______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 ~oo~ Issue 14 ~oo~ February/ March 2016 . . ...., My allegiance is not to the flag of the United States .xkk: My allegiance is to the Constitution of the United States :lll: .xOxMNxllllc::cl';c;'cc:.',,;,...... ..'':c, :o.KOXNKKKN0KKKKNXNN00W0d;;;;;:clodxxxdollcccclccllcccc,do.:, :o xXNO0KKWMWXKOWXXOWMXKOllloooddkO00000Odccc:,...,;;;:';. cl kOKkK0KONMMWMWXWKNXKN0xddddolc:,'.... ..,;cc:;':l. ,l x0XKKdKWNkXNNKNNWMWWWxlc;,'.......',;:ldkOXXKkoc:,... o, xKKkXO0kNNNxK0XOXONMWWKxl:,'',,;;::ccc::::;'.';cokKXk' k' x0XWKd0NKxX0XxOkXKNkKMo ................,ckXWWMWXOc.. k. kXKkNWkkX0KxKOKkKk0XWOkokKNWWWNXKOxolc:::;;;:cc:,. ., k' 0K0MXkXNOxNWNOXXXk0XKOxololc:;'.. ..':lxOX0. k,.KNXXOdl:;,,,;,'.... ..,:ccldddxOkxkxxddolooddl;. k' '.. ....''...',;:cllloodxk0KXX0OOxdc:,... '. k' .';coxkkOkkxxxxocccc:::;,,....... ...,;:loddxxxx0k, k''Okdoc;,''... .....,;:loxkO00000Okxxdocc:; O' .. ....'';::cccccoooddxkkOOKK0kol:,''.... . O'.';cdxO0000000000kxdocc:;,,,,'.... ......'',;;cll; .k.oOxxdol:;'''.... .';coddxxxdoc:,...''.. ,k . ....',;:ccllldxxxxdddxxl;;,,'.... ,k ,;;coxxxxxxkkkkkkOkkxdoolllc:;,' AAA L SSSS OOO ;k;0Oxdllc:;:,'...... A A L S O O o ,X:ox. AAAAA L SSS O O ,O ,x A A L S O O o ,k ,k A A LLLLL SSSS OOO ,k :d ,k k, o Father Robert J. Gregorio: Marxist Priest ,k k, Bashes Libertarianism oc k, o Cryptology For Dummies (like me): An Introduction k, k, o Tales of ISIS, PART 1 k, k, AND MORE! -Page 2- ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 14 -- } ||| ||| { February/ March, 2016 } ||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published February, 2016. } { } LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN { -- } { } DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY......Also 4 { LiberTORian is published on an } FREESPeech { irregular basis. } { } ARTICLE............................5 { N(c), 2016. Readers are welcome, } It's a Recession, And This Time It's { actually encouraged, to copy and } Official { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } FEATURE............................6 { ing. } Wolf in the Fold: Catholic Priest { } Peddles Marxism { } { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } GUEST POST........................10 { http://xsold3pvbxt4xblv.onion } The Consumer Reports Effect { } By Empty Turret { (Thanks to an Onionland user. } { The views expressed in LiberTORian } FEATURE...........................11 { aren't necessarily those of the } Cryptology for Dummies, Part 1 { webmaster. That's fine with us } { libertarians. } BLURB.............................14 { } Some Questions Shouldn't Be Asked { } { CORRESPONDENCE: } BY THE NUMBERS....................14 { synonymous@ruggedinbox.com } The Iowa Caucus { } { Send submission & letters to } BLURB.............................15 { LiberTORian at the above address. } Comcast vs Internet Privacy { } { } A Tale of Two Tweets..............15 { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } Hypocrisy from NARAL that would be { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } funny if it wasn't so pathetic { Even a millibitcoin! } { (.001 BTC) } FEATURE............................16 { } The Pledge of Allegiance: Its History { } and Significance { DON'T HURT PEOPLE } { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } ARTICLE............................20 '-________________________________-' Changes in Individual Liberty Aren't Always for the Worse CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY.......21 FEATURE............................27 realpez.oct Tales of ISIS, Part 1 EXTRANEOUS 1 and EXTRANEOUS 2......26 PRINT & POST POSTER................31 Jeb Bush and Bernie Sanders Ted Cruz, topic of DNS Lookup Failed D.N.S. Lookup Failed...............32 -Page 3- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y > } - by Synonymous 1 - { < &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& There are times where I go into a up to you. By submitting guest post creative lull. Now is one of those articles, you're making the publica- times, and production of LiberTORian tion yours. Of course, you can also slowed. By this time, we expected be fine leaving me to keep writing more contributions from readers too. incessantly. I don't know why I In case you don't know what we're continue to write. There is some- looking for, we would like" thing beyond myself that guides me. What or why, I'm not sure. But I o Articles on individual liberty think that there is a Dear Reader o Historic stories that relate to to whom one of these articles in one today of these issues is important. Or o Current analysis & commentary from maybe it's something completely a libertarian perspective different. I don't know. But there o Speculative fiction with thematic are times I'm writing even when I am content on individual liberty tired, depressed, or just don't want o Information on security, both cy- to. I'm probably not making sense ber and practical any more. I think I just wasted a o Book and multimedia reviews quarter of my regular introduction o ASCII art & comics to you on this, and I'm not even sure I know what I'm saying! Naturally, anything advocating stat- ism is not for this magazine, but As this goes to the Deep Web, it is there are so many forums in the deep fresh in the news that Justice An- web for you. Plus since it's so chic, tion Scalia died. Scalia was one of such topics are welcomed on clearnet. the greatest defenders of the Con- Or, make your own magazine. You will stitution in contemporary America. be welcomed by socialists and estab- It's time to remember Scalia, but no lishment types everywhere. time to drop the ball. This is one of the casualties of electing sta- While articles here are on subjects tists to the Presidency: they have of my own knowledge: economics, sta- the chance to destroy the Consti- tisics, civics, culture, the other tution through their favorite venue: writers are keen on politics, history the courts. Obama will NEVER allow and the like, I'm the slowest learner ANYONE who believes in the Consti- when it comes to net security and tution, or freedom, or individual computer systems. Most people on Tor rights, to the high court. Freedom are probably laughing behind my back! loving people everywhere must de- "What a dweeb! He doesn't know the velop a strategy to stall ANY new difference between a microchip and a justice until Obama is out of power. potato chip!" Just kidding; I do. A potato chip tastes better. The senate controls the vote for Su- preme Court justice. We must rally The point being: if you can help com- to convince them to do what's right. puter unfriendly people like me stay Libertarians oppose forcing anyone anonymous & safe, this magazine can from doing anything, but paradoxic- help others do the same, and they can ally, sometimes it is the libertar- help others, and so on. You know, ian duty to act in order to preserve "The Ripple Effect." the rights of libertarianism, so we we may enjoy freedoms before they What direction the magazine takes is are stolen! Enjoy issue 14! ((L)) -Page 4- .----------------------------------. _####__ | ------ ## | \ oo/ ,^, | -- --- ## | u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ | | * DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY * )_/ | Letters | | to | }}} FREESPeech {{{ | LiberTORian | | | http://freesp6gy7tolpnx.onion/ '----------------------------------' Dear LiberTORian, FREESPeech is a ten-letter word that is 40% Es. Interesting. It's named Why do you hate gays? for the first six letters of its URL "freesp"; hence the capital FREESP. Anonymous Just an observation; & now the real DEAR ANONYMOUS, substance: I don't. And I won't apologize for FREESPeech is a new arrival to Onion providing honest criticism. land, and it was down so early in its life that it appeared down for ** good, and was almost excluded from this issue. But it's back and here Subject: Ascii Art it is for you to visit. [Pornographic art omitted] FREESPeech is a paste-bin type site but posts are thread posts where Anonymous Onion users can reply. It's intent is unrestricted, open discussion of On Galaxy 2, we requested ASCII art anything. People may just talk or submissions. While the image sent post questions or just read others' by this reader featured talented postings, just like a classic BBS work, it isn't what we're looking system. for. Art can't be returned, as it was purged. Thank you for your Its format is more visually appeal- understanding. ing than most sites of this type. The drawbacks are that registration ** is required and no image files can be posted- but the latter isn't much Is there a way to subscribe to your of a problem to LiberTORian; after newsletter? Also, outside of all, there are no image files in our donations, is there anyway I can pages! help you? FREESPeech looks like it has the po- I am a libertarian that supports the tential to be a First Amendment use of the Dark Net to weaken the friendly site, one that encourages state. open discussion of anything without fear of government oppression. Let Take Care. us hope it stays around and becomes (Name withheld) a thriving hub of free expression. ((L)) Several things you can do: ************************************ 1) Write for LiberTORian! 2) Host a mirror site! Like this? Donate to liberTORian! 3) Share the magazine 4) Share the .onion site! ((L)) 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s -Page 5- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =========================== IT'S A RECESSION, AND THIS TIME... --------------------------- IT'S OFFICIAL. }}} - By Synonymous 1 - {{{ --------------------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ =========================== Hillary Clinton is disconnected from identified as two economic quarters reality. I know I'm captain obvious of economic slowdown. For the last here, so I'll be specific. At the two quarters of the phony recovery, one debate that ended early because we've officially taken an economic they all got bored and no one was downturn... even *without* adjusting viewing CNN anyway, Hillary Clinton for inflation. said, "Barack Obama got us out of the [2008] recession." Small prob- The house of cards is falling, and lem: we've been it since 2008. The the federal reserve's mistake of numbers are rigged because the U.S. increasing interest rates is going government doesn't adjust their num- to bite back. It was a catch-22 bers for inflation, which has been situation anyway: QE 1, 2 and infin- high. Once again, the government is ity meant they removed all other now saying that inflation is at a 50 possibilities. And just to let you year low! (It's at a 38-year high!) know, the fed is considering raising One of the ways Obama lies with the interest rates again. inflation number is to stop includ- ing food and gasoline prices in the If you have money in the stock mar- numbers. This is actually being ket, get out! Big money may make done to deny senior citizens their out okay, but you'll definitely take social security checks by lying that the hit because you're not, to quote the cost of living didn't increase. George W. Bush, "too big to fail." As a libertarian, I don't believe In the first two weeks of 2016 alone in social security. It's not the 3.5 trillion dollars in wealth was government's job to save us because lost. In the U.S., the loss in the we decided not to plan for our own first three weeks was 2 trillion. future. I'm trying to make a point That's with a T. If you're not math here but I keep going off the road. fluent, I'll write it to make the Sure, if you decide not to count figure easier to visualize: the things that most cause the in- flation, it's easy to make the rate $2,000,000,000,000.00 low! It's a double-edged sword. Obama had no clue the price of oil The federal reserve, under economic would drop the way it did. He's illiterate Ben Bernake and real life still probably to figure out how it tax cheat promoted to entrust our happened: Saudi Arabia is increasing money supply Tim Geithner, just production and selling at a loss in flushed two years of propping up a political more on Russia. As a Wall Street down the toilet. result, oil price deflation can't be factored into their numbers. I'm not being pessimistic or an alarmist. These are the equations. The point: when you adjust for in- This system never worked before, and flation, we've been in a recession the government's folly is that this during the whole Obama presidency. time doing the same thing would be different for us. I'm no investment One of many bad things about going adviser or expert, but I understand into a recession is that you can't economics enough to suggest that you know you're in it until you spend a be wiser with your savings in the half year in one. A recession is days ahead. ((L)) -Page 6- ================================================================================ W W W OOOOO L FFFFFFF FFFFFFF OOOOO L DDDDDD W W W O O L F F O O L D D W W W O O L FFFF in the FFFF O O L D D W W W O O L F F O O L D D WW WW OOOOO LLLLLLL F F OOOOO LLLLLLL DDDDDD A Catholic Priest Peddles Marxism in the Name of the Lord (and sometimes not!) ___________________ =============================(_ BY SYNONYMOUS 1 _)============================== This article is the result of a con- ing Marxism. So they devised a sys- cerned reader who wrote in, from the tematic plan to infiltrate religious great state of New Jersey. S/he was from inside, especially the Catholic Catholic who warned of a priest from Church; they were the biggest threat his or her area, and thought that we to the communists at the time. should know what is being said. The writer wanted to say, as a Catholic, Marxists got to the priests in South s/he denounces his written teaching American nations like Argentina, and and he doesn't speak for him/ her or convinced them to extoll the virtues for other Catholics. As a Catholic, of Marxism, only like most statists, I wanted to investigate it. It's as needed to change its name into some- true as the reports claimed. thing that sounded much better. And so the term "social justice" came to The priest's name is Father Robert J life. Gregorio. He writes for an official Catholic magazine for the Diocese of The teachings of Jesus Christ had to Camden in Camden NJ. After visiting be modified because he never taught, the web site and reading some of his "social justice" or giving away your writings, it was quickly learned his lives to government, or charity con- leanings were Marixst-statist. Many trolled by the government. Christ's of his articles presented a woefully teachings were perverted and the new inept and sometimes delusional grasp doctrines were preached. The public on history. In one of his articles, was taught Marxist principles as the for example, he makes this statement teachings of Christ. Social Justice that socialism and fascism are oppo- is such a deception posing under the sites. Since fascism is a *type of* guise of Catholicism, that even Pope socialism, this makes no sense. Francis, a socialist himself, called social justice as, "from the devil." He promotes the global warming line, and uses the Alinsky tactic of mock- The person who first wrote to Liber- ing global warming critics, likening TORian magazine with this info wrote them to the Flat Earth Society. His that Father Gregorio wrote something tone is arrogant, condescending, and about libertarianism, and attached a bitter. There's race-baiting, calls file with one of his columns. It is to, "take an agitator for justice to for that reason we are covering this lunch" (that means: community organ- here. He wrote an article about one izer), and lots of talk about social year ago titled, "Libertarianism Has justice, code word for socialism. Reached Drastic Excess". If you don't know the history of so- This article is fundamentally flawed cial justice, it is a product of the from the beginning, plus it exhibits Soviet Communists. They had a prob- thinly-veiled blanket disdain toward lem with Christians, and mainly, Ro- any individual with a desire to make man Catholics, rejecting and resist- money, a signature Gregorio theme. -Page 7- Let's analyze this article, offering is to increase the size and power of running commentary. the government and limit opportunity for people in all classes, under the "Liber, libera, liberum are the guise of helping the poor. three genders of the Latin adject- ive for free, as in unencumbered, Libertarianism today means some- unrestricted. From them come thing the opposite of liberal: the �liberal� and �libertarian.� Oddly reducing of government to the van- enough, however, these two words ishing point because every feature are opposite in meaning. and program for the disadvantaged costs taxpayers. So, better to pay WRONG! Liberal and conservative are as little tax as we can get away opposites. Libertarian and populist with. It has an appealing ring. (statist) are opposites. To see the Who wants to pay a dime extra in difference graphically, refer to the taxes? Are we better people if we "Nolan Chart" article in LiberTORian are paying a lot of taxes? Issue 1. Correcting you again, libertarianism The evolution of these derivatives today means the opposite of STATISM! is fascinating. In the 19th cen- It advocates reducing an out of con- tury �liberal� meant what we call trol government to a point where its conservative today, free from in out lives to do what you even say government constraints, as in lib- is its purpose: to defend the rights eral economics, something robber of the weak against the bully: those barons wanted when government did who hurt people and take their stuff what we have government for, re- because they don't respect the right strain the powerful from crushing of others... including when the bul- the powerless. ly is the U.S government. REPEATED WRONG. In the 19th century, Also, the scaling back of government "liberal" meant, "libertarian" in to- isn't because every program claiming day's terms. That's why Libertarian- to work "for the disadvantaged costs ism is sometimes dubbed "classic lib- taxpayers". It's because these pro- eralism". Perusing for hours through grams are all massive failures, only Gregorio's works, the "Robber Barons" increasing the number of poor people are his go-to historical example used in America, and creating an economic every time he wants to demonize every hardship for the very people all the profit-seeking venture as corrupt. programs were purported to help! If taking increasingly greater earnings Today �liberal� means open-handed- from people to put in a program that ness to the needy, something the increases the number of poor and the needy want when they rely on govern- poor get even poorer, can you please ment to do something else for which tell me how higher taxes is working? we have it: provide for the common So, to answer your question, "Are we good. Reasonable care for the needy better off people is we are paying a includes providing public schools, lot of taxes?" an armed force, and more. The argu- ment always is what really does the No. community need. Skipping half of the next paragraph, I don't know where to begin. Liberal he goes on to say about libertarian- doesn't mean anything of the sort to- ism: day! Liberal means limiting economic freedom. Liberalism isn't about help I contend that libertarianism has for the needy at all. Liberals could reached drastic excess in the pub- not care less about the poor; rather, lic mind. The inmates have taken their reason to curb economic freedom over the asylum. The children have -Page 8- ..',:cllollc:,'. ..,ccloxxkO0OOOkkxxol:,. .';:lddddxkkkO000OOOOOOOOOdddc. .',;clodoodx0KK000KKKXXKK0000NXOOxo:. ...''.. .;::cclc::dkOxdlllc;;;;:ccllllloxkxxdddldOOkOO0K0Oo;. .:lclllc:cldoc;,,'........'',,,,,;;:cccclx0XXK0O000KX0k:. 'clllc::cooc;'................',;;;;;;:::lodx0NNNXK00KK0kd; ;llcccldkxl,. .... ...........';;;;;;;;:cclloxKWWWNX00Oxooc' .clcccoOXOc.. ... ...........',,,;;;;;::cccllokXWNNN0xxxxxxl. .cllloxKNd... .... ...''''',;;;:::cclllod0NXKXKkxk00Ox. :dddxxOXc.... .... ......'',,;;;;::cccllod0NXkxOkk0KK0k. ,oxxd;cx,.... ...........''',,;;;::cclllod0NKOddoOXNXKk :oo;.'c..... ..........'''',,;c;;;clclollo0Kkxo:c0WW0k' ;:. '.... .......''.',,;;;;:::clllldkkdolox0WKo' . ... .. .. ......'','.',,;,;;::::ccllloooolldk00o, .. ......','',,;,,;;::ccccccclc:clooxkkd' ' . ..........'',,,;;;::::cccclllc:coldxxxl. .........',,;;;;:::::clllolcllxdxOkdd: . . .........''',,,;;::c::cllllllloOX0NKkoc. . . . .........,,;;:::;;:ccccooolooddxkKKK0kl. .. ..... ...'''.';cccccccooldxollooolloddk0000kd; . ..',,,,,'.. ..,oodkOOxc;,',;ldxk0Odooollloddk00Oxc'. .''....;,:cloolooo;. .,oOXXKkxoolclxkkxolooxxdlooodkXNXOdoo. .. .......'.,lxdkOdxO0x' .'o0KXWWX00XXKKKX0kxdodlo;ck0OodoooxOXc :c.,'......'';kOXWWNOO0KXx::ccllKNOxNWWNNNNNXNX0xoooooxxO0Odc;,:okO0' ,. ':,lo. .... .;:cddxxxodOO: .':xWWK0XNXKOkkkkxxxloxxdxkkxdool::okOk. .'. .. ....,collcdd. ..,cd0NOkO0KKOxdoodxxllollkkxdooxxddddk, .. .. ....,;;;'';:.. .;coox0OdddxxxkxxxxdccolooooodloOXKOdc ..,:.. ...... ..'''',;;'. .':ccccdddkkxdxxkkkkkdc;:clloooldOOkx. .;d' .....'',,,,'.... ..,:codxkkxdooollllllc:::clloolllxdxd. .,.. ......,:;'.... ..':lolcd0XKkdc:cccccllcclloddoooxdd; .,.. ..':odc,'..... .'':oddxxkOKXKkocccllllllooddddoood: ..... ..;cdd;.'';:;,'.':lx0KK0kxxx0K0kolloollloodxdddolco. ...........';col;......',;cok0Oxdllloxxk00kdoooooooodxxxddolc. .........':c:;'.... ..;cll:;::::ccoodxkxdoooooodddxxxxddo, ........;:'...... ..',,',;;::clolllodocllllooddxxddx: ... .'.''.'::,;;;;;:c:cooxkOO0KK0kollllccllllodxxxxxx' ........',,,,...,;;:odkkxdkkkkkkkxxkOxdoc:cloddxkkkkxd. ........','... .'.'',;cldddolcloooc:lddxxkkOOkxl .......'... ....,,,;::lodxdolcccloollodxxkkO0Oxxo, .......... ....',;:clccccc:ccclloddddxkkkO0OxddxWNd, .......... ......',,;;;::::::cllodxkkOOO00kddddoNMMM0:. ........ ....',;;;;;;;:clooxkOO0000kolooolXMMMMMNd. ..''''.... ....',;::::cccccldxxxO0KKKKKOollloooONMMMMMMWKd, ..,;;;,'.....,,;cdd:;coddoodO0KXXNNNXK0dolclodoxxXMMMMMMMMMN ;. ..';;;;,,,,;:cldkkoodxxdxkKXXK00000OOxdlccloooxkkMMMMMMMMMM .;dXMd ...''''',,;coxxxdllxOKXXKK0OkkkkkkkxdlcccllkdxOkWMMMMMMMMM .:kNMMMMN' .....'''''',;;;:codddddxxxxkxxxxxxdlccccldKokOkWMMMMMMMMM .;dOXWMMMMMMMMd .......''.'''',;::cloxxxxxxxxxxdllllllo0klOOOWMMMMMMMMM ,o0WMMMMMMMMMMMMM0. ............',;:clodddxxxxxxdollooodkxlx0KKWMMMMMMMMM kNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX..:, ...........',;:cldddxxxxxxxdddddddlllxk0XXNMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW, .;ol'.............,;:coddxkkkxxxxxxdddo:ldxxOKNWWMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:.. ;kOo,..........',:coxOO00OOOOkxdl::lxxkO0KNWWWMMMMMMMMM ______________________________________________________ /===========// \\===========\ -----------(_ FATHER ROBERT J. GREGORIO, MARXIST CATHOLIC PRIEST _)----------- \===========\\____________________________________________________//===========/ -Page 9- seized control of the school. And your articles suggest- that's right: I contend that this childish, I did my research- is for your glor- anti-authority greed raises ious government to control the hous- selfishness to an art form. ing system. That, sir, is the cause of the housing crisis, which created This kind of arrogant condescending, the recession, which continues eight pious writing is typical of Gregorio years later (see the article on this articles. He froths with a contempt topic elsewhere in this issue). The that accommodates his angry scowling dreaded "L" word is to blame for not profile. Please inform your readers just that, but for your "health care exactly *where* libertarianism is in for all". Health coverage for every the least bit prevalent in our soci- person may sound great, but there is ety today. The tea party? And just a huge difference between, "coverage how is asking a wasteful overbearing for all" and "quality care." Health government to stop taking an immoral care's quality is deteriorating, and amount of earnings that its citizens it is once again directly attributed labored hard to get "childish, anti- to your beloved "L" word. authoritarian greed?" If government is taking more of other's money, for Where in the Constitution is a house programs that exasperate poverty and of considerable nicety and mandating misery, isn't that greed? that every citizen buy health insur- ance a right or a duty of every per- �Liberal� today is an epithet. It son? The "less affluent", under the is the dreaded �L� word. Suggest socialized system, are not, "getting affordable housing for all, for health care too", they're paying for instance, and expect to see out- it. Poor people aren't even getting side your front door a crowd of their "free" insurance. Your "solu- peasants with pitchforks and lant- tion" of raising taxes AGAIN so they erns. Appeal to people�s basic hu- get their "free" insurance will only man instincts for good, calling go so far, so now millions who can't for progressive taxation to pay afford insurance now have to pay for for medical insurance for all, their coverage *and* someone else's! rich and poor, and you are dis- missed as a flake. Decent housing At this point I'm going to stop here and medical coverage seem reason- and do something abrupt and unusual, able to most people, but that�s but this is my eZine, so as a liber- because everybody wants them for tarian, who's going to stop me? The themselves. The problem is allot- reason I'm stopping is for multiple: ting tax money to see that the less affluent can get them too. 1) It is long so I'm making is a two part column. The basic instinct for a progressive tax is 1) not an instinct and 2) not 2) This was supposed to be outlining good, but unfair. A progressive tax on the beliefs of Father Gregorio means that people who earn more will but my wish to cover his point of pay a higher percent. A fair tax is view on libertarianism took over. a tax where every man, regardless of income, pays the same percent. When 3) There is an important reason that God in the Bible called for tithing, I chose to shed light on this and he said 10% for all. If your income I want to get back on track. is $100 or $1,000,000, your tithe is 10% of that. Is government actually From what you've seen so far, you've better than God? seen that Gregorio forms facts based on his politics, not natural or his- "Affordable housing for all." Gosh, torical fact. And the worst part of that does sound good. So how do you it is yet to come. Next issue, I'll accomplish that? The solutions that regroup and focus on that. ((L)) -Page 10- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & &&& THE CONSUMER REPORTS EFFECT &&& GUEST POST BY EMPTY TURRET &&& & & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I thought that the *Acquiring Relay* or refuses to approach, people with article in LiberTORian 13 was really whom *he* disagrees? inspiring, the part about how we ought to stand together on shared A similar situation arose with a principles with Onion Soup and any- communist who knew us both. Discov- one else who believes in freedom. ering that I like the comedian mu- It reminds me of a story that I al- sician Tom Lehrer, he asked how I ways wanted to tell but never did. could like him since he's a liberal? I think LiberTORian is the place for I never knew Mr. Lehrer's politi- it and hope they print it for you. cal affiliation, since his humor is as an equal opportunity offender. You're probably familiar with the I think his music is funny and as an magazine *Consumer Reports*. But if equal opportunity offender, he never you're not, it informs readers about lets his agenda override his humor. products of all types: food, cars, Like the first person in the story, consumer electronics, etc. They test the question seemed to reflect on every brand's features and provide a the person's own closed-mindedness. side by side comparison of them. At a glance, you can see which product As a politician, Ralph Nader is a performs best, or has the features disaster who, along with the current you want. They also alert consumers White house occupant, should never of product recalls, dangers, and be allowed to wander around in any deceitful advertising. position of power. But as a consu- mer advocate, he is an educator who It's also the creation of Ralph Na- has helped protect people of all der, a statist leftist who ran for political affiliations. president under the Green Party in 2000. I also think of Jimmy Carter, one of the worst presidents we ever made a I was reading an issue of *Consumer mistake of electing. But he formed Reports* in public one day, when a "Habitat for Humanity", which builds progressive liberal I knew entered homes for the poor. I have no prob- the room. He was aware that I was a lem with "Habitat for Humanity." It libertarian-leaning conservative. is a totally volunteer program and He started out by asking rhetoric- if someone wants to devote their ally if I was reading *Consumer Re- time doing that, how can a liber- ports*, but I answered anyway. Then tarian have a problem with it? Who he went on. "You know, that maga- knows, maybe one day Obama will do zine is Ralph Nader's." I said, I something useful with his life for know. He paused for a moment then the first time ever, like teach the said, "Well, isn't it weird that elderly how to make pottery before you're reading it? I'm pretty sur- being hauled off to the death panel? prised that you're reading it." Sure, there are liberals, like Ed Why? A liberal can't make something Schultz, Michael Moore, etc., who that's helpful to others, just be- are never worth wasting your time on cause they're liberal? I answered reading. But if we read before we him that way in fact. Then I began judge, we may sometimes be pleasant- to wonder if that's how this person, ly surprised. ((L)) who is questioning me, approaches, -Page 11- ................................................................................ FKROD-QOEKN-DDLUO-KDJCN-AAKPL-TUGHF- & dkynn-smbqn-anzzi-trjok-lfnsk & & & & CRYPTOLOGY FOR DUMMIES, PART ONE & & }}} - yb suomynonys 1 - {{{ & & & -JKQIX-AKDJN-PSGSL-TJYLK-DNTKI-QNJJZ & fniht-jakku-tnins-lpjnn-fdbua & '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Cryptology is the art of clandestine *rerh si rehtona terces egassem* communication. It's probably as old as writing itself. Let's begin with It's apparent that most any observ- a differentiation between the two ant person can decipher these. types of cryptology: codes and ci- phers. There is a difference. There are better methods of encoding a transposition cipher to be harder *CIPHER* an encryption where a sym- to figure out. There's the "picket bol represents another character. fence" cipher, where a message is broken up into columns and rewritten For instance: an A can represent in its new form. Here is a rudimen- some other letter in the alphabet. tary form of it in an example. *CODE* is where a symbol represents EXAMPLE: a word, a sentence, even a message! Step 1: For instance: Police 10 codes are MEET ME EIGHT FIFTEEN AT THE DOCK codes. The famous "10-4" means, "message received." Step 2: M E M E G T I T E A T E O K That's clear. Let's move on, with E T E I H F F E N T H D C the focus on ciphers. Keep in mind that the ciphers in this lesson are Step 3: virtually useless for transmitting MEMEG TITEA TEOKR sensitive information. ETEIH FFENT HDCJH The R at the end of line 1 and the TRANSPOSITION CIPHERS JH at the end of line 2 are called "nulls", randomly chosen letters Transposition ciphers are a way of added at the end of the code so that hiding things in plain sight. The each grouping of letters are made of letters of the decrypted message are equal numbers. all present in the encrypted message but in a different order. One meth- Five-letter groupings are commonly od is to reverse the message. chosen to make the code look uniform and illegible. EXAMPLE: *This is the secret message* Here's one of many different ways someone can employ the same system: becomes Step 2: *egassem terces eht si siht* M M G I E T O E T E I H F F E E A T E D C A similar way is to reverse the E E T T N H K spelling of each word individually. Step 3: EXAMPLE: MMGIE TOGTH *Here's another hidden message* ETEIH FFEEA TEDCC EETTN NKLOZ becomes -Page 12- There are many creative ways whereas use. This is because two prime num- you can arrange the zigzag pattern. bers, multiplied together, have no Of course, the recipient of the en- other factors, and only two shapes crypted message must also know the of boxes are possible: X by Y or Y pattern in order to decipher the by X. message. Transposition ciphers can be a fun Another transposition cipher method introduction to coding among family involves putting the message into a members or friends. Please do not grid and, like the picket fence ci- encode anything serious in a trans- pher, trans-positioning the letters position cipher! They are good for from left to right. This example introducing children to the art of will use a message whose number of cryptology. They can have fun de- characters are a perfect square, in vising their own secret shapes to this case 25 (5x5): send messages to their friends. By practicing these ciphers, they can The window is clear for one day develop skills for encoding more so- phisticated ciphers. The message is put into the 5x5 box, in a spiral pattern: SUBSTITUTION CIPHERS . | ----------------. | | .-----------. | Substitution ciphers are ciphers | | | | | where each letter is replaced with | | | .---. | | another letter. They can range from | | | \|/ | | | obviously crude to highly sophisti- | | | v | | | cated and difficult to crack. One | | | | | | of the easiest substitution ciphers | | '-------' | | to learn (and identify) is the STEP- | | | | UP or STEP-DOWN CIPHER. To encode a | '---------------' | step-up cipher, simply replace each '-------------------' letter with the letter that follows it alphabetically. .-------------------. | T | R | A | E | L | EXAMPLE: |-------------------| I bet you can easily decrypt this | H | F | A | D | C | |-------------------| becomes | E | O | Y | E | S | |-------------------| J CFU ZPV DBO FBTJMZ EFDSZQU UIJT | W | R | O | N | I | |-------------------| or | I | N | D | O | W | '-------------------. JCFUZ PVDBO FBTJM ZEFDS ZQUUI JTRUH TRAEL HFADC EOYES WRONI INDOW RU and H at the end are nulls. As you can see, the cipher's weak spot is the last five letters, which Here is the same message encoded in puts five consecutive letters in se- the step-down cipher, where each quential order. But the pattern can letter is replaced with the one that be changed to an up and down pattern precedes it alphabetically: where no more than two letters in a row are in sequence. Or, the spi- H ADS XNT BZM DZTHKX CDBQXOS SGHR ral can go from right to left. Lar- ger codes can be put in grids of any HADSX NTBZM DZTHK XCDBQ XOSSG size, with prime numbers in common HRRUH -Page 13- In the science fiction classic, Each substitute letter is only used "2001: A Space Odyssey", The mega once. There is no discernible pat- computer HAL-9000's name, HAL, is a tern. Using the new alphabet, the step-down cipher of the computer message brand IBM. *Odyssey* author, the late Arthur Clarke, contends that I bet you can easily decrypt this this name's significance is purely coincidental. becomes the less-easy to decrypt: The problem with the code it that it B VJG DTX ONU JNQBCD EJOFDKO GRBQ is obvious to cryptologists whenever it is seen, for two reasons. Number Notice that a cryptologist can detect 1: their minds and eyes are trained the most frequent letters D (which is to notice them, and 2: they recog- E), G (which is T), B (which is I), nize letter frequencies. In the ex- and D (which is Y). He or she would ample given, "I bet you can easily consider B to be either A or I and decrypt this", the letter E appears work from there. If Y is deciphered, three times. So does T, and twice the C in JNQBCB can be considered as for A. No letter appears more than an L , since words of that size that thrice. It turns out that E, T, and end in Y are likely to be adverbs, A are the most common letters in the as the word LIKELY in this sentence. English language. Of the other two It's all a game of deduction, and a letters that appear three times, I playing of "Wheel of Fortune". and Y, I is in the upper third when ranked by commonness. Only the let- One way to confuse the lengths of the ter Y is out of its normal range. words in a cryptogram is to group the The letters Q, X and Z, the least letters in fives. The above code now common letters, don't appear at all. would look like this: Neither is J, which is next in the ranks. Cryptologists use their BJDGD DTXON UJNQB CDEJO FDKOG RBQLP knowledge of letter frequencies to decrypt substitution ciphers of all L and P are nulls. types. They also apply their know- ledge of frequently used letter Of course, the recipient of the ciph- combinations, and word structure to er doesn't need to do this work, be- deduct entire messages. Example: cause he possesses or memorized the the first word in the message, "I", answer key, or "clear". Or, in these is a one-letter word. A person who says, the person has a computer pro- is attempting to crack the code gram that does all the work for them. will say that odds are this one letter word is a word and not some Cryptograms are sometimes found in random letter. Since the only two newspapers, but these puzzles, and single-letter words in English are chess challenges, are sadly being re- "A" and "I", I have one of these placed by Sodoku, which also requires letters figured out. deductive skills but, unlike solving cryptograms, doesn't accomplish any- This is how random substitution thing useful. ciphers are solved. In a random substitution cipher, every letter To stress again, *THESE ARE VERY SIM- is replaced with one other letter. PLE ENCRYPTION METHODS* and shouldn't ever be used for serious use. But Here's a typical example: the skills are suggested, to develop fluency in this craft, and as a step- N=A V=B O=C E=D J=E Y=F W=G ping stone toward deeper encryption. R=H B=I Z=J L=K C=L P=M U=N T=O K=P A=Q F=R Q=S G=T X=U Look for more on basic encryption H=V M=W I=X D=Y S=Z in future LiberTORians. ((L)) -Page 14- ???????????????????????????????????? ............................. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' SOME QUESTIONS SHOULDN'T BE ASKED! ::: - By G.P.S. - ::: ............................. ???????????????????????????????????? ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Sometimes you can say something that taught SOCIALISM, and in particular, you regret because you realized that socialism according to Saul Alinsky. it gives other people ideas they never had. A reporter asked Hillary #3: Obama would be a great Supreme Clinton, "Would you nominate Barack Court justice. Obama for the Supreme Court?" Wide- eyed, Hillary answered, "You know, I FALSE. This one needs no explana- never thought of that before. What tion. a great idea!" It's actually a hor- rible idea; thanks for bringing it A message to the press: please don't up! Putting aside all his Supreme give Hillary Clinton any more bright Court losses, several against Ted ideas! Please!!! ((L)) Cruz, for his violations of the law, he'd do to the Constitution what Michael Moore does to video footage, 123456789123456789123456789123456789 or any cake he sees. B Y T H E N U M B E R S Clintion continued, with her concept of credentials. "He was a law pro- 123456789123456789123456789123456789 fessor. He was a Constitutional scholar. He'd be a great Supreme - The Iowa Caucus - Court justice." Quite the opposite of her e-mails, 65: Average age of the 2016 democrat Hillary seemingly has been trying to candidates for president display how disconnect he is from reality to the public. See another 58: Average age of the 2016 repub- example in the article, "It's a Re- lican candidates for president cession, and this time it's offic- ial...", elsewhere in this issue of 6: Number of coin tosses used to LiberTORian. But in one moderately settle Iowa counties' caucus ties short paragraph, she displayed three between Sanders and Clinton examples of being absolutely wrong!: 6: Number of the coin tosses won by #1: Obama was a Law Professor. Clinton FALSE. Firstly, with the reputation 1.5625%: Odds of one person winning of university professors have, it's six consecutive tosses (1 in 64) nothing to be proud of. But Obama WASN'T EVEN A PROFESSOR. He was a 108000: Number of people partici- lecturer, one of the few occupations pating int he Iowa Caucus that can earn even less respect as a college professor. 38%: Percentage that participants of the Iowa Caucus outnumbered #2: Obama is Constitutional Scholar. the second largest turnout FALSE. Obama DID NOT study and lec- 99+%: Percent of democrats who voted ture on the U.S. Constitution, even for a socialist in the demo- though he commented his disgust for crat caucus ((L)) it at times. Just opposite, Obama -Page 15- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& =========================== --------------------------- COMCAST VS. INTERNET PRIVACY }}} - By Synonymous 1 - {{{ --------------------------- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& =========================== Comcast is anti-TOR. They are evil .;codkkkkdoc;. in many other ways, but the focus of .;oxkkkkxxxxxxkkkkxo;. this article is their opposition to .;dkkxl;.. ..;lxkkd;. the Tor browser. Comcast even went .lkkx:. ... .ckkkl. as far as to say that Tor is illegal :kkx, ':oxkkkkkkxo;. ,xkxxkk: to use! This is absurd. There is okk: .lkkko:,'''';cdkkxxkd' :kko nothing illegal about browsing the okk; lkkx,. .;:cc:,..okkkk; ;kko internet anonymously. I have a BIG ;kkc okko :kkkkxxkkkkko,xkk: ckk; problem with this demonization. dkk. ;kko .dkkc. .lkkdd; .xkk. .kkd kkd dkk, :kkl .lkkl. ckkc dkk Perhaps their flawed logic is that kkd okk; :kko'okkl. lkk: dkk criminals use Tor and it's been used okk. ,kkd. okkkkc. .,dxx; 'kkk. .kko as a tool to commit criminal activ- ,kkl :kkx:xkkkkkkkkkko. ,kkk' lkk, ity. But criminals use money or a lkk: ;kkkko..';:;,. .,okkd. :kkl position of power as a tool to com- lkkl ;xkdokkkdcccccldkkkl' lkkl mit criminal acts. Does that mean ,kkkkko. ':loxxxdoc;. :kkk, that everyone who uses money or sits ckkkc' 'ckkkc in a position of power is a crimi- ,okkkd:,.. ..,:dkkko, nal? 'cdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdc' ':odkkkxdl:' Comcast publicly announced that it's actively engaged is fighting the use of Tor, and says they will try to telling you which internet provider monitor its use by Comcast users. to use. But consider whether or not Comcast is entrenched in the statist the one you use has your best inter- administration. Is this who we want ests in mind, or if they view you as in control of or information usage? a criminal just because you believe in and exercise your right to priv- As a libertarian, I have no place acy. ((L)) ================================================================================ A TALE OF TWO TWEETS (REAL TWEETS!) .lONXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOl. ===================================== kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXk _ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX |_|_ NARAL | o+ | XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOKXXXXXXXXXXX _| | @NARAL |_M__| XXXXNNkdKNNXXXXXNN0o;. .';cdkKNXXXX NNNNNNc .cdKNNNNNO. ,xKNNNNN #MediaWeLike - the @subaru_usa NNNNNNx. .:oxKNx oNNNNNNN commercial with dog parents driving NNNNWN0o. ... .0WNNNNNN their puppies around! #SB50 WWWWWWO, :WWWWWWWW WWWWWWMWd. .OWWWWWWWW ===================================== MMMMMMMM0;. cKMMMMMMMMM _ MMMMMMMMMMKx; .xMMMMMMMMMMM |_|_ NARAL | o+ | MMMMMMX0Oko;. .;dXMMMMMMMMMMMM _| | @NARAL |_M__| MMMMMMXOxllc::cllokOXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #antichoice tactic of humanizing lNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNl fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as ,OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMO, clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50 -Page 16- ================================================================================ .=====. [ ==' THE '===================================================================== ]==\ ] ]=== ]==\ /==\ }=== /==\ ] ] ]=== /==\ | /==\ ]\ [ /==\ ]=== |==/ | |-- | | | __ |-- |--| | | |-- | __ | |--| | \| | |-- ] ]=== ]=== ]==/ \==/ ]=== OF ] [ ]=== ]=== ]=== \==/ | ] [ ] \ \==/ ]=== ============================================. Its History and Significance .== ] - By Synonymous 1 - '==============================' ================================================================================ If you're an American, you probably A2) Bellamy writ the Pledge of Alle- learned the Pledge of Allegiance in giance in 1892, which coincided with school. You learned to salute the the Columbian Exposition, an event flag, profess the pledge, and never in Chicago commemorating the 400th question anything or learn why we do anniversary of Columbus' voyage to any of it. And since, when you are the West Indies. This is signifi- in school, you're a kid, you tend to cant because the Pledge was unveiled not realize that you can question there, in conjunction with a program things. You know, teachers get away to promote national patriotism in with a lot potentially. Kids are so schools. Bellamy was 37. trusting of teachers that they read- ily accept what they're told. They Q3) How'd Bellamy write the Pledge? have no reason to be mistrusting; after all, they teach us things. It A3) "Social Justice" didn't catch on becomes a problem when there is an in the 1890s, even though the seeds activist teacher who has an agenda of Marxism were planted int he U.S. to preach rather than a truth to Bellamy was kicked out of his church teach. by his own congregation. He still had a few admirers, including Daniel So we say the pledge without asking ford, a fellow Marxist who published why. And why not? The teachers are "The Youth's Companion", a literary unlikely to know why *they* salute magazine. He hired Bellamy. Our the flag, other than that's the way socialist writer also was a state they did it, back it up several gen- superintendent of Massachusetts' erations more and we actually can NEA. He wrote the pledge for the find the history, and evolution, of Columbus Anniversary, and in "The the Pledge of Allegiance. Youth's Companion". It's never to late to question. Q4) Why'd Bellamy write the Pledge? A4) There are several reasons: Q1) Who created the Pledge of Alle- giance? 1) To demonstrate that we are a unified nation after the Civil A1) The author of the pledge was a War. writer, which seems appropriate. He was also a socialist and a baptist 2) He believed that government minister named Francis Bellamy. Mr. needed to use school to instill Bellamy was entrenched in the school national socialist values in system, one of the first places they children. tend to infiltrate. 3) He wanted conformity, militar- Q2) When was the Pledge written? ism and complicity in students, and the pledge would help to -Page 17- achieve this end. left his faith behind. Q4) Is it true "under God" wasn't a There are some statist liberals who part of the original pledge? pine for the good old days of Marx himself whose recitation of the A4) Not only that, there were other Pledge is much closer to Bellamy's differences. Here is a comparison original vision than anything else: between the today's Pledge and the original: I pledge allegiance to my flag and to the republic for which it MODERN PLEDGE stands, one nation, indivisible, I pledge allegiance to the flag of with liberty, justice, and equal- the United States of America, and ity for all. to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, in- Leave it to statists to turn back divisible, with liberty and jus- the clock, just as Hillary Clinton tice for all. proudly proclaims, "I'm an early 20th century progressive." ORIGINAL PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to my flag and Q5) What is the origin of the salute to the republic for which it to the flag? stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A5) Under the guise of patriotism, the pledge actually advocated mili- Bellamy originally wanted the word tant National Socialism, long before "equality" included along with Adolf Hitler came to power in the "liberty and justice". Under press- 1930s. The salute demonstrated a ure from fellow council members, who youths dedication to it. Children didn't believe in equality for black were to dedicate themselves and to people, "equality" was omitted. And be loyal to a flag and national i- Bellamy really didn't believe in deals, not just the ideals. This is equality any more than he believed the basis of the objection from many in liberty or justice. His version who criticize the concept. The flag of equality was in a Marxist sense, of the U.S. is revered by many, and where, to quote Orwell, "some are is treated with reverence as a sym- more equal than others". bol, but it is just that, a *symbol* of the ideals of freedom, not free- There were several changes. dom itself. My allegiance is to the concept of liberty and justice for In the 1920s, "my flag" was changed all, not the physical flag that rep- to "the flag of the United States of resents it. America". The reason was to fight perceived xenophobia, where foreign- To instill conformity and reverence ers were accused of using the flag for a physical object, Bellamy in- of their native land as "my flag". corporated the salute to the flag. We recognize the salute today as a Bellamy, much older now, hated the hand over one's heart. Hidden from change, but had no influence with history but still known by many is the National Flag Conference. that it was identical to the Nazi salute adopted by Adolf Hitler. In the 1950s, reacting to the god- less Soviet Union, the words, "under Children originally held their arms God" were added. Around this time, outstretched stiffly, with their our motto, "In God We Trust", re- palms straight, fingers together and turned to U.S. money. Bellamy would aimed directly at the flag whenever have objected, like his daughter did reciting the pledge. Adolf Hitler so. As he grew more socialist, he understood exactly the influence it -Page 18- ,c, ......;;;,,:,o0KNN0OxoxkO00KK0d..':'',;'.,l:,,;,,...... ,:l. ....'','.;:;lxOKXKxllldxkkkxc.';:;;:c:;lKdd0k,ll;.,;. :;ck. ....'. 'ccdocccdocc,,;;:cdxdxdxxxddxxkOllxx;,;,,', c::dc. ..... .,.,;;d:;. .....';',cc:ccooodo.','........ ll:oxo. ..... .,;l. ' ........ .'...'''';x'';' ... . cx:cd0x. ... 'lX;., ...''''.' . ....;x'.'. '. . .... 'k,.lkO'. .. ',c::c...',;;:;:,,. .k;;lc'.;'. .. .','. .:.',xKk0o. ..... .',:;:c...':c:lcl;:. 'XNWMMWklcc:cc ..,,,. 'Xo. lx.ck. ...... .,,,.;c,'.,clodllcc. 'OO';dWWo,,.., .',,,' ;odkxdldKo' ..... .:xX0OOkxoclodxool;...'.... ..l;. :,. . .',lk0KOd:dO. .,xc.c0l ........ .cOMMMMMMMNNNN0odo' .'. . . ,;dMM0::KMMKWOl, ;Kd'o'............ .ckMMMMMWNWMMMWK0dcxkOK0ck' .:' . clxXK...0MWk',cxXl.;d,..'';ccclcloo.cdclXMMMW0OO0NMMKld0,;0Xoo:.. :;,..o. oxxxO: .OO;;x:. .lKOlOO;c:..dKXXXNNdKNN0.xWKWdcdO:kMMMMK' .dWO, ':c;o0OXKx',: xkOkc;',c.;.cNK0d' .;..XWWOo:l0WMMMMO:,0x:dodoxOWMMkkXocodcc''.kNWN0dkMMN:.'xKoc MMk. o. oWMMMK0O00NMNxkxl,;ldXN0c;0XNMMModxWMMO.dlo0NkXNNk;:'',.:KXWMN;'kWW Md . xMMMd . .KMWXKKKdc;,.,KXXMMMMMMo. :XNd.xWWdld;dWMK'''. .oKOloXM0c Md 'l'. NMMWWNNx0MMMMMMXWNc.;;;0MMNK00XWNNWMWKk:..OxONMKxxdoldod0KKXkxKWK Mk ,d:. c OMMMNl':KMMMMMMWMMWddoOONMl . .dKMMMo;lc. dMMW0WK0kXMMWXKMWKXWc MWKKX,. : .0MMMWOo0MMMMMMMMMMNNddXMMl .xMk;.,l.,. ;KWNNWK.l0NKXK:,k;x0Nc MMMN; : .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMN,. ;0WXoc...dKXWMWMNNWk'.dkd. . co MMN. ; .WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNKOXd',.. 'ckNMN: .oMMWXWMMxo. :l. MM: ; dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW0K0KWOX' ':cOWMNd.,0KXMMK, :0o M0 ' .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNKKKNMNd dddoOMMMW;.. .. ,Kc. W. ; '0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXNWWMX0. :Okxd0MMMX. 'xXc. d .'x;;..;0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNWMMMNO ,OKkxKMMMMc ..... .KMX. WKK000k0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXWMMMMMMk.:OKXKKWMMMc ,NWMN oNX. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXMMMMMMMX0NKNNXXMMMx . OMMMo c0d , MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMWWWWWMWWMMM; lMMKd lMo : -------PHOTOGRAPHIC EXAMPLES OF CHILDREN SALUTING THE FLAG HITLER STYLE.-------- .. .' c: '........ . ' . . .. . .0l.c:. ''..'.',,;';c .;,:...,........ . .. . .Xo :x. '.,'..,'..... ,c:............... ' . .. . 'W: lK. . .,..',...'. .'.'..''.'......'' ' .. 'W:.lK. . .......,. ',',,',;';;,,,'.,, '.. . . . ,MocdN, ....'...'..':. .',;::::;ol:,,..', ......... . :MxodK; . .,;...,;'.. .,,;::;;,:c;,:,.;, '..';,,.,'. .... oN,ddOc . ..'...';''. ';;cllc:'c:;;:;,:, '...';;.;;.,:,,;...'. .. kx'0XWl '.'....':c;;;. 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OWWMMMNxx:kOWXo::,NMc oo ' d ..:X0Nk'.';x..:.. ;OXWNWMNNMMNMXd 'NMWMMMOOlXKNNolo;MKo:.''.c ccl::coodoxKKXdokxoX:.ddlldkdOMMMMMMMMMMMMMo ....'.';oNMMMMKkO0W0NOlld;MKddc .o0 0,.....;.. ','.. .dkXXXXKWKXXWWMMMMMMMMMMW00OxxkxoxO0NMMW0OkkkkKN0O0KWW0;Oldd, d 'x;..,llodddd.kkK0OO0NMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX. .. ;WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMO;ONXx. ; 'x'...lclllol.dXKXKKK0kdkkOOkkxNMMMMMMMl cMMMMMMMMMMWMMMXk;,cl:l, -Page 19- had on people and so he copied it in structural breakdown of its text and his nation's "Heil Hitler". Much of a discussion of its meaning. Learn- Nazism, such as Eugenics and the ing the real meaning of the Pledge, projects of Margaret Sanger, founder I stopped in 2010. I will teach my of Planned Parenthood, were inspired children (or already have) about the by progressive statism in America at true history of the pledge, and as a that time. libertarian, allow them to decide for themselves what to do. We saw Hitler at the time mimicking our pledge and when we were involved Q7) Are there other objections to in WWII, couldn't have any similar- reciting the Pledge? ity with Hitler was doing, so the official salute was changed to the Some religions, like Jehovah's Wit- hand over the heart, as done to this nesses, don't take national oaths. day. Atheists have a problem with "Under God". Constitutionalists have a The salute is described in Bellamy's problem elevating the flag from a own words in "The Youth's Companion" symbol to having the same weight as as: the binding words of the Consti- tution itself. Social liberals have "At the words, 'to my flag', the objection to forbidding defacing a right hand is extended gracefully, flag in an act of self-expression. palm upward, toward the flag, and Anarchists have a problem with the remains in this gesture until the idea of pledging themselves to a end of the affirmation, whereupon symbol. all hands immediately drop to the side." (Text continues that mu- According the the Constitution, an sical instrument(s) will play and individual has a right to refuse to all sing "My Country Tis of Thee".) pledge the flag. Before 1892, there were *no* Americans who recited it. Shortly after its implementation, You can't say that Americans for the the Nazi salute, with palm down, was century plus of America were unpat- to be made as the phrase, "to the riotic for not citing a pledge that flag", was spoken. didn't exist! Still, half of U.S. states require students to recite The hand over the heart is described the pledge! in Section 4 of the Flag Code. Refusing to recite the pledge does Q6) Do you salute the flag? Why or not make one unpatriotic. Contrary why not? to that, the right to dissent is American! I do pledge myself to the A6) I did as a young child, because I ideals of the Constitution that the didn't not understand the reason for flag represents, and I treat the it, and didn't have the capacity to flag with respect, and understand question. In the 1998 movie, *The that as a symbol, the flag is some- Truman Show*, when producer Chris- thing that our soldiers fought for. tophe was asked why Truman, who un- But all those who fought and fight wittingly was living on a TV produc- for freedom will agree that the flag tion since birth, never questioned is not as important to them as the his world until recently, his re- ideals it represents: freedom and sponse was, "we accept the reality justice and the Constitution. I presented before us." That's me as believe in free speech, so I have no Truman when I was young. problem with the pledge. But I'll stand for the right of an objector No one is given the history of the as fiercely as I'll fight for the pledge in school. The most that we right to proudly fly and revere the learn about it, if at all, is a flag! ((L)) -Page 20- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 88888888888888888888888 CHANGES In INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY AREN'T ALWAYS For The WORSE --> By Synonymous 1 <-- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 88888888888888888888888 In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the symbol as a star. there was a movement in the United States opposed to comic books! The Maybe we'll delve into the history movement conducted studies and con- of this scene in history one day in cluded that reading comic books was these bytes of ASCII. Or not. But a cause of juvenile delinquency. I let's look at a reasonably recent know: crazy, isn't it? But in fifty example of the effects of the Comics to sixty years, what do you think a Code Authority's stringent standards future society, in America or some- of content. in the mid-1980s, Mar- where else, will say about us? Just vel Comics began a "real time" title one look at culture of the 2010s, called *The 'Nam*. The first issue and they'll say: look at their ab- concluded with this commentary from surdity! They classify pointer fin- the writer, in 1986: gers as a replica of a class II firearm! They sell baby parts on INCOMING the black market, supported by their government! They shut down lemonade The 'NAM is the real thing- or at stands out of fear of health risks. least as close to the real thing Their government spies on everyone as we can get- in a newsstand com- in the name of security, but invite ic bearing the Comics Code seal. terrorists to flood the border! Every action, every fire fight is They put filmmakers in prison with- based on fact. That doesn't mean out due process. They ban confeder- that the 23rd Infantry was in ev- ate flags and try to censor the ery action we show- it does mean names of football teams! that, in February of 1966, a con- tingent of U.S. Infantry met with You get the picture. You probably a mechanized group of Aussie In- can think of a few examples of your fantry and together they dis- own. So, like anything else that a covered a Viet Cong tunnel system, group thinks is dangerous, where do just as shown in issue #1. you go when you want to stop every- one from accessing it? Why, the ... government, of course! Yes, we had to make some compro- The topic of comic books actually mises. The real language used by led to *CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS* on soldiers in the field can be quite the topic! Studies on the issue raw. The most common appellation were compiled in a 400-page book for a new troop is not "greenie". called *Seduction of the Innocent*. The word itself is printable, but It is filled with excerpts from the explanation gets a bit touchy. comic books demonstrating how the We all know that General AcAuliffe medium was allegedly dangerous for didn't really say "nuts" to the children to read, drawing them to- German commander at Bastogne... ward a life of juvenile delinquen- cy. It led to the creation of the Today the Authority is no longer an Comics Code Authority, whose stamp influence. Such censorship ceased shaped logo is familiar to comic just recently, exemplifying cases of book readers between the 1960s and individual freedom advancing in huge 1990s. More seasoned readers know strides in such a short time! ((L)) -Page 21- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY ~~~~~~ realpez.oct ~~~~~~ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& To explain this file: Mr. Pez is a "Ramblings". In "REAL PEZ DEVOTEES", sysop who is a member of a BBS text he reflects his personality onto his file group called *Octothrope Produc- fans (in 75-line text); I wanted to tions*. This is an octothorpe: # We feature one of his shorter files, but call it a "pound sign" or "hashtag" noticed that this particular text file today. Octothorpe Productions was a was 16384 bytes in size, *exactly* 16 text file writing group on the Works kilobytes. Like all Octothorope pro- BBS, notable for hosting textfiles. ductions, this dates between 1986 and Mr. Pez wrote several textfiles for 1988. It's filled with BBS, vintage Octothrope Productions, including his hacker & fon phreaker jargon. Enjoy! ******************************************************************************** /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ // \\ // \\ EPHISTO // \\ // \\ ADWARE // \// \\ // \// \\ -= and =- __ __ __ ___ __ __ /| / /| |\ |\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /_| /_ / | | \ | \ \__ \ \ \ \ _\ \ \__ /\ / / / | \| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ /_ /__/ | | \ \__ \ \_\ \ \ \__ \__ Mephisto Madware/Red Menace Productions Present: "Real Pez Devotees" ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ by: (who else?) Mr. Pez ~~~ ~~~ Now, as the swirl of text graphics finishes, you realize that what you have is another annoying file from Mr. Pez. "Ah," you say, "but I haven't SEEN any files from Mr. Pez!" To which I counter, "My annoying personality on the many boards I call, not to mention 75-line messages, can be considered to be files." And this file tells you how to be JUST LIKE your favorite candy/dispenser combo. first part: Real Pez Devotees as Sysops Real Pez Devotees will be sysops in the near future, and have always -Page 22- been that way. Real Pez Devotees, if sysops, want to know everything about their users, like real names and stuff. Real Pez Devotees don't mind leeching, if done in mild amounts, since they know that leeching is how they got all their files. Real Pez Devotees really love uploads. ("What the hell is this shit? ALL sysops love uploads!") (Ah, my misguided friend, Real Pez Devotees are eternally grateful.) Real Pez Devotees never have the heart to delete users who quite obviously are fake, like users who call themselves "BIOC AGENT 003", on the off chance that they might be the real person. Real Pez Devotees, if finally given sysop access, say so everywhere, and beg people to call the board. (In this case, The Works, 914-238-8195. See?) second part: Real Pez Devotees as BBS users Real Pez Devotees "pollute" BBS's. That is to say, they call them regularly, say twice a day, and post an awful lot. This is not altogether well-liked by the sysops and users of those boards, but they realize they can't really do anything about it. And a Pez is not such an bad thing to have on a board, since while they leech, they upload, too, and join in conversations. corollary: Real Pez Devotees saturate their area code. Real Pez Devotees, sadly, kiss ass, and go out of their way to avoid confrontations, sometimes changing their posistion right then and there. That's not altogether bad, but does hurt a Pez's credibility. corollary: Real Pez Devotees apologize. Real Pez Devotees never know who to put as "references"...they have spoken and left mail to a lot of people, but think that it's a big step to put someone as a reference. Real Pez Devotees leech of boards they know, but are loath to leech off of pirate boards, since they don't want to look bad. (See "Real Pez Devotees, sadly, kiss ass"..) Real Pez Devotees use long-distance services to make free calls, but know that this does not make them considered "phreaks". They use the "codes" to call all kinds of BBS's all over the country once a day. -Page 23- corollary: Real Pez Devotees will never say they "phreak" to anyone who might possibly know anything about it, but will look down on people who only call local Commodore 64 BBS's. Real Pez Devotees like many kinds of IBM BBS software, notably WWIV for its neat ANSI (colored) graphics tricks, Forum for its full-screen editor, PC-Board for its enjoyable prospects for leeching, Citadel for its ease of logging on, reading all messages, and logging off, as well as the ability for anyone to create "rooms", or sub-boards (NOT called SUBZ!!1 which are sandwiches that you get from a deli.), software called "M-Link" for its overall whackiness (i.e. individual ranknames and a general good humor). corollary: Real Pez Devotees hate RBBS, C-Net (and mostly all Commodore 64 BBS software), and yes, AE's without anything "attached", like TAC, TransPhor (it's new, for IBM's), or having BBS's attached to them. Real Pez Devotees gently harass people they know, which is sometimes taken out of context to try to show a Pez as mean, or spiteful. Real Pez Devotees are nosy, and have tried to read messages with an "S." in front of them, as well as "Reciever-Only" messages on PC-Boards. (Note to unenlightened: "PC- Board" is an IBM BBS program, not a general term for boards run on IBM's. It's sort of like RBBS, only spiced up with color and better transfer sections.) They also look at Callers Logs to find out who was tying up the board when they wanted to be on, and how many downloads people make. If they know the sysop's voice number, they'll call him if the board is busy, and ask who's on. third part: The Writing Styles of Real Pez Devotees Real Pez Devotees care about spelling and proper use of grammar in textfiles/messages, but rarely say so. But in their minds, they don't really respect people who spell badly and use improper grammar. Although, (see the "ass-kissing" section) they will overlook improper grammar if the person has a national reputation (i.e. certain Neon Knights, Budman "Zeek", and others.). That's why a Pez likes Anarchy inc. so much, because they seem very intelligent, as a whole. Ex: I looked up the word "corollary" because I wasn't sure how to spell it. Ex: I'm going to spell-check this when I'm done. Real Pez Devotees have adapted a lot of people's writing styles, as well as their own, to form what looks like a unique personality. Some examples follow: -Page 24- 1. Capitalizing words to emphasize points Ex: "I can't BELIEVE you did that!" Also, using an asterisk after the word to emphasize points. (Stolen from Citadels in Minnesota.) Ex: "I can't believe* you said that!" 2. Using "..." to link common subjects, or indicate time passing, or end a sentence. Ex: "I can't believe you said that...but I guess I would too, in that situation...who knows..." 3. Two spaces after a period. That's pretty much universal, though. As well as skipping a line between paragraphs. 4. A lot of commas used, so as not to appear as a run-on sentence. 5. When chatting, every line begins with "Yeah," or "Well,". 6. The use of "a), b), c)" to distinguish separate points. fourth part: The Personal Habits of Real Pez Devotees Real Pez Devotees stay up until 11:30 on weeknights, and wake up at 5:30, and thus are numb all day. On weekends, they stay up until 3am, when the boards finally become freed up. Or else they write textfiles like this one. Real Pez Devotees screw around on the computer until 10:00 every day, and then do their homework. Strangely enough, I got my highest grades ever since starting this. Real Pez Devotees drink large amounts of Coke Classic, which allows them to stay up to 3am. Also, "Twix" bars are a cool thing to eat, from time to time. Another fave is cereal ("Cinnamon Life") eaten at odd hours. Real Pez Devotees feel awkward walking into a classroom when there are a lot of people already in there. They always feel sort of awkward in front of lots of people. Unless they are drunk, in which case they don't care. Unfortunately, this is a rare happening. Normally, we (the Real Pez Devotees) are hyper from Coca-Cola. Real Pez Devotees fight with their siblings. Real Pez Devotees enjoy volleyball, soccer, and baseball, but hate football and "bombardment". (A violent version of Dodgeball.) (Real Pez Devotees have always thought Speedball sounded better than it played.) Real Pez Devotees yell at their parents from time to time, but usually do what they say. (Within reasonable limits.) Real Pez Devotees have really short hair, and like it that way. -Page 25- fifth part: Real Pez Devotees And Clothes Real Pez Devotees wear: khaki pants "Banana Republic" button-downs "Coca-Cola" clothes Levi's "501" jeans Docksiders (without socks until December, usually. They can take it.) glasses. If a Real Pez Devotee finds a shirt he likes, he'll buy several in different colors. And has trouble explaining it. Real Pez Devotees have sneakers, but usually leave them in their gym locker, preferring instead the ubiquitous Docksiders or duck boots (ugly, but Real Pez Devotees don't care). sixth part: (holy shit!) Real Pez Devotees and Music Real Pez Devotees listen to: Ska (which includes) The English Beat The Specials The Skatalites The Selecter Rico Rodriguez Reggae (only) Yellowman Black Uhuru old Santana records their own music (more on that later) Run-D.M.C. (they got hooked last year) Real Pez Devotees hate: Top 40 (including all) Genesis Bon Jovi Madonna Pet Shop Boys and all other Top 40 fluff groups. Stryper (that's fucking scarier than Satanism in "metal"!) Real Pez Devotees are in a band, and go over to their friend's houses on weekends with a lot of equipment and jam. This usually results in a song, or degenerates into a point where they go to the computer and start harassing people on CompuServe "CB". The songs are mixed, like rap, reggae, blues, slamdance stuff, and artsy Talking Heads clones. -Page 26- seventh part: Bullshitting Around/The End So, I figured I had to start with a "Real" file. One that detailed my personality, and habits, and stuff. My name's Mr. Pez, and I don't expect you to imitate me. Hell, I don't know what to think of this file. It's kind of long, huh? Hope it was worth it... -Pez : STUPID_SPECS RM/MM '87 Begun: 25 February 1987 3:12pm Finished: 28 February 1987 1:26am Written on: IBM PC, Writing Assistant (written and spell-checked) Edited: with PC-Write (for justification, clarity, text graphics) Author: Mr. Pez For: Red Menace, Octothorpe Productions (?), Mephisto Madware Size: 15,640 bytes A few boards which ask only that you grace them with your presence. _- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _____N_a_m_e____________S_y_s_o_p_____S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e____N_u_m_b_e_r____ [] The Works! [] Jason Scott! [] PCBoard 10.0 || [914]/238-8195 [] [] The Darque Side [] S Bunker [] Micro*Link || [408]/245-SPAM [] [] Terrapin Station [] Count Nibble [] AE:TAC || [505]/865-0883 [] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ classroom when there are a lot of people already in there. They always feel sort of awkward in front of lots of people. Unless they are drunk, in which case they don't care. Unfortunately, this is a rare happening. Normally, we (the Real Pez Devotees) are hyper from Coca-Cola. Real Pez Devotees fight with their siblings. Real Pez Devotees enjoy volleyball, soccer, and baseball, but hate football and "bombardment". (A violent version of Dodgeball.) (Real Pez Devotees have always thought ******************************************************************************** (NOTE FROM SYNONYMOUS 2: The text file abruptly ends here, possibly because the text program that this was written on enforced a strict 16k limit.) ((L)) ******************************************************************************** }}}}}}}}}} EXTRANEOUS 1 {{{{{{{{{{ }}}}}}}}}} EXTRANEOUS 2 {{{{{{{{{{ In the first 2016 debate, Jeb Bush Bernie Sanders claims to never have said he's 100% pro-life. In the taken a cent from big business, but most recent debate, he cited excep- a quick research into a transparency tions to his pro-life stance. Also, site shows he took money from a big two words for you: Teri Schaiver. company who makes their money from You allowed her to be starved to selling baby parts- Planned Parent- death against her will. hood. ((L)) -Page 27- ================================================================================ _______ ___ _ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ |__ __| / _ \ | | | ____| / ____| OF |_ _| / ____||_ _|/ ____| | | | |_| || | | |__ | (___ | | | (___ | | | (___ | | | _ || | | __| \___ \ OUR | | \___ \ | | \___ \ | | | | | || |____ | |____ ____) | _| |_ ____) | _| |_ ____) | |_| |_| |_||______||______||_____/ ALLIES: |_____||_____/ |_____|_____/ THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAS A RECORD OF SUPPORTING, FUNDING & AIDING TERRORISTS ================================================================================ ...oo88OO{ By Synonymous 1, Synonymous 2 & G.P.S. }OO88oo.. ================================================================================ PART ONE Nothing in this report is stated in It took a Canadian communist to tell joy. Who wants to write something us this. (See the guest post by believing that their own government Empty Turret on the Consumer Reports would sell out its own people's effect.): Tarek Fatah. These are safety for no real return? That a the names of the terrorists working sitting president knowingly and ac- in the White House. Feel free to tively supports evil and against the DOX them, exposing them: people they're against? But main- o Dalia Mogahed stream journalism, as total apolo- o Arif Alikhan gists for this administration, con- o Mohammad Elibiary (hand picked by tort themselves to defend *ANYTHING* Janet Napolitano herself!) this president does, no matter how o Rashad Hussain (hand picked by horrendous. This truth is for the Obama himself!) future generations as a record. o Salam Marayati (from Bush years) o Imam Mohamed Magid OUR FIRST TALE is about the terror- o Eboo Patel ist organization The Muslim Brother- o Azizah al-Hibri hood. Formed in 1928, it is the The Muslim Brotherhood funds other parent organization of Al-Qaeda. It terrorists. Their goal is to es- is focused on creating conditions tablish a global caliphate through that are ripe for terrorism. Natur- a campaign of terror and force. ally, the elimination of Israel is one of its primary goals. The Mus- A few years ago, at a congressional lim Brotherhood is such a threat to hearing, Napolitano was told of our existence that even Mubarak, the their concerns about one terrorist former Muslim dictator of Egypt, put infiltrating the administration. a ban on the terror group in his She said she'd investigate it and country. Obama's long-standing love take action. affair with this terrorist organi- zation is a primary reason Obama She promoted him. It's their Modus supported the so-called Arab Spring Operendi. that swept Egypt in 2011. For more from Tarek Fatah, visit There are at least six members of http://tarekfatah.com. WARNING: A this terrorist group working inside clearnet link. the White House. They don't just work there; they hold high positions in national security. They were OUR SECOND TALE is about U.N. Reso- given access to high security areas. lution 16/18. IT's a boring name And the administration knew who they for a tale, but in summary: Obama were when they put them there. And actively pushed for passage of U.N. they don't care. resolution 16/18 in 2014, placing Sharia Law above the U.S. Consti- -Page 28- tutuion. This led to the proposal they were about... probably some of bill HR-5194, the Muslim Brother- reparations for something another hood Terrorism Designation Act. One democrat president from 200 years way Obama ignores terrorists is to ago did to their ancestors. who ev- deem them "non-terrorist" organi- en cares? It's the last thing on zations. The bill failed; there are everyone's mind. Then came the mo- too many in both parties who are ment that shocked me. With a big beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood smile on his face, he points to some because the dealt with them to at- member of the audience and says, tain or remain in power. Grover "And now, I want to give a shout out Nordquist and John McCain are two to Doctor Joe, Medicine Pro, who's notable examples. But if it passed, here in the audience." What?! Did it would force Obama to put his dec- you know that there's just been a laration in writing. national tragedy: the first terror attack on our soil in eight years? OUR THIRD TALE is about the Foot What little respect for Obama I had, Hood shooting. [NOTE FROM SYNONY- which was generous anyway since he MOUS 2: This tale is written by Syn- never earned it, was gone. Obama nonymous 1]. I lost whatever little discussed the attack at the end, al- respect President Obama had on the most as an afterthought and a nui- day of the Fort Hood Shooting. This sance to discuss. The world saw for is the story of why. the first time that he is unfit for the office. Since that day, Obama's On September 11th, 2001, we were all state department, under his command, looking for answers: the World Trade refused to allow the terrorist at- Center massacre was deliberate, but tack to officially be classified as we didn't know who did it or why. one, denying the families of the de- Like many Americans, I turned to the seased any compensation. Meanwhile, president for answers and reassur- the terrorist continued to receive ances that we will have resolve. A full military pay and was accommo- president's political party was not dated in every way, including being important. The fact that as a whole llowed to grow a beard according to nation we turned to the president to Islam. Wait! I thought terrorists lead for one day was all that mat- were *perverting* Islam! I don't tered. care about the beard as a libertar- ian, but if you join a military you And he did. Regardless of anything go in knowing there are codes. In objectionable that he did AFTER that 2015, the terrorist attack was made day, on September 11th he represent- official at last, but Obama fought ed all Americans and I set aside my the victims' families and common differences to hear him speak for us sense at every turn. Americans. Never again did anything Obama did Atop of waiting hours for his news to downplay or even aid terrorists conference, he was late as always. surprise me. when he finally showed up, Mr. Obama acted like a rock star, like we came to see him and not hear his address. OUR FOURTH TALE is about the Purge. What happened next surprised me, and after that, I was never surprised at There is a lot to be said about *ANYTHING* Obama ever did again, no Obama's order to purge any reference matter how incredulous. First he to Islamic terror, and any manuals was saying that the negotiations be- on identifying and combating Islamic tween his communist czar Van Jones terrorists, from all CIA and FBI and the Indians were going well. databases in 2011. And it's been Who cares? He didn't even say what said. Michelle Bachmann was one of -Page 29- ================================================================================ ...',,''..........................,,;:::lollll:::::::;;;,,,,,,:loodxkkkkkkkkkdoo ...'''......................',:ccoxxxkOxddxxxxxdddxxxxxxdolc::cccccodxxxkkkxxdoo ,''''..........','...... .'codkO000OkkkdooxxxxkkkkkO0XXXXK0000Oxooc:c:ldxkxxxkkk ;;;.. ......,,,''...':dkkOKK0kdolc::::llllllodxk0XXXNWWWWWWNXKOoc:;:lxkkkkkk ..........''''';llcc:;;cox0K00kkxolc:,..'','.',;;:odkKXXNWWWMMMMMMW0xl::cloodxxx ..'''',,,;:ccc::::cc::okkOkkxollc:;;,'.......',,:oddOXXNWWWWWWWMMMWXkc::::cdxdd .''....,,,'',,;'.',:c:oO0xlloolcc:;;;,'......';::clloxk0XNNNNWWWWMMMMXxol:;:oxkk .''....,,,,,,,,;::::;;dOdc,,;:cc:;;:c;''.',;;;;:clollookKXXXXNNXXNWWMN0kdc;;cdkk ;,;,,,;ccc::::::::ccclxl'.....';,..........',''',;:ccoxxOOO0KXKKKXNWWWX0xc;;:oxk ccc::::ccccllc::c:::d0x,.. .....,cclxOkOKXNNNNWWMMWNk:,,,cox ::::::::ccccc:;;;;,,dNo. ...,;lkO00XNNWWWWMMMMWO:,'';:l ,;,''',,,,,,'...''..cOc ...cdOKKXKKXNWWMMMMMMMO;''.''; ;;,''','',''. .';lc,. .,cxOKNNXXXNWMMMMMMMMMx.....'' ;;;;;;;;;;;;,....,cl; .:ox0KKKXNNWMMMMMMMMMWNl ..... ,;,,,;;;;;;::;,'':cc;'.. .'.. .....'..',''. ..,:lkKKXWWWMMMMMMMMMMX0: .... ccc;,,,,''',,;;,;ccldoollooc;:,..,coddoc:c:;,''''''.':oxKWWWMMMMMMMMMMOc. . lol:::;,'''',,',:c:cxKKXXXXOdd; .:dk0kxo;,....,;;;'...',dKNNWMMMMMMMMMo. cc::::;,,'''.. .',;dOOkkxxo;'. ,oxkxkOOOddxxl;;clccccco0NNWMMMMMNNWNc llllccc:::,... ....','...'. .;cc,',:c:lxkxooolloddxOXNWWMWWNOloko. .... :ccc::;;;;;,'.... . ... ...........,;:o0XNNNKkdllxxc. ..... ......'''....''. . .'clox0XNX0Odolx00x' ... ........... . ... .. .';looxKNX0O00Odd0Kx' '''..................,c:,::..'::,..';,. ...,;:::cdKN0ddd0Xkdxxc. ....................,cc;,dOxxOKXOolc;,,. ....,;;;;:d0KOocoxOdoc,. ... ...'''........'.....;c;,;lk0XNXK0o:'...... ...''',;::cx0KOolccolc,..... . ,.',,'...''.....',,,,;cc::;:looll:,.. .'.....',,,:cclcok00xc;,,::;..;c;. '.'',,'..........;;,;ldkko,...,:clclolcc:;,.',;:clodooooxOOo'..''c;...,,' ......''.........;;,,;lKNKdoodkKK0000OOkol;,;:looddoooodxOKd,.,oOx, ... ... .................','',;okkooxxxxk0KKOolc;,';cclcloooooood0XKkxk0Ko. .... ... ..........'',;'',. .....;:;......'coocclodddolodOXKXXKOk:.. . ..'' ...... ...... ....... .......;;clol::cldxdlcoxk000000Kx'.. ..';:: '''....... .;;;,'.'',;:cc:'..';cooc'',:cllllokOO00OloKXO;.. ...,:ll ..'''........ .colollcccc:::,. .... ...,;:::d00OOo,.;OXM0x: .''',;: ................ ';;;;''... ..';;:cx0Oko. cXWMMMXl..,;;;',; ......'';ccooo:. ... ..';;,;cdkxd; lMMMMMMKkd:;;;;;; ..';;:coddxxkO0KKNNXo'. ....';;,:col,. dMMMMMMMMN0Okxddd xkO000O00000KKKKXNWWWNx. .......',,'.,clc. ,KMMMMMMMMMMWWWNNX OOO0000000000KKKNWWMMMWOdc. ....... .....'..',;;,;,.. lMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWNN OO0000000000KKKXNMMMMMMMMMl ....... ....',:ccc:,' .;kMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNN 000000000000KKKXWMMMMMMMMMo ..;looddxdc:;. :KNMMMMMMMWWWWWNXXXX 00OO0KXXKK00KKXNWWWWMMMMMMk. .oOkkOko,. lMMWWWWWWWWNNWNNK0KK 00OO00XXXXNNNXXNWWWMMMMMMMk. ;dodxdc. .xWWWWNXXXXXNXXXXK0O0 OOOOO00KKXNNNNXNWWMMMMMMMMx. 'cdKNXOxdl,.. ;KXXXXK00KKKKKXXXXXXN O0O0000KKXXXXNXNWWWMMMMMMMd .cxdl:c:;;;:c:,'. :KKXXKKKK00000XNWMWWN 0000O00KKKKKKXXXNWWWMMMMMWl .'codc. .;cc:,'. cKKKKKKKK0000000KXKKK OO00O0000K000KKKXNNNWWMMWN: .lxo. ..,:'. .lxKKKKKKKKK00K0OOO00OO OO00OOO000000KKKKXNNNWWWWX; .... 'c,. :0KKKKKKKKKKKKK0000000O O000OOO000000KKKKXNNNWWWWK; 'c. cXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00000 ================================================================================ M O H A M U D M O R S I Terrorist and ousted president of Egypt, speaking before the United Nations. ================================================================================ -Page 30- the whistleblowers of this action, Obama has a compulsion to use our only to have her character assassin- tax money to fund terrorists. For ated by people in her own party, not example, terrorists launched miss- to mention Anthony Weiner, whose own iles into Israel in 2010 and Israel wife is the daughter of a terrorist. retaliated with targeted strikes. Obama, feeling sorry, gave $900 mil- It's mentioned just above that a lot lion, about the amount the guy who can be said about the purge, and it "Madoff" with from the top of Fannie already has been in book form. Mae, to the terrorists so they could LiberTORian magazine recommends the rebuild. book, *Catastrophic Failure* by Ste- phen Coughlin for a full expose' of Morsi is no exception. the purge. You can also read our short review in the *Hard Copy* col- Obama was all set to give money and umn of LiberTORian Issue 2. weapons to the new would-be terror- ist state. (Synonymous 1 was not surprised.) But the Egyptian mili- OUR FIFTH TALE is about the Arab tary, who was largely sympathetic to Spring. First, let it be said that the ousted Mubarak, staged a coup to there are dictators that we should prevent the newly-elected Morsi from not support because a statist is a taking power. Obama did his part: statist, but sometimes the grass is he threatened to freeze any assets greener and some dictators maintain and monetary aid Egypt was already stability in the region. Mubarak is receiving until the terrorist could one example. take his throne. And he did. Mubarak was the dictator of Egypt in Oppression followed. Sharia became 2011. Under his rule, the Muslim Egyptian law. Christians were im- Brotherhood was shut out of the prisoned for their faith. Coptic country. By the way, the Muslim Christians were nearly exterminated. Brotherhood was recognized as a ter- Today Egyptian Jews number in the ror group in Egypt under Mubarak. hundreds when they were hundreds of Meanwhile, in the USA, James Clapper thousands. That's a lot of killing called them a "peaceful, largely and fleeing. The MB has been un- secular organization." Remember, leashed on Christians. Even CBS' 60 it's the *MUSLIM* Brotherhood for a Minutes, which turns a blind eye to reason. Imagine if the Christian such things, reported on the murders Coalition was called "Largely secu- and mass church arsons. There was lar"! Maybe Mubarak's designation more persecution than under 30 years was why Obama had a problem with him before Morsi. and supported the groundswell of radical Muslims calling for his re- Obama met with Morsi but the perse- moval from office. custion of Christians, nor the op- pression of Muslims, whose rights The reason couldn't be because these were stripped away, never seemed im- people wanted freedom from oppres- portant enough. Obama pledged to sion. Because when Mohamud Morsi, a continue funding $1 billion in aid member of the terrorist organization to the new terrorist regime. And it itself, seized power, Egypt faces an even gets worse than that. And Syn- oppression they haven't seen in mod- onymous 1 isn't surprised. But that ern times. The Arab Spring became is another tale. the Arab Winter, and Obama praised it. Furthermore, he opposed every This article mentioned ISIS but so measure to remove Morsi from power, far we've been talking on general including the second Arab Spring to Islamo-terrorists. There are more remove Morsi from power. tales to come, but we'll pick up on it in LiberTORian's next issue.((L)) -Page 31- ________________________________________________________________________________ ,X: :o .. :XN; .;lKXNWNXK00Okxdol:. XWWx ;xKWMMMMMWWNNNNNWWWMMMWNOc' MMWX' ,coONMMMMMMMWWWWNNXXXNWWWMMMMMMW0. WWWWd 'l0WMMMMMMMMMWWNXKXNNNNNNWWMMMMMMMMMXldxo;. o:XMX' .kWMMMMMMMMWNNNWNXXKXNNWMMWWMMMMWWWWWMMMWWWMWOc. cKWo .oNWMMMMMWWWNNXXXKXXNXXXNNNNNNNWWWNNXNNNXWWWWMMMMWx. '.lKWK' 'KNWWMMWWNXK0OOO0OkkkOOkddxxxkkkOOOkkkkOO0KXNWMMMMMMMO; NxXMMWO. oWMMWWN0xoc:;;,,',,',;;;,'''',;;;;;:cccllodxk0XXNWMMMMMMKo. MMMMMWNl dWWWXKxc,''.......................''',;::cccclok0XNMMMMMMMMW; MMMMMMWK'cWWNKkl,'''........... ........'',,;;::::cccok0XWMMMMMMMMX. 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';,'..... ......,;cxkdolccllllclooo, .KMMMMMMXc ,OKKKKKKKKKKKx. .::;,.. .....';ldxxoolccccccclll; kMMMMMMMMMW0o :0KKKKKKKKKK0c. .:;;;,,''.'',,;:cloddollc:::c::cccc' kWMMMMMMMMMMMM KKKKKKKKKKKO, ol,;,,,''',,,;;;::::::;;,,;;;::c;. kWMMMMMMMMMMMMM XKKKKKKKKKx. ;0x.:;,'.......''',,,,'..'',,;;' kWMMMMMMMMMWWWWM KKKKKKKKKd. .,lKNWWWd,'..................',,. xWMMMMMMMMMWWWWWM KKKKKKKKd. .,cx0NMMMMMMMMx.,.................'.. xNWMMMMMMMWWWWWWMM 00000KKd',cd0XWMMMMMMMMMMMWM: .'.......... ..... oNWMMMMMWWWWWWWWWMM 00000KXXWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWM' ........ ... ;NWWMMMMWWWWWWWWWWMM ________________________________________________________________________________ CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER, U.S. SENATOR FROM TEXAS and 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ______________________________ T E D C R U Z ______________________________ \______________________/ -Page 32- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& It's a wrap for a whole nother issue Supreme Court's greatest defender of of LiberTORian. But! As Cher sang, freedom: Chief Justice Rhenquist. "And the beat goes on". It's now He later worked for George W. Bush. deep into primary season and we've Then when Bush stopped the execution got a completely worthless democrat of an illegal immigrant who raped party which looks like a Euro-style and murdered a 14 year old teen in fringe group out for itself and not accordance to the World Court's a political party with its own view- wishes, Ted Cruz fought for American point on how to best serve the pub- sovereignty against his former boss- lic. Having rejected Jim Webb, one and won! Regardless of your death of the only level-headed democrats penalty views, American sovereignty remaining, either candidate would was the issue. complete Obama's job of bringing America, and the rest of the world, As a lawyer, Ted Cruz also stood be- into an age of darkness and oppres- for the Supreme Court NINE TIMES to sion. opposed Barack Obama's illegal and unconstitutional attacks on freedom. That said, it's slim pickings in AND HE WON MOST OF THOSE! He was the republican party. Donald Trump the one who won the Hobby Lobby case is an magician who exhibits so many and won cases that defended freedom of the traits that made Obama a of speech, freedom of religion, and terrible candidate. Only six candi- the 2nd Amendment. America is less dates remain: free because of Obama, but we would be SEVERELY LESS FREE without the Donald Trump Marco Rubio vigilant defense of freedom from Ted Ted Cruz Jeb Bush Cruz. Marco Rubio John Kasich In the senate, Ted Cruz was the LONE The only republicans with statistic SENATOR who filibustered Rubio's and viability are Trump and Cruz. gang of eight's amnesty bill, on the floor for twenty-one hours straight. The only libertarian on that list is Ted Cruz. I like Ben Carson person- Up to four justices may be replaced ally, but don't know enough about in the next 4 years. Cruz swore to how he will govern. He also has only nominate true Constitutionalist shown low poll numbers in the first judges to the Supreme Court. On day two primary states. one he vowed to eliminate the De- partment of Education, AND, he said Ted Cruz has a consistent record of he'd pay a visit to each federal de- fighting for liberty. His father partment and tell them, "The perse- escaped Castro's firing squad! Even cution of Christians here ends now." though that's not his accomplishment Icing on the cake. he was instilled with the principles of freedom at an early age. Cruz Our rights are being eliminated. memorized the Constitution at age 13 Trump and the democrats will contin- and spend his entire life since then ue down that path. Cruz is our last defending it. He studied law at chance to restore America. If we Harvard and came out with his princ- choose another, We'll be so far gone iples unscathed. He worked as a it'll become nearly impossible.((L)) clerk for two years for one of the - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -