______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 - Issue 9 - October 2015 NEGATIVLAND...THE WEIRDEST BAND IN THE WWW! : (Whole wide world)! .... .. O; l0NWXd. . .;;l:'.. .coxc ,l0Nc..,..XO,..,kK .';;' .. ,lldkkKXO:. :x. 'kK, .KNxdc .N0kxkKNW: dd:,;ckO, 'xKkxx0XXOc ,0Oodx0NN: cNx. .okxkkxKXl :WK0O0XNMXc ;l..::oXXl .kWKddkxNMK: ';o.'..c:oooOOd. ;kXxxOkkWWXo .:cckOX0 ;0WNkxkKWWX0. c. .loldx0k. oOxkOxW0Oc .:xc..':'l0kc' .0XNNWNXWNNNNk .:kkNWOxok0XXo. cxXNNNK0l'. .kXMMMMMXKXMMMMMMWk. :NWNx .kWMO. cXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNO ,xO;,;ckWMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK .kkXMK. .xWWd. oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM KMMMMMWWMNKNWX0KMMMMMXKWMKWXWMWWMMMMo.k;,xc. . ;WMx;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMO0K:Mc: , WMMMo ,X x,dM,oMMMMNckl. 0NXd ,WN0 dWdXMMMMX'NklMkcoWNoKMMM MMO.X.0x..;,'X kM00Nc'd.k ,0.x.WMdKW0XWMM0.Ol N'kx.M. docKk0Wx k;:o c ox KMMM MMM,o::X d.'kM'cM0:OK.:Oo. N: OMW;N; .;xN0XOlN.O: W, c: ,.;W: c.o.cM.l;,MNXN MMMX.x X.ol;.oc.MW:xKc':;. kk WMW.: .. .k0NXx0.0,.M' ,,,Oc ,.oW., d kN d.oW;.d MMWdl:.c:,;.: l XMcXx.l,':.ck NMMc ,;00Nk kcO:'M. ';'dk c,xX 0. d XO x 0O,.o ':O:. ; .K'.;K'OMdWX. d.oc,k XXO:. ,;dWKNXk0.:NXk ll;OX o;00 W;.k O,.k.Wx,'d ..lWdoN0ONMMMMMMMM0NMMMMMMM0;. ..lxlc,. .. ;k:0N o:NWKMKkWc.:KlXMO;ck ..'NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMO. .xl' .OcXK lcWMMMMMMMMMMMMMO:Ox ..OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMO ,N, ',',:lxOWKdN0 ccNMMMMMMMMMMMMMxoX; .cWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN. ,Nc . .WMMMMMMXokWk o:dNWMMMMMMMMMMNcxK. ,:OWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo oWx.'., ;WMMMMNkxXMo ddKXKNWMWMWNWXOll0k .l:oXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX . KWx0Mk0. ;MMMMMWMW0' .ONWXNWMMWNXWXKlxX: .oxOXMMMMMMMMMMMMWM: . .xOWMMWMO NMMMMMMl kWWNNMMWWWXWNXXWX. .OWMMMMMMMMMMMMdX d. ..oWMMNXKMW. cMMMMMMM: kWNWNWXkNWXWNXW0, ;MMMMMMMMMMMMX.c. oONMMWKKKWW; ,WMMMMMMM' 0WNWWMocNWNNNNO; OMMMMMMMMMMMO.oWo. .;XMMN0ONMX. kMMWNWNko. kMWWMO.;WWNXNMl' :MMMMMMWMMMMO ,WMWd .,odkOdl, .lXMMMNXWl xWMWM, cWNWNMN,. .MMMMMMWMMMMk. kMMMK ..... dWMMMMMNNN. oNNNN. dNNWWWk. ALSO: AGENDA 2030 <> OVERCHAN 2 and 3 <> HOWARD THOMPSON of METAGAMING CONCEPTS (PICTURED: The band NEGATIVLAND. The words on each shirt are JUST/SAY/BO/NO!) -Page 2- ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ L i B e R t O r I a N ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 9 -- } ||| ||| { October, 2015 } ||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..........3 YET AGAIN { Published August, 2015. } { } LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.......4 AGAIN { -- } { } CORREKCTION........................4 { LiberTORian is published on an } { irregular basis. } SUPPORT LIBERTORIAN................4 { } 1 OF 3 WAYS { N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, } { actually encouraged, to copy and } NON-SEQUITIR.......................5 { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } DEVO IS DEVO.......................5 { ing. } { } DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY...........6 { } Hidden Answers { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } { http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion } ARTICLE............................7 { } Privacy Protection: Referral Links { (Thanks to an Onionland user. } { The views expressed in LiberTORian } BLURB..............................7 { aren't necessarily those of the } -YOU CAN- Trick the Post Office { webmaster. That's fine with us } { libertarians. } POSTER.............................8 { } Yes We Scan { } { CORRESPONDENCE: } FEATURE............................9 { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com } Agenda 2030 { } { Send submission & letters to } FEATURE...........................11 { LiberTORian at the above address. } Negativland: Musical Anarchy { } { } ARTICLE...........................15 { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } What you Are Not Being Told { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } { Even a millibitcoin! } BLURB: No B.S. ...................16 { (.001 BTC) } { } BLURB.............................16 { } People Are Discussing LiberTORian { DON'T HURT PEOPLE } { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } ARTICLE...........................17 '-________________________________-' 25 Top Federal Politicians Receiving $$$ From Planned Predators NON-SEQUITIR......................18 BLURB.............................23 Chris Christie's Statist Solution ARTICLE...........................19 What is Overchan? 2 and 3 FEATURE...........................24 The Prophesy of Howard Thompson CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......20 disk-fee.txt D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............28 -Page 3- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y > } - by Synonymous 1 - { < &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Sometimes there are topical issues When that time comes, we must name that we just don't want to cover... evil for what it is, confront it, and the Iran nuke deal is an example and vanquish. And we are to name of one. We also haven't talked much those who oppose us, from standing about ISIS in these pages. It's not with Planned Parenthood to turning that they aren't important issues we a blind eye when children are being face: it's almost an existential crucified on the beach! decision we all must address each on an individual basis. By that, I Yeah, it's that kind of a column. mean that some really dark times are I remember reading a thoroughly upon us, and we will have to choose horrible novel from Arthur C. Clarke what kind of people we are. called _3001_. The best part of the entire book was the part that was The reason for the aversion on this revealed in the capsule previews! topic is twofold: One, the choice is And yeah, it is in the 2001 series. so clear, and the topic discussed to In it he dwells on calling the 20th such an extent that anything brought century the most violent decade in up here would be redundant. Second, history, and it was so far, and that the United States, at least now, has even excludes all those killed by no business confronting ISIS. That communism and Nazism, almost dis- is because our leadership doesn't missed by Clarke in his notes since understand WHY terrorists are evil, those murders were in the name of and have aided them with money, arms Godlessness. In his version of the and negotiation. I dare to say that 31st century, Earth is enlightened they are on their side, and doing (i.e: secular humanist/Statist) all in their power to enable them! since 2001 (The book is from the Beyond that, how can we go into some 1990s). Not that it's a hope of a other country's terrotory and fight dream of us guys?/girls? at Liber- them when our own house is in order? TORian, but we think that the next Would not some other nation have the century will make the 20th seem very authority to invade America because moot. we murder babies for profit? We are doing things Nazis only dreamed of Changing gears, LiberTORian has ex- in Planned Predator mills all across perienced a recent surge with the the fruited plain. Wouldn't a na- Spanish-speaking deep web users, and tion with moral authority be justi- that's really fascinating, because fied to wage war with America in the as of the release of issue 8, only 1 name of the weakest among us? issue of LiberTORian has been trans- lated into Spanish! We welcome you, We are a mess. Throughout the whole Dear Readers, and LiberTORian is world, there is no prevailing train gracious for the recent attention of thought, at least in government, you've brought the magazine on your that liberty should be paramount. clearnet social media. We're seek- It's up to us to sweep out the mess ing readers who can translate this in Washington, and that means both to Portuguese, as there is a segment political parties, fumigate the of readers who consider it their na- White House and congress, and start tive language. If LiberTORian gets fixing things then. The pendulum donations, the bitcoins will go to swang too far in one direction and translations. Whatever language you everything's turned upside down. speak, freedom is for everyone. We Either way, it will balance itself. are happy to have your support!((L)) -Page 4- .----------------------------------. Other LiberTORian readers who may | ------ ## | know of their existence may come to | -- --- ## | your aid by writing in. | | | Letters | I do agree that LiberTORian is a re- | to | freshing alternative to much of the | LiberTORian | deep web's content, such as hitmen | | and/or alleged hitmen, counterfeiter .----------------------------------. sites, and other content. Of course I'm a little biased toward Liber- TORian. Not all of onionland is bad Hello Synonmyous 1, but the media hypes the worst of it. I came across your Libertorian news- letters and find them very inter- Feel free to write an article on a esting. All of your opinions I've topic that concerns you for publi- read so far, I would echo. keep up cation. The more voices, the better the good work! I'm right there with for the cause of freedom. If you you on the planned "parenthood" can't do that, share the existence issue, principles of America's of LiberTORian with your online so- founding, personal freedom, etc. cial networks. Thanks! it's refreshing to read your content in contrast with all the corruption touted about elsewhere on Tor. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \ / I am looking for a site where I can C O R R E K T I O N search the ashley Madison data with / \^C a name or address. Do you know if &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& one such exists? I'd rather not download the torrent. Do you know if From LiberTORian 1 up to this point, the file might be available in a (except that I got it right in #6,) format more useable [sic] for a lay- I referred to Edward Snowden as ERIC man? I'm pretty new with tor, and my SNOWDEN. This was purely my fault. skills and experience are pretty If you printed out the "Eric Snow- limited so far. den" poster from issue 3, please re- place the word ERIC with EDWARD, and Thanks in advance for any help! and reprint it. Also, delete one space I look forward to reading and before the E in EDWARD, so that the learning more from your newsletters! name is properly centered. ((L)) So long, &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -Patriot SUPPORT LIBERTORIAN ONE OF 3 WAYS! DEAR PATRIOT &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& So glad that you enjoy the magazine, 1) HOST LIBERTORIAN WITH A DOT ONION and agree with so much content. Be SITE. Contact LiberTORIan. free to enjoy even parts where you don't agree, if any. 3) TRANSLATE LIBERTORIAN TO YOUR NA- TIVE LANGUAGE if it isn't English Only the one site, that mentioned in (send translation to LiberTORian) LiberTORian 8, was one that I and G.P.S. found containing a searchable 2) SPREAD THE WORD. Post LiberTOR- Ashley Madison database. But, the ian URLs all over social media mainstream press claims others exist and the like whenever you surface (and wouldn't provide links.) to clearnet. ((L)) -Page 5- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the concept of de-evolution. They & & created a mythos that mankind is re- & NON-SEQUITIR & gressing toward ape-like behavior, & & as the human race grows increasingly &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& stupid in their actions. Devo talks often in lyrics on observations of I saw a bumper sticker on the car in human behavior that supports their front of me, with this bumper stick- theory. They could add a song about er statement: this wedding to their repertoire. | If you say that guns don't kill You see, this was either a private | people one more time, I will shoot event, which would make it total | you with my gun, and you will devo, because who would really make | (coincidentally) die. this their wedding? The bride must be really regretful... or, since Thinking about this, I realized that the musician is a hi-profile figure, this could be either a pro-gun or an felt that a publicity stunt was in anti-gun message. I'm really unsure order to attract controversy. Once which it is! I'm betting on an anti again, I'm sure the bride wasn't too gun message. But whichever side you keen on it, unless it was her idea! want to take on this, it is one of the funniest pieces of humor either Again, one dumb thing. way! Only because it's a dumb way to pull a publicity stunt. I don't think &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& for a minute that the band has symp- & & athies for the 9/11 hijackers. Now & MORE DEVO! or DEVO IS DEVO & people will perceive that they do. & & It's also stupid, because I guess it &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& is really supposed to be shocking? Really? It's a cake. It's not Devo was mentioned in the last issue going to attract more than a blip of of LiberTORian, but now the band got controversy before people return to in the news. It looks like the lead dealing with real problems. I bet singer and synthesizer player, Mark this is the one and only time many Mothersbaugh, held a wedding on the people even hear about it: right in anniversary of 9/11. So here's the the pages of LiberTORian. deal: They decided to have a wedding cake in the form of the twin towers, So, yeah, you're not going to hear and had the guests cut into it with anything from me except that I re- the box cutter blade. spect and will stand up in their de- fense to have that cake and make it Stupid move. into some art. As long as the baker who made the cake wasn't forced to But so what? Did they hurt someone make it if it violated their wishes, with the cake? No. Did they steal let them eat cake. the cake from someone? Nope. Did Devo offend people with this stunt? -Freedom of choice is what you want Maybe. Most of us are too busy with -Freedom from choice is what you got other stuff to stop and get offended about it. And last time I checked, (Chorus to "Freedom of Choice" by there is no right to not be offended Devo (1980)) ((L)) by things. That's just something people on the left pretends to exist &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& for themselves, and not others. Don't hurt people The philosophy of the band Devo is and don't take their stuff. -Page 6- _####__ \ oo/ /\ H I D D E N A N S W E R S : u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ http://answerstedhctbek.onion * DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY * \_( (and the Hidden Wiki hwik): > > > HIDDEN ANSWERS < < < http://hwikiiwc4igbolzn.onion ................................................................................ Something's up with the Hidden Wiki. provides the link to Hidden Answers. I don't know what it is. But there A message follows it saying that it was something I read on the deep web is the new home for discussion. So about the Hidden Wiki's digital keys I think it is the last link to be being stolen, and none of the new added, since it refers everyone to crop of Hidden Wikis from 2013 are this site. the real one. Okay, I've been through over half of Popular Hidden Wikis are located at this page without explaining to you, these locations. This is nowhere a dear reader, WHAT it is. That's ok, complete list. because the answer is simple: Hidden Answers is a forum that allows any- http://kpvzcy7pq4fjopyg.onion one to ask anything, and receive http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion answers from the deep web community. http://ev3h5yxkjz4hin75.onion ^ (Uncensored Hidden Wiki) Questions are categorized and tagged http://hwikiiwc4igbolzn.onion to make it easy to find an answer you're looking for. This makes it People differentiate between Hidden easy to search for the answer to a Wikis by referring to the first four question you may have without even letters of the URL. For instance, the need to ask it. "I found the link on The Hidden Wiki kpvz." Or you can browse all questions (and answers), and enlighten yourself or None of these are the original Hid- assist people with your knowledge on den Wiki. All of these Hidden Wiki topics people are asking on. There sites are clones of the original, is a point system based on your soc- unrelated to it. Since these are ial input. It is simply a great just mirrors of the original text, site. the user-editible portions of these sites tend to do nothing; if a user Now what am I going to talk about? clicks the "discussion" link, for instance, it redirects back to the See, it was so simple. I could talk main page. about having the second-to-the-last spot on "hwik" is pretty sweet at The Hidden Wiki clone at the end of drawing traffic. The lolz Pastebin the list I provided, The Hidden Wiki seems to have stopped working about hwik, has an editible "Discussion" three months ago, with the first 3 section that allows new links to be issues of LiberTORian near the end. added. This is nice, since about I think there are a few chans and half the links at Hidden Wiki are other sites around that lost their down or defunct, and that number functionality at times strategically will only grow, considering it's a beneficial to LiberTORian. I have static site in a fluid portion of nothing to do with these, as it's the web. There are seven "new" all serendipity. Okay, that filled links on Hidden Wiki hwik. Inci- the space. dentally, LiberTORian is link number six. The seventh link is a message So when you have a question, visit from whoever is behind the site. It http://answerstedhctbek.onion ((L)) -Page 7- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PRIVACY PROTECTION: REFERRAL LINKS - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This tip is quick but makes a big You avoided the referral link! An difference. It keeps web sites from alternate solution is to stop usage knowing where you've been by block- of those browsers. ing *referral links*. My exaplan- ation may sound like kindergarten to DO YOU HAVE A SECURITY TIP, EITHER experienced people, but remember: I ONLINE OR IN ACTIVE LIFE? am new to so much of this so when we write for LiberTORian, we try to Send it to us! Help LiberTORian explain such that the information is readers, and the dumb writers, to accessible to people at all levels. better exercise their freedoms with- out fear of retribution. Dissent is When you click a link, the web site not unpatriotic and not a crime. By that provided the link is the *re- helping each other, we can better ferrer*, and the location of the web defend our freedoms. ((L)) site you were viewing when you click the link can be seen by others. The location is the *referral link*. -u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u- ) ( The referral link has the potential | YOU CAN: TRICK THE POST OFFICE! | to reveal a user's IP address, too. ) --- --- ( -u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u- TOR runs on a Mozilla Forefox engine so you can disable your TOR browser just as you would on Mozilla. This The post office blames the price of can be done in 3 easy steps: stamps being so high on email bring- ing around the decline of letters. 1) In the browser's URL bar, type: Oh, yeah? Thanks to eBay, millions about:config (ignore the warning) of packages a week are sent that had never been sent before. And these 2) Double-click the text: carry much more postage than a hand Network.http.sendRefererHeader written letter. So there! 3) Set the option for this to: Well, YOU CAN get them back! Be ad- 0- Disable Referrer vised that LiberTORian doesn't con- done using this information to cheat Now your browser will protect your the Post Office. This is contrary referral information from being re- to the mantra, "Don't steal [other vealed when you click links. people's] their stuff", the second half of the LiberTORian motto. Now, let's say that you're on a sys- tem that you're unable to change the I assume I'm not the only one who settings on, or are stuck using a realized that if letters don't get browser that forbids blocking of the the proper (or any) postage, those referral links: Internet Explorer, letters get returned to sender. All for instance. Or even worse: Google you would have to do is reverse the Chrome! You can bypass the referral addresses. If you put the return link by highlighting and copying the address as the destination, when the URL (or right-clicking the link to letter is rejected, it would be re- copy it from the right-click menu). turned to the "sender", which is Then paste the URL right into the where we want it go go in the first browser URL window and... Voila! place! ((L)) -Page 8- M M MMMMM MMMM M M M MMMMM MMMM MMMM MMM MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MMM MMM M M M MMM MMM M MMMMM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MMMMM MMMM MM MM MMMMM MMMM MMMM M M M MM .';clddddoc;. 'lkKWMMMMMMMMMMMMMW0o' .dNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNx; ,OMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXK0000KNMMMMMMWx, .OMMMMMMMWKko:'. .,o0MMMMX: cWMMMNx:'. .xMMMMX; OMMMx' oMMMMMK, .KMMX' .MMMMMMMO.,. .XMMk 0MMMMMMMK.... .XMMl .;NMMMMMX. .: 0MMl cNMMMMMK d oMM0 .,:llldl. lWMMMMM: o .WMM; ;XMMMMMMMMMMXd..kMMMMMO ,c 'OMMW . OMMMNkdlccloOWMW, ,NMMMN 0' l.0MMK .cxKNMMMMd XMMMKWWMNMMMMMMMMl .XMMM ,; l WMMk ;KMW000NMX: ;MMxXk ckkx;cxOKk. .WMN l ;' .MMMk OMx'.:kXWMMk; KM:. .. lMN . :. d .MMM0 k0..dWNMWWl::. ,K .dMMMMM0. , O NMMW. . ,k0c .. 'O, .MMMMMMMX ' 0 lMMMo od. :,:MMMMMxoN0K:. X XMMW. . 0MMMMMMMc ;MWMM. X' :MMMx .0MXOKK, lMMMMMNWMWWMNWW. .c :xMMMM; lOl dWMMMMMMO xMMMMW0MMMMX: o xoxo..:X. lxc. :l;',,. 'WMMMdWMNMO ;ldXMMXc .O 0MMMMMMMX. lo0MMMWd;kx cdol;. ' KMMMMMMX; .O0Mx,0O O: 'cl0MMMMMMW0o,..c ,MMM:''... cXMW..KM, .N. .OKMWXKko,';XKxllo. .XMMM . .MMNMWMMMx,.MX. ;WMk' .:xO0c :NMMMMc c0NMMMMMkx dM0 .O0l. .dOMWkc. ,c cNMMMMMMMO .cdMXMd WNO .. .' ,xl. :MMMMMMMMMMK. : 'xMd. lx dx .,c. xMMMMMMMMMMMX,.. : 'x';' ok ;WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0kddocc:;'. ,. k lK; .lXMMMMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .' ,WK: ,oKMMMMMMMMMMMlkMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .olXKd;. ;kNMMMMMMMMMMMMMN'.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,xNMW0dc::cd0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .;o0K: .oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX, :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 'lkNMMMMMMc oNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWl NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .:dKWMMMMMMMMMMM: .,ldkWMMMMMMMMMWd. xMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 'oKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, .MMMMMMMNl ,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM .oXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMc cMMMMMXc KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMx dMMMK; cMMkMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMW dM0, .WOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMc .K; OMOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX . :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. k, NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image credit: Digitale Gesellschaft -Page 9- \ } Liberty won its first round in That fooled everyone! I mean, _ \ } its struggle against the evil to change the whole last sylla- ___ \ } plan from the United Nations, ble to something different was _/ _\ } Which was called AGENDA 21. The ingenius! And to make it really } plan was dismissed by those who difficult to crack, the last ___| } were implementing it as a "con- syllable, the number 1, became | } spiracy theory", to trick people something with *TWO* syllables: | | } who were ill-informed into be- the number 30, which, I just \____| } lieving those who warn against mentioned, is also a number! } it were kooks. But anyone who We are so stupid that we would ____| } did the slightest amount of re- never had figured out that using __| } search was able to find the UN's a nearly-identical name with the | } document (and plan) for Agenda number in the last syllable re- _____| } 21, right there on their web named a two-syllable number is } site. a way of disguising something! \ | } The only loophole to their mas- \ | } Awareness of Agenda 21 increased ter name game is that people ARE |\ | } When author Harriet Parks, in NOT stupid. _| \_| } conjunction with Glenn Back, } Released a book under the same The other trick is to spring it __ \ } title: Agenda 21. Readers found on the public and push Agenda | | } an entertaining novel, in the 2030's agenda without approval | | } tone of *Brazil* or *1984*, re- of the people. The UN, or the ____/ } gardless of any political views joker in the White House, says } from the reader. But after the that all nations approve of this \ } story was through, the reader measure and approve of all the _ \ } would find everything that sup- UN's demands. The heck we do! ___ \ } ports all the content of the I don't remember being asked to / _\ } book. Numerous links were pro- approve! No way is a world } vided, and all the official pub- government going to "equalize" } lications of Agenda 21 planners. every person on the planet by } Most were government and U.N. crushing our freedoms! } sources. There was no question ___ \ } to the genuine threat that agen- Oh, are you someone who doesn't ) | } da 21 was to liberty. even know what Agenda 2030 is? __/ } Read the books by Glenn Beck: _____| } Fortunately, enough people were } awake to put a stop to Agenda 21 *Agenda 21* _ \ } or at least derail it for now. *Agenda 21: Into the Shadows* | | } But, of course, statism is eter- | | } nally patient. It took them 100 If you can't stomach Glenn Beck \___/ } years to finally destroy Ameri- because you believed what his } ca's health system. They'll be enemies say about him, visit the ___ / } back. Alpha-7-Bravo Blog in Onionland _ \ } and read the post on Agenda 21: ) | } Their first measure is to do the ____/ } typical statist/liberal thing - http://opnju4nyz7wbypme.onion } whenever people are wise to the _ \ } truth behind their plans- change NOW THAT I KNOW WHAT AGENDA 2030 | | } the name and hope no one notices IS, WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP IT???? | | } it. So, to disguise Agenda 21 \___/ } into something totally indis- Leading the charge against the } tinguishable so that nobody who UN's Agenda 2030 plan is Richard By } was vigilant would recognize it. Rothschild, who successfully Synony- } The name they chose was *Agenda stopped its implementation at mous } 2030*. the local level in his 4th dis- 1 } trict of Maryland. He offered -Page 10- a few basic tips for starters: people's business! 1) Watch for specific keywords in Also understand that while Agenda your government at any level: 2030 is being implemented at the lo- cal level, it is an international o Sustainability movement. One of its driving forces o Stakeholder is ICLEI, the International Council o Social equity (another name for Local Environmental Initiatives. for making ALL RESOURCES EQUAL The name alone explains that they are NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE IN THE global meddlers in local matters. WORLD... now how is the U.N. Closely linked to them is IISD, the going to accomplish THAT? International Institute for Sustain- able development. Knowledge is power Social Equity does for all material and you can arm yourself with their resources what Net Neutrality does playbooks: for internet communications: every- one's access to water, fuel, know- o IISD: http://www.iisd.org/ ledge, etc. is equal for every per- o ICLEI: http://www.iclei.org/ son on the planet! And yes, all index.php?id=global-themes you people who love net neutrality: it is not a good thing to implement IISD.org features, among much of the as it doesn't work and limits free- wealth of resources, a timeline that dom of access to all! they use to promote their agenda. It is a roster of all the bad apples! Under the guise of these terms, one They are all the next step in all the of Agenda 2030's goals is to REPEAL founding fathers of eco-statism. Key PROPERTY RIGHTS. events celebrated are: 2) Agenda 2030 manifests itself at 1962: Rachel Carson's *Silent Spring* the local level. Watch what is is released. Seems to be IISD's happening in your own community. founding document. This alarmist propaganda piece led to the deaths of 3) BE POLITE. 2 million African childen annualy, due to the multi-national actions to Many commissioners who are imple- forbid the use of pesticides to kill menting tenets of Agenda 2030 don't malaria-ridden mosquitoes in Africa. even realize where it all is coming from! Don't tell them that they 1967: EDF is founded. Statist thugs. have been indoctrinated or are being led by the UN. They will think you 1968: *Population Bomb* is released, are a kook. Show the proof from the a book of eugenic junk science dis- U.N., and explain that what they are credited long ago by all his paranoid doing is SUSPICIOUSLY IDENTICAL! predictions coming very false. Help them make the connection. 1970: First Earth Day. 4) Get elected on your local ZONING COMMITTEE. 1971: Greenpeace starts. (Canada's own terrorist group.) Many zoning committee members are bullies, or power-obsessed in their You get the idea. Agenda 2030 will communities, don't care about prop- do nothing to help the environment, erty rights, and are there just to but will rob poor children of freedom dictate to others they way that they in the Earth's name, at an expense of want things to be. Zoning boards $countless trillions. Richard Roths- need liberty, libertarian-minded child will help you oppose Agenda people who know that the government 2030. You can reach him at is best when it's left out of the http://richardrothschild.org. ((L)) -Page 11- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O=O ! O==== O===O O===O ==O== O O O O O===O O=O ! O=O | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | \ O | | | O== | ==O O===O | | \ | | O===O | | | | ) | | | | | | | | | | \| | | | | | | | / O | O=O O==== O===O | | | O O O==== | | O O=O O=O ___ ___________________ ________ ___________________ ___ (___) (_ MUSICAL ANARCHY _) (________) (_ By Synonymous 1 _) (___) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring up pop music of the 1980s, and or are, and you are curious, why not people think of the Big names like put LiberTORian aside for a moment, Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Prince find some mp3s or videos on your or rockers like Van Halen and Bruce favorite media sites- I don't care Springsteen. Or you think of the which one since I'm a libertarian- slightly less mainstream acts: The and check out their material. And Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Devo, B-52s, keep it forever, because all their Gary Numan, They Might Be Giants. music is COPYRIGHT FREE. That's right. Their compositions are all Then there are the really obsscure available freely and part of the musicians of the decade, who usually public domain. Here are a few good don't register in anybody's memory: starting points: Anya, Planning By Numbers, A Popular History of Signs, Mechanik Kommando, THE PERFECT CUT. 7 songs fill up an Los Microwaves, Xex, and other novel album side (I own the LP and CD). bands few people have heard of. In _The Perfect Cut_ demonstrates the that category is a musical quintet colorfulness of their work. from the San Francisco Bay area who march to the beat of their own drums CAR BOMB. Utterly hilarious song, ...or whatever found sounds they punk inspired though no guitar is to collected. They went by the name, be found. Hi-energy, one of their "Negativland". best. Nagativland is probably the weirdest MICHAEL JACKSON. An example of the band in history. Their music, and sly usage to pose an ironic point. there are some who debate that what Thought provoking... even humorous. they do is music, is filled with a WARNING: Contains *The Brady Bunch* sonic assault of found sounds from (TV series) samples. life: TV, shortwave radio, promo records, nature, anything that can FREEDOM'S WAITING. First track from be recorded probably can be found in their FREE album, back on their See- a Negativland song. Their no-holds- land label (the SST story is coming barred approach to turning sound in- up.) Dissertation on freedom using to new works of art, and the social recordings that come from adverti- commentary that accompanies it, have zers advising on words that attract left heads scratching. Think of customers, and pieces of a 7-11 com- Michael Moore, but instead of decep- mercial. tively editing everything he does to turn what you are watching into a DISPEPSI. Just pick a track from lie, Negativland often makes irony this album and enjoy. out of the dialogue after it's given their treatment. They consider the WE ARE DRIVEN. Musical anarchy at work they do thought-provoking, even its best. Some Negativland songs humorous. are songs, often lo-fi. Some are sonic collectins. This does both, If you don't know who Negativland is and does them well. -Page 12- Well, that should give you adequate story of Negativland is only be- matarial to become familiar with the ginning. band, and to know they're in no way your average band. They've got such C Negativland, more than a history, too, that I don't know U anyone, is responsible where to begin. So I'll just start. NEGATIVLAND for creating the art T of *culture jamming*. A Negativland's original U This is the idea of R members, Richard Lyons JAMMERS reappropriating sound T and Mark Hosler, began S E for use in a derivi- NEGATIVLAND working together, ex- tive work. Negativ- S S perimenting with tape land's works make extensive use of T compositions as far culture jamming, which nowadays is S back as the late '70s. taken for granted! In this world Soon David Wills, who saturated with samples and sound also liked to experiment with sound, bites lifted and re-used in ironic and was a TV repairman, joined the overtones in new works of art, none band. I love this guy's voice. He ever stop to thank Negativland for has a slow-talking nasal drawl that thinking of it first. brings an endearing smile to whoever hears him speak. David Wills is al- Negativland often uses culture jamm- so the persona of "The Weatherman" ing as a means to express their (and the Clorox Cowboy) on *Over The criticisms. Among other things, the Edge*, a KPFA radio program where band is critical of organized re- the band members had an opportunity ligion, nuclear power, and handguns. to subject listeners to their ad- Politically, they would appear a bit ventures in sonic anarchy. southwest of Penn & Teller in the Constitutional Liberal area of the *Over The Edge* came to the band Nolan Chart (See LiberTORian issues through Don Joyce, the man who later 1 and 8). As libertarians, they became the band's fourth member. By feel they're not hurting anyone by 1983, the quintet was complete with using casting their net and fishing Chris Grigg. through all the recorded sound in pop culture for material that they The band's first three albums were can use as content in their compo- released on the band's *Seeland* sitions. This led them to trouble, record label: but that's later in their story. - Negativland S M Negativland's anarcho - Points I U approach to music cre- - A Big 10-8 Place G S ation drew the atten- NEGATIVLAND tion of SST records, Their first album, _Negativland_, is E C best known for the notable in record history, as each D I hardcore punk band album/cassette/cd cover is unique; AS *Black Flag*. Two of the cover artwork is a personally N Negativland's most pieced-together collage of magazine S artistic albums were images. Their approach to cover art released on SST, under is in line with the content within: direction of Greg Ginn, the SST CEO. disassembling and reassembling pop Those albums, *Escape From Noise* culture while also dissecting that and their follow-up, *Helter Stupid* culture with equally cutting satire. were concept albums that poked the satirical umbrella of its subjects. Negativland and its members were *Helter Stupid* generated contro- truly unique and defiantly did their versy, as the band planted a rumor own thing: the essence of libertar- seed that a real teen involved in a ianism distilled in music. But the murder case in Minnesota had been -Page 13- ooloooooooooloooooooclooooooolloodooooooooooooocloooooooooooooool;coxOKOxooooooo ocl::olooclOod0Xxooo:ooooool,dxkKNOooooooooooolclooooooooooooooooco0NWN0dooooooo olllooooo;.Xcok0oooo:dooool,.KdkOKooooooooooo::::oOOoooooooooool:;OXNWKooooooooo oooooooo..xKOOd,Oooo:doool.'x0OkdoOooooooool,lxl:kcOOooooooooo;.cxKOko0ooooooooo oooooooc ,lco0d.kooocooool 'c;o0dlxoooooooo:,c.oOk;:kooooooooo.';:dxx,xooooooooo oooodooo' . ldooo:ooooo:. .':xoooooooooo' c.;xoooooooooo: 'x;oxooooooooo ollooloooc,',:looooo:ooooooolclooooooooooooooc;.:ooooooooooooool:,;cdooooooooooo l:l;ccoooooooooooooo:loooooooooooooooooooooooooclooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo olllolooooollooooool:ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooocccccccclccoooc:ooooooooooccc':oool:cc:;;,cc,cllloooooooolcc:;:cooooooooooo ooccccoccl;,,co,;oolcooooloool;;l'.;:c;;::o'llclc.,oooooooc:'.';'.;'::;;;coooooo l':oo;':l;..,lc..:cclo:;::,;l':l,:lo'.l;,;..c.,c..''lool;,:;'.,;,';,;.'':,,;looo '.;'..coc::c;'..;llc',:l,lo.';lc,'l:'lo;...c..:lc,.:oo::;,..,........','..,,'coo :..:colcclcc,.'l:.cl'lc..cl;;;o::l:;''llc .....'loo;.;...,...........;;..,'.lo oc.'l:.....co,l:..:::o:';:..,l:,;;'....... .....:ooo:,;..;:.,,,.'''',''':l;....l oo,lo,..';ll,.llcc'..;:,...'o:................,loooo':'..;;,....''.'....,c'....c oc.:loolc;.................ll..........'....;loooool.:...:;,,:;'..,,,:;,'l...:': oo;........................c'...,,...,looccooooooooo':'..':........,....lc...c,l ooo:................' .'....:loooooooooooooooooooooc.....:;..',;;c;:;.,c,..::;o ooool;......,:ll::lol'.:;...coooooooooooooooooooooooo:.....;...'.......':..;;:oo oooooooccloooooooooooooooc:looooooooooooooooooooooooool,:,,.';'.....'',,.;:,:ooo oooooololoodkOkOOolllloolooc..''.................lkO00Oxl:;.,,;,,.,,:,,:;',coooo oooololooxOWWWNKKkolcloo:okkckKKd,...............KWWWWWNdool:::;;.ckxkook00xoooo oolldodk0WWWWWWWWWkloooOx0WWWWWWWNKOdccccccclxoOKWWWWWWNkoooooxKXNWWWWWWWWNNdooo lllc'...;KWWWWWWW0:cokxc;;cOWWWWWWWWOooooocccokNWWWWWWWXxoood0WWNWWWWWWWWWNXdooo ll:......,WWWWWWXd::l.......cWWWWWW0ooool'......OWWWWWXxoookWx;...;kWWWWWW0ooooo cc;......cWWWWW0ol;::........XWWWNOooooo:.......;WWWWKdoood0o.......OWWWW0oooooo lldo:.''cXWWNk0oll;ll,......xWWXXdoooooll;......kWNWkoooooodo.......0WW0dooooooo oo:xWNNWWXOc:xooooccoolcdOONX0oddoooooooolddcldKNkdxooooooo;kO:...,kNXkooooooooo ooookkc;,',coooooo:cooolclolc:looooooooooololddl:coooooooool,;oxxOkdddoooooooooo ooooooollllloooooo;looooooooooooooooooooooooolloooooooooooooooc:::looooooooooooo ooolcoc;:ccclolooo:looccllcclcclocloooooo:ccc;:l;:lo:looooooclllcccccoc;looooooo ooooollllclllolooocloooolollclllocllooooollllllclllllloooooolllcclccclollooooooo ................................'''''''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::: .d, ABOVE: Detail of Booper Console 'Ol. BELOW: Detail of *Points* Album Art cKc . .; 'dkkdXx .o; :d :ddx. ' .. .KNNNNX:l0' 'xk.'kk0O. :ooc. dkdl. ,c; . 'KNNNNKx'xX0'.ONNKoXNX0. :XXNN000kO. kXXNl,;''' :XNNNNX'.KNNd;KXNNXNNXc .0XXXNXNXk. ,XXNNXx. 'XNNNNNNd.ONNXN0dXNNNN0. :XNXXXXNo oOKk. kXXXNl .co' ,XNNNNNNKKNNNNNNNNNNNNN,.kXNNNNXXK. :XNNk. .xXXXNX' .0XXd xNNNNNNX0NNNNNNNKNNNNNk0NKNNNNNXX. 'ONNNo .0XNNNd. 'c0XN, cNNNNNN0lXNNNNNXKNNNNNNXc.kNNNNNX0'OXNNNNk', .0XNNNNN0.:XNNNNXO: .KNNNNN0.ONNNNNXXNNNNNNK0;ONNNNNNXxkXNNNNNNNO .kXNNNNNNk0NNNNNNNNKd' .KXNXXXNlxNNNNN0kNNNNNXo,dXNNNNNNNXkXXXNNNKXN0xK0ooOXkdXXNNNNNNNNNNNO:. oXXXXXNXdNNNNXo,OXNXXX. 'XNNNNNNNNokXXXXXNNNNNNKd,dXo.OKXKXNNNNNNNNNXX0x. kXXXNNNkNNNNXo OXNNN: 'XNNNNNXXd'.0KkKK;cXNXXk;,KXo 'K0XNNNNNNNNXk... dNNNXXX0XXX0. OXNNNo .ONNNNNXd .Kk'OX,oXXXNxooo0o ;coxKKOxlOXXl .KXXNXXXXXXXl .XNNNNd dX0KXXXo lX0xKXxOXXXXc;,;xd 'lllOkllc0Xx' cXXXNokxxKXX. ,XNXNNO .0N;dXXXl :kc'':OlloKk::;;xx dXXK0KXXXOxdl. kXXXXd' kXXx;. oXXX0XNkoXX.;OXXl . ,: ;: .d,. .:x. .0XXX0. ... :KXXl:' dO .OX' .XXXX0l' ',;:, dK. xKxc. ,XXXXx, . -Page 14- listening to *Escape From Noise*, that although U2 sued the band be- and inspired to murder after listen- cause they had a problem with the ing to the track *Christianity Is re-appropriation of some of U2's re- Stupid*. (The track is actually a cordings, during the Zoo TV tour, U2 brilliant send up on communist sub- would, during their live concerts, version.) It was actually media broadcast live clips of television. bait which developed into an entire These clips were mixed and re-fash- side of their record *Helter Stupid* ioned into new compositions- Exactly where they exposed in their song the the same thing that Negativland did slanted nature of the news media as with audio! Everything is chroni- they took the bait and misrepre- cled in their CDE and magazine-sized sented the story at every turn. book that accompanies it, *The Fair Use of the Letter U and the Number This counter-authoritarian contro- 2*. versy drew much attention to Nega- tivland, and SST records loved the The band changed direction after the publicity. Of course, that all was U2 affair. Returning to their own about to change, and SST records' label, Seeland, the sonic experi- Greg Ginn was going to make a sudden menters freed all of their music. about face on generating crontro- All of their future releases, in- versial publicity. cluding *Free*, *Dispepsi*, and *Death Sentences For the Polished N I believe I first learned of and Structurally Weak*, are all 100% E it in *New Route* magazine, copyright free. Now they were free G a music magqazine sent to the to do anything with sound that they AS college radio stations. In a wished. T Negativland review, it was I U revealed that they were work- NEVATIVLAND The band is immersed V S ing on a cover of U2's class- N in gadgetry, being L E ic song, "I Still Haven't V avid radio users and FAIR Found What I'm Looking For". E tape manipulators. N S "I can't wait", said the au- N They also invented an D thor of the column. Neither T instrument of their could I. I pre-ordered my O own. The Booper is an own copy on CD and vinyl the day it R electronic oscillator was released. It never got to me. AS created by David Wills of Negativland. It is The album was recalled. I call it often heard in Negativland tracks, "The U2 Affair." You see, they were making short, glissando synth noises sued for copyright infringement for which give their music a colorful using their lyrics, and for titling flavor. Boopers are also used in the album U@ with a giant "U2" on *Over the Edge* broadcasts, which the cover and the famous plane. The are essentially free-form live band's name was very tiny and in Negativland compositions in a talk (parentheses). Non-observant record format. store visitors mistook it for a U2 album. I'm surprised they found it 2015 is a historic year for Negativ- on the shelves at all! I never got land, in a bad way, as two members mine and I tried. Anyway, SST drop- died this year. Ian Allen died at ped Negativland like a hot potato, a young 56 in January, and in July, but not without releasing their Don Joyce's heart gave out at 71. *Guns* EP to try to recoup their The band will go on, but they ought losses from the U2 Affair. to be remembered as pioneers and their boundless idea as to the na- Negativand referenced U2's current ture of sound, and what music can *Zoo TV* tour in their legal defense be. They are true libertarians in during the lawsuit. It turns out their craft, and masters of it.((L)) -Page 15- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WHAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD - By G.P.S. - (OK, now that I got your attention) - Edited by Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Did you know that on the deep web, signs. Many people can read it and you can find anything? And I mean, say, "yes! It's true! Something ANYTHING? must be done!" And the allure of an expose' is where the lure is. Okay, now that I have your attention again, the thing I'm describing is For without the bigotry, there is a not as scandalous as you expect. In real problem with real people behind fact, it's something that's been in it, and it will result in the loss society for thousands of years: it's of freedom after a worldwide social- anti-semitism. ist power grab. But the truth, as clear as it is, comes with an absurd So the web site came up as a newly- thesis along with it. And because discovered site on Harry 71's Onion the rest of the message is important Spider (see LiberTORian issue 4), and factual, many will easily accept called "What You Are Not Being Told" ALL of the message, including the (Hey! just like this article!). Oh, absurd part. boy! What a mess! Using dubious evolutionary and soc- What's bad about the site is that ial science, two-thirds of the arti- it actually contains real and valu- cle tries to set up the claim that able information mixed in with the ayrans are both genetically and stupid stereotypes. For instance, spiratually superior to Semetic peo- it outlines some horrid plans that ple. Mix in some holocaust revision the U.N. intends to enact, in order with an arbitrary differentiation to create a worldwide socialist between "spirituality" & "religion" state. This is real and documented (where religion is "a set of rules" and not some kind of kook conspir- and spirituality is something tran- acy. I've read the UN's documents scendental), and an irrational idea on sustainable development myself, of "semetic materialism" (that all directly and openly from the UN's materialism stems from the Jews, as web site, later scrubbed when it invented and institutionalized it), was exposed by libertarians. But and you have something really silly. it's not so hard to delete things forever anymore, as the NSA can But its mixture with the truth on attest. evil things done by Woodrow Wilson, FDR, the UN and others makes it easy It also exposes lies the UN uses as to accept the flawed premise along a basis for its planned dark age- with the stark truth mixed in with like the phony hockey stick diagram it, for some, anyway. from Al Gore's crockumentary. Ever since WikiLeaks posted the Michael News flash: greed existed in all Mann/Al Gore emails exposing their cultures, and isn't exclusive to the "consensus" and volumes of infor- Jews, who invented it with their mation as fake (AKA "Climategate religion. If you want to exploit emails"), we've known the lie of your prejudices and use your pseudo- mankind's involvement in "climate science, more power to you. I stand change". for your right to express intellect- ual bigotry. Free speech if for all There is a lot of real outrage and views. I also will stand for my own information exposing real dark de- right to speak against it. ((L)) -Page 16- HAVEN'T WE ALL SUFFERED ENOUGH ,dKWWWWWWWWWWWWKl. IN THE PAST EIGHT YEARS? ;xXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNOc. .dXWWWWWWNXXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNx. SOCIALISM ISN'T .dNWWWWWWWo. .oWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNd WORKING! .'; 'XWWWWWWWWK ;WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWX' kXWWW: ;NWWWWWWWWWN. cWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN, cWWWWN. 'NWWWWWWWWWWWk xWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN' OWWWWO kWWWWWWWWWWWWW: KWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW0 .XWWWWl .NWWWWWWWWWWWWWN. ,NWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWl cdOX0dc' ;WWWWN' .WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW0 oWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW0 WWWWWWWWN0d:. xWWWWK XWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWl 0WWWWWWWWWWWWWWN WWWWWWWWWWWWWN0d:' KWWWWd dWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN' .NWWWWWWWWWWWWWX XWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKxc' 'WWWWW; .XWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWK cWWWWWWWWWWWWWk ;WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKxl,. lWWWWX. ,NWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWx OWWWWWWWWWWWW; xWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXkoNWWWWO ;NWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWo .NWWWWWWWWWWd KWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWc ,XWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN' 0WWWWWWWWWd 'NWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNWWN. .xWWWWWWWWY''''''' ,NWWWWWWWK; oWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWKY',,,,,,,,,, 'Y0N0 .xWWWKd cloooooo :WWWWWWWKc OWWWWXcd0NWWWWWWW0 .kkkkkkkkkkkk. 0Wk .cd kkkkO00Okkkk 'WWWKd' .NWWWWl .:d0NWW0 kkkkkk'''dkkkkk XWl kkkkkx 'OOOx ''' cWWWWN. ':; kkkkkk, xkkkkk NWN. :kkkkkkkkkkx, kWWWW0 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk 'XWW0 'kkkkkkkkkkkkk .XWWWWd kkkkkkkk:kkkkkkk KWWl ., kkkkkkkkkkk. ;WWWWW, kkkkkk ckkkkkk ':. dkkd: ';cdkkkkkk, dWWWWK. kkkkkk, :kkkkkkk kkkl ckkkk;. 0WWWWk kkkkkkk..xkkkkkkk lxxxd dkkx' .lkkk: lxxxd .NWWWW: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkx lkkkd ,lkkkxoodkkkxc. lkkkd cWN0xc ''''''''''''' '':WKW:'' . DEFEND LIBERTY -- KEEP BERNIE SANDERS AWAY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE ______________________________________________________________ _______(___/ \___)_______ (__________( MEET BERNIE SANDERS IN A FUTURE ISSUE OF LIBERtorIAN )__________) (___\______________________________________________________/___) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LiberTORian was mentioned in the Hack�gren�gret blog (German): PEOPLE ARE DISCUSSING LIBERTORIAN! > http://hackevimiz.blogspot.de/ --- 2015/08/blog-post.html &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Astral Double of astraldouble.com LiberTORian is making waves in the discusses LiberTORian & other retro Spanish-speaking community, most eZines in his post, "catching up on likely due to the release of issue 1 ezines". The LiberTORian logo is in Spanish. (thanks, underchan) depicted. Post is a mirror of a Tumblr post. Eduardo S�nchez (@eduSatoe) posted this comment on his Spanish-language > http://astraldouble.com/post/ Twitter feed: 127049889937/catching-up-on-ezines | LiberTORian Magazine (revista de And of course, copies of LiberTORian | #TOR y la #deepweb) are appearing on pastebin sites all | http://t.co/5VUhhbyBHG around the clearnet. Some of the more recent postings come from some- His Twitter feed is seen at: one by the name 0BitCoincidence0. > https://twitter.com/edusatoe Thanks to you and all! ((L)) -Page 17- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | vidual candidate numbers from the | Center for Responsive Politics, The Top 25 Recipients | here are the 25 federal politic- of Planned Predators Campaign Ca$h | ians who have received the most | Planned Parenthood campaign cash &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& | from 1990 (the first year for | which data was available) through List Courtesy of Chris Field of | the end of August: The Blaze, on theblaze.com. #1: Barack Hussein Obama $133763 The stats for each politician in the US President; Former US Sen.(IL) original article included political party. But to save space, just know #2: Timothy Bishop $67000 that ALL 25 ARE DEMOCRATS. Former US Rep.: NY 1st district Do what you wish with the list. The #3: Hillary Clinton $46282 reason it's her in LiberTORian is to Former [illegitimate] senator further document it for history. from NY; Former sec. of state; Future generations deserve to know 2016 presidential candidate the guilty parties, without the fog of time and/or revisionism. #4: John Kerry $45856 Former US senator: from MA; | Many members of Congress are call- Failed presidential nominee, | ing for an end to government fund- Sec of state | ing for America�s biggest abortion | mill, Planned Parenthood. Ameri- #5: Diana De Gette $41485 | cans were outraged over the US rep.: CO 1st district | organization�s alleged sale of | aborted-baby parts as revealed in #6: Louise Slaughter $41334 | undercover videos conducted by the Appropriately named. | Center for Medical Progress. US rep.: NY 25th district | But the money does not go just one #7: Jeanne Shaheen $38449 | way� members and employees of US senator from NH | Planned Parenthood, as well as the | group�s PAC, have been very active #8: Barbara Boxer $36380 | and generous in their donations to Former US rep: CA 6th district; | government officials who both fun- US senator from CA | nel taxpayer money to the organi- | zation as well as ardently defend #9: Kristen Gillibrand $35380 | abortion. Former US rep. NY 20th district; US senator from NY | Considering the Democratic Party�s | official �pro-choice� stance, it #10: Stephanie Herseth Sandlin | comes as no surprise that Planned $35223 | Parenthood�s donations would skew Former US rep.: SD at-large | toward the Democrats. For example, | according to the Center for Re- #11: Patty Murray $34642 | sponsive Politics, during the 2014 (Illegitimate) US senator: WA | election cycle, PP gave $892,000 to | Democrats and $3,100 to Republi- #12: Sherrod Brown $33439 | cans. The 2012 election cycle was Former US rep.: OH 13th dis- | even more generous to the Democrats, trict; US senator from OH | with $1.2 million to Dems compared | to $26,600 to GOPers. #13: Dan Maffei $33200 Former US rep.: NY 24th dist- | After adding up the annual indi- rict -Page 18- #14: Mark Udall $32835 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Former US rep.: CO 2nd district Former US senator from CO NON-SEQUITIR - by Synonymous 1 #15: Nita Lowey $32596 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& US Rep.: NY 17th district Read a reactionary response from a #16: Lois Capps $31985 critic recently; nothing special, US rep.: CA 24th district just the usual. There were 2 main parts to the letter: 1) Obama isn't #17: Ann Kirkpatrick $31650 evil, 2) blurb reviews of the 17 US rep.: AZ 1st district; (at the time) republican candidates. candidate for 2016 nomination The argument against Obama was made for Senate so eloquently in *Statist President* (LiberTORian 4) in capsule form. #18: Russ Feingold $30635 the rebuttal only said he mandated Former US senator from WI; health care, and that the attacks on candidate for 2016 nomination religious freedom were SCOTUS' fault for Senate alone. LiberTORian 5 put the blame on SCOTUS, but it seems that not #19: Patrick Murphy $29976 enough is known on how deeply Obama US rep.: FL 18th district; was a metaphorical weasel (not name- candidate for 2016 nomination calling; it is describing a trait) for Senate on this issue. The trust issues it raises are disturbing. #20: Timothy Walz $29700 US rep.: MN 1st district The "critique" on the candidates was really uninspired personal attacks, #21: Debbie Stabenow $28535 which I won't waste the time repeat- Former US rep.: MI 8th district ing here, as they're not worth it. US senator from MI Let's just say the comments on Scott Walker, Jindal, and especially Carly #22: Claire McCasKILL $26015 Fiorina sound like they came from US senator from MO Donald Trump. All fine with me. #23: Al Franken $25049 Don't care much about it; I made my (Illegitimate) US senator from case here and I love people's free- MN dom to believe or dismiss it. But I realized that I learned a lesson. #24: Tom Udall $24500 Had I not learned one this story Former US rep.: NM 3rd district would have passed without mention in US senator from NM this 'zine. There's no shortage of statist deep web sites hating KOCH #25: Amy Klobuchar $24450 BROS. to their hearts' content. (I US senator from MN dismiss people as intellectually la- zy whenever they're cited) But when | Follow Chris Field on Twitter: I find these sites, I tend to move | @ChrisMField on. While I suggested that the per- son should start his/her own ezine ==================================== for self-expression, I noticed the [ DON'T ] lesson I learned is the difference [ HURT ] between libertarians and statists: [ PEOPLE AND DON'T ] [ TAKE ] Libertarians tend not to care as [ THEIR ] much or have a problem if someone [ STUFF ] doesn't agree with them. ==================================== ITS ALL COOL! ((L)) -Page 19- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WHAT IS OVERCHAN? PARTS 2 AND 3 - By an anonymous overchan user (or users) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& post 2: > How is this different from 4chan? > well for starters overchan loves tor/i2p... actually kind of requires > you to have one of these instaled to run a node. Secondly if a mod or > node operator gets butt hurt and starts censoring you... you can use > another node and laugh at them if you so wish. Lastly, unlike 4chan it > is entirely community maintained, none of the admins can just decide to > make all the overchan nodes look a certain way, censor a certain way, > etc. You could set up a completely different overchan by having multiple nodes sync with eachother but refusing outfeeds to the current nodes even to shun admins further. Each frontend's mods can choose whether to allow/disable images, delete images, require captchas for posting, which boards to serve, and which nodes they want to sync with. For example, overchan.lolz doesn't serve the /cp/ board, and the tor onions currently don't serve russian boards. Also Hotwheels said that if he ever had to take 8chan permanently he would put instructions on how to use to overchan on the front page. If the devs SeekingFor and Slow can fix SRNd in like 6 months you might see 8chan become overchan. post 3: > HOW DO I REACH THE OVERCHAN???!!!1111??!!1! Right now the best option is overchan.lolz, if you have tor installed just open your browser and go to http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion/ If you don't want to display images, http://fbi.lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion/ If you don't use tor, http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion.city/ there's also a clearnet node but it hasn't been updated in a month http:/bb.mous.pw/ If i2p is your thing then hiddenchan.i2p has good uptime and 404chan.i2p was up yesterday but i can't connect now also they both have a lot of russians and serve russian boards http://hiddenchan.i2p/? i2paddresshelper=6y4tltjdgqwfdcz6tqwc7dxhhuradop2vejatisu64nwjzh5tuwa.b32.i2p http://404chan.i2p/? i2paddresshelper=ofxof5euur2kg7gxqcajvu4n6hje6lrqizu6rzpvif7pceyjn67a.b32.i2p -Page 20- also overchan.oniichan went back up yesterday although it looks ugly http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion/ and slamspeech went down-ish like a couple weeks ago > Is there really a /cp/ board? Yes.... [Find it yourself.] tl;dr: imageboard, no global censorship, no cp, http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion/ called Overchan/NNTP-chan. ******************************************************************************** &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY disk-fee.txt &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The Great "Disk Fee" Fallacy Now you are there as programmers debate over the development fees of This time we travel back to the mid the digital storage medium which 1980s, where floppy disks were the carries their software, and exactly storage medium of the day. Liber- where the money is being spent! TORian rewinds to a time where every byte mattered when it comes to the Have a radical time reading this economy of data. file, dude! ******************************************************************************** Public (Software) Library The Great "Disk Fee" Fallacy A lot of people, including users and programmers, have no idea what costs and work are involved in providing a software library service. As a result, some programmers specify that no group can distribute their program for a disk fee or they may set a limit of anywhere from $3 to $10. So what does shareware distribution cost? In 1983, a blank formatted disk cost a minimum of $3. The equipment for copying the disks cost many times more than it now does too. So the actual cost of making a disk copy, including time and depreciation of equipment, was probably about $4. On a disk fee of $5, that left $1 to invest in getting more software and keeping the library organized. Of course, in 1982 through most of 1984, the quantity of good PD/shareware programs was very small and the programs were simple, so the acquisition and maintenance costs of the library were pretty low. Today, a disk with tyvek sleeve and label costs as little as $.25 and equipment is also a lot cheaper. The current total cost of making a disk copy is only about $.75 to $1.00, leaving $4 out of a $5 disk fee for other costs: The Costs -Page 21- Order Processing: As the number of orders increases, the economics of providing disk copies changes. We used to be able buy disks for $3 and sell them to local members for $3.50 because we were making the relatively few copies on equipment we had purchased for other purposes and doing the copying while watching TV or reading, so time and depreciation was "free". As volume increased, we had to hire people to answer the phone and take orders, to pick up the mail and process the orders, to make the copies, to verify the copies and compare them against the orders, package the orders, weigh and stamp them and take them to the post office, often to wait in line a long time. All these staff people had to have equipment purchased for them: computers, desks, chairs, office supplies, folding machines, postage meters, scales, and on and on. In addition, you have to have space for these people to work in. While the cost of disks have dropped, they must be ordered in large numbers and stored. Ordering disks, mailers and other supplies, checking shipments, storing, dealing with bad inventory (on nearly every order), etc., takes a lot of time. People want to order by phone and that means taking credit cards and paying a percentage of revenues to the card companies. Bad checks, refused COD orders, "lost" or damaged orders, bad disks, and staff errors also contribute to high overhead. Where we used to be able to take orders on our relatively inexpensive "personal" phone line, now we must pay for multiple "business" lines and 800 numbers, as well as an expensive telephone system. Printing costs for free newsletters, flyers, and catalogs are another big expense. User Support: Users don't like to read. All the information we can give a user is already committed to writing somewhere, yet we get calls all day, every day from people who want us to listen to a recital of their personal wants and needs and recommend the perfect program for them. Or they call to tell us that they have tried typing READ.ME and "it won't come up - what should I do?" Or they have never heard of the DIR command. If you are a shareware author and don't get a lot of these calls, it's because we are fielding them for you. Advertising: A lot of shareware authors seem to have recently discovered that the libraries that advertise have the greatest distribution, and the greater the distribution, the greater the number of shareware payments. (Hey, Fluegelman was right!) So authors who a year or two ago didn't like the idea of distributors advertising now are encouraging them to -Page 22- do so. Advertising is extremely expensive. As of 1/89, a one-third page, black and white ad in PC magazine on a 12/year frequency rate is over $7,000. That is over $84,000/year for one ad in one magazine. If the authors whose programs are listed in these ads tried to buy that same space themselves, most of them would probably be bankrupt in a year. Library Maintenance: This includes (1) acquiring new programs and the latest versions of old programs as soon as they become available, (2) testing the programs for quality and to see if they run or if they have hidden bombs or are really crippled demos, (3) reviewing the documentation for copyright restrictions and writing the authors, (4) comparing the programs to others, (5) writing reviews to inform users about the new programs and updates, (6) organizing the software in the library by subject matter, (7) updating catalogs, (8) going back over old programs from time-to-time to make sure they are still of value, (9) investigating users' bug reports. In my opinion, for all of this to be done well, there should be one experienced, knowledgable librarian for every 200 disks. Unfortunately, I don't know of a single library with the funds available to pay enough to attract the qualified people to work for them. PSL tries to solve this problem by having librarians who do the work in their specific area of expertise at their homes in their spare time. We pay them a very large percent of the revenues for each disk sold from their area. Even with this financial incentive, it is extremely difficult to find someone who both wants to be a librarian and has the time and determi- nation to follow through. (If you are interested, call me.) We have had countless individuals apply, get the disks from us to work on, and we never hear from them again. Our most recent attempt was with a gentleman who agreed to work on the programming disks. He has had them since October 1988 and when we later contacted him for a progress report, he said he hoped to be done by March 1989. Of course, during the time from October to March, we have added dozens of new programming files, so he is way behind even before he finishes. He admitted that when he agreed to take on the job, he had no concept of how much work was involved. (March has now passed and we haven't heard from him.) Anyone who thinks that being a shareware distributor is just "easy money made off the sweat of others," as one programmer put it, is welcome to join us and rake in some of that "easy money". The $3 Disk Guys In the April 1989 issue of PC Computing, we counted seven full-page ads for shareware distributors, all within about a dozen pages of each other. Most of these are selling the disks in the range of $2-$3.50. Most of these will probably disappear in a year or two, unless they have someone with deep pockets backing them up. It seems highly unlikely that all of these companies, whose ads and shareware -Page 23- collections seem to be clones of each other, can each get enough business to survive. (We have a file drawer full of materials from distributors who have come and gone over the years.) To anyone with the money to spend on advertising, shareware distribu- tion must look like easy pickings. All they have to do is buy the disks from another cut-rate distributor for $2 a disk, copy the other company's ad, and they're in business. Most of them don't know what they are selling and don't care. The $3-guys have only a fraction of the number of programs PSL has. Most do not bother with programs that are too small to be on a disk by themselves. Or at best, they may have a few utility or games collec- tions that never get updated. Most do not test the programs or write to the authors, violating many copyrights. (Some even show pictures of pirated programs in their ads.) A few programmers, no doubt influenced by this influx of quick-buck, cut-rate distributors, say that distributors who charge more than $3 a disk cannot distribute their programs. Ironically, the programmers who track where shareware registrations come from always find that they do not come from these cut-rate guys, but from groups like PSL, PC-SIG and Public Brand who charge $5 or more per disk. People who are too cheap to pay for value received from a shareware distributor are not likely to pay for value received from a programmer. We hope that we have not offended anyone by our straightforward talk. If you have any comments about the subject, we would like to hear from you. ******************************************************************************** [Note from LiberTORian: The above was not edited. There was no contact infor- mation provided in the body of the .txt file.] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the law and respecting religious freedom. His solution: maybe find CHRIS CHRISTIE'S STATIST SOLUTION Kim a new job in the same office. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Really? First of all, this person was a county clerk long before the The story of Kim Davis, the county Supreme Court violated the First clerk who was jailed for practicing Amendment. Secondly, and more cru- her Christian beliefs, sparked the cially: this sets up a new precedent #IstandWithKim and #FreeKimDavis in America where one's religious movements, and candidates Mike Huck- convictions now prevent a person abee and Ted Cruz attended rallies from holding certain occupations in to free her. She eventually was, the public realm. I'm sorry: that's but now the issue is what to do with religious deiscrimination. Chris someone who won't comply with unjust Christie, the government is the last laws? entity in the world competent OR just enough to determine who is Chris Christie expressed the balance worthy of what job, and which job a that must be kept between following person is allowed to hold! ((L)) -Page 24- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .'''..............',,:c;. .;dxxdoolloc;,,,,,;;;;,'''.. 'lxO00OOkkdoodl::cclooolc:;:cl:;'..',' ,o0XXXXXXXXK0kdoc:cclooddddoloxOOOOdoddo,. , .:dOKKXXXXXXXXXXK0OkxdddddddddddxO0000kddxxc,. , oXKKXXXXXXXXXXXNNXK000OOkxdddddddxkkk0Oxxkxo;. ,,. ,dKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKK0kddddddooolodxxkkkxl' .,, , .o0XNXKKKKKKKKKKKKKK000Okxdollccccccc::::::lk0kl;'.''',,. 'OXNNXkxkOOOOOkxddolcc::;,,,,,,,,',,,,;;;;;;:ldOkdddoolloc. .kXXNNk,;lddddol:;,,'......''''''''''',,;;;;::clOXK0Okdddxd, .o0KNXO:',;;;:;;,'...................''',,,;::cccdKNX00Okkxdc. 'k0XKk:''''''..........................'',,,;:cccoONNK0K00kxd; ,OKXkl;'''............. .............''',,;;::clkKNNXXXX0Ox:. :0KOc,,............. ...........''',,;::clx0XNNWWNX0xc. 'xO0o,''............. ............''',,;::cd0XNNWWWWKxc. ckOOc'............... .............'''',;::cdOXNNWWWWX0o. .xkOk;................ ............'''',;::cokKNWMMWMWNOc. 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So who is Howard Thompson, anyway? worlds that came to life in his comp- any's games. Many of them had richly He's a man who, in the 1970s and designed worlds with a socioeconomic, part of the 1980s, changed the face geopolitical, and/or socio-political of board gaming in favor of geeks baqckground that shaped the game play everywhere. He founded the game and design. He sheds some insight company _Metagaming Concepts_ some- into his thinking in _Space Gamer_ where around 1975, taking the games #24, one fo the last issues he was industry by storm with what he involved in editing. He explains the termed _MicroGames_. MicroGames difference between prophecy and were small war games, packaged in speculation: a prophet tries to pre- either 5x7 plastic bags or small dict the future. A speculator takes cardboard bozes. They were science what is known, and tries to project fiction or fantasy themed and cost trends to create a realistic possible only $2.95 to $3.95, but despite future based on an understanding of their small package, MicroGames had history and sociology. plenty of strategy and playability packaged inside. The production Below is a reprint of Thompson's values were on par with the D.I.Y. entire editorial from his running nature of Metagaming Concepts: all column, "Where We're Going". It's an the games' components were paper or appropriate title, reflecting back cardboard. The rule books were now, but at the time, the title was carefully typed on an IBM Selectric meant to discuss the direction of the typewriter. company Metagaming Concepts itself. Thompson also wrote a magazine that As you read, you may think that he is promoted the company, a house organ a pessimist. He was a realist. No titled _Space Gamer_. It also dis- commentary will follow. I know, dear cussed othere company's games. The readers, you are smart enough your- early issues of Cpace Gamer had the selves to perceive where Thompson same D.I.Y. look, and early issues was correct, and where he missed and looked a lot like a typical issue why (for instance, he has no idea in of LiberTORian. Eventually, Space 1979, when this was written, that Gamer grew into a full-fledged there were vast oil reserves under glossy magazine, before Howard America that dwarf Saudi Arabia's Thompson lost a lawsuit against supply, nor could he predict the Steve Jackson, who designed Meta- production war between the Saudis and Gaming Concepts' first game, OGRE. Russia.) For a guy in the Carter era Jackson assumed the editor's po- making and distributing games, he was sition at _Space Gamer_ beginning uncannily "prophetic". ((L)) with issue 27. After some time, about 1983, Thompson withdrew from the gaming industry entirely, * * B E G I N A R T I C L E * * and became a very private person himself, almost never appearing in public or on the internet. Where We're Going Howard Thompson is a Texas Liber- An old saw has it that science fic- tarian and an unconfirmed atheist. tion fans can predict and be ready to His understanding of social evolu- live int he future better than aver- tion contributed the the vivid age folk. Like most old saws, this -Page 26- one is probably shakey. [sic] But, controlled and unhappy populace as thinking about living in a future the years go by. ten, twenty or fifty years away can lead to some interesting results. The point of the game would be for a I wish I had the time to design a business to survive and grow in such game that reflects trends several an environment. If we don't nation- decades ahead. As a business, alize free enterprise out of exist- Metagaming will have to survive in ence there will still be, or at least a rapidly changing environment. A can be, healthy growing firms in much gaming simulation of the near fu- worse environments than will come to ture can be an invaluable aid. pass. What will a business have to do to be a winner in tomorrow's drab The factors which should be inclu- future? ded are many. The design con- straints of the "Future" game Starting with item number one, it's should reasonably be limited to given that trends are beyond the what an individual business in the individual. The strategy has to be U.S.A. can expect. avoiding the worst and looking for opportunity where others see dis- 1. The individual can't affect lar- aster. The ideal business location ger events. Major economic, will be near, but away from, major cultural and social trends are cities where the problems will be beyond our control. worst. You have to have large city 2. All energy and raw material re- services, but that doesn't mean liv- sources will be progressively ing with their crowded problems. more expensive and scarce. Leaving the city to it's [sic] prob- 3. Governmental size, expense and lems may seem, uh-- unpatriotic. The activity will continue to expand choice is to go down the tubes with in all economic and social the mob or survive. Remember, this areas. The future will be more is a game of prospering survival. restrictive and controlled. 4. Social unrest from poverty and As for resources and energy short- other causes will increase at ages, they will progressively worsen, least on the individual level. no ifs, ands, or buts. We will not Organized social unrest will develop a viable energy policy of probably not increase. self-sufficiency. Look for less of 5. Internationally, Russia will be- everything and look to pay more for come the global "policeman". ever shoddier work. The strategy The U.S. will accept a gradual here is to build for minimal energy restriction of influence. Fu- usage. Buy and plan equipment for ture tension will be between minimal electric requirements. Ex- competing communist governments. pect to live with continual black- 6. The flood of illegal aliens and outs, shortages, and "temporary" re- international refugees to the ductions of service. Do build for U.S. will increase sufficiently solar space and water heating. Do to swamp our social programs and plan for some solar power cells to "western" civilization. maintain minimal functions. Thank your stars if you've got wind re- The list could easily go on, but sources or a small undeveloped stream this is representative of major for some generating potential. Plan factors of a "future" game should to build and buy locally. If you can include. Some, or most, of you grow it or dig it up yourself, your will disagree with these projec- chances go up. tions. You may be right. But, I expect to live in such a future. Government? The age of bureaucracy On average, we are going to be a and income "redistribution" is here poorer, more crowded, meaner, more to stay, and will get worse. Over -Page 27- 10% of G.N.P. goes through H.E.W. to *need* every good trade relation now, and it will get worse. The we can get. privileged class will become those with government paychecks. Their If I were president, I'd be stroking power will be sustained by their Mexican ego and macho for all it's defendants, who draw government worth. we ain't gonna have no [sic] benefit checks of one sort or an- Middle East oil very soon now. Why other. Over 30% of the economy is be too proud to be super nice to a now in the form of direct govern- neighbor who's willing to sell, al- ment dispersements. The proportion beit for a good price, who also of the population getting some of wants recognition and a sincere the money or living with someone who thanks. If this means that we all does, is now a majority. It will learn Spanish and live to see a never be voted out of existence. Latinization of our culture, so what. Or rather, so what can we do So, learn to live with government. about it anyway. The bigger the bureaucracy gets, the more loopholes there will be. Don't Which leads us to number six, the be adverse to seeking favors in the demise or evolution of western cul- future. There is no right or wrong ture in America. This will come for in a system that has so many laws two reasons, the massive influx of and regulations that *all* the popu- illegal aliens, and our inability to lation conducts illegal activities sustain growth without cheap re- unknowingly, or knowingly much of sources. A business can't fight the the time. There is getting caught trend. The strategy is again to and being stupid. You might be able look for ways to survive. Learning to dodge a city government, but, the Spanish as an employee policy and I.R.S. isn't to be fooled with; it's setting up production and marketing the closest thing we've got to be- to the south couldn't hurt. lieveable religion. Well, that's it for the "future" Social unrest will increase, mostly game. Unless someone designs it for in the form of individual, criminal us, it's hypothetical. Metagaming and disruptive activities. Organ- does expect to survive in the future ized unrest probably won't increase. portrayed. We will all live in a There will be a steady increase of much different world fifty years aggression and violence between from now. The century of U.S. domi- individuals. These will mostly be nance is ending; Rusia's is beginn- acts of frustration and helpless- ing. We will now be like all the ness. You can punch your neighbor others; a bit bigger, a bit strong- or smash a bum on the freeway, but er, but we'll still be an also ran. your mayor or senator is beyond you. [sic] [no one at LiberTORian under- The strategy here is again, avoid- stands the meaning of the last ance. Unrest will be proportionally clause.] The point is how to sur- worse the higher the population den- vive, prosper and be happy in the sity. Fewer people means less future. Trying to change it is the agression. Selecting associates way to frustration and misery. "If with care and looking harmless may you can't lick'em -- join'em", may help. not go down easy, but it works. Internationally, the U.S. is impo- ....Howard Thompson tent and merely looking to save face as we back out. That means a busi- * * E N D A R T I C L E * * ness needs to be more international in outlook than ever before. Your (Originally published in *SPACE parent company needn't be the bully GAMER* magazine issue 24, September to do good business. We're going 1979.) -Page 28- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This issue was somewhat different generation, filled with promiscuity from previous issues of LiberTORian and hedonism. Those who lived in in case you haven't noticed. It's those eras saw the problems created a little more blurby and had fewer by their lifestyle and they swung the longer articles. This is not a pendulum far in the opposite direc- trend, and it's not NOT a trend. tion. I never knew that from history The magazine will mold into its own class. School really was a detriment shape depending on how the wind to learning in my case. But I was a blows. It might be the first time product of the public school system. the wind ever molded something into So if you think I sound stupid all shape. the time, I defer you to government education. Reading the response to the Liber- TORian 7 poll, people would like it It makes the fact that we have such if the magazine dealt with topical an evil president in Barack Obama so issues the most. But I do have the much easier. He wasn't the first feeling that, at least for the sake evil leader. Heck! He wasn't the of those readers who are not liber- first evil U.S. president! There was tarian, or newly-interested in the F.D.R., Wilson, Andrew Jackson to historical nature of libertarianism name just a few; two in the past 100 and statism, articles of historical years. And to know how Obama got the interest should be covered. The way he is, look up Saul Alinsky and content will help provide a better it's easy to penetrate his already understanding to current issues. predictable mind. You want to under- stand Hillary Clinton? She names History was my worst subject. I Margaret Sanger as her role model! was mostly into math. It all stems From the Nazi era, her eugenic plans from my interest in statistics, I inspired others as well... Adolf Hit- guess. I always thought that my ler! (just stating a fact. I know occupation, if I wasn't currently if you mention Hitler you are auto- in the one I chose, would be that matically accused of comparing people of a statistician. Back on track: to Hitler!) Again, nothing new under my hatred of history was due to the sun. And now I know. never having a single teacher who made the subject interesting. All We'll cover the statists as well as of them just made us memorize dates the libertarians. For it's knowing and events and match them up and I the minds and the playbook of the never learned the significance of enemies of freedom that empowers the ANYTHING- let alone how it relates public to defend against them. It's to today. I never recognized the if we had intercepted ISIS' entire cyclic nature of history, and how plan, and had a White House that ac- there's really nothing new; it's tually wanted to stop them. all the same struggles, against new cultural backdrops. There was a 90s show called *Mystery Science Theatre 3000* that ended each For instance, we all know about the episode with "KEEP CIRCULATING THE Victorian era and the puritans and TAPES" in the credits. Well, in the their uber-prudism. But did you same spirit, "KEEP CIRCULATING THE ever know WHY? I didn't. Then I PASTES". Copy & paste LiberTORian found out that it was a story of and share with all! Peace out! ((L)) rebellion against their parents' - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -