. :kOOOKXNNXK00kxxdoc;;,,',,,;;clool:;........'''... .c,;l,. .dxxkkOKXXXXKK0kkxdol:;;,,,;;:loooolc;........... ..;..;' oWKxkxk0KKKXXK0Okxxdlc::;;::lxkxOOOkxoc;,,'.,'... ...;:'.. ,XNOxkxO0KXXXK0OOkkxdolcclodxk000KKK0Okxddd:ll;'... .....,,.. .o0OxkOkOKXXXK0OOkxxooooddddxxxxxdoodoc:;,';ooc,............. ;kOkkk0XXXK0OOkkdooddddxddooll:;;:;'....':ol:,'...... ... ,kOkk0XXXK0OOkdolodxkkOkkxddolc::;,'....,:lc;''..... .. .lXKKKXNXKKOOxoc:ldxOKXXK0kxxooocclodoc;;;:l;'''...... cKWWWNNXK0Okdl:codddxkkkkkkxxxdodxkOxllc::,'.'..',. .c0NNXXKOOxo:codddxdolc::;;,,'......';;,'..'... xNNXX0Okdlloddxxxddollcc::;'......',,'''.'. dNNXXX0Okddxxddxxxdlllc:;;,,'......;;,,',; dXXXXXKOkxkkkxoloolc:;;,,'........';;,,;, dXXXXXXKOkO00Oxoool:;,'''........',;;;;, xXXXXXXK0OO0K0Okxddl:;;;,,'.....,;::;,. .xXXXKKXXXK0O00K000Okdoolllc::;;;:llc;.,; .0XOXXKKKKXK00O000000Okkkxxkxddllool;'. .d, oMKxOKKKKKKK00OOO00Okkkkkkkkxdlllc;'.. .dd; .c0WWKdokK0000000OOkOkkdddxkkxdc;::,'.. ,xxxl;cllcc;'. .;OWWMWW0dlcdOOOOOOOOOkkxdooodddl:,',''.. oxxxdxxkKXXXK0kdl;'. ,;cokKWWWMWWWWXxoc:cdkOkOkkkkxdolccloo:,'''... ;kxxxxxkkkOKXXXXKKK00kdl .,lONWWWWWWWWWMWWWXkol:;,:dxxxxxxxdolcclol;'''. .xkxxxxxkkkOOKXNNNXXXKKK0 kXNWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXkol:;;,';lddddoooollooc;,'. .okxxxxkkkkkOOOKXNNNXXXXKK WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXkdlc:;,'..';ccclllllooc'. .dOkkkxkkkkkOOOO00XNXXXXXKK ================================================================================ __ _________________________________________________________ __ (__) (__ Economist Art Laffer, Eponymous to the Laffer Curve __) (__) ================================================================================ -Page 8- T H E D E M A N D C U R V E buying imports. As always, when the government gets involved, it inter- $6 | * feres with the natural order, and | there are always negative side ef- C $5 | * fects. C O | O C $4 | * The Laffer curve is to taxation as S O | the demand curve is to commerce. It T N $3 | (*) was popularized and named for Arthur U | Laffer, a respected economist who O T $2 | * worked in the Reagan Administration. F S 1.5| * Laffer explained that, like the de- $1 | * mand curve, there is an optimum rate '------------------------- of taxation which brings the maximum 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 amount of revenue to the government. SALES If the tax rate is above or below this point, the government will Observe how sales figures become bring in less money. progressively poorer as Gilligan's pricing goes farther away in either The United States' current tax rate direction from the optimum price of of 39.4% is well above the optimum $3: rate. This means that if the rate was much lower, there'd be MORE mon- T H E D E M A N D C U R V E ey going to the government! $6 | * $6 During four years of Jimmy Carter, | the top marginal tax rate shot up to C $5 | * $6.25 a whopping 70%! Ronald Reagan re- C O | duced it to 28%, kicking in in 1983. O C $4 | $8 * Tax revenues DOUBLED as a result. S O | The deficit rose, too, but that's T N $3 | $9(*) because congress spent at triple the U | rate when the new funds came in. O T $2 | $8 * F S 1.5| $7.13 * Why did this happen? Wouldn't high $1 | $6 * taxes mean more revenue? Economists '------------------------- say 70% is perfect! Are they wrong? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yes! If the top rate is 70%, and if SALES you had to pay out 70 cents of every dollar you earned to a government The demand curve demonstrates that that didn't do any of the work you there is a best price for everything did, would *you* try to make enough and a merchant must do their best to money to get you into the top rate? find out what that price is. Neither did millions of other peo- ple. And so they did whatever they This is a natural principle. Natur- could to make as much as they could ally, government likes artificially *without* attaining the top bracket. interfering with it, because they This also limited hiring and led to discovered a corollary: if you want higher unemployment- which led to a to restrict a product, make it ex- reduced tax base. The Laffer curve pensive. If you want more of it to works just as the demand curve; when be bought, make it cheaper. Statist taxes dropped, people were more pro- administrators will, for example, ductive and hired new taxpayers, all subsidize corn because they want which led to increased revenue. people to put more of it in their gas tanks. They will put tariffs on Fox News discusses Ted Cruz's flat imports to discourage people from 10% tax plan, but criticized the -Page 9- idea as something that will cause &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the debt to rise because lower tax rates meant that there would be less WE ARE LESS FREE THAN WE USED TO BE. income coming to the government. It showed their lack of understanding &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& of the Laffer curve, because the new Obama tax rate is well above the op- - Extraneous by Synonymous Xi - timum point. We always hear about liberals saying As I dove into the deep web, I found that we need more money to fund the a statist pseudoanarchist blog site. bloated government programs and make One recent entry was about how free them even bigger. And a lot of them we are compared to the past. I took understand the Laffer curve. So why a minute to laugh but read on. The don't they reduce taxes, knowing it article was about how Americans in would result in more money for them? the past couldn't own a telephone; Because one thing is more important they were phone company property. to them than money: power! With It was rather unconvincing, and for higher taxes and regulations, the a thinker, actually counters itself. federal government has greater power We are to conclude we're more free to control the people. For example, because of one example? Do you know the more people on welfare, the more the reason we couldn't own a phone? influence the politicians have on Government regulation. Deregulation tham, as they are dependent on their in the 1980s opened the phone revo- staying in office to keep them in lution. It ended half a century of supply of just enough the make them stagnation. continue the cycle of dependency, almost guaranteeing their vote. A Government regulation in this decade high tax on something they hate, say is out of control. Look at health Slurpies or firearms, stifles their care. A LiberTORian reader whom I purchase. And the IRS scandal is a call Ms. B has an autistic teen girl prime example of using big govern- who is beginning to have white blood ment to intimidate and bully people cell problems. Her insurance didn't out of their free speech rights. carry the hospital where she needed new tests so she switched during the I recall an economist who asked a government-approved period. On Jan- typically shortsighted left wing uary 1st, the family doctor dropped politician how much the government the new insurance, although she made would make if they took 100% of sure to switch to one that they cov- everyone's wealth. It was some num- ered. Now the girl lost the special ber under a trillion, less than what needs friendly doctor who knew her they took in at the time, but he was all her life. Obamacare (or as we entheusiastic. Then he said they'd say at LiberTORian, Obamacares-Not), make even more on year two! Small forbids Ms. B from paying for a doc- oversight: knowing that all their tor visit with her own money! She wealth would be taken again, who tried. Ms. B is another victim of would work a year for NOTHING? the great lie: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." This means that when Bernie Sanders wants to seize 80% of a person's We own phones but now it's illegal hard-earned money, the overtaxed to pay a doctor. Pseudoanarchist person has less to show for it, and onion is missing the big picture. the government has significantly less People face unnecessary misery due to show for it. It's difficult to to regulation by big government. fund a growing government order on resources more limited than a free Hey! I was asked to write this in society's. So says Laffer. ((L)) one column and I did so without((L)) -Page 10- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .-----. __ ___ __ _ ___ __ __ ___ __ .-----. |.---.| (__ | |_ /_\ | | |\ || _ T H E \ |( ) | |_ |.---.| || X || __) | |__ ) ( |__ _|_ | \||__| \|(__) | |__ || X || |'---'| |'---'| '-----' PART ONE - THE ELECTORIAL COLLEGE '-----' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - By Synonymous 1 - ... and the Founding Fathers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The way we elect a president is very | the United States, directed to the different now than when the Consti- | President of the Senate. The tution was written. According to | President of the Senate shall, in out Constitution, this is the pro- | the Presence of the Senate and cess of electing a president: | House of Representatives, open all | the Certificates, and the Votes | Article. II. The Executive Branch | shall then be counted. The Person | | having the greatest Number of | section 1 - The President | Votes shall be the President, if | | such Number be a Majority of the | The executive Power shall be vest- | whole Number of Electors ap- | ed in a President of the United | pointed;... In every Case, after | States of America. He shall hold | the Choice of the President, the | his Office during the Term of four | Person having the greatest Number | Years, and, together with the | of Votes of the Electors shall be | Vice-President chosen for the same | the Vice President. | Term, be elected, as follows: | One of many great things about our | Each State shall appoint, in such Constitution is that even when it is | Manner as the Legislature thereof changed, the original text is never | removed. This makes it resistant to | may direct, a Number of Electors, the censorship of political correct- | equal to the whole Number of Sena- ness. Even when changes are made to | tors and Representatives to which the Constitution, we see the way we | the State may be entitled in the were before the changes. The above | Congress: but no Senator or Rep- is no longer the way things are done | representative, or Person holding in America, but we can *SEE* how | an Office of Trust or Profit under they were done before the change. | the United States, shall be ap- In this case, we did not elect the | pointed an Elector. President and vice president exactly as today. There is a democratic That's how it begins. It continues, vote within the states for members but the next section has been voi- of the electoral college, who in ded by the 12th Amendment. turn elect the president, but there were no "tickets". Whoever received | The Electors shall meet in their the second-greatest number of elec- | respective States, and vote by toral votes became the vice presi- | Ballot for two persons, of whom dent! This meant that, most likely, | one at least shall not lie an In- the vice president was a different | habitant of the same State with political party, or at least wildly | themselves. And they shall make a differing in political views from | List of all the Persons voted for, the president. | and of the Number of Votes for | each; which List they shall sign The problems were evident: they nev- | and certify, and transmit sealed er get along! But since the only | to the Seat of the Government of real job of a vice president is to -Page 11- break a tie in the senate, to me it &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& is a moot point. People Are Discussing LiberTORian. So the Constitution was changed in 1804 to put the president and vice &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& president on the same ballot and make it a team. LiberTORian was added to the links Personally, I don't see the opposing page of 24hcpmhhmtdkccam.onion, even view as the president of the senate without us begging for them to do so as really so bad. Its just another or anything! check and balance in the system, and by placing the vice president in one http://24hcpmhhmtdkccam.onion/ of the other branches of government, page2.html no one person, or two similar people have too much concentrated power. The link to LiberTORian 2.0 appeared on the MicroPaste pastebin, but it's That's the way we do it now. Al- no big deal, as it was amidst a list though I prefer the pre-12th Amend- of over 5000 onions, possibly all of ment way of doing things, my respect the ones found by an onion crawling for the Constitution means that this program: is the change people wanted, and it was made the right way: through http://micropaste.com/view/ Constitutional means. If I cared 0ab03de7 enough that I want things back the old-fashioned way, I'd call for a TORificator provided a link to a Constitutional convention. blurb on LiberTORian 1.0, seen on Golden Nectar's Tumblr page: This article's the first in a series that LiberTORian hopes to complete, http://golden-nectar.tumblr.com on the changes in the election pro- cess. The changes in the future TakedownMan is a Deep Web diver with articles are more insidious, with an his own Youtube series on the sub- intent to take the power of the vote ject. LiberTORian appears in one of away from the people. Elitists in his recent videos in the series: both parties need fail safe systems, "The Deep Web- Crazy BDSM Enema because the ignorant public (meaning Stories and Cool Sites!" We think, us voters, especially libertarians,) of the two categories in the above has a tendency to elect the "wrong" title, LiberTorian is being referred people. So there are stop-gap meas- to as one of the cool sites! Take- ures that were put in place in the down goes as far as to say that the system, in case one of these "wrong" site is one of the coolest sites on candidates slips through the cracks. the deep web, putting his credibil- ity on the line! He also says we LiberTORian believes that it's in tonce covered a UFO story(?) There the public interest to know how the maybe was a site like ours that he's system works, because knowledge is confusing with it. We leave the UFO power. It's summarizes by an "un- discussion out of LiberTORian be- atual law" (like Murphy's Law) cause the information's too specu- called "The Sausage Principle": lative. But it is a cool mention, and the video includes video capture Those who love sausage and re- of pages from LiberTORian 12, the spect the law should never see Christmas Spectacular. Here's the either of them being made. video link (Beware: YouTube alert!) Until next time, don't hurt people https://youtube.com/watch? and don't take their stuff! ((L)) v=k_OT8qHPlVk ((L)) -Page 12- .... l0K' .,ldkWXlxkl' 'KMWN0o:,...':ox0WMNo .,;'.:NXd:. .,dXK: .:l:cdkOOxcxWo .........;dx; .;oOKKOOKKOkoxX0...',cx0XXNWWMMMMMMMWN0kKKc .:kXNWWWKkldkKNWNMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNc .oOXWMMMMWKkOXWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK; .KMMMMMMWNXNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMMMMMMx oMMMMMNNWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNXWMMWWNKOkkdolcccclllldxxk0WM0. .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWN0xdooddlc:;,,,'.',;;,'',;;:;,,:kNX. dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0Oxdddlcloooxkkkdoc;'',;,'.',;cddxdo:;o: 'NWMMMMMMMMMMMWX0kddolcloOXNWWWMMWWWNKOxl;,','..;lx0XWWWWXKx. oXWMMMMMMMMMN0dllloodxOO0NWWKOkkOkkdoc:::;''''...;ccdxkOKXX0l dNMMMMMMMWXOdlcccldxxk0KKOkxolc::::;,...............'',:cclod; OMMMMMMMXkolcccloxkkOkxdolllccccccccc:;;,'.......',;:clc::ccc; .NMMMMMW0dddolccldxxxdllc::cccccccccloodoc;'...'';lddddolc:::;, ;WMMWNNKkxdolcc:loollllccloxkOkkxkkxxxxkxl,'....,ldxkkkkkkxxdl:. :MMNKKKOxxdollccclccoxkkOKNWMWWWNWWWWNXKOoc,..',cxO0KNNWWWNNXKOc cMX0XNXOkxdollllc:;:d0XXXNXXXKKKKKXXXXX0xdoc:;::cx0XXXKKKXKK0Ox: . .xkXWMWKOxdollolcc:cokOOOOOkddoooxxxkxxdddololcclldxkxdddooooooc. lXWMMMX0kdolloolccccllodddxO0OOOOxdolcccol:ccllccclooooxkkO0KOd: ;OXXWMMWXOxdodkxlcc:::clllcclollllllllcclOklcclcccc::llc::cllccc: .:oold0WMWKOkddkkdlc:;;;:ccc;,,,,,;;;:loxxddolcc::;;;;,:dl,',,,,,,,' . 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The same symbols information on covert writing, but always represent the same letter each as with part 1, IT'S STRONGLY RECO- time. In a variation, the letters MENDED THAT YOU NEVER USE THESE TO are all in one pigpen like this: ENCODE ANYTHING SERIOUS! ABC | DEF | GHI In this version, a Well, why bother learning this in ____|_____|____ dot is placed in the first place? Here are two rea- | | every symbol, but sons: 1) You develop the skills, JKL | MNO | PQR in a position rela- and 2) YOU will be able to decrypt ____|_____|____ tive to the posi- messages OTHER PEOPLE write! | | tion of the letter STU | VWX | YZ in the grid. So, We were discussing simple substi- the same message as tution ciphers when we left off. above now looks like this: You will find that various other ___ ___ ___ ___ ciphers are no more than substi- o| o | | o | |o | o | o| tution ciphers. Take the famous ___| ___| |___| | | | | "pigpen" cipher. Here's the clear ___ ___ (key) to this: | o | o | o ||o | | o o | | |___| ___||___| |___ | A | B | C \_ J _/ ___|___|___ \_ _/ Alien languages in science fiction | | \ / are often no more than English, but D | E | F K X L with each letter substituted with a ___|___|___ _/ \_ symbol. Most notably is the Aurebesh | | _/ \_ from the Star Wars films. G | H | I / M \ Another cipher of this type is a grid where the letters of the alphabet are N | O | P \_ W _/ scrambled. Like Ancient Rome, where ___|___|___ \_ _/ cryptology is thought to be invented, | | \ / the I and J are considered the same Q | R | S X X Y letter: ___|___|___ _/ \_ | | _/ \_ 1 2 3 4 5 Messages are encrypted T | U | V / Z \ 1 I E Z M P by Finding the letter 2 X Q A U D and converting it to The letters are represented by the 3 T N W F K the two numbers corre- shapes that surround them. If a 4 B H R O V sponding to its row letter appears in the second pair 5 Y G L C S and column. of shapes they are "pigpenned" in, a dot is added to the shape. The message "This is a coded message" __ | | o | /o |o | | | looks like this |__ __| __| \ |__| |o | __ __ __ __ __ 31 42 11 55 11 55 23 54 44 25 |o || | | | | | 14 25 14 12 55 55 23 52 12 15 |__||__| __| __| | o | 5 is a null. -Page 14- Even without the clear, this can be substituted with words without such solved as any simple substitution common letters. "big" is better cipher. There is a way to make this than "enormous" because only one of more complex: add a second pair of the three letters in "big" is common numbers to the grid, so it now looks (30%) while six of the eight in the like this: word "enormous" (75%) are. omit the "o" in "of". just the letter F is 1 2 3 4 5 Now there are two enough to convey the meaning, and 0 9 8 7 6 numbers in each col- really throws off a cryptologist who 10 I E Z M P umn and row which intercepted the message. 29 X Q A U D can be used to rep- 38 T N W F K sent the letters, Contestants on TV's "The Wheel of 47 B H R O V resulting in up to Fortune" must be more intuitive now 56 Y G L C S four ways to identi- than in the 1970s and 1980s, because fy each letter. And the puzzle writers are more wary It should be varied, especially in these days of the need to employ common letters, such as T, S, and I. techniques like these to make their The S, for instance, now can be 55, puzzles challenging. The winner is 56, 65, or 66. The order of the given a final puzzle that is so second row or column of numbers can terse, while involving one or two also be jumbled so number patterns of the more obscure letters, that it are less likely. is often a matter of luck to choose from the six constinents the obscure How else can a simple cipher be made one they're using. They also do harder to solve? Messing with the their best to keep the Es, As and Os letter frequencies is one way. In to a minimum. (Minimum would be a the English language, the most com- word they like: no E, A, or O, and mon letters are, in order: the common constinent is M. You can learn much from the writers. E T A O N I R S H Remember, skilled cryptologists can Actually, linguists argue over the crack these ciphers no matter what proper order, but E, T, and A as the frequencies are used and without the top three is nearly a consensus. proper spacing of words, without the The least common letters in English aid of computers. Therefore, it was are J, Q, X and Z, in that order. necessary to develop more complex cryptologists study letter frequency methods that are harder to solve as part of their craft. They also without knowledge of the key. study the frequencies of letter com- binations. THE is the most common Taking a break from ciphers a moment three-letter combination in English. we turn to the *book ciphier*, which Other common combinations are obvi- is actually a code, but it has some ous because they're formed by stan- commonlity to the next ciphers to be dard grammar rules. For instance, covered: the mask frequency. The -ED and -ING are common because they person writing the code uses a book, are suffices from conjugated verbs. *To Kill a Mockingbird*, for in- Measures can be taken, before en- stance. If the first word in the ciphering a message, to reduce the secret message is "the", the writer common letters and patterns from the looks int he book and writes the language. page number and the ordinal number corresponding to its appearance on Removing articles: a, an and the, the page. 121 32 means the 32nd from messages alone is a major step, word on page 121. The message is as they are all common letters, and made up of these number pairs, with THE is a dead giveaway. Messages two numbers representing each word. can be harder to decrypt if words Or, a three-number code can be used: made of mostly common letters were A B C, where A is the page number, -Page 15- B is the line number and C is the Next, the encoder examines each pair word number on that line. The beau- of letters: the first of each pair ty of the book cipher is that words is located in quadrant 1 and the can have more than one number-pair second is found in quadrant 4. that can represent them. "The" is a _____ very common word in a book, so there | Next, the can be hundreds of number pairs that | encoder draws can represent it. Of course, the | a rectangle recipient of the message needs the | using the two same edition of the exact book, so X-------. letters as that it can be coherently decrypted. ----|-----+-|-------- opposite cor- | | | ners. Now, let's make cryptograms slightly | | | more complex. A straightforward and '-------F The encoder quick way to make a cryptogram uses | then finds a *diagraph*. The diagraph is a two __|__ the letters dimensional chart randomly plotting _____ that make up all the letters of the alphabet four | the missing times (J is once again forbidden!) | corners in in a 10x10 grid divided horizontally | quadrants 2 & and vertically down the middle. | 3, respec- X-------L <-- tively. The Example of a diagraph: ----|-----+-|-------- letter pair | | | "XF" is now A B C D E | G Z V O S It's import- | | | represented F G H I K | Q R D M C ant to ensure --> T-------F as "LT". L M N O P | H I X T E that every | Q R S T U | Y B N W F letter never __|__ To decipher V W X Y Z | L U A K P appears more the message, ----------+---------- than once in the decoder, who has a copy of the K U A H R | M O Y L D any row or diagraph, finds the encoded letters Y N P E W | Z A Q I T column. You in quadrants 2 and 3, and replaces C I T L Z | F X U N G can have a them with the numbers in quadrants M Q F B S | V P H C R diagraph that 1 and 3. The benefits of the dia- V D O X G | B W E S K does so, but graph is that there are ten possi- it's more ef- ble letters that can substitute for fective if they don't. each letter: five as the first let- ter in the pair, and another five The letters in the diagraph are in when it's the second letter. re- each of the four quadrants: grouping the cipher into groups of five conceals the pattern that makes 1 | 2 When encoding a diagraph, it idiomatic to diagraphs. The end --+-- the encoder examines the result of the message 3 | 4 letters in columns 1 and 4, and substitutes them with XFER BITCOIN BY MONDAY MORNING letters in columns 2 and 3, re- spectively. This process is called is LT SB ON WB TE HO LH TL ZE LH *diagraphic substitution*. EB TP ET MY LR (MY LR=nulls) Say the message is: Notice that in the last four letters each start with N, but N is T in TP Xfer bitcoin by Monday morning and E in ET! The letters are grouped into pairs: Practice writing and solving ciphers using diagraphs, and next time we XF ER BI TC OI NB YM ON DA YM meet, we'll go even deeper into more OR NI NG complex cryptology. ((L)) -Page 16- __________ __________ =========={_ PART 2 _}==================================={_ PART 2 _}=========== W W W OOOOO L FFFFFFF FFFFFFF OOOOO L DDDDDD W W W O O L F F O O L D D W W W O O L FFFF in the FFFF O O L D D W W W O O L F F O O L D D WW WW OOOOO LLLLLLL F F OOOOO LLLLLLL DDDDDD A Catholic Priest Peddles Marxism in the Name of the Lord (and sometimes not!) __________ ___________________ __________ =========={_ PART 2 _}=======(_ BY SYNONYMOUS 1 _)======={_ PART 2 _}=========== Message from Synonymous 2: sands of parishoners, in a position of trust. People respect and be- [You may have noticed that *Wolf in lieve his statements just because of the Fold, part 1* (LiberTORian issue his authority as a priest. Just as 14) was unique as LiberTORian arti- a Muslim who renounces his Imam for cles: it was the first article that advocating terrorism, the LiberTOR- was perfectly formatted at 3 charac- ian reader, and in turn, myself, ters per line. Synonymous 1 was go- must speak up and say that this man ing for something, but the quality does not represent me or the Roman of the writing was sub-par. We went Catholic Church, and I denounce him with a two-part story, with part one as a representation of my faith. as it was, and a promise for more focus on content over form for part | There is a 19th century mentality two. Oh, and Synonymous Xi gets the | called social Darwinism, according credit for the logo. And now I send | to which only the economically this page as it is, leaving S1 with | fittest should survive. Let the the decision to do it right or wrong | weaklings die off. Then they will this time. I'm a libertarian, after | not reproduce and inflict future all... | generations with parasites. Such | devotees sometimes even go to '''' | church, donating to the collection | basket, even if studies show that, Now that I've been admonished in | proportionately, the poor give your presence, I understand. My in- | more generously than do the rich. tent was to summarize Fr. Gregorio, | The Gospel passage about the a Marxist with a poor grip on his- | widow�s mite has something to say tory, politics, or philosophy, but | about that. still discusses it with contempt for anyone who disagrees. We've done Continues his column. This is one research since the tip-off from a of the most disingenuous statements fellow Catholic with concerns over this man said that I read so far. Gregorio. Turns out the web site This bait-and-switch, I discovered once had a rating system, but was by reading, is typical Fr. Gregorio removed about a year ago. Greg- obfuscation. Notice how he brings orio's essays consistently earned up *social Darwinism*, a very evil low scores, often 1s. concept that grew up side-by-side with Marxism. But what he describes Why does LiberTORian make such a is "economic Darwinism", a term that fuss over one man? Because what doesn't exist. "Let the weaklings this man represents. Fr. Gregorio die off" he says. I don't know one is a priest (retired, thankfully). conservative, libertarian, or rugged As a priest in a publication that individualist who subscribes to that reaches tens to hundreds of thou- philosophy. I can name a lot of -Page 17- Marxists, closely alighned with Fr. hypocrites. Christ never saw virtue Gregorio economically, who DO be- in jealousy. He never was preoccu- lieve in that statement in a social pied in the poor getting their "fair sense. Sure, I *will* name one, al- share" from the rich, the middle though I can name several: Margaret class, or those who worked hard for Sanger. I've searched your other what they own. He was concerned articles; you rarely have harsh with the health and destination of words for real social Darwinists. their souls. | Why is not �conservative� today an At, last, the conclusion of this | epithet? Why do we hear no corre- article: | sponding social criticism of | stinginess? Why no �C� word? Des= | The principle of the insurance | pite the fact that the United | industry is that if enough people | States is probably the lightest | are in the pool, with everyone | taxed nation of the developed | paying, everyone is covered, and | world, we bemoan our tax duties. | the outlays for the comparatively | But our duties are so lopsided | few claimants will not exceed the | through every post-war admini- | fund. Prosecute fraudulent claims | stration, plowing tens of trillions | and collect from all. But cover | into armaments with the blithe ap- | all. Some 16.4 million Americans, | proval of tax gripers decade after | youth up to 26 on their parents� | decade, that our electorate has | policies, and pre-existing ill- | developed a split personality. | nesses now qualify, to the inex- | plicable stingy, tightwad chagrin Why isn't "conservative" an epithet? | of some. Uh, turn on the news, watch TV, read | any major newspaper, watch a movie, | Since these things are so, the listen to the Pope or a musician say | Second Amendment must be repealed. something. Then ask that with a straight face. Okay, he bounces all around, from a discussion of libertarianism to Also, Gregorio has a repertoire of personal attacks on opponents of stock lies he uses, even though he heath care rationing. The first of has been corrected personally. Among the final two paragraphs only demon- them is the lie that America is the strates the Marxist view as detached lightest-taxed industrialized nation. from reality. In actuality, the He also has one that over 50%, then socialized medicine always runs out 60%, then 2/3 of the U.S. budget goes of money and leads to rationing. to defense. He later did a rare re- Look at how, already, health care traction, changing the statement to quality is deteriorating while the "discretionary budget". cost is skyrocketing! What was once the best health system in the world He continues with his only Biblical is now on its way to third world reference, saying that Jesus cared status. And to want the best for for th economic well-bring of other my children and grandchildren some- people, including sinners. It's not how makes you a "stingy tightwad". worth printing here, because he goes off topic for the rest of the para- The tipster who led to the research graph. I will say this much: Jesus on Robert Gregorio actually read an never was so upset about how much a article of his, where he asked the person made that he felt the need to readers where in the health care take from them. He criticized the bill were the death panels. He left rich, the powerful, the lawmakers a message with the secretary at the (Gregorio holds the lawmakers and rectory (he wasn't retired back in powerful in high esteem), and other the good old days before our health system was more free), politely giv- -Page 18- ing the answer to him: pages 425 and his enemies, or anyone who believes 426. She said she'd pass it on. He differently. never published a correction. Fr. Gregorio insulates himself from And now for that last short para- his critics. The newspaper that graph: I know! I was thrown off by publishes his work used to publish it too, even though I already see a write-in columns from viewers; al- trend where paragraphs jump abruptly most always the letters were rea- from one topic to another. Seems soned criticisms of Gregorio's un- that, as an enemy of the Second libertarian extreme views. Letters Amendment, he ended every one of his such as that being published are now biweekly columns with this for about rare. Gregorio's contact informa- a year's span, no matter how ir- tion is absent, even an email ad- relevant it is to the rest of the dress... rare for a columnist. He article. is adverse to opposing views; he's right and must have the last word. About a month ago, Gregorio wrote We received a letter from a second another attack on libertarianism. reader in his sphere of influence. It contained the same line: liber- She said that her husband once spoke tarianism is the opposite of liber- over the phone to correct something alism. No, it's the opposite of he wrote and he threatened to call statism, Marxism or authoritarian- the police! (Since he retired, the ism, whichever you prefer. Liberal- phone contact is no longer available ism is the opposite of conservatism. to parishioners.) Either Fr. Gregorio is bearing false witness as he often does, or he is He claims to be pro-life, but rarely genuinely uninformed and not ashamed does he condemn those type of people to write otherwise. who he disagrees with, because the Marxist principles outweigh human The following are other "greatest life. In the most recent article I hits", recurring themes from his read of his (I read sixteen so far: writings that are either inaccurate I'm pretty sick of his writing at or lies: this point) he actually said that fewer unborn babies are murdered if o fascism is the opposite of social- there's a pro-abortion president be- ism. (It's actually a type of cause the pro-abortion presidents socialism) care about babies *after* their born o I am not a Marxist. (You want to unlike the pro-life presidents. It razz him, call him one. At least is obvious Gregorio never researches *you* will be telling the truth.) anything, to make such ludicrous o The British love their health care statements. The abortion rate has system. (They despise it!) steadily declined since the 1980s o Darwinist evolution is proven fact under any president not because of (Not really) politicians, but because of American o America is the lowest-taxed nation people steadily being taught the (No it's not. Look it up.) facts about human life before birth. o Crime becomes less frequent and less violent when the government Gregorio's article is called, "On confiscates guns. Behalf of Justice". It needs to o Chris Dodd and Barney Frank saved change its name, for there is little the housing market. justice in Marxism or social Darwin- o Everyone who has wealth did it by ism. Or lighten up a bit and stop stealing and criminal activity. treating decent people with contempt The deserve none of it. and personal disrespect in front of your readers. Maybe, write a column All of these are regularly served with the idea that Jesus might pick with an arrogance and contempt for up the paper and read it. ((L)) -Page 19- _______ ______ ________ _____ ____ |__________________ /____ ____ __ )____ ___ /_____________ _____ /| |__ __ \__ __ \_ /_ _ \ _____ __ |__ / / / __/ _ \_ ___/ ______ ___ |_ /_/ /_ /_/ / / / __/______ /_/ /_ /_/ // /_ / __/(__ ) /_/ |_| .___/_ .___//_/ \___/ /_____/ _\__, / \__/ \___//____/ /_/ /_/ /____/ ________ ______ _____ ___ __ )_____ _________ /__ APPLE CEO TIM COOK RESISTS THE STRONGARM _____/ __ __ |_ __ `/ ___/_ //_/ TACTICS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT _________/ _ /_/ // /_/ // /__ _ ,< ___________/ /_____/ \__,_/ \___/ /_/|_| BY SYNONYMOUS 1 and G.P.S. __________/ 'x' terrorist attack as one, and many cMMKc were taken by surprise that he did ,MMMMX' so at all! If you did your research xMMMMN. or at least read the article. "Tales lWMMM; of ISIS" in LiberTORian 14, you know .;:;,. .l0N. that Obama's regime doesn't consider .dKMMMMMMMWKd' investigating terror or bringing the 'OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN0O0KNWWNXOo; terrorists to justice as a priority. lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMkOWMMMMMMMMMMMWO' But, in this case, the administra- cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd.,KMMMMMMMWWMWOk, tion suddenly wanted to collect evi- .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM00Mx.N: dence. The reason why is evident. cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXdXx :, xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNW: . 'x' xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK... cMMKc lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN.,. IT ,MMMMX' .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWc. xMMMMN. xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN lWMMM; KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0dO oX.;X;'xk. .;:;,. .l0N. .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMWMMMd .dKMMMMMMMWKd' xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0' 'OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN0O0KNWWNXOo; 'x0KK0OxxxONMMMMMMMMMMMK; lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMkOWMMMMMMMMMMMWO' .l0MMMMMKo. cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd.,KMMMMMMMWWMWOk, .cl:. xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNW: . xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK... all began with the terrorist attack lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN.,. FOR at San Bernardino the last Christmas .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWc. season. These ISIS sympathizers are xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN the antithesis of the libertarian KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0dO oX.;X;'xk. philosophy: killing innocents is the .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMWMMMd worst offense. 14 people died. xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0' 'x0KK0OxxxONMMMMMMMMMMMK; Next is the horrible statement from .l0MMMMMKo. the new attorney general at the de- .cl:. partment of injustice, Loretta Lynch that the murder of 14 innocents is a the longest time after the govern- "wonderful opportunity", and a, ment officially declared the San "wonderful moment to really make Bernardino terror attack for what it significant change [to revoke gun is, the Obama regime said that the and privacy rights]." PLEASE READ motive was not yet known. America, THE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT ON THIS of course, knew it was to to murder TOPIC ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE OF Jews and Christians in God's name. LIBERTORIAN. Who thinks like this?! Suddenly, the FBI showed interest in the encrypted content on Sayed Far- Obama took his time classifying the ook's iPhone. Gathering evidence -Page 20- ================================================================================ ..,,;:,. ..,:oddddodxdoc, ..,:lxOO00OkxkO0K0xl' ....',:coxO00O0KXXXXXXXKo. .. ......,coddxkOO0KXWWWXK0l. ..'. ..';coxkkOO0KXWMMWXOko .,.'.. .';lddddkO0KXNNN0KOx. .,,'.. ..,:cooodxkOK0NNNKX0Kx. ,;;.. ..''...',:ldkkO00KKxkkl. 'ld;. ..';cloxOxk0kcol, ,lc. ..':cldxx0Kk::;, ,l'. ..',:lodx0X0llc, ;;.. ...,:codxk00ox',. .;;. ...',;codk00d:d':. .lc' ....',:oxOXNOcc,l. .:o; ....',:ok0XWXxockc ;ld. ......... . ..',;::::loddxk0KWW0ONx' .cdk. . .',;,'.. .';cc;',,''';cd00kkOXWXO0kl. .,;l,....:,,dkxc:...''.'oxo,cl,lO0doxk0OOO0lc:oKXX0. ... .'. ... .' ;dx;......';oxdOOOkx0lkKKKO; .. .,doc'......,,,',cdl:ocKK0Kx, . .:xdl;... ..';cdl .OK0OOx. .;odo;. ...,:oxk; ;OkOkdc ,::dxl. ..,cxOk' d0OOkd. 'ccdxko:'....';lko;..K0OOk' .. ....:dKXX0kxxl:,'';cx0c, oOOkx, . ... .ckO0Okkkkxdl::;;oO0d, llo:. . .. . ...';ldxO00xc;;.:k0k; . '''c:,''.',;:cldXXOo;'..:k0O:. .. .. .........,;cdo:;,. ,o00Oc. ... .. ..':cc::..'oO0KOd. .... ..',;:;,,cdOO0KKl ... ...,::odO000XN0; .,'. ...;coOKXXXXNNXOoc0Ol. ..:::;'......',:ldk0XWWWWWNXKKK0XMMMX. .',;:lodkOOO0XXNXNWWWNNWN0OO00KNMMMMN, :;.;;,;cokOkOKKXXNWNNNNNKkkkOO0KWMMMMMWc 'Wd..,.....';cddxO0KKXXXOxddxkkOWMMMMMMMMk KMK..... ....',:lxOOklc::lllkWMMMMMMMMMMK;. xMMW;.... ...,:odoc,,',,;kWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXx:. .:OWMMMMc..... .',;:llc'...'cKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNkc. .l0MMMMMMMMd'...... .';;:cc;....'dWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNkc. .:xXMMMMMMMMMMMK,......',;:;;,,,....;OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .cxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd'......''''''''...dWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .:xNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKc'..............:XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .c0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXx;............'kMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXOo,. .......,dWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOc. ...'dWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk, ,WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .==============================================================================. | | | == A P P L E C. E. O. T I M C O O K == | | | '==============================================================================' -Page 21- against terrorists isn't really the Judge Sheri Pym, a magistrate in a administration's deal. Plus, there California federal court, ordered is incontrovertible evidence of his Tim Cook to provide "reasonable guilt that, if the government was technical assistance" to recover the competent, could easily bring him to iPhone information. He was given justice, even if they don't taint or five days to comply or file oppsi- conjure their own material evidence. tion papers. For some reason the administration went out of character, and will stop He chose the latter. at nothing to acquire this informa- tion. Tim Cook, successor to Steve Jobs' libertarian-left leanings, didn't Or, from another viewpoint, it's not stop there. He published a public out of character. It dovetails per- statement on Apple's web site ex- fectly with their modus operendi. plaining the reason for his refusal. Cook called the order to develop 'x' software to circumvent iPhone en- cMMKc cryption a "chilling attack" on ,MMMMX' individual liberties, because with xMMMMN. the development of this kind of lWMMM; software, anyone's private informa- .;:;,. .l0N. tion is at risk. This could lead to .dKMMMMMMMWKd' the government "demand that Apple 'OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN0O0KNWWNXOo; build surveillance software to lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMkOWMMMMMMMMMMMWO' intercept your messages, access your cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd.,KMMMMMMMWWMWOk, health records [actually, they al- .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM00Mx.N: ready do] or financial data, track cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXdXx :, your location, or even access your xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNW: . phone's microphone or camera without xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK... your knowledge." lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN.,. THE .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWc. Cook adds, "The government is asking xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN ing Apple to hack our own users and KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0dO oX.;X;'xk. undermine decades of security ad- .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMWMMMd vancements that protect our custo- xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0' mers � including tens of millions of 'x0KK0OxxxONMMMMMMMMMMMK; American citizens � from sophisti- .l0MMMMMKo. cated hackers and cybercriminals. .cl:. "The same engineers who built encryption on Farook's iPhone cannot strong encryption into the iPhone be deciphered by the U.S. government to protect our users would, ironic- so they went to Apple to do it for ally, be ordered to weaken those them. But Apple's encryption meth- protections and make our users less ods can only be decrypted by the ac- safe. We can find no precedent for tual iPhone user. There is no back- an American company being forced to door access to subvert the encryp- expose its customers to a greater tion. Say what you will about Apple risk of attack." and its CEO, but they have a proven track record of protecting the priv- Cook stressed that developing a hack acy of its users. for iPhone encryption meant that any iPhone's privacy is at risk; there Tim Cook, Apple's current CEO, said is no way the government can guaran- that they can't decrypt Farook's tee that developing a hack would be iPhone. The government took its only used in this case. next step when it doesn't get what it wants: coersion. It's clear that Tim Cook believes -Page 22- strongly in his principles, and is have his iPhone: He was radicalized standing firm on them. But this is to the extent that he killed people only the beginning. When this re- for daring to celebrate the birth of gime wants something, they will stop Christ. at nothing, including extortion, slander, unlawful imprisonment, and This same administration vehemently gross Constitutional violations to opposed warrantlessly wiretapping get it. All the while, the White known terrorists residing OUTSIDE House occupant will condemn whoever the USA making internaitonal calls stands with cook, and all the while, into America. I actually agree with as he demonizes them, he'll poise this, and even Bush complied when his nose contemptuously in the air the Supreme Court said it's against as usual, and exclaim as he always the Constitution to gather informa- does, "That's not who we are." tion this way. It's the hypocrisy that turns people off. For the FBI 'x' Director James Comey states this to cMMKc congress in reaction to Tim Cook: ,MMMMX' "It is a big problem for law en- xMMMMN. forcement armed with a search war- lWMMM; rant when you find a device that .;:;,. .l0N. can't be opened, even though the .dKMMMMMMMWKd' judge said there's probable cause to 'OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN0O0KNWWNXOo; open it." lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMkOWMMMMMMMMMMMWO' cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd.,KMMMMMMMWWMWOk, What he'd also like to say is that .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM00Mx.N: it's a big problem when law enforce- cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXdXx :, ment and governments agencies also xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNW: . can't monitor suspects and non-sus- xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK... pects with or without a warrant, and lMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN.,. THIS they can't access the information .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWc. with or without probable cause, and xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN we deserve the right to force the KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0dO oX.;X;'xk. manufacturers of the device to in- .KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMWMMWMMMd vent new software to hack these de- xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM0' vices so that we may be able to use 'x0KK0OxxxONMMMMMMMMMMMK; this decryption on *anyone* we wish .l0MMMMMKo. to." .cl:. That's exactly the reason there's a administration has a dismal record sudden interest in getting access to when it comes to privacy rights, by Fahrook's encrypted information. It far the worst in American history. makes sense in this light. Farook It clearly has blatant disregard and his wife are dead, killed in the for privacy rights, including the shootout with police. God will be Fourth Amendment. They simply can their judge now. There's no reason not be trusted with any more access the government wants to bring clos- to private information; their track ure to the families of the dead. record proves it. Read the article "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" elsewhere in this The FBI's latest statement in reac- issue for more on that. Also recall tion to Tim Cook's defiance in the Rahm Emmanuel's famous mantra: "Nev- name of liberty is evident of this. er let a crisis go to waste". Their claim is that they need to know who Fahrook talked to, other- Yes, it's a wonderful opportunity to wise they can't learn the degree further erode privacy rights. Thank to which he was "Radicalized". I Tim Cook and Apple for standing up have the answer, and I don't even in their defense. ((L)) -Page 23- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& or rarely have a problem with Trump concerning something they would have APPLYING THE LIBERTORIAN a problem with Obama doing. INTELLECTUAL HONESTY TEST. 3) Those who fail the test because &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& they have a problem with Trump for things they've given a pass on Obama doing, or even praised Obama doing, By Synonymous 2 for the past seven years. In LiberTORian issue 10, we intro- duced the LiberTORian Intellectual GROUP 1: Honesty Test. I invented this test - Mark Levin to keep myself intellectually honest - Michelle Malkin and I found it a reliable tool. And - Glenn Beck/Dana Loesch/The Blaze with the rise of Donald Trump, I've - Matt Kibbe taken the test a lot and passed. - National Review Donald Trump exhibits many of the - David Barton traits that I don't like about Bar- - Twitchy.com ack Obama: his narcissism, his con- descension, his pettiness, his using GROUP 2: the system for personal benefit, his - Ann Coulter dirty attacks and smears on anyone - Breitbart.com critical of him and his calls for - Rush Limbaugh* violence of political opponents. - Sean Hannity* These are just a few examples. - Matt Drudge/Drudge Report** - Fox & Friends/Bill O'Rielly/Fox Keeping tuned into the media to hear - Weekly Standard analysis of current events, it seems - Much of Freedomworks/Tea Party like many other people are failing, including many whom I expected to GROUP 3: stand on principle. For a lot of - New York Times people who despise Obama's horrible - Huffington Post character traits, it seems they're - MSNBC/CNN/ABC News/CBS News willing to suspend their own person- - The View al beliefs, their own frustrations - Politico with their hardships, and even their - Salon own moral compass, in the name of - Daily Kos supporting Donald Trump. My support of Ted Cruz is not for the man, but * Sean Hannity is a special case be- for the fidelity of the U.S. Consti- cause his contract with the Fox News tution. If he ever betrayed the censors him from endorsing a specif- Constitution, I'd have just a big a ic candidate. But he and Rush Lim- problem with him as I would any baugh have radio shows and it's not Marxist authoritarian. likely that their contracts restrict them in this way. After the past few months of listen- ing to, reading, and watching what ** Drudge Report resorted to mockery passes as "news", one finds three mockery of people's religion, in- categories of people: one type who cluding mocking a child who decided passes the Intellectual honesty test to fast for the future of the coun- and two that fail. The three cate- try. Libertarianism respects the gories are: right to mock, but since when is it a conservative thing to mock others' 1) Those who pass the test. faith? 2) Those who fail because they never Which group are you in? ((L)) -Page 24- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ======================== ------------------------ CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY }}} beatlied.omn {{{ ------------------------ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ======================== "How To Beat a Lie-Detector" is part ther way, he published his work un- of a series of "how-to" text files der the name Omnipotent, Inc. Texts (also in the day called T-Files) by often covered topics such as making a Texas teenager known as "The Re- explosives or how to cheat some sys- flex", who wrote these files in the tem, or other nefarious goals. Here second half of the glorious 1980s. he teaches how to subvert a lie de- tector, as the title states. His rapid-fire release of these well produced "how-to" files, under the The text dates from about 1987, and name constituted either a fine work is presented in its entirety, as ethic or a love for the craft. Ei- always. Enjoy! Or don't. ((L)) ******************************************************************************** %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% ========================== %% %% How to Beat a Lie-Detector %% %% ========================== %% %% %% %% By _The Reflex_ %% %% An Official_Omnipotent,_Inc._Production %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This file would be useful to you if you were caught by the Gestapo, uh...I mean Bell Security (B. S. for short). The polygraph test was invented by William Moulton Marston, who was, strangely enough, also the creator of the Wonder Woman comic strip (under the name Charles Moulton). The standard polygraph records only three distinct vital signs. A blood-pressure. Wires attached to the fingers measure changes in electrical resistance of the skin due to sweating. Rubber straps around the torso measure the breathing rate. This information is displayed as four squiggles on a moving strip of graph paper. Whether or not you believe a polygraph provides useful information (most psychologists have their doubts), there is a good chance you'll be asked to take a polygraph test. The vast majority of lie-detector tests are administered for employee screening -- "Have you been using the WATS line for personal calls?" and so forth -- not for police work. In 'A Tremor In the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector' (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981), polygraph critic David Thoreson Lykken estimates that as many as one million polygraph examinations are performed on Americans each year. In criminal cases however, even the manifestly innocent may be asked to take a polygraph test. All Yakima County, Washington, rape victims are required to take the test; refusal means the case will not be prosecuted. -Page 25- At best, all the polygraph can indicate is a heightened emotional reaction to a question. It cannot specify what kind of an emotional reaction. Polygraphers try to design question formats so guilt-induced nervousness will be the only emotional invoked and so the subject's reaction to relevant questions can be compared to other, "control" questions. THE LIE CONTROL TEST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the question format used in most police investigations. It usually starts with a card trick devised by two pioneer polygraphers, John E. Reid and F. E. Inbau. The polygrapher hooks the subject to the polygraph and takes out a deck of cards. The polygrapher tells the subject that he must "calibrate" the polygraph with a simple test. He fans the deck and asks the subject to select a card. The subject is told to look at the card but not to show it or mention its name. The polygrapher tells the subject to answer "no" to every question asked about the card. "Is it a black card?" the polygrapher asks. "Is it a high card?" and so on. After each "no" the polygrapher scrutinizes the tracings and fiddles with the dials. If the no answer is incorrect, the polygrapher disagrees. The field is soon narrowed to one card -- and it is the correct card. Needless to say, the polygrapher uses a trick deck. The point is to foster confidence in the machine. After identifying the card, the polygrapher comments that the subject's reactions are particularly easy to read and segues into the interrogation. Three types of questions are used in a lie-control test. The entire list is read to the subject well in advance of the test. The start of a typical interrogation might run like this: 1. Is you name Sarah Elkins? 2. Is Paris the capital of France? 3. Have you ever failed to report more than $50 of tip, gambling or gift income on a single year's tax return? 4. Is this apple red? 5. Do you have any idea why the cash receipts for the last quarter are about $22,000 in error? 6. Is there something important that you did not mention on your job application? 7. Have you ever been embezzling from the company? The first question is always irrelevant to the matter being investigated. It has to be because many subjects get nervous on the first question no matter what. Other irrelevant questions are asked throughout the interrogation (questions 2 and 4 in the sample list). If the subject gives any questions to provide a yardstick for evaluating responses to the relevant questions. Actually, the irrelevant questions are there to give the subject's vital signs time to return to normal. They aren't the control questions. Questions 5 and 7 in the list above are relevant questions -- the only questions the examiner is really interested in. The relevant questions are asked in several different wordings during the test. Questions 3 and 6 are control questions. In the pretest discussion of the questions, the polygrapher explains that it is helpful to throw in a few -Page 26- "general honesty" questions. Whoever committed the serious crime, the spiel goes, probably committed less serious crimes in the past. Hence the inclusion of questions about tax cheating, lying on the job applications, stealing as a child, etc. The polygrapher affects the attitude that it would be damaging indeed to admit any such indiscretions. Frequently this scares the subject into admitting minor crimes. In that case, the polygrapher frowns and agrees to rewrite the question. Should the subject concede failing to report eighty dollars in gambling winnings, question 3 might be changes to "Have you ever failed to report more than a hundred dollars of tip, gambling, or gift income on a single years's tax return?" If necessary, several of the control questions may be reworded before the test -- always so that the subject will be able to give the "honest" response. In reality, the whole point of each working question is to manufacture a lie. It is the secret working premise of polygraphers that everyone commits the minor transgressions that are the subject of the usual control questions. All the subject's denials on the control questions are assumed to be lies. The polygraph tracings during these "lies" establish a base line for interpreting the reaction to the relevant questions. The reason for rewriting some control questions is so a candid subject will not admit to minor crimes on the test. That would be telling the truth, and the polygrapher wants the subject to lie. The control questions are intentionally broad. Even if a question is reworded to exclude the confessed instance, it is assumed that any denial must be a lie. The rationale for the lie-control test goes like this: The honest subject will be worried about the control questions. He'll know that he has committed small transgressions or suspect that he must have, even if he can't remember them. So he'll be afraid that the machine will detect his deception on the "general honesty" questions (especially in view of its success with the card trick). That would be embarrassing at least, and it might throw suspicion on him for the larger crime. In contrast, the relevant questions should be less threatening to the honest subject. He knows he didn't commit the crimes they refer to. The guilty person, on the other hand, should have far more to fear from the relevant questions. If the machine can detect lying on the relevant issue, it matters little that it might also implicate him in petty matters. By this hypothesis, an innocent person should have greater polygraphic response to the control questions than to the relevant questions. The guilty pattern is just the reverse: Greater response to the relevant questions. This, at any rate, is what polygraphers look for when the machine is switched on. THE RELEVANT-CONTROL TEST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The relevant-control test is the type used for most employee screenings. Thus it is the most common type of examination. The interrogation consists only of irrelevant and relevant questions. As with the lie-control test, the first question and a few others are irrelevant. The relevant questions usually test workplace honesty: "Have you ever taken home office supplies for personal use?" "Have you ever clocked in for someone else?" -Page 27- The premise is that no one will lie about everything. So if a few of the relevant questions produce heightened responses, they are presumed to be the questions on which the subject is lying. Unfortunately, there is no ambiguous way of deciding how much response is indicates a lie. Most psychologists agree that the relevant-control test is a poor test of deception. The Reid/Inbau card trick is eliminated from employee screenings: There is too great of a chance of coworkers comparing notes and discovering that everyone picked the ace of spades. HOW TO BEAT THE LIE-DETECTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To the extent that the polygraph works at all, it works because people believe it does. Many criminals confess during polygraph examinations. Many employees are more honest for fear of periodic screenings. But a dummy polygraph that hummed and scribbled preprogrammed tracings would be no less in these instances. David Thoreson Lykken estimates that lie-control polygraph tests are about 70 percent accurate. (Remember, though, that choosing "heads" or "tails" of a flipped coin can be accurate 50 percent of the time.) Accuracy of 70 percent is not impressive, but it is high enough to talk meaningfully of beating a polygraph test. Just by having read this far, you stand a greater chance of beating a polygraph test. You won't be wowed by the card demonstration. You realize that the polygraph's powers are limited. There are two additional techniques for beating the polygraph. The more obvious is to learn how to repress physiologic responses to stressful questions. Some people are good at this one; others are not. Most people can get better by practicing with a polygraph. Of course, this training requires a polygraph, and polygraphs are expensive. The opposite approach is to pick out the control questions in the pretest discussion and exaggerate reactions to these questions during the test. When the control-question responses are greater than the relevant-question responses, the polygrapher must acquit the subject. Because breathing is one of the parameters measures, taking a deep breath and holding it will record as an abnormal response. Flexing the arm muscles under the cuff distorts the blood-pressure reading. But a suspicious polygrapher may spot wither ruse. A more subtle method is to hide a tack in one shoe. Stepping on the tack during the control questions produces stress reactions with no outward signs of fidgeting. Biting the tongue forcefully also works. Can you imagine the polygrapher's response to the "Is this apple red?" question when you say "red" and the machine starts going crazy? He'd shit his pants! _______________________________________________________________________________ ******************************************************************************** Send your articles and ASCII art/cartoons to: libertorian@sigaint.org or even: synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com Donate bitcoin to LiberTORian magazine: 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s -Page 28- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ======================= ----------------------- Television Watches Us Back }} By Synonymous 1 {{ ----------------------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ======================= A house organ is a periodical that to you, your friends and family mem- promotes one's company. In Atari's bers, and all the other sounds made big day, that house organ was *Atari in your home, continuously. Age*. In volume 2, issue 5 of this bi-monthly release, the following And it does. article appeared: That doesn't seem so bad, one might | To commemorate the arrival of 1984 think. The Smart TV listens for my | and the famous George Orwell novel voice command, then translates it | of the same name, Atari program- to text and runs its operations. | mers are busy working on an inno- | vative cartridge called *Big Bro- Except that, in reality, the Samsung | ther*. Unlike other videogames on Smart TV line is actually stupid. | the market, players plug the *Big | Brother* cartridge into their The last statement isn't there to be | Atari VCS game system, turn on the flippant or sarcastic; it's true. | television, and it watches them. For the Smart TV isn't equipped with | Programmers have run into one the ability to comprehend your voice | small problem with the new cart- commands. Your television must be | ridge- it refuses to be removed connected to the internet to do that | from the cartridge slot. The because it relies on the help of a | tentative release date for *Big remotely-operated program which does | Brother* is June 1984. You will all the work for it. | buy it. Since the Smart TV is too stupid to One other important piece of infor- differentiate the voice commands mation: Volume 2, Issue 5, the final from all the other sounds in your *Atari Age*, was also their April home, the Smart TV must constantly Fools' issue. An entire section was stream all the sounds you are making devoted to satirical news like this. at all times to this remote trans- lator. In other words, the Smart TV Fast-forward 32 years, to the same monitors the sounds in your home on chronological distance from the year a 24/7 basis. 2000 as George Orwell's prophetic year, and the *Atari Age* article is Samsung says, "Samsung does not as prophetic as the novel itself. retain voice data or sell it to third parties." Here's one of those Our privacy tip of the day: do not Bill Clinton/Google "truths"; it is buy a Samsung Smart TV. semantically true but hiding a lie. Samsung doesn't sell your recordings The slogan for the product line is, to third parties. But since they, "TV has never been this smart". You like their "Smart" TVs, don't have will discover that's not so true, equipment that translates speech, either. The purpose of the Smart TV they FREELY GIVE the information to is, in essence, to act as a SIRI for a third party. Here's the section your television viewing. There is from Samsung's "privacy policy" that no need for a remote, as your Smart accompanies the Smart TVs you pur- TV accepts voice commands. But in chase: order to accept voice commands, the Samsung Smart TV has to be listening | �Please be aware that if your spo- -Page 29- .'::, ..,:codk0XWMMXc ..':codk0KWMMMMMMXlclXMXc ..'::odk0KWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOxKNMNl ..,::odk0KWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXKKWMNl ..,:cddOKXWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXXK0OOkxdollc::KMNl ..';:odk0KWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNXKK0Okdolclc:::ccccclllloolKMNl ..;:ldx0KNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXXK0OOkOWM0;.''',,.':cllolcc:;cc,,'''cdKMNl cxkxKX00OOxkMMMMMMMMMMMWXXK0Okxxdollc:ccccldWM0lcll:;cdll:,co,..,,c:'. .'oKXMWl 0O;.clo0kxO0NXK0OXMXo;;;ccccllllllllllllc:lkWMKO, ,x;; .:Oo::lcxo,...,kXNMWl 0XkkKKK0kooc;''';xMKl:ccllllllooddxxkO00kcOXWMNW, ,x,, .:XXXXXXNkllodxKNNMWc .K0ooddll:',,'''..dMXkkkO0KKXXNNWWMMMWWMMNWMWWMWMl.',:xKdxxkKWWWWWWMWNNNWWWNWMWc .Kkcll:,;,..... ..dMMWWMWWNWWX0OOOKNKkkO0KMMWWMWMMWWWMMWWWWWWWWWWWNWWWNNWMMMMMWc .KOloc',co, dMMWKOOOOXWX0KXXWWWWMMWWWWMMMMWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXKKKNMMMWc .KKO0000Kd;.',,,..OMN0KK0NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNXKNMMMNXXXKKWMMXOOOkkONMMKc:;;;:kMMMWc .X0kxdddxxdxkO0O00NMNdcc:oxNMN00OOONMMl... ,MMWxooollNMMK:,;;;oXMMXc,,,'lKMMMN: .X0kkkkO0KK00000KKNMMO.. .:XMNdddokWMM, . ,MMMxclooxMMMX:,;,:;KMMNxldxdxKMMMN: .XKO00OoO0OkkxdoodXMM0;,',cNMWOxxkXMMM, ,MMMWNNNNNWMMXO000dxNMMN000000NMMMN: .XddkO0kxl:'',',;lNMM0ccllxWMMWNWXWMMXo::::cxKNMNkkOOXMMMMWKoxNWWWWWWklodXWWWWX; .XddOOOxc,.,;cldxkXWWKxxddkNNNkoxdkXXdlxdooddo0X0xkOOKNNNNNK0KNNNNWWWWWWWWWWWWX; .XXXXXXXXXXNNWNNNNNNNNWWNNNNNNNNWWWWWWWWMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWKOXMMMMMMMMMN; .NMMMMXkdKMMMWkOWMMMWWMMMXO0WMMWMMMWWWkocoWWWWWWWWN0OOOKWWWWWWWWX; cNWWWWWWWX; .KNNNO'..:XXX0. .l:,:KXXXKK0NWMXKKKK0xdollk0KKKKKK0kdcdx00KKKKKKo .l. dKKKK0KKO, .kkkkOxc..dkkkd. 'l,,xxxxOXNWWWOxxxxxkOd...'oxxxxkOK0ddO::kxxxxxo. .ckxxxxxxd' .ooooxxd;;doodddclooooooodddkkkdoooooxkxdoclooooookK0o;::ooooooool,',:ooooooooo' .loooc;;;:ooood:;;;looool;;;;;,coooooo:,;;coooooood:,'''coooooooc..,''loooooool' .cdl,.cddddddddddddddddddddccoddddoddddddddddddddddlc:clooddddddocc:::lddooddc:' .odo..'oddddd,...cxddddddo. .lddddddx;.....,ddddddddoccc:cddddddddo;''',,;odlc' .dxx,. :xxxxx;''.'okdxxdxo'. .lddxdxdk' .xddddddxc'...'xdddddddo. ..cddo, .l:c;;,clloxxxodooxkxxxxxxd;;oxxxxxxxk;. ..,kxdxxdxxl;;:;:ddxxdxxdo.. .lddo, .ddooccl::oxxkc::lxxxxxxxo;,,:oxxxxxlllcccloodxxxxxxx000K00kxxxxxxxd'. ..lxxo; .xddxkkxxxxxxxxxxxkkxkkxxkxddddxdxxxdolc::::c:oxxxxxo;;;:l:oxxxxxxxxdc:ooooxxxo; .occ:lclxxxxdddddddddddoddddddddldodxxxkkkkkkkxkkxxxxxdodxdxxxxxxxxxxl,;;cxxxxo: .....',;;:cclooddxxkkxxdddddoolcc;;cclolooddddddxxxxxxxxkkkkkkxxkkkxkkxxxxo: .....',,,;:c::c;,''cOcoc:;,:;,';cx;;lcclddxdxxxxxxxxxkkko: .' ... .....','';;;,,o::lc:ll;:,okcd:,,;;:c:c: ..... ;xccx: ....'',,;:;;;::::;:c ....'''.... ...':clxdkOko:;'....... . ..';clodxOxl;....,;;,;cc;;::;;;,'''.. ..''';,.. ........',,;,. ..'','., -------------------- .. The Samsung Smart TV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | �Please be aware that if your spo- Is your information reviewed? Will | ken words include personal or what you say in the privacy of your | other sensitive information, that own home be subject to NSA warrants | information will be among the data or read by them WITHOUT a warrant? | captured and transmitted to a third | party.� You could shut off the feature, but this defeats the purpose of a smart Of course, you're not told whether or TV that's not so smart. As we more not this unnamed third party/parties increasingly connect our home to will be collected, retained, shared, the net, our privacy shrinks a bit sold, or analyzed by said third par- more. The best advice is to not ty. connect in the first place. ((L)) -Page 30- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR: LORETTA LYNCH'S TWISTED TAKE ON SAN BERNARDINO &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I get it: a lot of people don't like Glenn Beck. But I gave him a chance. I listened, and I researched the credibility of his statements. He's the real deal. We complain all the time about the miscarriage of journalism, but here is someone who unabashedly digs deep. Most of the Glenn Beck critics are the media types whom we don't trust, or statists who oppose him personally. They just a priori make a pre-emptive disdain for him because he's "conservative" (actually libertarian) and go from there without listening to a word he says. I gave him a chance. I'm glad I did. Here is an article Glenn wrote, just after the terror attack in San Bernardino, California. Keep in mind that it was Christmastime, hence the title. Also keep in mind that no other major media outlet addressed this issue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most wonderful time of the year: Loretta Lynch said this about the Loretta Lynch�s twisted take on San terror strike in San Bernardino: Bernardino �We�re at the point where these iss- by Glenn ues have come together really like Friday, Dec 4, 2015 at 9:51 AM EST never before in law enforcement thought and in our nation�s history The progressives in power are truly and it gives us a wonderful oppor- sick. tunity and a wonderful moment to really make significant change.� I found what you are about to read monstrous. The death of 14 people is nothing to them but a �wonderful opportunity.� There is no other way to describe this as I do not know ANY human be- I have never let myself believe they ing that would talk about the didn�t see the people behind the slaughter of 14 people like this. pain. I know they think they are do- ing the right thing but the collect- The president admitted at the G20 ive mentality has gone so far they summit that Paris �was a setback.� no longer see the individual life The world gasped. that is taken. Rather, they only see the opportunity death presents to That was nothing. them. We know their goal is to destroy This is beyond sick. It is evil. the second amendment, but in your nightmare would you believe they When our head of �Justice� sees a would allow � or at least seemingly terror strike and dead Americans as enjoy � the death that terror has nothing more than a �wonderful brought? Quite a charge, I know. opportunity,� and the average citi- But explain it differently after you zen doesn�t demand massive change, read what was said by this admini- we indeed will be used as rats in stration when discussing gun control their grand Utopian experiment. and the Islamist Christmas party slaughter. The progressives in power are truly sick. ((L)) -Page 31- ================================================================================ .NNXNXWWWNNWWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNWWMO ;KNXWWNXXWMMWWWWWWMMWNWMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMWWWWWXk. .OWNNNNNNNWWNWWMWWNNMMMWNWWNNWMMXWMWXNWNNNXNXNXc .XWNXNXXXXNXXXNNXNNWNWMMMWMWNXWWMNWNNXNWMWXKKXNWMKk: lNWWWWWWWNNNXNNXWMWNNWWWWWMWWNNXWNWWNXXWMMMWWWWMMMMNl. 0WMWWMMMMMMMWWMWMMWWWWWWWNNWWWWXNWWMWNXMMMMWMMMMMMMWkl' ,WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNWWXXXNWWWWWWWWWMMMMMMNKKXXWWMWNNXl.. oMWMMMMMMMMMMWWNNX0Ox0NK00OOKXWWWN0KKXNMMWMMMWWNWWNXKNWWWWX, 0WWMMMMMMMMWX0kxdolc;:ccccllx0KOOxxxxxd0NXXNWMMMMMMNNWWWMMMWWl. lWWWMMMMMMMN0kxdolc;'.....'..',,',;:cooodxkO0XNWMMMMMWNNWMMMMMd OWWMMMMMMMW0kdoolcc;,,'''''''',,'',;;:cllloxkOKNWMMMWWWNNWMMMMXd :WMMMMMMMMNkdlcc:;,'..''......'''',,;::::;:ldxkKWMMMWNWWMMMMMMMW, .WMMMMMMMMKxl::clddol:'''''''''',;,,''..,,;:ldxKWMMMMWMMMMMMMMMM. 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'0MWWXWWWWWWNNWWWWW =======-=={ LORETTA LYNCH - HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE. }========== View this image at: http://www.glennbeck.com/publish/uploads/2015/12/loretta-lynch-san-bernardino- 640x427.jpg Read the original article at: http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/12/04/the-most-wonderful-time-of-the-year- loretta-lynchs-twisted-take-on-san-bernardino/ -Page 32- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& .8888888888888888888. oo-------------------oo D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D ooo- By Synonymous 1 -ooo oo-------------------oo &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& '8888888888888888888' It's been nearly a year since I got deemed worthy of protection by the the Tor browser. It was a whole government. And so we have a phone month more before I learned that it number for those young women who are was a tool to go deeper into the web pregnant but confused and are look- to invisible sites. I've seen some ing for support. The number is: of the darkest elements of mankind there. Some of it I wish I could (800)-848-LOVE erase from my mind, is is so haunt- ingly disturbing to me. I've also If you had an abortion and are suf- met some people with whom I crossed fering from psychological problems, paths, but since we're anonymous, we there are volunteers ready to aid will never truly know each other. you at: Some of them gave aid in giving Lib- erTORian a deep web presence. Other http://prjectrachel.org people wrote comments and articles. Still others I met in anonymous chat The recent terror attacks in Belgium and we discussed everything from remind us that those who despise the narcotics to civil liberties. Some concept of freedom are relentless of us have come together on things, and unyielding. We people of the even while vehemently disagreeing world send us our thoughts and our on others, all with respect for each prayers, and one day the world will others' views. There is much good take the threat seriously. America in the deep web. If that's what you and its government sure doesn't, but seek, you begin to gravitate toward we can only bury our heads in the it and learn to avoid the dark ele- sand for so long before we either ments. After a while, what is some- find a leader who recognizes the times called the "darkweb" becomes existential threat before us, or we routine and just another place to are willfully exterminated by evil visit. who wish to spread their evil across the globe. And all the people whom I met in the deep web, though I really don't know I believe there is some purpose for you, I'm glad you played a part in our paths in onionland to converge, my life, and I keep you all in my even though I don't know what it is. prayers. If you are a prayerful We are alive for a purpose. As the person, please remember me. If not, Easter/Passover season is on us, it that's also fine. is a good idea to reflect on how we can take action to defend individual No one knows who is affected by the liberty. Maybe you are driven to do interactions with others, or by the things you never thought you'd do works that they do. As each issue before. goes to the onion site and the deep web paste bins, I wonder at times I think I'm supposed to learn from who is reading... hoping that the you. I promote new issues a bit and words inside may have an impact on sit back until the next one, but if someone in a positive way. you write to LiberTORian, we value your words. Tell us what's on your We value human life more than any- mind. We want to know. thing. And the lives of the most libertorian@sigaint.org ((L)) vulnerable are the ones who aren't - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -