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An idea whose time has come. ;WMMx0MKOd0.XWNWMWdcMM. lMkMMMMKl' Revisited. .xMMMxKMK0kOlNMWxK0XdMM. lMkMMMKNWKkol;... ........,cx0WMMxKMKNdk kWMMMX;lMX cMkM0ldodxkkOOOOOkxxxdddddoddooodooodxxxxxkkkkddooolccloNdKMddxc,,lkOx:,kMK ,MOo,:ok0Oxdl:;;'''''',''.............''',,,;;;:cc;'','',cXWNWWWWWWWMMMMMMK .MMNNNNKKKKKKK0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOkOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0KKKKKKKXXNNWWNWNNNNNNXXXXXNMK WNWWWWWWWWWMMMMMMMWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXNNNXXXXXOc;loodxxkkxkkkKMk :XNWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXXNNNXXXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXXXXNNNNNNNNNNNNNWWWWWMMMMX, 'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllc;;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,''''''..... ALSO: RISE ABOVE (HATE) -- LOST ART OF WRITING -- YOU'LL NEVER GET RID OF MONEY - Page 2 - ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 10 -- } ||| ||| { November, 2015 } ||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published October, 2015. } { } DEEP WEB SITES OF THE DAY..........4 { -- } OnionUp?, Sigaint, & Galaxy 2 { } { LiberTORian is published on an } ARTICLE............................5 { irregular basis. } Biggest Global Warming Shakeup { } Since the ClimateGate Emails { N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, } { actually encouraged, to copy and } BLURBS: Non-Sequitirs..............8 { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } ARTICLE............................9 { ing. } LiberTORian Intellectual Honesty { } Test { } { LIBERTORIAN IS SEEKING } FEATURE...........................10 { A DEEP WEB SITE } You Will Never Get Rid of Money! { } { (Notice to an Onionland users: } ARTICLE...........................12 { The views expressed in LiberTORian } Repeal and Do Nothing!!!!!!!!!!!! { aren't necessarily those of the } { webmaster. That's fine with us } FEATURE...........................13 { libertarians.) } Rise Above { } { } BLURB.............................17 { CORRESPONDENCE: } Thank You!!! { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com } { } CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT..........17 { Send submission & letters to } OF THE DAY { LiberTORian at the above address. } The Second Amendment { } { } FEATURE: RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART..18 { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } Cursive & Letter-Writing { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } { Even a millibitcoin! } ARTICLE...........................24 { (.001 BTC) } Be What You Are Without Sucking @ It { } { } COVER STORY.......................25 { DON'T HURT PEOPLE } A La Carte, Parte 2 { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } '-________________________________-' CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAT......28 captaina.hac QUESTION CORNER...................31 D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please contact LiberTORian if you can host a LiberTORian mirror. synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com -- libertorian@sigaint.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Page 3 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y > } - by Synonymous 1 - { < &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Occasionally the question comes up: So, how are we doing? Do you like, WHY LiberTORian? Well, why not? It hate, couldn't care less about this? is a void that needed to be filled. We'd like to hear from you. Contact Nature abhors a vacuum, and SOMEONE us with your thoughts & comments at: would be making something similar. synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com The deep web has all kinds of users, and the upper wing would eventually Do you like the retro look? If you be on the scene. I mean, it's there do, I wonder if you like them be- already in some of the common ideas cause you grew up in the days of BBS expressed by people: limited govern- communication, where this type of ment intrusion, distrust of statism, file often was a carrier of infor- privacy rights, aggressive respect mation. Or maybe you are young and for free speech and expression, un- like how someone is taking this kind restrained innovating, freedom of of approach in this day and age. Or commerce (of items banned by the you could be a minimalist, who likes state): all of these coincide with the simplicity of plain .txt, which libertarian principles. It would seems to go hand in hand with the only have been a matter of time deep web, where we shut off Java until top wingers would create a Script and avoid flash video and, in place to call their own. general, keep it simple and safe. That's something else specifically And LiberTORian isn't treading new that we want to know from YOU. ground in this respect. It's just the latest itteration of it. Right And you are to thank. LiberTORian here in the pages of LiberTORian, is for your enjoyment, enlightenment we've chronicled other, more well and concurrence (unless you disagree established sites of interest to with some/most/all of it). Unless libertarians: Alpha 7 Bravo and We you're a statist, or don't advocate Fight Censorship are only two of hurting others and/or taking their several. But LiberTORian is built stuff, this is also a forum for your to be a place where Constitution- voice. We get letters and comments minded libertarians could feel at from the Dear Readers, but very few home and welcome. The few other articles. One thing I'd like to see writers and I come from a Consti- more of in LiberTORian is your input tutional Conservative viewpoint, so to shape the magazine. I mean, do most of the material comes from you really want to read only what a such a vantage point. But we want few of my peers and I have to say? this periodical to be an exchange Wouldn't you like your words to be of ideas for the entire spectrum of read in 30 or so years by some wide libertarianism. The only point of eyed youth, who found an archive of view we really don't welcome into vintage eZines from the 2010s com- these pages is a statist one. But piled by some electronic communica- no big loss for statists; there are tions historian? well, here is your tons of Deep Web sites for them. chance! And we welcome statists to read our publication. We have no problem So, enjoy issue 10. Then send us with them reading, or speaking out your thoughts! And remember: don't elsewhere on heir views. But hurt others and don't take their LiberTORian is something different. stuff! ((L)) - Page 4 - WITH SO MANY DEEP WEB SITES WE LOVE, G.P.S. & SYNONYMOUS 2 ARE ALSO MAKING PICKS FOR INCLUSION OF THIS ISSUE'S DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY! _####__ O \ oo/ /\ n O N I O N U P ? : u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ i t http://o3sjgjkupxgxcnrb.onion * DEEP WEB SITES OF THE DAY * \_( o o n Clearnet: > > > ONION UP? < < < b http://onionup.com/ .................................... U e .................................... p So you can't connect to yr favorite d OnionUp is great at exposing dis- .onion site, and you wonder if it's s o abled links and eliminates the mys- you, or is it them? OnionUp is here e w tery of wondering if you should keep to give you your answer. Simply e n retrying or give up. Of course, if enter the URL of the onion page that m OnionUp itslef isn't up, then we're you can't connect to, and OnionUp s n all in deep trouble! Until then, lets you know if it's you, or if the o enjoy the link. site is down. w ................................................................................ > > > S i g a i n t < < < S I G A I N T : > > > m a i l < < < http://sigaintevyh2rzvw.onion/mail/ ................................................................................ Sigaint is a web site that, accord- interest. There's no reason for you ing to its slogan, is "making the ever to send another Gmail message 3-letter agencies cry". Don't know again! Well, there are plenty of how accurate that is, but their logo alternatives to Gmail on clearnet, is an eye crying blood. Their sites and while none of them offer the represent the "dark" nature of the security of Sigaint, AT LEAST YOU'RE hidden internet; their web pages are OFF OF GMAIL! Evil. They don't re- on black backgrounds. Sigaint is spect your privacy. another mail server that resists the NSA, FBI, and so on. The secure Synonymous 1 of LiberTORian has a mail server is formatted very much Sigaint email address and is fine like Squirrel Mail (see LiberTORian sharing it: issue 3). Sigaint has a greater deep web presence and alternate libertorian@sigaint.org .onion pages. Your Sigaint mail address will al- It's nice there's a free email onion ways be [name]@sigaint.org. So get client that has privacy in your best your account and start socializing! ................................................................................ > > > G A L A X Y 2 < < < G A L A X Y 2 : http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion/ ................................................................................ Let's face it: Facebook SUCKS! But The only issue with Galaxy 2 is that there was only one deep web alterna- you may have to activate JavaScript tive for social networking: Galaxy 2 during the registration process. (there was a Galaxy 1, yes?) Some ALWAYS PROCEED WITH CAUTION WHEN of thought that Galaxy 2 was defunct ACTIVATING JAVASCRIPT IN ONIONLAND. forever. Well, they're not! Galaxy You may be able to register without 2 is the place to meet other deep it, so try it that way first. After web users and share common interests that, you're a part of Onionland's with each other. own social scene. ((L)) - Page 5 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society. BIGGEST GLOBAL WARMING SHAKEUP It is of course, the global warming SINCE THE CLIMATEGATE EMAILS scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has cor- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& rupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue Dear Curt: wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I When I first joined the American have seen in my long life as a Physical Society sixty-seven years physicist. Anyone who has the faint- ago it was much smaller, much gent- est doubt that this is so should ler, and as yet uncorrupted by the force himself to read the Climate- money flood (a threat against which Gate documents, which lay it bare. Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-cen- (Montford's book organizes the facts tury ago). Indeed, the choice of very well.) I don't believe that any physics as a profession was then a real physicist, nay scientist, can guarantor of a life of poverty and read that stuff without revulsion. I abstinence�it was World War II that would almost make that revulsion a changed all that. The prospect of definition of the word scientist. worldly gain drove few physicists. So what has the APS, as an organiza- As recently as thirty-five years tion, done in the face of this chal- ago, when I chaired the first APS lenge? It has accepted the corrup- study of a contentious social/ tion as the norm, and gone along scientific issue, The Reactor Safety with it. For example: Study, though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no 1. About a year ago a few of us sent hint of inordinate pressure on us as an e-mail on the subject to a frac- physicists. We were therefore able tion of the membership. APS ignored to produce what I believe was and is the issues, but the then President an honest appraisal of the situation immediately launched a hostile at that time. We were further en- investigation of where we got the abled by the presence of an over- e-mail addresses. In its better days sight committee consisting of Pief APS used to encourage discussion of Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf, and Hans important issues, and indeed the Bethe, all towering physicists Constitution cites that as its beyond reproach. I was proud of what principal purpose. No more. Every- we did in a charged atmosphere. In thing that has been done in the last the end the oversight committee, in year has been designed to silence its report to the APS President, debate noted the complete independence in which we did the job, and predicted 2. The appallingly tendentious APS that the report would be attacked statement on Climate Change was from both sides. What greater trib- apparently written in a hurry by a ute could there be? few people over lunch, and is certainly not representative of the How different it is now. The giants talents of APS members as I have no longer walk the earth, and the long known them. So a few of us pe- money flood has become the raison titioned the Council to reconsider d'�tre of much physics research, the it. One of the outstanding marks of vital sustenance of much more, and (in)distinction in the Statement was it provides the support for untold the poison word incontrovertible, numbers of professional jobs. For which describes few items in physics reasons that will soon become clear certainly not this one. In response my former pride at being an APS Fel- APS appointed a secret committee low all these years has been turned that never met, never troubled to into shame, and I am forced, with no speak to any skeptics, yet endorsed - Page 6 - ............. ....... ..''','''''........... . ..... ..',,,,,,,,,,,,,''......... . ..... ..',,;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,''........... .. . ..... ..';;:::::::::::::;;;;,,,''................... . ..... .';:ccccccc::::::::;;;;;,,,'''.................. . ..... ..,:ccllllllccc::::::::;;;;;,''''................... . ..... .';:cllllllllllcccccc:::;;;;;,''''''................. . ..... .';:cllllllllllllcclcc::::;;;;,,'''''................... . ..... .';:clllllllllllllccllcc::::::;;,,''''................... . ..... .,:cclllllllllcclcccllc:::::::;,,,''''''................. . ..... 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(They 5.To our amazement, Constitution be did admit that the tone was a bit damned, you declined to accept our strong, but amazingly kept the poison petition, but instead used your own word incontrovertible to describe the control of the mailing list to run evidence, a position supported by no a poll on the members' interest in a one.) In the end, the Council kept TG on Climate and the Environment. the original statement, word for word, You did ask the members if they but approved a far longer "explana- would sign a petition to form a TG tory" screed, admitting that there on your yet-to-be-defined subject, were uncertainties, but brushing them but provided no petition, and got aside to give blanket approval to the lots of affirmative responses. (If original. The original Statement, you had asked about sex you would which still stands as the APS po- have gotten more expressions of sition, also contains what I consider interest.) There was of course no pompous and asinine advice to all such petition or proposal, and you world governments, as if the APS were have now dropped the Environment master of the universe. It is not, part, so the whole matter is moot. and I am embarrassed that our leaders (Any lawyer will tell you that you seem to think it is. This is not fun cannot collect signatures on a vague and games, these are serious matters petition, and then fill in whatever involving vast fractions of our you like.) The entire purpose of national substance, and the repu- this exercise was to avoid your tation of the Society as a scientific constitutional responsibility to society is at stake. take our petition to the Council. 3. In the interim the ClimateGate 6. As of now you have formed still scandal broke into the news, and the another secret and stacked committee machinations of the principal alarm- to organize your own TG, simply ig- ists were revealed to the world. It noring our lawful petition. was a fraud on a scale I have never seen, and I lack the words to de- APS management has gamed the problem scribe its enormity. Effect on the from the beginning, to suppress APS position: none. None at all. serious conversation about the This is not science; other forces merits of the climate change claims. are at work. Do you wonder that I have lost con- fidence in the organization? 4. So a few of us tried to bring science into the act (that is, after I do feel the need to add one note, all, the alleged and historic pur- and this is conjecture, since it is pose of APS), and collected the always risky to discuss other necessary 200+ signatures to bring people's motives. This scheming at to the Council a proposal for a APS HQ is so bizarre that there can- Topical Group on Climate Science, not be a simple explanation for it. thinking that open discussion of the Some have held that the physicists scientific issues, in the best tra- of today are not as smart as they dition of physics, would be bene- used to be, but I don't think that ficial to all, and also a contri- is an issue. I think it's the money, bution to the nation. I might note exactly what Eisenhower warned about that it was not easy to collect the a half-century ago. There are indeed signatures, since you denied us the trillions of dollars involved, to use of the APS membership list. We say nothing of the fame and glory conformed in every way with the re- (and frequent trips to exotic quirements of the APS Constitution, islands) that go with being a member and described in great detail what of the club. Your own Physics De- we had in mind�simply to bring the partment (of which you are chairman) subject into the open. would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When - Page 8 - Penn State absolved Mike Mann* of * Michael Mann is the architect of wrongdoing, and the University of the ClimateGate swindle. His false East Anglia did the same for Phil statistics were given to Al Gore for Jones, they cannot have been unaware his propaganda film, "An Incon- of the financial penalty for doing venient Truth". otherwise. As the old saying goes, ------------------------------------ you don't have to be a weatherman to "HAL" is Harold Lewis, Emiritus Pro- know which way the wind is blowing. fessor of physics AT UC Santa Bar- Since I am no philosopher, I'm not bara. His physics credentials are going to explore at just which point numerous and of the highest honor: enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a o Former member Defense Science careful reading of the ClimateGate board, chmn of Technology panel releases makes it clear that this is o Chmn DSB study on Nuclear Winter not an academic question. o Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards I want no part of it, so please o Former member, President's Nuclear accept my resignation. APS no longer Safety Oversight Committee represents me, but I hope we are o Chairman APS study on Nuclear still friends. Reactor Safety o Chmn Risk Assessment Review Group Hal o Co-founder and former Chairman of ------------------------------------ JASON This is a reprint of the resignation o Former member USAF Scientific Letter from Harold Lewis to Gurtis G Advisory Board Callan Jr of Princeton, President of o Served in US Navy in WW II the American Physical Society. ((L)) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& HOW TO MAKE A LIBERTORIAN HARD COPY: --- N O N - S E Q U I T I R S 1 Open a word processor &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2 Set page size to 8 1/2 x 11 3 Set orientation to Letter *Playboy* magazine announced 13 Oct that it will no longer depict nude 4 Set all 4 margins to .75 inches women in its magazine or web site. So, now we'll see how many people 5 Cut an issue of LiberTORian from *actually* read it for the articles! text editor and paste into your word processor Planned Predators' president Cecilia Richards announced that they will no 6 Highlight all text longer sell the body parts of babies they murder on the black market. So 7 Make font Courier New. Set font can we take it as 1) an admission to 10.5 point and bold of guilt? and 2) an admission that you lied about it? 8 Eliminate -PAGE #- and the spaces above and below so that the pages I'd be on cloud nine if I was a re- are lined up properly publican candidate for president who just watched the first democrat de- 9 Print (use both sides of the page) bate on CNN. 10 Destroy the original files! That's diversity! Dem candidates: (optional) white people with average age of 65! ((L)) - Page 9 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& THE LIBERTORIAN INTELLECTUAL HONESTY - By Synonymous 2 - --- TEST &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Okay, for the last decade, my toler- went silent the moment Obama crossed ance for dumb has decreased. I'm his fingers and swore to uphold the not suggesting curbing free speech, U.S. Constitution. Curious. but I do want to shut certain people from *MY* ears by now. You've prob- The ACLU took W. Bush to the Supreme ably encountered the type. They are Court to end the so-called "Patriot liberal, conservative, statist, and Act" provision that allows warrent- libertarian, as well as moderate. less wiretaps on internatonal calls You'll find a lot more of them in between Americans and known terror- statist and liberal ranks, but they ists overseas. The court overturned are throughout the spectrum. They the provision and Bush, to his cred- are known as the ENTRENCHED IDIO- it, actually said, "the court says LOGUES. Actually, they aren't real- it's unconstitutional, so I will ly known as that, but I'm coining comply." Obama's violations, with- the term now. These are people so out even laws passed by congress to devoted to a party that they abandon back them up, have been far more all thought, defending their side to illegal and imposing on freedom, but extreme ends, and attacking all of the ACLU does very little these days their opponents, now matter what it for some reason. is they do. This the genesis of the LiberTORian For instance, I know this joker who Intellectual Honesty Test. The test trolls the local news forum and is very easy to take: attacks anyone who criticizes Obama, no matter how valid the criticism. | When a politician does something He contorted himself into some very | that you don't have a problem with strange arguments, even exclaiming | him or her doing, and that person his joy that his fellow Obama voters | is politically aligned with your are suffering under Obamacare, just | views, ask yourself, "Would I be because the critic said how wrong it | just as fine with it if the person is for them to suffer, and he had to | doing this held political views be contrary. | that were diametrically opposed to | mine?" How does this type of logic, if it | could be called that, convince any- | If the answer is yes, you *ARE* one to the other side? Are other | intellectually honest. Obama voters ashamed that this is | their side's defense? Is it a sur- | If the answer is no, you *AREN'T* prise that even free speech propo- | intellectually honest. You are an nents want to say, "shut up al- | ideologue! ready!" Gee, that was simple. So the next Remember Cindy Sheehan and how she time you complain that the right vocally and adamantly expressed her wants to cut Medicare (fine with me) hatred for the war in Iraq? She and then when someone on the LEFT made a big fuss and cited President (Obama) becomes the 1st to ACTUALLY W. Bush's name a lot. And I stand DO IT and you are silent, YOU LOSE! up for her right to protest. But she, and the whole anti-war move- Be intellectually honest. ((L)) - Page 10 - Y O U W I L L N E V E R G E T R I D O F . . . ONKO000kOxkOkxxoc;'.. F E D E R A L R E S E R V E N O T E ,okKOkdxlxo;dl:,,... X00kOOONX0l T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A odxOdxdcc; Nk0O xXOklc dclo:d:.c'l;o,o:l;ll.cocd:dxlocco;lllx;'o;cllc:dlolc,c,.lk;lko lc:. xkXx :0xXx'. ............. . . . .ckxlx :::' oONd xXOd0':. ....'.... . . .:xdOxll:coOkkxc' F 12345678 A .lOdx.'l:; OKK0k0X: . ,0k,. .kNO;. ...ldkoo:c. M0OdOo. 6 ,lxkOx; 'XXl,,.,''..'oM0' ... . .6 lkllo:. Kk0o: ,. c0:':,:0c .0W0oc,:,..'..;kMx. .:lxll,. . .',cc,; OKx; :K;.:.lXc :MMWNNkOx..:.'KXWX. .';o.::;cl ',kdko X0o. .:lodl, :MWNNWok0o;';0XXXX. ..:d;'cocl .c0KKM 0kK, . F 12345678 A 'WNXNWNlxko.0KKXNO. .cxlco'. .KXWX XKk:'. . . ',kWNWNXO.. '0dxKNc; ;xKWN kkd;xdc ;6 '. ...'.. .. .:ddOMWMMM0,...OKNlOl' ... . . 6' oo,okkX dOk.xld '....'ccldooKK0KKdc,.:kcdloc:. . . . ;o0.oKk0 Kdodl:dl:clcooll::olcod0; } O N E D O L L A R { ;kx;;,,,'',,,,'''.,:'dclxc0 :c,.,odl::llcool;co:cxdkcdxk0oOdxx0dxd0okOdxdodokodxdckoko:l0lckxxOdxocd0x..''OX $$$ M O N E Y ! $$$ ______________________________________________________________________________ {______________________ B Y __ S Y N O N Y M O U S __ 1 _______________________} I have a hippie friend that defies nomics: supply and demand. the stereotype. She is very curious about things and always wants to Now, let's say that the coconut tree the reason for things to exist the was bountiful, and the tree produced way that they do. The questions she 200 coconuts. The coconuts are in asks seem very silly to those who greater supply, so their value would never bothered to ask why. Yet, the decrease. with an exchange rate of questions she asks are very good. 100s/200c, the cost is 1/2 a shell They indicate that she doesn't just per coconut when we divide, or as an accept things as they are, but asks expression of integers, 2 coconuts WHY? per shell. She had asked me about the basics of Let's say that the harvest was an economics and why things cost the average one (100 coconuts), but the amount that they do. The answer can ocean was generous, and the shell be explained with a token economy collector had 200 shells. Now the analogy, described here: exchange is 200s/100c, or the price of each coconut was now 2 shells. Say that two people live on a tiny Here is another very basic principle deserted island, and because this is of economics: printing more money allegorical, nothing else is killing creates inflation. them. One guy picked up all the shells on the beach. The other guy There are ways that variables can be gathered all the coconuts. By happy put into this island scenario to coincidence (actually, happy con- teach all sorts of economic princi- venience), each person has 100 of ples. For instance, there's not the things they gathered. So the much for the guy who sells coconuts coconut guy likes shells and shell to do with his shells once he has guy wants to eat coconuts. Since them all and all the coconuts are there are 100 coconuts and also 100 eaten. So let's put a third person shells, the exchange rate would be on the island who was really crafty 100s/100c, or 1 shell per coconut. and built a fishing rod and was able This is the basic principle of eco- to catch 100 fish. Now the shell - Page 11 - guy could buy coconuts or fish de- how algebra builds upon earlier pending on his mood. And either concepts), the article *IS* about the coconut guy or the fish guy how we'll never get rid of money. could use their shells to buy from each other. Now suddenly, the So let's say some communist has this economy is dynamic. The coconut brilliant idea that removing the guy's shells are of value to the money supply would make everything fish guy and vice versa. And they worth zero, making all possessions both value the shell collector's equal, and we're all living in John shells. So the coconut guy and Lennon's stupid *imagine* song, with shell guy continue to replenish all of singing "I'd Like to Teach their supply, while the shell guy the World to Sing". looks for new shells. The economy is flowing naturally, but with new Ding dong! You're wrong! shells being added, let's say, by 10 a year, the economy naturally Let's look at a place where money generates inflation. No one's has been eliminated: many county appetite really changes too much, prisons. The transfer of money in so the only thing to reduce the commerce is forbidden in many jails. cost of things is the introduction But eliminating money doesn't mean of new products into the economy. that all possessions go away. And If some guy from a neighboring wherever there are possessions, island came with a raft and sold there are people who covet the po- fishing rods he made to the coco- sessions of others. It is not un- nut guy and the shell guy, the common in prisons for a functional demand of fish would drop and its item, such as cigarettes, to become cost would decrease because there a substitute for money. In such a is more for everyone. case, cigarettes are valued even by people who don't smoke because of That is, if the coconut guy and the their acquired monetary value. Now shell guy took the time to fish. cigarettes have all the power of Well, why wouldn't they? Because money to make commerce happen. they're busy collecting shells and coconuts, just as the fish guy isn't Now, let's say that some statists busy collecting the shells. He's take over the prison system or already got fishing on his agenda. Michael Bloomberg becomes Obama's new attorney general. Cigarettes It's the same reason why we aren't are banned. The supply then becomes all out there mining for gold. It secret, and dwindles over time, as is nice for those who enjoy it, but cigarettes are either smoked or most of us have already chosen our confiscated over time. Their value vocation, be it nursing, creating to purchase increases, and the re- products of our own, providing some sult is deflation (like when fewer service for others who can't, and shells buy more coconuts.) It would so on. be a long time before all the cigar- ettes were removed from the economy, Therefore, all of us working for our and their value will be much higher livings, to get the money, whose the fewer there are. value is determined by its entire volume's exchange rate of the whole This really happened in 1933, when of goods and services we demand, the gold act was issued by President that creates an economy. It's all and all-around socialist Franklin one large, complicated island. Roosevelt. He decreed that all gold coins were illegal to own and became I could diverge from here into any government property. Their evil kind of economic lesson that stems plan, like most socialist plans, was from these basic concepts (it's like a major failure in two ways: - Page 12 - 1) it only made the Depression much &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& worse, but so was just about every- thing FDR did (this may come as a REPEAL AND _DO NOTHING!!!!_ surprise to those who were spoon- fed lies to the contrary in public &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& school). 2) Millions of coins were confi- Republicans ran in 2014 on repealing scated and melted down, but so, too, Obamacare if they were given a House were millions of coins kept safe majority. The voters delivered. from the government's grubby hands. the republicans didn't. Weasels. But did you expect otherwise from All money printed by the federal republicans? So we put them in reserve were backed by gold. that there and instead of repeal Obama- means that for every dollar issued, care, they *fund* it! Then they the government had a dollar's worth gave their usual whining about how of gold in its vaults. A person was people will blame them for a govern- able to redeem a dollar for a dollar ment shutdown. Never mind the fact in gold on demand at any bank. This that their numbers INCREASE and the prevented the government from arti- president's DECREASE whenever it ficially inflating the money supply. happened, whether the president was If the government issued more dollar Clinton or Obama. Looks like they bills than it had dollar coins, and value freedom as little as Obama everyone in America redeemed all of himself. their dollars at the same time, the government would be unable to honor So the next round of republicans has all the redemptions. When FDR un- surfaced: the presidential candi- pinned the money supply to the gold dates. Some of them are saying that supply, it freed itself to print if elected, they will "repeal and money at will. This caused rapid replace Obamacare". What the #$%& inflation while the economy con- is this? tinued to suffer: *stagflation*. WE DON'T WANT YOU TO REPLACE OBAMA- Making gold ownership illegal was CARE WITH ANOTHER GOVERNMENT "SO- folly; now coins from that era are LUTION! Replacing Obamacare is like highly valued by collectors, in- a doctor removing a child's diseased vestors, and insurers the world appendix, then the parents asking over. People value gold *because* the doctor what she's going to put is is so limited. And if there was in its place! We don't want or need no gold, people will attach value to to replace Obamacare with any other some other asset that isn't easily government solution. What we need acruired. We're still one big is- in its place is NOTHING! The people land. Economics occurs naturally, will do it best without the govern- whether or not we regulate it. ment getting in the way. Oh, and for those who HATE the insurance You just won't get rid of money be- system, 1) some insurance companies cause other things will always take benefited from Obamacare if they their place. You can't stop human were the "right" ones in Obama's nature, which is what the statists, eyes, and 2) the system since the communists, liberals, Occupy Wall 1960s was better by far than Obama- Street, and all others who despise care, but the problems it had were economic freedom try to do. Even if GOVERNMENT CREATED! ...given to us there is no money, you can't stop in the 1960s by TED KENNEDY; so we people from wanting the possessions trusted TED KENNEDY, who screwed up of others, and devising ways to bar- the system in the first place, to ter agreements to exchange things be a major force in giving us the that we want from each other. ((L)) even WORSE replacement?!!! ((L)) - Page 13 - ================================================================================ = _ = = /' `\ } It's our decision to be better than ISIS { = = /' ) , = = /' (___,/' O ____ ____ /'/ /' = = /' ; /' /' )/' ) /' / /' = = /' /' /' '---, /(___,/' ,/' / /'__ ____ . , ____ = = (,/' (_, (__ (___,/ (________ /`--,/ /' ) /' )| / /' ) = = /' / /' /'/' /' | /' /(___,/' = = } By Synonymous 1 { (,/' (_,(___,/(_(___,/' _|/(__ (________ = = = ================================================================================ Let me begin by saying that there is says the V.A. problem is "fixed"! I no way that I sympathize with ISIS, guess it *IS* fixed if your plan is al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, to abuse and kill off our troops who the Obama administration, or *any* defend the country you hate. Yep: terrorist or terrorist-sponsoring Guiliani was right this time. If entity. I do not support or condone you understand Obamaspeak, it all them in any way. I want them put in makes sense. The VA system is a an Israeli prison for life (the posh microcosmn of ObamaCare. So, isn't American prisons are not good enough it great the statists passed it into and with nothing guaranteed in Amer- law? Now, we will all gradually ica these days, Americans are not phase in to getting the same care safe if terrorists are brought to our soldiers get!!!!! the U.S.... with the current state of affairs, they would be given free As a Constitutional conservative, White House tours!) The day can not I believe that there should be just come too soon when the terrorists enough law an order to enforce the spend all eternity gnashing and basic principles of not hurting grinding their teeth. Oh, and there others and not taking their stuff. won't be 72 virgins waiting for you. That includes a military, used only A mistranslation of the Qar'an has in defense against those who wish to them thinking so, but it actually kill people. Without a force to reads 72 kumquats. I hope you love fight on behalf of those threatened fruit. with death for no reason, terrorists and other baddies would prevail. And with the uncertainty in America This is the only time I support today, as few terrorists must be hurting others: in self defense or captured on the field as possible. in defense of others from being hurt As I said before, our prisons are too by attackers. good for the terrorists. This is compounded by the fact that the Obama * E N D of P R E A M B L E * administration will ensure that no expense is spared on luxuries such as All the above was to let you know swimming pools (it's been done al- that I think terrorists are to be ready; look it up) and every demand eradicated and that I'm no softie. they make, while or veterans, who fought valiantly against these dirt- Now, on with the story. In case you bags, continue to die their hands (by haven't heard of a *red room*, these "their", I mean the administration's) represent the worst of the web. It waiting for health care. Already is allegedly a site where people 365,000, or 1/3 of VA patients, are have a hostage on video, and viewers DEAD from neglect! The treatment of pay bitcoins to request the hostage our military women and men is Viet taker to harm, torture, etc. the Nam all over again! Our veterans hostage on video and/or kill them. continue to die. Meanwhile, Obama Makes a great horror movie. Sickest - Page 14 - stuff in the world, and definitely > letting the viewers settle down. never run by libertarians. I've > never done the research to find out > Until 02:00, things will be pretty if such things are real. All I do > SFW. At 01:30 we will let you vote know, to save money of any of you > for 2 of the mujahedins to be part LiberTORian readers who may be cur- > of the rest of the show. ious about these things: the one web > site SHADOW WEB GATEWAY is a scam. > The other 5 are assets for future Enough people with deep web experi- > business opportunities. ence have attested to this. Don't > lose your bitcoins on them. > We will go on for as long as we > possible can, even without sleep Anyway, I discovered a deep web site > if necessary. with the following message. > > Everything is completely free and > open for everyone, no restrictions * * * * * BEGIN * * * * * > no demands! You will be able to > donate, but that is completely > Greetings! > optional and have no effects on > > the show. This one is on the > Do you think you've seen the worst > house. > yet? > > > 5 terrorists will still be un- > On the 29th Aug 2015 00:00:00 UTC, > touched, business opportunities > right here, on this onion address, > will be disclosed a few days > a new market will open. One that > after. By then, you will obvious- > even the feds will love. > ly know that we can provide. > > > Do not miss the market opening. > There will be no limits. We will > do not want to miss! Watch real > be as lawfull [sic] as ISIS. YOU > life terrorist turn on each other. > decide their fate and what we do > > with them. We will listen. > The world wide hate against ISIS > > has created new demands and new > There will be many games with > possibilities. Let us satisfy your > interesting prizes, such as [ex- > hate. > plicit] and charade. The day will > > be full of fun and surprises. Do > > not missit! [sic] It'll be his- > What to expect > torical, we've been preparing > > this for so long. > We will with official media pic- > > tures and ISIS propaganda material > This is the day the world gets its > prove to you that we have 7 very > revenge on evil. There will be ba- > real ISIS jihadists in our capture. > con, [explicit], dogs and other > > surprises. > Everything is live and interactive. > > > This will be the most spectacular > Their fate will be in your hands. > thing you've seen in your whole > At 00:00 we will let everyone set- > life, be so sure! WE ARE MAKING > tle down, grab their popcorn, get > HISTORY! > their streams working, get familiar > > with the chat and mingle. > See you on the 29th Aug 2015 > > 00:00:00 UTC. Until then, gentle- > Meanwhile, our guests waiting for > men. > their 72 virgins will be inter- > viewed, dressed in womens [sic] * * * * * E N D * * * * * > clothing and other fun as we're - Page 15 - ..;;''',,;,.. .oOK0K0KK000KK0k:. ,ok0KK00K00000000000Od:. .:xK0000000000000000000000kl. ;OKKKKK00000000000000000000O0O; .oKKKKKKKK0000000000000000000000O; ,0K0KKKKKKK00000000000000000000000Oo. .OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0000000000000000000O: lXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK000000000000000000Kl dXKKXXKKKKKKKKKKKKK00000000000000000000Oc xXKXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKK000000000000000000000Ko xXXXKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00000O0KK000000O000Kd. :XKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0Oocc:'':oOKKKK0000000l .0KKKXXKXXKKOxlokOO00Oxc;;;'..;d0KKKKK00K00O, xXKXXKKKKKKkl. .coO0O0Odlook0KKKKKK000000O0: :NXKOOO0KKKKx' .;k0000KKK00KKKKKK0000000Kk. .KN0dxOOKKXK0kxkk000K00KKKKKKKKKKKK000000000o cXXO0KKKXXXKKK000000000KKKKKKKKKKK00000000OO. .xXXXXXXXXXXXXK000000KKKK00KKKKKKK0000000000l .0KXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0000000000000; ,0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKK00000000000000000O; ,0NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKK000000KKKKK0000O0d. 'OXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKK000000000000000000; oXXNXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKK00000000000000000: ,KXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKK0000000000000000K00d' lXKKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKK0000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK000d. kNXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0000Oxolc;'. :XXKKXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKK00K00K0ko,. lKKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKK00K0000Okl',;,,,,:cl ;0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKXXXXKKKKKKKKKK0000K00dclllc:cdO000 .lKXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKXKKKKXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKK0000Kkl:cclccoO00000 .lKXXXXXXXXXXXKKKXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00O0Oc;:cllld0KK0000 .cdKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKK000Ko;ccloodOKKKKK00 .xNXXXXXXXXXXXNXXXXXNXXXXKKKKKKKKKK000k;:clodxk0KKKKK00 'kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK000o,::clox000KKKKK0 cXNNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00O:,;;:clk0K00KXKKK cXNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXNNXXXXKKKKKKKKK00KKKK00k;,;;::lxKK00KXXKK .lKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKK00d,,;;::ckKK000XXKK ,kXXXXKXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKK0Oo..',,,lOKK000XXKK .oOKKKXXXXXKK00KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKKKOc...'''lOKXK00KXKK .lKKKKKXXXXXXK000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00KKKKKO; ....:OKXXKKXXKK .o0KXXXXXXXXXXKKKKK0000KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0: ..:kKXXKKXXXX ,0XKXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0; .,d0XXKKXXXX .xKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKo .'l0XXXKKXNX .OXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXK00KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0KKKXO. .':ONXXKKXNX oNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXK0KKXXXXKKKKKXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0KKKK0c .':ONXKKKXNX .KXXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKK00KXXXXKKKKKXKKXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKx. ..:ONXXKKXXX ,XXXXXXXKKXXXXXXXXXKK000KXXXKXXXKKKKXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0O,.....;kNXXXKXNX lNXXXXXKKKKKKKXXXXXK0000KKXKKXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK00c.....,xNXXXKXNX .OXXNXKXKKKXXXXKXXXKK00000KKKKXXXKKKKKXKKKKKKKKKKK00KXXXK0Ko.....'dXNXXXXXX dXXXXXKKKXXXXXXXXXXXKK0000KKKKXXKKKKKKXXXKK00KKKKKK00KKKKKKk'....'lXNNNXXXX ,NXXXXXKKKXXXXXXXXXXXKKKK00KKKKXXKKKKKKXXXKKK000KKKKKK00KKKK0;....'cXNXNXXXX oWXXXXKKKKXXXXXXXXKKXXXXKKKKKKXXXKKKKKXXXXKKK0000KKKKKK0KKKXXl.....:KNXNNNNN OXKXXXKKKKXXXXXXXXKKXXXXXXKKKKXXKKKKKXXXXXKKK0000KKKKKKK000KXd.....,0XXNNNNN THIS IS THE ISIS MEMBER WHO BEHEADED AMERICAN STEVEN SOTLOFF... HE IS WEARING A HOOD BECAUSE HE IS A COWARD - Page 16 - Okay, now. When I said don't hurt you read here, and other parts, the other people and don't take their sitemasters say things like, "we will stuff, I mean it. These terrorists be as legal as ISIS was", or "what are the scum of the Earth. But, we're doing is no worse than ISIS. I didn't say don't hurt others un- Maybe so. But it is no better than less they are the scum of the Earth them, either. Isn't the least that and then it's okay. The date for we can ask is that we be better than this event, August 29th, has come ISIS? I'd hate to say anything that and gone. I don't know if this was may be misconstrued as any statement an event that took place or not. remotely saying anything positive on I'm sure that if it is, the remain- ISIS, and this is not intended to do ing 5 terrorists were bought by the justice to them, but at least ISIS is Obama administration and set free. motivated by hate AND a belief in something. this is motivated by hate What is disturbing about this is alone. that these dirtbags are no longer a threat. To play games like this I can understand people's hatred for with human life, no matter how de- terrorists, especially if they had a serving one may think they are of loved one murdered by these dirtbags. it. i think this is one of the But there was an ISIS member who re- rare cases where the death penalty cently converted away from the life is justified, only because this is of terror because he saw how Christ- the one sure-fire way to protect ians held captive forgave them and people from their murderous acts. showed courage in not renouncing The world has become so uncertain their belief in Christ in their last these days. I attribute it to the moments. Isn't it amazing that such United States being so unstable, a contrast in the behavior of ISIS' and where America goes, so does hostages had the power to convert?! the world. It's no longer a sure thing that life in a military They say that courage is contagious. prison means so. In this case, When that scumbag in Oregon singled I make an exception, though I'm out Christians for death in the mass not happy with this hard decision. shooting, and spared the lives of the I oppose the death penalty because non-Christians, the pattern was quite 1) it hurts people, and 2) it is apparent by the time the ninth person state-sanctioned murder. But if was killed, but it didn't stop people there is a candidate for the death from professing their faith. I'm not penalty, that title belongs to saying this as a criticism of those ISIS. And Planned Predators. without faith in God, because it's not. But love and courage will RISE But if it is to be administered, ABOVE hate. do it as humanely as possible. Examples of this is even found in the This grotesque show does nothing. silliest, most absurd places. John Nothing but fuel the hate. Did Cena, the clean-cut, all-American, you read how they want us to tap play-by-rules wrestler in the WWE, into our hate, for entertainment uses the slogan RISE ABOVE HATE. On purposes? And when it is all said the Big Bang Theory, streetwise Penny and done, how will this kind of perplexes supergenius Sheldon with treatment make things any better? advice so simple, Sheldon overlooks Can it undo the evil that ISIS has it: LOVE TRUMPS HATE. done? No. Are we any better off? Not in the least? Did we feed our I'm nowhere near perfect. So I'm not hatred and bring ourselves down to telling you to love your enemy. That their level? Yes! is up to you. But these guys, dirt bags as they are, were made in the In the portion of this onion site likeness of God before they chose - Page 17 - their life of dirtbagginess. God ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wanted them to choose love too. It o [_ _][ | ] / \ [ \ ][ | / o upsets Him that they chose evil and o [ ] [ ][ O ][ ][ { o a life that will lead them to an o [_} [_|_][_|_}[_\_][_|_\ o eternity of eternal condemnation. o _ _ ___ _ _ _ o But God is a God of justice, and it o [ | ][ ][ | ] [ ] o is written, "Vengeance is mine, says o \ / [ O ][ | ] [_] o the Lord." We are not to be gleeful o [_] [___][___] [_] o in this fact, but be saddened that they threw away what could have been If you made an anonymous donation to a virtuous life. LiberTORian, THANK YOU. This ASCII Thank you graphic was hand-made just Yes, I believe all that. If you for this blurb. Now the mission is don't believe in God, I'm fine with to find the wisest use of the funds. that, and aren't telling you this to THANK YOU for your generosity. ((L)) impose my belief onto you. I'm just writing this to say that we can rise above their mentality. I'm also not &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& asking for compassion on these jerks and a half. But let's not delve CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT OF THE DAY: into becoming a sadistic, barbaric The Second Amendment society. There's enough of that in &&&&&&&......................&&&&&&& the history of mankind. With that scuzzball in Oregon who For instance, there is a difference was shooting Christians in a college between the American revolution of the big event, Obama is peeing his 1776 and the French revolution of pants with glee (thx to an onionland 1789. The Americans prayed for the user for that visual), excited to souls of the British soldiers they politicize the dead for statist gain killed. Even when they killed, they and so brazen that he even says that showed respect. In sharp contrast, it's what he's doing! His exploita- the French revolution was fought in tion of people murdered for their the name of "reason", was without religious beliefs led to 6000 locals any moral grounding, destroyed his- signing a petition saying "WE DON'T torical buildings unrelated to Louis WANT YOU COMING TO THE FUNERAL!" XIV's oppression, and burned the By the way, an army vet ran to his churches and killed the pastors who car to get his gun to stop the scum- had nothing to do with the monarchy. bag, whom we won't dignify by naming in LiberTORian (he wanted his name I'd even be okay turning ISIS over to be famous) and the rescuer was to the Israeli government. They may stopped by the only campus guard and be harsher than I wish, but at least his gun confiscated because it was a they may get needed intelligence out "GUN FREE ZONE". Lives could have of them that America won't. The USA been saved if it weren't for statism really has no moral authority even trying to repeal this amendment: to fight ISIS, considering that our own government adamantly supports "A well regulated militia, being murdering babies. We've got to necessary to the security of a free clean up our act before going over- State, the right of the people to seas and preaching to them on moral- keep and bear Arms, shall not be ity. infringed." Let's start with ourselves, though. HISTORY LESSON FOR STATISTS: The That's what libertarianism's all word *regulated* meant *functioning* about. Take the first step and say in colonial times, not *controlled NO! to lowering ourselves to ISIS' by the government* (so it means, "a level. ((L)) well functioning militia".) ((L)) - Page 18 - . &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& lk .Ok RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART, PART 2 dlk o:'k &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& :.kO 'k .'.'.. l:o:o;k .l ,X: lk .kk d' .N' '. HAND-WRITING LETTERS (& CURSIVE) ,:.:, ck o; oM',d - By Synonymous 1 - .. .'':. '...,'. This may not seem like a lost art to you, but the younger readers may be .'.' ,. unfamiliar with cursive writing or .,'c. .d. 'oll why it is important. A good start- 'd. l, k' k,:c ing point would be WHY it's becoming .d l. ,l .k'k. a lost art... and it has little to l' dc:. ,Od, do with typing and the internet. l :l.lc cW: .. 'l .k. k' Oc o: The internet does put the focus upon ,l d' k. 0, dc'. young people towards typing while ,o,od' .o: d:.c. de-emphasizing writing, but the big ,' '.'. .,' push comes from the statist movement by the federal government to imple- ment *Common Core*, a set of stand- ..... ards specifically designed to ensure 'o. oc that children come out of the public 'o co school system uneducated. l. ::'c. .l One of the crucial ways Common Core ,l '',, keeps children ignorant is the com- ,l :: . plete elimination of cursive writing ,l ;, k. '; education from all public schools. ;'..', ,:..,: There is a motive behind it. One of ... .. the enemies of statism and the pro- gressive agenda is the existence of real documents that reveal the truth ,,',. .. behind history. Such documents are l0 d' k' often the bane to revisionist his- .kk. ,k :d tory, as they prove the truth in the :d:: ,k k' actual words of those who were pres- k, c' ,k :d ent. For instance, David Barton, k' ',O: .,..,0, the world's foremost collector of :d .k, k. :O Revolutionary War era documents, has ,.;d. d' .k ok l. more than enough of the actual writ- c'l:'..,:. c:.'dk':, ings of the Founding Fathers to dis- .. .. . pel the myth that originated in the Wisconsin universities that most of them were deists. So, short of de- ','..,:. stroying these documents, how can .k. co statists prevent them from being .k ;::: read? oo .,c:. If the ability to read cursive is .l .::c "forgotten", future generations will ,l d'co be unable to read a hand-written 'l cc klc..d. letter... or a historical document! ''...,' .c..:. Today's *Raiders of the Lost Art* is - Page 19 - for these generations, in the event .:....c'' .cc: that parents think that the school- :c k. k'co ing that their children are getting ,.. ,o .k.k. currently is adequate. l' ccd, .'d.. oO: At the time of release of this issue :c .0, of LiberTORian (2015), children are ,:' .k. cc . still being taught to print in block oc .l, k. ,o letters. The information following .:.':. cW:,, this paragraph may seem childishly .O0. stupid for you to read, but remember dkk that this material will be all-new . ,o,k to the generation that follows the .ddd l,d: millennials. oc,k .,. occo 'X, Cursive writing is an alternative l0,..,0, form of printing, where each letter co k, .. . is printed in a alternative, fancy . 'd. 'k ,c'.lO. style. All letters of the alphabet .k'd. co .k ;o . have their own look, which can be ok 'd. .k l''o. seen on the left-hand column of this .,''....' ',.'x,' article. You will notice that the ,kc cursive alphabet is made up of curve .l:k. shapes. Each letter is tied toget- .. . k.co . her with *ties*, enabling an entire ;,.l, oxl .O'd. :cO. word (except the dots in the lower- l ,k d,l. ,' 'k k. case i and j, and the cross bar in '' :d lO,. ll:o the lower-case t) to be written in a k:':O' kok. single stroke without lifting one's :0,.ll .KKc.. pen. d: k, .WKc l' :o .k .. ;W: l '. A supplement to LiberTORian 10 will o'.d. 'k 'd ld l :o circulate in conjunction with this ':; :,, ,. ,'' file: LiberTORian Issue 10A. Issue 10A depicts ASCII art of the cursive alphabet in greater detail. Keep in ... mind that cursive writing opens it- oc l self up to becoming stylized. The k, l, letters shown here are not the only k, l' ., way the letters can be written. For ,d l . example, the capital A is drawn more cOl .' commonly like a giant oval, a larger .. Oo dl version of the lower case *a*. Each d: ,d. 'K. : writer, over time, puts their own :o :c 'k :, character to the lettering style and .''. ',. makes it her own (or his own). There is an entire field of "hand- writing analysts", who examine the writing style alone of a person, ignoring the content of the writing completely, and using their skills, look into the psyche of the writer to discover insights that can not be found in the words themselves. Look at each letter's shape careful- ly and reproduce it with your pen. - Page 20 - .''. Printable guides exist to learn the l k. cursive letters stroke-by-stroke on ,l k, clearnet at this time (2015). You ,l k, .. can find them with a search on Duck ,l k, Duck Go's image search (or that of .l 'k .. your favorite non-Google search en- l oc d. gine; by the way, did you know that l:k. 'd ,, Google has a contract with the U.S. ,Wk,. ol:, government and has $$$Billions$$$ to oMl .O; gain in crony socialism via Common .dxc' .:Kc Core?). I suggest that you archive .d.l .o'k. a copy of such guides alongside your .,', ,:' oc'l ,; l.oc LiberTORian collection. The future l. co .o'.o o:o' d,l c:o. may need them. l ,k .d. ,k l .' co'c. d:o; kll kOo WRITING ACTUAL LETTERS AND SENDING :d l 'WKc,: THEM THROUGH THE MAIL k. l cWO:.d. . oc l .o oX'co ,c One of the things you can do with ol;: c,'c. kl c',: cursive is hand-write a letter and .. . . . mail it to someone. "Now, why would I do something like ',c .,l. that?" I hear you cry. "I have an .k k, l.k, email account!" :d k' l.k. k,:: ,od, Simple. Before the proliferation of .Kd. ,Xo email, people took the time and ef- ..lk lO fort into writing letters to one an- k, .K, other. Since letters were usually c.'lo . O' c, written in ink, one's words were k':o:,'',, olc, chosen more carefully before limned . .. . on paper. Recipients of letters in the mail often cherished them and sometimes kept and collected them as ':':. ;,:, .,'c. mementos of their loved ones. k. ckd. kd: :d c; :Mc OK ,k A letter contains five parts, whose . k0 ,Mc d: positions are depicted in the dia- .X: cO .k. gram below: ck k, co :,ol.:dc.:l ,------------------------------, k, ,k k, ::.K; ,X' co | HEADER | .k d: 'k l. :k oc k, :: | SALUTATION | ., c .l',. c. c. lc,: | | | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | | | ,;.c..,..c. | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | .k. :Ok. ,k | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | :; cMc ,k | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | kO d: | | .K, k. .. | BODY BODY BODY BODY BODY | cd :d c:kd'cd | | k' k' . ,,.0' ,k . | CLOSING | 'k ,k l. co d: c, | SIGNATURE | .' .c,:. :. :c,' '------------------------------' - Page 21 - . The five parts are: ,kd,:, o,k, d: 1) HEADER: historical information. c, oc ,k 2) SALUTATION: A greeting to the l .d. :d recipient. ,l .l k, ... 3) BODY: the content, consisting of ,l .lO' ;'Olo. the writer's thoughts and ideas ,l .k.' 'l cd:l.. the writer wishes to convey. .l .c. .l ,O;' 4) CLOSING: indicates that the let- .,.'' ''',. ter has reached its end. 5) SIGNATURE: The person's name. .... There are two types of letters: '':'...: .d' l, ,d 1) PERSONAL LETTER: A letter to a .d. l' .k loved one or friend. c: d. c' 2) BUSINESS LETTER: A letter to a l 'o'.... :c.. business. .l d' :X, 'd. ,l o: kd k,.. Both types of letters have the same ,l.o, k' :kcc structure, but each type has its own ,'. co .':' structural rules. LiebrTORian will k' examine personal letters first. ,o .'.'. l. .c' o: : WRITING A PERSONAL LETTER k' ,k 'k .: :d A personal letter is a thrill to a o'',. k' person who receives one in this day o: '.'.' and age. This is especially true :' .o. kc when the recipient is a seasoned '.. .o. l, l :. citizen who remembers the thrill of k ;lll .:, ,l :l'c. getting what they consider a gift ''' ''.' .':Wl. from a loved one. Here is how to oM' write each part of a personal letter 'kO. to someone. ....' d:k' .:,:. .c ddo PAPER: a typical personal letter is ,o l, l' written on lined paper, like college 'd l. l. ruled paper. If the paper has holes l' d. ,; so that it can be placed in a 3-ring l :Kk... od. r 5-ring binder, the front of the 'l .k:k oc.o' page has the holes on the left side, ,l d'.k , . l, ,, and the margin (unruled portion) on ,o,o. d:'c' l.:c top. Both sides of the paper are .. .' .'. written upon. .:: HEADER: The header rests on the top d:k. line. For a personal letter, it is k,k. simply the date the letter was writ- .Od ten. .k:; . .d. .o. ok SALUTATION: The salutation is a 'o d' ,k :co: short phrase that includes the name dx' ,k . .k.'; of the recipient and always ends in .cl'....c. .'.0ol a comma. The standard format is . ... ... almost exclusively the same for any - Page 22 - ,....,.' c. personal letter: :c k' .k. .c.. 'd oc Dear [First Name of Recipient], l, ,O,. l cc It is written on the first line, on ,l .k. the left side of the page. A little ',. d. kd room is given for creativity to re- d: o: o; .k. place the word "dear". More common .c..:. c;',. variants are: Dearest [Name], My Dear [Name], ':':. :. My beloved [Name], k. co .k c; co oc BODY: The body is what you want to . k' .k. write, sharing personal thoughts and ,k ok ideas. Children's personal leutters d: .N: d. :c often begin with: "How are you? I .k. dW, ck .O. am fine. Last week, I.... (event in .k ;0k l. d: dk .o. child's life)." You can do better, ,:'',.c,:. :c':,o':. and you improve with practice of the skill. Indent with each new para- graph. ,;.c. .lcl CLOSING: The opposite of the salu- .k. :d d:,k tation, the closing indicates that :; ll cooc the letter has ended. Closings al- .k' .dk. ways end with a comma. The most :d ol. common closing is: k, co ck 'O .k .o 0l ;Nl.. Love, .k 'c k, l... c''' ,:.'. Other common closings are: Best Regards, . . . Your Friend, c:.l' Ol 'o. .k. ,k oM, c: The closing is usually centered on ,: ,k .kK, :: the page. ,k c'k,'c d:.l'k.k. . . SIGNATURE: Your signature. This is kcd.,Oo: :; oc ,K. written on the next line, beginning kXc ,Md .k 'k cKc'. slightly right of the closing. kO cK. 'k .kc .o. . '. '' :;,',', WRITING A BUSINESS LETTER .... ... A business letter gets the attention ,o :c.c, l' of a business that an email can't. c: xo. It shows that the person cared so ,. .O. much that they took the time to sit :o with a physical writing utensil and O' '...',. express their concerns. cX. . .d' xk.. ,0k .d. '. x. ' PAPER: Business letters should be on o' :c.k. .k. :k .o. unlined paper. A person can tape a - Page 23 - .,.. .'.'. .','..' piece of lined paper to a glass win- ''. ' dow and tape an unlined paper in o, o: k. front of it. One can see the lines .k. ,k :d using the sunlight shining through. .' d: k' .k. :k HEADER: Business headers are longer ll O: ., .. and should include the following: k' cO lc o 'k 'Wo,. d. co ', o Address d' 'xKc. l .:Kc:: o Phone Number (optional) ''dKc .'':O; o Date l,o .c0c d,'l ,o,k SALUTATION: Before women were be- co d. ..... l oc coming CEOs, "Dear sir:" was con- coo: .o. oc o:c ventional. Nowadays we use, in or- l. ,k der of common use: l ,d co ,''' k. o To whom it may concern: :c ,.,. o Dear Sir or Madam: ': o' k. :'.,.cc:' . ,d ,, Business salutations always end in a .d..lKo' .':',' colon (:) and not a comma (,). .;oK, ;o:, .l.k' ;X, BODY: The body is to be more terse, o'co c;k, no more than three paragraphs, and ,k.d. 'k.k should include the following: .d:. .d;. o Why you are writing o What you would like o A "thank you" in advance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CLOSING: The closing is invariably letter, it can be returned to you. the same for every business letter: The recipient's address is written Sincerely, in the area marked B. It can be written slightly larger than the re- SIGNATURE: The signature is exactly turn address. WRITE THE ZIP CODE AS the same as the signature for a per- CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE. Machines read sonal letter. the ZIP code and clear writing will expedite the delivery. PUTTING IT IN THE ENVELOPE AND MAIL- An alternate place to write your re- ING THE LETTER turn address is C. Envelopes have two sides: The stamp is placed right in the corner marked D. Currently the cost .--------------. .,------------,. of a U.S. stamp is 49 cents. |A D| | \ C / | | B | | /\________/\ | Mail it off and you're done! You | | |/ \| can even mail it from your own mail '--------------' '--------------' box. Putting the mailbox flag in FRONT BACK the *up* position lets the mailman know something's inside. You write your address, the RETURN address, in the area marked A. If So why not give someone a thrill there is a problem delivering your and write a letter right now? ((L)) - Page 24 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& monotheism, etc. Atheism and sec- ular humanism are themselves re- BE WHAT YOU ARE WITHOUT SUCKING @IT ligions, although many don't consider them so because they aren't in the &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& conventional sense. The irony is that the Green Party, I came across a personal onion site the homosexual activists, and his re- and the person identifies himself ligion all have a huge share of peo- as a secular humanist, green party, ple who suck at it, but he isn't able and supporter of gay activism. no- to see it within his groups. So may thing there that gives me a problem have an anti-libertarian intolerance as I'm a libertarian. But the next toward diversity of opinion and make thing the person says is that he's no attempt to hide it. I have no not religious. then this followed problem with a decision to be part of almost as an aside: any of the aforementioned groups, and would rather you had the freedom to "By the way, if you choose to be be affiliate yourself with who you religious, at least you should know wish to be. But don't suck at it by how to not suck at it." From the trying to squelch the rights of those word "know" on was a hyperlink that who believe differently than you. I didn't click because content like Otherwise, YOU are being like THEY that is pretty predictable. are! Most of the world subscribes to a LiberTORian's G.P.S made a nice ASCII religion of some kind, whether it comic illustrating the point. Enjoy! be Bhuddism, Hinduism, some form of -Synonymous Xi ((L)) ................................................................................ When an ordinary atheist sneezes... .. When a militant atheist sneezes... _________ ______________ .. _________ ________________ (_A-CHOO!_) (_God Bleshyu._) .. (_A-CHOO!_) (_God bless you._) V V .. V V ,...., ______ .. ,...., ______ .` :. :; / // \ .. .` :. :; / // \ :::. :. :: | __/|__\| .. :::. :. :: | __/|__\| :' _ _ ': |/ _ _ \| .. :' _ _ ': |/ _ _ \| (- > < -) (< @ @ >) .. (- > < -) (< @ @ >) \. 7 ./ \. c ./ .. \. 7 ./ \. c ./ | {} | | o | .. | {} | | o | \____/ \____/ .. \____/ \____/ ___|__|___ ___|__|___ .. ___|__|___ ___|__|___ /##########\ /==========\ .. /##########\ /==========\ .. _____________________ ___________________ .. / WHAT ARE YOU?! SOME \ (_Hey, thanks, man._) .. \_KIND OF FREAK???!!!_/ V .. V ( ? ) ,...., ______ .. ,...., ______ .` :. :; / // \ .. .` :. :; / // \ :::. :. :: | __/|__\| .. :::. :. :: | __/|__\| :' _ _ ': |/ _ _ \| .. :' \ / ': |/ , \| (- @ @ -) (< @ @ >) .. (- @ @ -) (< (@ @) >) \. 7 ./ \. c ./ .. \. _7 ./ \. c ./ | D | | U | .. | (_) | | ^ | \____/ \____/ .. \____/ \____/ ___|__|___ ___|__|___ .. ___|__|___ ___|__|___ /##########\ /==========\ .. /##########\ /==========\ - Page 25 - _ _ | | _| |_ AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME ___ | | ___ ___ ___ __|_ __|__ _ / \ | |/ \ / _\/ \/ _\| |/ _ \ (_) ___ P A R T 2 ___ | O | | || O | | |__| O || | | || __/ (_) | | | | \__,_\ |_|\__,_\ \___/\__,_\_| |_|\___/ |___| By Synonymous 1 |___| [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Last issue, LiberTORian touched upon works. Under the tier system, now the topic of a la carte cable and the customer is forced to buy many satellite channels, how subscribers channels that they don't want. The are forced to buy packages that in- networks screw consumers by requir- cludes channels that they don't ever ing them to buy their networks in watch. Today, we will look at the order to gain access to the channels inner workings of the system itself. that they *do* want. Cable and satellite companies offer Millions of TV viewers have to buy their channels in *packages*. The unwanted TV channels just because of consumer only has a few packages to some greedy politicians and greedier choose, and usually they are tied to television companies. Such laws are choose what channels they like at a unjust and ought to be repealed. price point she or he can afford. A subscriber's decision boils down to, Digressing a moment, satellite pro- "do I want to pay this much to re- vider Dish Network made an attempt ceive these channels, or am I will- to circumvent the government's man- ing to pay more to receive these ex- dates without breaking the law. The tra channels? Typically, a channel company added a "family" tier, which has an "entry tier", the lowest tier is valued at their regular tier, but that the channel appears in, and it made up of family-friendly channels. will appear in all tiers above it. It's not much, but Dish's consumer- The tier level usually is chosen by mindedness does at least give the the wideness of its appeal. When a customer an extra option. channel has broad appeal, it is put into a lower tier. Specialized net- It is useless, but if we lived in a works will be reserved for higher time, like before 10 years ago, when tiers. our elected officials still cared a shred about what their constituents Why is there so little diversity in think, we could call them up at the the tier system? Congress. Poli- Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121, ticians made it illegal to offer a and ask for legislation that emanci- la carte cable or satellite channels pates users from a la carte. With to subscribers. the grip from the networks lost, it would force them to once again care Why did politicians make it illegal? enough about the quality of their Money. The TV network lobbyists en- broadcasts. Since they aren't be- sured that the politicians get their holden to their users, who will pay reward for eliminating cable choice. them regardless of their interest in watching, they're just as tone-deaf Why do the TV networks oppose the a as the politicians. la carte system? The answer is ob- vious: TV networks are paid by cable Many networks with low viewerships and satellite companies per sub- would simply go away, or be forced scriber; If an a la carte system was to compete in the marketplace. It in place, TV networks would only be won't be long, anyway, before they paid by viewers who want their net- will be forced by technology alone - Page 26 - :::::::::' '::::::::::::::::::::, ,;;;;;;;;;, . .ooooooooo'coooooooooooooooooooooo.odddddddddd. .. .,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,,' ''' .''' ., lxxxoooool clllllldxxx.xxxolllllc.,xxx. cxxo ;, xxxo,,,,,..,,,,,,,dxxl,xxx. lxxd dxx: .,;. .ddddddddd'ldddddddddd.cddd xxx: .xxx' .. .;,. ':;.., ':' ..,..; ';. .;;. .. ... ,:, .; ,,;. .:' 'dOKK0d, ck0KKk .',.; .. .,;. ;;. 'KK0::OKK; kKKxcc; .,;. '' ;. .;. ':. .0KKxc;. ;oo. loo,KKKdoo'ool 'oo, .,;. ', ,, ;. .;' ;oOKKKx.dKK; 0KK:KKKOkk;KK0 :KKo .;'. ', '; . ., .. ;, .ooc .dKKodKK: .0KK:KKK. .KK0 :KKo ;; . ', .; .. ,,,:, ;' dKK0OKKk.'0K0k0KKK:KKK. lKKOkKKKo ,, '. .; ; . ,:::', ;. .;cc:' .:lccKKK,,,, 'cccdKKo .: ;. .. ':,. ;. .; ,0KOlxKKk. dKKxlOKK, .; .. .' '. '' . .;; :. .cxkxo, ,oxkxc. ;.::;;. ; .,::. ':, .,:; :' I M A G I N E G R E A T E R . .:, .; , :;. . .;:;. .:. ;;'';:.' .; ;. ,:;. .;, .::. , .''. ' ,, ,;. ;:. .. ,::' .''. .,,. .. , .:. ..':......';::;. .;:;;:;. .:lcclc, '. ..:; .;; ::.;:::::;'. .c;;;;;;c ;clllllo. .,;,;::; ' .:, .... lxxddddo .lkOOO0O...... ..... ,:, ':. .. .''''',,.okkkkk: ,K0000O';c;;;;:' .,. . .::. . ,:::c::;;.xkkkk' .00000':looddooo. .;::::' .cllllllc;.xkkx d000;:dxkkkkkx; ... .;clllll;'xkl :KKc,xkkkkkl;.. A L J A Z E E R A ........,clll,,k; .Kl'xkkxl;'';:;;, '''''''.....':l',. :'kdc;,;cllooooo ,c:;,'''''''...'. ;,,cloooooooodx cddc .,;;,'''''''''.. .;ccccccccclloc, OMMO .. ;NWMMWNdkNNkkXlKNNl oNNO ... oNd. oK lXOkkkkO0c cO0OkO0kl .0MM0..0MMM0d:NMMo dMMK .lkkkkd; dWXX: xN oM. xW..XX' .. OMMO 0MMO .NMMo kMMK.o,.,'c:;; dW.cNK' dN oMkxxxdOWx lMc OMMO 0MMk OMMWkdOMMMK.do oo .d' dW. .dNxON dW. .Nk,WO o00d d00o l0NNNOx00x ;ldxoc. oW. .OMN dWl:::ccxX; ,0Kl;,;l00. cO ok c000000Od. ;kNWNx' Not Reality. Actuality. 'NNNNNNNNNNNXo;;. cKNNNNNNNNNNNoko Depicted are the logos of some of the 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMXkOdXMMMMMMMMMMMMMdXM..... channels with low or dwindling viewer 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMKoOMMMdKM:. : turnout, that have a lot to lose if 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKcl:..;kMMMdx' .'. cable and TV subscribers were given a 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKd' '00OWMMW; '' la carte services. Other channels 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMNkl.'o0. ;N dMW: d. with low average viewerships include: 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMd.;XMMM' 'Ml ;N' kM. 'MMMMMMMMMMMKoKMMMXOdM' .MN. .lXM. o Comedy Central (under 1 million) 'MMMMMMMMMMMKk0:xc:::M. 'MMd 0dXM. o MSNBC (200,000 to 300,000) 'MMMMMMMMMMMKkN ,W. .NMMo':WdXM. o CNN (25,000) 'MMMMMMMMMMMKkN ,Mc OMMMMMMdXM. 'MMMMMMMMMMMKkX ,MWXNMMMMMMMdKW. al Jazeera itself on average has un- .ddxoddxdokl::.... .,dddoxdddxod:;. der 13,000 viewers, but it's backed 'KO0dkxOkko; x;Xdk.KxcOldOxOOxk0d.. by non-viewing subscribers AND its M u s i c T e l e v i s i o n owner, the dictator of Qatar. - Page 27 - to make such decisions. People are viewers being nerds who never tuned shutting off their cable and instead in to ESPN to begin with. are watching only the TV series they want on NetFlix and the other online Then came the part about TV bundling streaming services. Or, they are that I never knew before. It was opting to subscribe to internet-only described as the TV networks' "sec- 24/7 TV networks. The first such ret". channel was The Blaze, which in its first year was online only before it The vast majority of Hollywood films partnered with Dish Network on its lose money. They cost too much for first anniversary. The Blaze pio- the average viewer to not be selec- neered many of the technologies that tive, the ratio of good to bad films the internet made possible, such as is increasing, and many force stat- 2nd screen technology and hypernews ist themes or agendas that no one citation links. The WWE network was wants to have preached to them in the second network of this type, and what is supposed to be an escape it is still an internet exclusive. from these things. As a business Traditional networks must find ways model, they are dismal failures, and to compete or risk diminishing mark- would not survive on their revenues et influence. alone. So they need another source of funding. This article was about halfway fin- ished when I received a hidden text That source is television. message from one of the other Liber- TORian writers: The secret is that Hollywood studios need to own one or more television ------------------------------------ stations as a guaranteed source of Did-U put that ala carte article to revenue from the public. THESE STA- rest yet? Cuz Rush limbaugh is on TIONS ARE WHAT FUNDS THE DOMINANT air RIGHT NOW talking bout it!! POP CULTURE AND ITS VALUES. Mill- ------------------------------------ ions of people object to the values of Hollywood, which often attacks I tuned in then, curious to listen capitalism, freedom, Constitutional to what he was talking about. He and family values. Yet they must concluded with a major point which I unwillingly fund the studios which wasn't aware of, forcing me to have would not survive the marketplace on to rewrite what I wrote so far to be their own. more concise and fit in the new ma- terial (and this explanation, which, Like everything else in life that to be terse, will end on this line.) doesn't harm others, let the viewer decide which channels they want to The audio at the moment I was tuning support with their money. The aver- in said that 3.2 million people cut age TV viewer has 15 channels that their cable, and ESPN was hurting define all their viewing interests. the most, because they received six Most people don't ever venture past dollars per subscriber per month. those 15 channels. So why must they This is a loss of $19.2 million per purchase 200 channels for those 15? month or $230 million per year (Rush It's an unfair, unlibertarian, and rounded to $250 million). ESPN will crooked practice. Let the networks, be laying off over 300 employees. and the Hollywood companies that own That's how the cookie crumbles. If many of them, base their success on market forces mean the demand isn't the quality of their products, and there, the nature of economics will not force a captive non-audience to drive ESPN out of the market (unless be the source of income for their the government deems them "too big ongoing failure. Since politicians to fail"). Rush subscribes the loss won't listen, demand change via your to online TV channels, and the ex TV providers! ((L)) - Page 28 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY - captaina.hac &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WHO IS CAPTAIN ZAP? is a transcript aren't immersed in the subculture of a Washington Post article from may think. Below is the 80-column 1984, and is a great example demon- original article, (perfect width for strating that hacking is not such a a LiberTORian appearance) exactly as black-and-white issue as many who it appeared, typos and all! ******************************************************************************** ok. 32 File: WHO IS CAPTAIN ZAP? Read 23 times -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=- = - - COMPUTERS: Hacking Away at Break-Ins = = [Washington Post -- June 28, 1984] - - By David H. Rothman = = Word Processed by BIOC Agent 003 - - = -=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=*=- Some once-rebellious computer hackers' may be going establishment. A Philadephian named "Captain Zap," for example, who calls himself a "retired electronics hobbyist," is even doing computer security. Quite a switch from the days when he and friends were stealing -- via computer -- hundreds of thousands of dollars in goods and services. Another young man simultaneously advises corporations and puts out the TAP newsletter for hacking trying to get into big computers without authorizaition. Aside from the ethical questions, can such consultants help prevent incidents such as the recent acquisition of secret passwords to a computer storing credit data at the TRW Information Systems, Anaheim, Calif.? Opinions vary. On on hand, you normally don't hire an ex-thief to guard your safe. But on the other hand, a New Jersey security man says he's uncovered hacker threats -- via Zap -- to major banks and dozens of corporations. He and a prominent Washington-area consultant are among those who swear by Zap. A third computer expert working for the prestigious SRI think tank in Menlo Park, Calif., claims hackers without the usual credentials can make first-rate security people. The term "hacker," he stresses, is far from synonymous with "criminal." Says Jay BloomBecker, a Los Angeles computer crime expert: "It's pretty foolish to hire a hacker who's broken the law because they've already demonstrated their lack of trustworthiness. There are a lot of other people - Page 29 - just as bright who have stayed within the law." Zap, whose real name is Ian A. Murphy, drew his nickname out of the air. "I zapped security, so I named myself that. I tried not to destroy anything. The object was to show people that if I could get in, a less benign person could." In the names of major corporations, however, Zap and friends ordered, in the early '80s, five Texas Instrument 787 terminals worth $3,800 each, a $13,000 Hewlett Packard minicomputer and other odds and ends. All together they stole over $100,000 in goods and $212,000 in services. Zap received a $1,000 fine, 2.5 years probation and 15 hours a week of community service. Despite his anti-establishment computer acts, he is a Philadelphia Republican fond of wing tips ("they show good breeding"). His usual rates are between $450 and $1,200 a day, plus expenses. He says he now has six clients through subcontracting, although his high daily rate apparently puts off many prospects. To earn rent money, Zap fills in as an air-conditioning repairman, work he started in his teens when he first began taking computer-science courses (and started hacking). "I kept asking Spring, Bel and the others for jobs," he says, "and they kept turning me down. The strange thing is that I'd call Bell and say, 'Hi there, I bet I can get into this and that,' and they'd say, 'No, you can't.'" He could. He charged phone calls to an ocean liner, and even broke into military computer networks to play computer games. ("They have 'Star Trek,' 'Hangman,' and 'Chess'.") Among those who take Zap's advice seriously: Lindsay L. Baird Jr., a tough ex-military policeman now in computer security consulting, and Robert P. Cambell, once a top Army man in computer security and now head of Advanced Information Management, Inc., Woodbridge, Va. "I had doubts at first," concedes Baird. Zap read of Baird in the Philadelphia Inquirer last year, requested a meeting, walked through Baird's house in Mountain Lakes, N.J., and declared "You're clean." "In what way?" "No hidden recording devices or microphones," replied Zap, and pulling back his coat to reveal a bug-detecting device. Baird, who believes no in The Redemption of Zap, says he has picked up items off hackers' electronic bulleting boards that revealed in detail how to break into the compters of a leading hospital supply firm, a food company and major banks, among dozens of other victims. "The FBI knows I'm working with him," says Baird, who shares much of the infomation that Zap uncovers. He praises Zap as "a damn good technician." "We're both learning from each other," says Cambell, adding that "There is nothing that Ian can do that my staffers can't do better, but he's developed his talents without a formal education." Captain Zap, who has started his own security firm, Secure Data Systems, - Page 30 - tests clients' computer safeguards before "electronics hobbyists" get around to it, as he did for a major finacial firm. How safe was its computer system? "I can't tell you," says Zap. "I'm under a confidentiality agreement." Zap, one must remember, is a felon (and as of a few days ago had yet to pay off the $1,000 fine, pleading tight finances). Other reminders: Federal laws prohibit banks' hiring of felons for work too close to the money; some government agencies may not find use of a felon-consultant to be legally or politically possible, even through a subcontracting agreement. Besides, not every client can monitor the Zaps as well as a security expert. Despite all this, some experts maintain that people like Zap may be excellent at simplifying techno-gook and warning the nontechnical of some of the more common threats from crooks, malicious or snoopy hackers and other electronic break-in artists. The computer-room crew may rant and rave about the need for good computer security, but that's now match for hhearing thd facts directly from a computer felon. Baird plans to use Cheshire Catalyst, a New York hacker who doesn't want his real name use ("I like my privacy") and Zap in the "Tiger Team," military term for electronic devil's advocates to test cliens' computer security. Most problems, says Cheshire Catalyst, are "people problems. People tack passwords onto the corkboard above terminals. "If I cam in to deliver pizza," he declares. "I'd memorize the number on the way in and write it down as I left." A tall, thin man in his late twenties -- named after the grinning, vanishing cat in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" -- Cheshire edits the TAP newsletter (which bills itself "For Informational Purposes Only"). Even though TAP is known as the bible for people trying to break into computer and phone systems, Cheshire claims he himself is clean, except for logging on to systems to look for weaknesses. Meanwhile, discussion of the term "hacker" seems to be excalating. Cheshire distinguishes between "good" and "bad" hackers, the latter of whom a few buffs call "crackers." Geoffrey S. Goodfellow -- who testified at congressional hearings on computer crime and is a coauthor of The Hacker's Dictionary: a Guide to the World of Computer Wizards -- confirms that a "hacker" isn't necessarily a "computer criminal." A "hacker," he says, is merely someone who truly enjoys programming. He stretches his machine's power to the limits, and loves to "hack away" at computer problems. Not that Goodfellow thinks all hackers are 100 percent honest. He believes that as computer literacy spreads, more will be stealing money as well as computer time. His advice to hackers' prospective clients: "If they seem reasonable, I advocate putting them on a loose leash. You shouldn't take a holier-than-thou attitude. Unfortunately most people take the authoritarian approach... - Page 31 - Goodfellow claims that hackers -- often as long-time kibitzers of computer systems -- may see the big security picture better than many professional programmers used to working within their niches. Goodfellow, 28, a high-school dropout, can offer himself as an example of sorts. A decade ago he dialed up a computer at SRI and left a note saying he'd improve the system in return for free computer time. He got it, and eventually went full-time at SRI. Among his clients: the Defense Department. To this day, however, Goodfellow proudly calls himself a hacker. <> (David H. Rothman is author of "The Silicon Jungle: Computer Survival at Work and Home" to be published by Ballantine Books early next year.) SF][G9:ba003.010585 [Courtesy of Sherwood Forest ][ -- (914) 359-1517] -----End of File [1-77, Last=32, Quit=Q] Read File # is author of "The Silicon Jungle: Computer Survival at Work and Hollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ******************************************************************************** QUESTION CORNER: Where can I find every issue of LIBERTORIAN all in one place? ANSWER CORNER: Right now, they are all located at the new pastebin site: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion Underchan also acrhives them in "archivos" at http://tcxb6cwaejftlefl.onion. Here are the current locations of each individual issue. Issue 0: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/09c22cd6 Issue 1: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/927a9e82 Issue 2: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/3e343eea Issue 3: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/cf96cbfa Issue 4: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/4efaad11 Issue 5: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/672d2e6f Issue 6: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/a6ed62b3 Issue 7: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/482b8b9b Issue 8: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/e31facbd Issue 9: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/3d662ef0 Issue 1 in Spanish: http://ypbnurlwfis7xsei.onion/view/8b128165 And, of course, this issue will be on the site as well, but I can't type the issue number location because a URL can't be assigned until it's posted, and when it's posted, I can't add the URL because it's posted already! ((L)) - Page 32 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D - by Synonymous 1 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Ten LiberTORians have come and gone. views expressed in the magazine. It And now we are within a year of the only means that you respect free 2016 Presidential election. It can speech. Of course, the converse is not come soon enough. We thank you, not necessarily true: a decision not dear reader, for journeying this far to host it does not mean that you do with us so far. It's your job to go not care about freedom of speech. shape the future for the better. If meaning that if you care about LiberTORian means that you HAVE to The Deep Web is a mysterious place, host it would mean that LiberTORian and its anonymity never lets someone would be all over the deep web. And know exactly with whom they are soc- then what would the world be like? ializing. It is also super-fluid; a site can be hosted one day and gone AWESOME! the next. Actually, probably not, because it I don't want to say much because I isn't very libertarian to make some- don't know much. Not only that, I'm one do something against their will. graciously thankful to the anonymous But I'm getting a little silly here. onionland user who used his/her own So much heavy stuff is covered here server, time, and space to provide a that every once in a while I have to home for LiberTORian. Pastebins are salt and pepper it with some goofy nice, but an actual place where Dear humor (because that's the only type Readers can visit and know the most I'm capable of) on occassion. up-to-date issue is out immediately. That's the story about LiberTORian And even if I did know much, out of online not being updated in a while. respect to the provider of the space There is no story. Because of the and his?/her? privacy, I still would Deep Web's anonynomous nature, there not say much. But it may or may not isn't a way to know if anything's be possible for LiberTORian to be wrong with the webmaster and I'm not updated regularly, and for reasons, going to disrespect the privacy by I can not host my own server or buy prying information (s)he is free to onion domain space. withhold. So I pray that the web- master is fine and ask you to if you I've done my best to provide honest are a prayerful person. analysis of issues important to you, or at least things I consider im- I wonder who exactly reads the eZine portant I think you would agree are at all. Are Moxygen, Vox Populi and important to the cause of liberty. Quantum (guest columists from issues And one thing I ask is for only one 4, 5, and 7, respectively) still a- or two of you to offer LiberTORian round, reading? Anyone famous? I'm a dedicated home. This/these can still new to all the deep web stuff, be alternate sites in addition to so maybe I have to learn that the http://libetxn3ogpn6mb.onion, where community is meant to be anonymous, visiters can go if one site tempor- and I shouldn't get too caught up in arily or permanently goes down. the names of the people I meet. It is all a sea and we run into fish, Being generous as to host an onion leave and meet new ones. Excuse me site for LiberTORian naturally does if I violated protocol; for me, the not mean that you agree with the learning is still ongoing. ((L))