______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 - Issue 8 - Late September 2015 ASHLEY MADISON'S SECRET ....................';'.. . ................... ALSO: IS OUT! . .............................'',lkk,... ...... Constitutional ................................,;,''',lOd.................... Liberals .....................................';:;,'...'lkO:............................. .............................',;::::clc;,.....,lkOd''''................ Planned ..........................',:codddoooc:,'.....,lkOkl:cc:;,.......... Parenthood .....................',,;:cloxxkkkdl::,,......,cxOOxddddol:;,'.................. .................',:ccloddxxkOOOOkl:,,''......'ckOkOOOkkkkxdoc;'..... Dan Price ..............';:cldxxkkkkOOOO000o;,'''.... ..:kOkO0OOOOOOkkxoc;,'........... '........',;:cldxxkOO000O00000KKx:,'''.... .;xOdOKK0000000OOkxoc:;,'........' '''''',;:lodxxkOO00000KKKKXXXNNKl;,,''.... ..:xxoXNXXKKKKKKKK00OOxdoc:;,''''', ,,;::clodkOO0000KKKXXXXXNNNWWWWO:;;,,'.... ..,loOWWWWNNXXXKKKKKKK00Okkdl::::;; cloxkO00000KKXXKXXXXXNNNWWWMMMWo;;;,,'.... ..':cOWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXXXKOkdolc llxKXNNNNNNNNNNNXKKKK000KKKXXN0:;;;,,'.... ...',;l0K0OO0000KKKNWWWMMMWWWNXOxdl: ;;:okKNWWWNNNXXOxkxxkkkkkOO0KKd,;;,,'.... ...',,;xOOkkOOkkkkxk00KKXXKOxlc;;;;; ,,,,;:okxdloodocolclodxxxkOOO0c,,,,,'..... ....',,lkkkxkkkddxxxxdodolc;,,'''''' ;,,;;:clllc::ccc::ccllllodkOOk;',,,'............',,ckxddxxxdooddoolllc:;,,'''''' ;;;:ccloollcccllcc:clcclllxO0x,',,,'............,;;:ooddxxddooodolllcc:;;,''''', ;;;:clddddolollllllllllodxxk0k,',,'..... ....,;:oxkxxxddoooolcclllc::;,''',,, ;;::cldxkkxxxddoooolooddkOOO0k'.,,'..... ....,:cxOkkxddooollooodoolc:;,,,,,,; ::::clldxOO000OxdddddddxkOO0Kk'.;;,'.... ....,;:kOkkxxdoddddxkkxdolc:;;;;;;;; ::ccclloodk0KKKXK0OkkkOOO0KXN0,';:;,'...........,;c0OkkxkkkOO000Okdollcc:::::::: ::ccccllooxxkO00KNNNXXXXXXNNWX;';::;,'.........',,'dKK0KKKKXKK0Okxdoolcc:::::::: :::cccccllodxkkkOKNNNWWWWWMMMX,.;c:;,'.........'',.,ONNNXXXKKKOkkxdollccccc::::: :::::ccccclodddxxO0XNNWWMMMMM0..,;,''...........''..'0WNNXK0OOkdollcc:::::ccc::: :::::::::::ccllodxkOO0KXNWWMMk..,,'...... ....... cK0Okxdolcc:;;;;;;;;::::::: :::::;;;;;;;;;::ccloodxkO0XNWx.,,,'.... ...... .llc::;;;,,''',,,,,;;:::::: ::;;;;;,,,,,,,,,,;;;::clodxk0o.,,,'.... ....... ','''''''.''''',,,;;;;;:;; :;;;;;,,'''''''''''',,,;;:cld:.,,,'.... ...... ;,..........'''',,,;;;;;;; ;;;;;,,'''''''''.''''''',,;co:',,,'.... ...... ;;,..........''',,,,;;;;;; ;;;;,,,,''''''''......''',;cl:.',,'.... .......;,,........''',,,,;;;;;;; -Page 2- ___________________________ __________________________________ / /| ,' ', / TABLE OF CONTENTS /|| | ~~ LiBeRtOrIaN ~~ | /__________________________/||/ { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 8 -- } ||| ||| { Late September, 2015 } ||/ It's a table! Get it? ||/ { } { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } ACQUIRING RELAY..............3 AGAIN { Published August, 2015. } { } LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.............4 { -- } { } BLURB..............................5 { LiberTORian is published on an } { irregular basis. } PEOPLE ARE DISCUSSING..............5 { } LIBERTORIAN { N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, } { actually encouraged, to copy and } THE DEVOLUTIONARY OATH.............5 { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } QUOTABLE QUOTES....................5 { ing. } { } DEEP WEB SITES OF THE DAY..........6 { } Overchan and Underchan { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } { http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion } ARTICLE............................7 { } A La Carte: It's Time Has Come { (Thanks to an Onionland user. } { The views expressed in LiberTORian } MEET THE LIBERTARIANS..............8 { aren't necessarily those of the } Constitutional Liberals { webmaster. That's fine with us } { libertarians. } FEATURE...........................10 { } PLANNED PARENTHOOD: AN UPDATE { } { CORRESPONDENCE: } ARTICLE...........................12 { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com } Libertarians vs. Christians? { } { Send submission & letters to } MEET THE SENATORS WHO VOTED.......13 { LiberTORian at the above address. } TO FUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD { } { } FEATURE...........................14 { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } Everything You Needed to Know { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } About Ashley Madison { Even a millibitcoin! } But Were Afraid To Ask { (.001 BTC) } { } BLURB.............................18 { } LiberTORian Is Activist Literature { DON'T HURT PEOPLE } { AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. } BLURB.............................18 '-________________________________-' Happy 100th Birthday, Raggedy Ann FEATURE...........................19 ARTICLE...........................26 The Tragic Tale of Dan Price Help Sweet Cakes by Melissa CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY......23 EDITORIAL.........................27 coladrik.txt But What About Polygamy? BLURB.............................25 DNS LOOKUP FAILED.................28 A LiberTORian Public PGP Key! -Page 3- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y - By Synonymous 1, Editor - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I went back for old time's sake and phony tower which intercepts cell read LiberTORian 1. Boy, has the phone transmissions, and metadata. writing changed! Originally, Liber- I found the metadata article an eye TORian has so much basic deep web opener. I've been aware of it al- knowledge that I had just figured ready, but never considered how it out. What a difference a few months is present in personal documents. make! We are all here to help each other. Of course, as a libertarian, you I still wonder about TOR and inter- don't have to, but what better way net privacy. I wonder how secure it to learn? Again, I've come a long is, and for how long. It seems that way, and it's because of the people the intrusive government agencies, who have taken the time to come to who were responsible for TOR in the my aid, when there is no need to, or first place, are able to, or closing at least from what I see, no appar- in on, infiltrating its encryption, ent benefit to them. I hope that or have. TOR recently updated a pdf others are helped by writing Liber- exploit. It's all a game of cat and TORian as I've been helped by com- mouse: the TOR project always must plete strangers in the deep web! stay one step ahead of the NSA, the FBI intimidators, CIA, and all those And I know that many of people out other three-letter groups intent on in the deep web see things different prying into your life. than I do. But I know that there is so much that we have in common, and And how else can we know what they have the same desire to protect our know until one of us on the deep web privacy and individual freedom goes down? When someone takes a hit rights (actually, many do NOT care from the government, they keep their about individual liberty, but they methods secret, so its up to others still care about their privacy). In to discover how they did it, and to the deep web, I see, to some extent, close the gap. an anarchist feel to the community. People tend to be respectful of each Maintaining security in our current other, and just don't bother with stage of technological evolution is things they abhor. It's a liber- essential to protect those who are tarian philosophy to be tolerant of oppressed by their government. If the free speech of others, and to security can't be maintained, they know our tolerance doesn't mean that will be fearful to speak out on the we necessarily condone it. We just wrongdoings of their governments. believe that it's up to each indi- For many people around the world, vidual to make her/his own decisions TOR and its users are the last line in life, and accept the consequences of defense against absolute power. for those decisions. LiberTORian Issue 7 featured a With all that in mind, LiberTORian guest post from Quantum 7765, with hopes you enjoy this issue. As al- a topic of GPG encryption. Quantum ways, we want to hear from YOU and now just published his first issue show YOUR articles. You can contact of a retro eZine of his own, titled LiberTORian at the same address as "QUANTUM MAGAZINE". His issue fea- it's been since the premiere issue: tures the article on GPG, and two other articles: one on StingRay, a synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com ((L)) -Page 4- .----------------------------------. Hi synonymous 1, i'm an anonymous | ------ ## | user of underchan | -- --- ## | (https://tcxb6cwaejftlefl.onion), | | we translate the number 1 of your | Letters | magazine to spanish. Other numbers | to | can translate soon. | LiberTORian | | | You are not alone. .----------------------------------. I recommend you that have got a PGP key for cipher & signs emails. Hi! -Anonymous I liked a lot your article about the attack to Ashley Madison. DEAR ANONYMOUS #2, It is a fact that someone has caused LiberTORian appreciates your going some harm to someone, but we can above and beyond the call of duty! not identify to whom unless we first We are eternally grateful for the decide the priority: time, effort, and dedication you invested. As a libertarian, there a. adulterer's privacy was no need for you to do this, but b. spouse's right to know because you did, many Spanish speak- c. hackers' freedom to do what- ing deep web users now have a new ever they want forum. Some of the ANSI encoding d. company's right to not be com- was lost, and I replaced the Ns with promised tildas and accented vowels. Issues e. not defraud customers of LiberTORian en Espan~ol will be posted on the deep web site as they Where we put the priority is the key are made available. of the matter. And that is common to be placed on the side of the moral- What I appreciate the most is know- ity or religion. ing that I am not alone. While we -Anonymous may not agree on everything that is discussed, knowing that there are others who believe in freedom, equal DEAR ANONYMOUS justice, and privacy makes us feel less alienated. The system is cor- Thank you for your input on the Ash- rupt, but I am certain there are ley Madison story, which we asked more freedom-loving people than for in issue 6. You provide a good there are statists. I feel just a insight on this, which makes more bit more certain now. It is the sense to me now that I understand hope of LiberTORian that you, Dear more about Impact Team, and the Reader, feel the same way when you reason for their actions to hack the read our magazine. account, although I don't know what role, if any, members of Impact Team LiberTORian, had in the defrauding. What's will all this planned parent- hood obsession? arent [sic] there As a libertarian, I'll leave it to more important things to worry the dear readers to choose the order about? This is wasting my time! of priority of the above. I'll just -Anonymous interject my personal opinion that as a libertarian, one has the free DEAR ANONYMOUS #3, will to engage in an affair, but I You must not have taken the time to believe it still hurts another per- read it. Who has freedom when so- son whether or not they know. ciety allows this to be? ((L)) -Page 5- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5. We must repeat! B L U R B ! The five tenets are sometimes pre- sented in a different order. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Parts of the DEVOlutionary Oath are Here's that link to QUANTUM'S deep present in the lyrics to their song, web site, where you can read the "Wiggly World" (1979). issue mentioned in ACQUIRING RELAY: Notice how these (d)evolution rules http://mywuwj5f76usg7eo.onion are themselves of a libertarian na- ture! You're at liberty to make one of two choices. Devo's song, "Free- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& dom of Choice" (1980), was about being given two specific choices, PEOPLE ARE DISCUSSING LIBERTORIAN! and having to choose between only the two given choices, actually lim- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& its one from making a free decision! This is beside the point, though. Someone on Reddit mentioned Liber- TORian waaaay back when it was being Sometimes lines from the Devolution- posted on the defunct Slamspeech ary oath have tag lines like, "It's Pastebin. It can be found at: all the same", or "it doesn't mat- ter". Though again, it isn't a dir- http://redd.it/3a5zah ect reference to libertarianism, the content does sound fitting. So make of it what you will. I guess that's &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& the most libertarian answer I could provide. So I leave you with the The DEVOlutionary Oath words of Mark Mothersbaugh, Devo's lead singer, at the end of his live &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& concert on the "Now It Can Be Told" album (1989): "Be happy or not! Devo, pioneers of music video, and Good night!" ((L)) experimental concept band from the late 1970s and 1980s, subscribe to the philosophy of "de-evolution", or &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& societal regression. This theme is explored throughout their body of Q U O T A B L E Q U O T E S music. Part of the band's lore in- cludes the "De-evolutionary Oath", &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& also called the "DEVOlutionary Oath. The origin of this is a satirical "The smallest minority on Earth is thesis, "Trick Rules", by Dr. B.H. the individual. Those who deny Shadduck (1924). The anti-evolution individual rights cannot claim to be writing spoofed Darwin's arbitrary defenders of minorities." rules of evolution. Devo's own DEVOlutionary Oath is as follows: -Ayn Rand 1. Be like your ancestors or be different "We cannot solve our problems with 2. The fittest shall survive yet the same thinking we used when we the unfit may live created them." 3. Lay a million eggs or give birth to one -Albert Einstein 4. Wear gaudy colors or avoid display ((L)) -Page 6- _####__ OVERCHAN \ oo/ /\ http://lyp6sf5tzd6mbnmc.onion u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ http://oniichanylo2tsi4.onion * DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY * \_( http://overchan.lolz > > > OVERCHAN < < < UNDERCHAN A N D http://tcxb6cwaejftlefl.onion > > > UNDERCHAN < < < CHANS are the image boards (IBs) of Let's begin with Overchan. Someone the Deep Web. A person submits a there keeps an Overchan overview in name, email address (optional), a their custody. They sent a file to message for the world, and an image LiberTORian, which appears to be a (optional on some sites). It's an collection of postings on Overchan equivalent to a dial-up BBS message itself. I will post the description board. found in part 1 here. In future issues of LiberTORian, you can read Two chans that have been helpful to the overview files in their entire- LiberTORian are OVERCHAN (in Eng- ty. lish) and the unrelated UNDERCHAN (in Spanish). Here's the text of part 1: ************************************ post 1: Hey chums, perhaps you're tired of shitty admins and mods. That's probably why you come here. Don't like moot? 8chan not your fancy either? Some other chan/forum you were using get v& by the US Gov't? Masterchan and the off-topic system is amazing, but there are alternatives. This not cutting it either? WELL THERE IS AN OPTION 4 U! It's called overchan. Overchan is a distributed set of imageboards that have no global moderation. Overchan sends threads from one frontend to another via NNTP, like usenet or newsgroups. Overchan runs on the software SRNd (Some Random NNTP daemon). > Overchan creates an imageboard styled forum based on NNTP articles in > specific groups using static HTML documents, creates thumbnails for > posted images. Because of the NNTP backend, servers can peer with each other and share threads. > Every person that runs this software can manually link, sync, or peer > with other people to have decentralized and almost censorship free > means of communications. Each frontend can have its own moderation however. If you don't like one frontend's mods, just go to a different frontend, and you can still shitpost on the same threads. -Page 7- ************************************ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& And now, presenting Underchan! A LA CARTE: Its time has come! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Underchan is a Spanish speaking chan like Overchan. Because of its name, I like to consider it the Spanish When you go to a restaurant and you counterpart to Overchan, except that order an entree, the waiter doesn't they aren't related. (I just may be charge you for the whole menu, isn't wrong, of course.) Underchan likes that true? Well, why does the cable to think of themselves as a vintage or satellite company charge you for BBS system, as if it were a private channels you don't watch? dial-in line. Cable companies and TV channels have For you newbs to chans, boards are a lot to gain from forcing the con- divided into different directories, sumer to bundle their channels into each a different topic. Many chans packages. First of all, the network follow a structure where each topic owners get your money for the chan- is assigned a letter or code: for nel whether or not you watch it. example: /a/ for anime, /pol/ for The cable and satellite companies politics, /h/ for hacking, etc. like it because they receive part of each topic is in its own subdirec- the profits from all the channels in tory. On Underchan, the divisions their bundles. And they LOVE it if are few: you enjoy a certain high-package channel so much that you upgrade to o underchan.underchan a higher tier just for one channel! o underchan.confesionario o underchan.eth0 Some have said that televisin is in o underchan.oraculo a new golden age. I totally dis- o underchan.archivo agree. I think that, while there are some quality, innovative shows, Underchan.underchan is a general the ratio of good to pathetic pro- forum. Mainly the topic is about grams is decreasing. And with the the deep web, privacy, activism and rise of NetFlix and the binge-watch- hacking and such topics, but people ing trend and the online availa- are at liberty to discuss almost bility of everything, TV is doing anything that doesn't fit into the little to even try to remain com- other categories. People at under- petitive. Wouldn't television be chan are as active as those in any more appealing if you saved money by of the English-speaking boards. buying only the channels you want? Those on underchan have shown an TV channels rely on advertising interest in translating LiberTORian revenue, but they also benefit from into Spanish. It is a slow process bundling. It's the only way the NBC but those involved already trans- family of channels still exists with lated issue 1 and are working on its dismal numbers. Same for CNN issues 2 and 3. LiberTORian plans and al Jazeera and so on. on hosting the Spanish translations on its web site alongside their Dish Network, which is the most con- counterparts. sumer friendly TV provider, supports changing the law to allow a la carte All told, overchan and underchan purchasing of channels. (Right now represent two healthy, tech-savvy it's illegal to offer TV channels a communities that can provide a lot la carte.) Don't you agree that of help and support for explorers people shouldn't have to pay for of the deep web. ((L)) things they don't want? ((L)) -Page 8- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ing talent. Atari never pictured itself a corporation and, because of MEET THE LIBERTARIANS, PART 3: that, never had a rigid structure. CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERALS Employees had casual flexible hours. The only ties they were were tie dye &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& shirts. They bought a hot tub where everyone went to create ideas and Constitutional Conservatives (see socialize with their co-workers, LiberTORian Issue 5) often to have who were more seen as friends and the ability to quote the United co-eds than fellow employees. They States Constitution by Article and also had great teeth. paragraph, the way fundamentalist Christians can quote the Bible. A You see, one day, a traveling in- Constitutional liberal isn't as surance salesman came to them and likely to share this ability, but offered to sell dental insurance to is focused on _applied_ liberty. A their employees. This is pre-Obama Constitutional liberal lives his "care", and the plan was so great life freely and doesn't bother with at rates so low that they literally the law itself- until his rights are are illegal today. Employees were infringed upon. free to take time off to take ad- vantage of any dental issue they There is no stereotype for a Consti- needed. And they did. At Atari, tutional liberal, though one often everyone was treated well, they did thinks of one as young millennials, what they loved to do, they even who don't subscribe to a religion or were allowed to enjoy the benefit of are atheist, and live life freely. recreational substances. They were But they also can be rugged indi- so successful that Warner Enter- vidualists who make the world a tainment bought them in 1977. Not better place, and aren't even aware bad for a ragtag band of hippies. they are libertarians- again, until someone steps in and tries to limit Many Constitutional liberals their liberty. subscribe to a radical form of eco- nomic philosophy known as *Agorism*. A prime example is Silicon Valley. computer programmers, game design- Agorism is economic anarchism. The ers, hardware makers, laregly fit fundamental philosophy of agorism is into this group. They spend their the belief that libertarian eco- lives innovating by just doing what nomics should not be achieved via they enjoy. But recently, they've statist means. Their definistion of been hafing frequent run-ins with "statist means" is extremely rigid, the federal government, which has for to an agorist, *ANY* government been trying to dictate new and ab- at all is a form of statism. To use srd regulations upon them that make a practical application: an agorist their job difficult, impossible, or will believe in eliminating all will shut them down due to finan- taxes, but opposes electing poli- cial burden. ticians who will eliminate all taxes because elections are run by the A prime example of Constitutional state, and anything run by the state liberalism at work is Atari corp. is a form of statism. Founded by liberals Nolan Bushnell and Ralph Baer, These two young The primary tenet of agorism is the geniuses invented the first mass- concept of _counter-economics_. produced arcade game: *Pong*, and Counter-economics is the idea that had a hit on their hands. With all trade should be deregulated and their newfound success, they free to all people. Counter-eco- employed more programmers, all nomics refers to the purchase or fresh, young, out-of the-box think- sale of products regulated or banned -Page 9- .o' dMK. ;KXMO. ..'''k:0MMo';'.. .,lxOKWWNdOo'0MMWd0WMWXOxl;. .:dKWMMMMMMMkOx''0MMMNdKMMMMMMMWKxc. :kNMMMMMMMMMMXxO,.'0MMMMXxWMMMMMMMMMMNk:. 'lKMMMMMMMMMMMWKok;.''0MMMMMOxNWMMMMMMMMMMMXo' ,kWWMMMMMMMMNkl;.'Ol...'0MMMMMWo..;lkXMMMMMMMMWWO; ;0WMMMMMMMWKo,. .Od'...'0MMMMMMWl .'o0WMMMMMMMWK; ,kWMMMMMMMNd' dd'...':XMMMMMMMW: .oXMMMMMMMWO, lWMMMMMMMNo. ck'....'kOWMMMMMMMK. .cXMMMMMMMWo .dWMMMMMMWO' :0:.....c0.dWMMMMMMMO. .kWMMMMMMWx. .KMMMMMMMK, ,0:'...''k; .kMMMMMMMM0. ,0MMMMMMMK' .0MMMMMMM0. .k:.....'od .XMMMMMMMMx .OWMMMMMM0. xMMMMMMMk. .xd'...'':K, oMMMMMMMMWc .xWMMMMMMk cWMMMMMM0. dk,'...',Od .KMMMMMMMWN: .OMMMMMMWl .x0000000; lk,......oO. ;000000000O. ,0000000k. kXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO,......,0NXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXk 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX:......'xWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNl''....'lNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK 0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWo'.'..'',KMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK ,:::d0000000x:::::::cKx'..'...'dk::::::::::::::d0000000000x::::::::d0000000d:::, ;MMMMMMM0. oO,......';k. 'XMMMMMMMMMWl OMMMMMMM: .KMMMMMMMc cO,.......,Oc .O; oMMMMMMMMMMW: ;MMMMMMMX. cWMMMMMM0. .O;'......'o0. cW0. .KMMMMMMMMMWK. OMMMMMMWl dWMMMMMWk. .Ol.'....'.;K; .0WWo :NMMMMMMMMMMO. .xWMMMMMWk. .OMMMMMMM0;0d'......''xl :0KMN' oWMMMMMMMMMM0,0WMMMMMMO. .OMMMMMWxko'........ck xl0MMx OWMMMMMMMMMMOxWMMMMM0. .dWWWWxxx'........,O: ,k,0MMN' :WWMMMMMMMMMMxxWMMWk. cNWOxO;.........lKocccccclko'0MMMKdddddddxNMMMMMMMMMMMWxOMWl .lxO;..........'''''''''''''0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWxo' ,O;''.........''.''''.'...'0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN; ;0c''......................'0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN; .X0ooooooooooooooooooooooooooXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN. ','',''',,:xOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOO0000000OOOOO0Okc,,'''',,,, .;lONWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOo;. .':ok0XWWMMMMMMMMMMMWN0kdc'. ..',;;;;;;,'.. ABOVE: The official symbol of Agorism. The symbol is black, with the left slope of the stylized A in yellow. by the state. The most obvious ex- Cloward & Piven's plan to overwhelm ample is the buying or sale of drugs the state. The plan is to starve a banned by the government. But the statist government of revenue in an concept refers to all buying and _Atlas Shrugged_ style. If you are selling that conforms to the the interested in agorism or becoming libertarians' non-aggression princi- one, visit The Agorism Project at: ple (NAP). In an extreme form of http://agorism.co. agorism, there would be no restric- tions on a person buying a tactical This wraps up another edition of nuke, for instance; the only offense "Meet the Libertarians". Look for would be using it to harm others. more from this column in future Activist agorists support _economic issues of LiberTORian... or maybe civil disobedience_, the converse of not! But probably so. ((L)) -Page 10- _______ ______________________________________ ascii skulls by Synonymous xi / , \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | _ _ || | (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_) | | | o=======================o )(_) (_)(| | __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ __| | | { } \__ d __/| | / _` || '_ \ | '_ \ / _ \ / _` | | { - By Synonymous 1 - } )HHH( | |( (_| || | | || | | |( __/( (_| | | { } \___/ |_| \__,_||_| |_||_| |_| \___| \__,_| | o=======================o _ ___ |_______________________________ / ' \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ | (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_) | | | | (_)(_)(_)(_)(_) | | )(_) (_)( __ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | '-,| |__ ___ ___ __| | A N \__ & __/ / _` || '__| / _ \| '_ \ | .-'| _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _` | U P D A T E |HHH| ( (_| || | ( __/| | | || |_ | | | |( (_) )( (_) ( (_| | ----------- \___/ \__,_||_| \___||_| |_| \__||_| |_| \___/ \___/ \__,_| ________________________________________________________________________________ The Center for Medical Progress has in LiberTORian 7, is a baby part pro released seven videos at the time of curement specialist for Stem Express this writing, and more by the time via Planned Parenthood. Earlier this issue is released. Thanks to videos discuss brutal treatment of the TV program, *Dana* on the Blaze live babies. In video 7, O'Donnell network. Dana is the only program describes Planned Parenthood's most we know of (email LiberTORian if it gruesome act yet. isn't true) that shows excerpts of these videos and offers serious dis- NOTE: THERE ARE SOME THINGS IN THE cussion. David Daleidon is a regu- DEEP WEB SO SICK I CAN NOT READ OR lar on Dana. Daleidon is the man VIEW THEM. THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST behind the Planned Parenthood videos SICK THINGS EVER; IT MAKES ME SICK (See LiberTORian Issue 7). When the TO WRITE IT. IT MADE ME SICK WHEN third video was released, Dana asked I HEARD IT IN MY CAR- I HAD TO PULL if that was the worst one. He said OVER FOR A MOMENT TO RECOVER FROM A that it does get worse. It was hard NAUSEA (I WAS IN MY CAR WHEN I FIRST to imagine, but he was right. Each HEARD IT). PLEASE NOTE THE NEXT video, except for video 6, was pro- PARAGRAPH IS DISTURBING, BUT MUST gressively more barbaric than the BE TOLD! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ last. "Barbaric" was used often in the Issue 7 article for lack of an The baby was another boy, this one appropriate word. Planned Parent- likely to be over 20 weeks of age, hood's evil is behind words. outside the age it could "legally" be murdered. The abortion was an Video 7 was released, and it was the attempt that failed. The baby was most horrific yet. The only thing brutalized, but born alive. His sicker are people who become aroused heart was still beating. O'Donnell while watching them... and it's was called over. PP needed this apparent that people that sick are baby's entire brain intact. That's probably Planned Parenthood employ- what made killing this one so diffi- ees anyway! What is in video 7 cult. I don't remember if it was prompted Dana to ask David Daleidon, O'Donnell or one of the other butch- "It can't get worse than this." He ers who did it; my mind is trying to responded, "Yes it does." Dana then subconsciously block it and I just asked what do they do in the 12th can't review the video again. This video, eat a baby? (There are 12 baby, who looked more like a newborn videos in all.) than O'Donnell has seen yet at PP, was badly wounded, but they needed Video 7 continues the discussion of to get his entire brain- it was good Holly O'Donnell, who, as mentioned money. To get the brain, the PP -Page 11- butcher cut his entire head, right positions of power, their blood through his face, to get to it. money they receive from Planned They give no second thought to what Predators, and their Alinsky-style they do at PP. To them the bottom attacks on the forces of good to line is the almighty dollar. protect their partners. Money means so much to such people that even $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ evil that is this clear will be allowed to continue, funded by Amer- ! ! ! END OF SICK PARAGRAPH ! ! ! icans' hard-earned money as Title X funds, and paid back to them as $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ kickbacks from PP. Just writing this made me sick. It There is some good news in the story was difficult for me to do. This is to report. Stem Express, the evil the reality of Planned Parenthood, accomplices who had dealings with which from now on will be referred Planned Predators, for some reason to in LiberTORian as *Planned Preda- had an ethical epiphany... more like tors* they saw the writing on the walls and wanted to save their own sorry Whenever I see one of these videos, hides while the ship hadn't yet I want to grab the nearest child and sunk, just ended their contract with hug him/her tightly. May God bless Planned Predators. The money that that child. No child may suffer the PP receives for treating the weakest fate as those in the hands of this and most defenseless among us like evil organization. Recently, Glenn trash for Stem Express is a drop in Beck said that if we do nothing, the bucket. But to PP, to whom America will be remembered in his- money is everything, every dollar tory as WORSE THAN the Nazis. Well, lost is a big, big deal! There's we are. Evil as the Nazis are, they nothing they hate more, outside never did THIS to living humans on a facing the Nuremberg trials of the regular basis. ISIS, one of the future. most evil forces on planet Earth, doesn't do this to their prisoners. So we watched video 7 and know that Jared Ogden is a former navy seal it can not be more clear that this who fought against terrorists in the is an evil that must be stopped. If Mid-East. He witnessed the tortur- you don't think so, watch the video ous acts committed by terrorists. at He testifies that Planned Predators is worse. http://youtube.com/user/ centerformedprogress When it comes to good and evil, it is sometimes clearly defined. What If you still disagree AFTER watching Planned Predators does is undenia- it, don't read LiberTORian again and bly evil. It is not more clear. go find a nazi website to join. There is good and evil in the world and anyone who can't see this is a But what to do? I don't know. I denier or on the side of evil. The need your help. All I can say is, Nazis committed acts of pure evil 1) PRAY, if you are of that persua- and people turned a blind eye. Not sion. God does what we can't. 2) to act IS to act. Allowing it to Work at a local level to shut down happen is the same as partaking in your nearest PP mill. Then work on their plan. This moment in history the next, and the next. Even if s our turn to face evil and choose your PP doesn't murder babies, what sides. Barack Obama and many of money they make funds it. 3) I NEED the politicians who bitterly defend YOUR HELP! Please send YOUR ideas and support PP chose their sides. to synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com. They chose evil. They'll use their Thank you much! ((L)) -Page 12- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Libertarians vs. Christians? - By Synonymous 2 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& While visiting NolanChart.com, I | 3) A person of ANY faith saying a came across an article written by | prayer in public is not a coercion someone who scored libertarian. The | for the person who hears the article was named, "Do all Liber- | prayer to pray. tarians continue to oppose public | prayer and Christianity?" I thought | 4) Any "Libertarian" who opposes a that was strange, since freedom of | person's First Amendment right to religion is a tenet of libertarian- | pray publicly isn't a liber- ism. The article was half-right, | tarian. If a person is a liber- but the author considered believing | tarian, s/he would treat the right in the freedom of others to make | to public prayer like they would their own decisions- including ones | the right to public free speech. that are contrary to Christianity- | Prayer IS speech. What liber- to be wrong. | tarians oppose is forcing someone | to profess another's faith. Any- But what I found stranger was how | thing more; i.e. opposing public a number of respondents, who also | prayer, is a statist act. scored as libertarians, were in fact | opposed to the free exercise of re- | 5) Defending a person's right to ligion. The original author, in a | pray in public by a libertarian response, also wrongly stated that | is not an endorsement of the re- Catholics don't consider Mormons to | ligion, or a statement that the be Christians (a fallacy). Just put | libertarian condones his/her re- that in there to explain #1, below. | ligious beliefs. A libertarian | doesn't have to share or approve I prepared this entry, partly for | of the beliefs of the person pray- the author, partly for those saying | ing, but as a defender of indi- they're libertarian but have a prob- | vidual liberty, respects their lem with public prayer. My goal was | right to do so. to relate the argument back to the | libertarianism, but the process to be | 6) One of the primary reasons for a NolanChart writer is arduous. | America's founding was to free | itself from an authoritarian | Reading this and I have to make it | government in order to exercise | clear. | religion freely. This goes for | | the Pilgrims' voyage to America, | 1) Catholics DO consider Mormans | for those who don't know their | to be Christians. Fundamentalists | history, or follow a revisionist | are the ones who don't. | form of history. | | | 2) A libertarian is free to | 7) Most Christians do not wish to | personally subscribe to any relig- | force those who believe different- | ious convictions, including athe- | ly to pray; they only wish to not | ism. One need not be opposed to God | lose their right to exercise their | to be a libertarian. And a Liber- | religious freedom. (See #3.) The | tarian who believes in God doesn't | only people today I can think of | necessarily condone "sinful" be- | off hand who are trying to force | havior simply because s/he believes | others to profess their religion | in a person's right to make his/her | are ISIS and similar groups. | own personal decisions as an indi- | | vidual (drugs/ polygamy, etc.). | Synonymous 2, LiberTORian writer. -Page 13- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MEET THE $ENATOR$ WHO VOTED TO $ By the congressional record $ CONTINUE FUNDING PLANNED PREDATOR$ CUT PASTE SHARE THIS PAGE EVERYWHERE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Baldwin (D-WI) Murray (D-WA) Bennet (D-CO) Nel$on (D-FL) Blumenthal (D-CT) Peter$ (D-MI) Booker (D-NJ) Reed (D-RI) Boxer (D-CA) Reid (D-NV) Brown (D-OH) $ander$ (I-VT) Cantwell (D-WA) ("IND", $ocialist $tati$t running Cardin (D-MD) for pre$ident a$ a Democrat) Darper (D-DE) $chatz (D-HI) Ca$ey (D-PA) $chumer (D-NY) Coons (D-DE) $haheen (D-NH) Durbin (D-IL) $tabenow (D-MI) Fein$tein (D-CA) Te$ter (D-MT) "Franken" (D-MN) Udall (D-NM) (Name i$ in quote$ becau$e he Warner (D-VA) i$ the "$enator" from MN Warren (D-MA) illegitimately) Whitehou$e (D-RI) Gillibrand (D-NY) Wyden (D-OR) Heinrich (D-NM) Heitkamp (D-ND) Lind$ey Graham (R-SC) did not Hirono (D-HI) vote becau$e he wa$n't pre$ent. He Kaine (D-VA) wa$ too bu$y with a photo op to King (I-ME) "Ind" defend human babie$ from cruelty. Kirk (R-IL) * Rep Klobuchar (D-MN) Leahy (D-VT) The democrats who broke from their Markey (D-MA) party dictates and had the courage McCa$"KILL" (D-MO) to stand against brutal murdering of McConnell (R-KY) * Rep human babies: Menendez (D-NJ) Merkley (D-OR) Donnelly (D-IN) Thank you Mikul$ki (D-MD) Manchin (D-WV) Thank you Murphy (D-CT) Babies can't vote or defend themselves, so it's up to you to defend their right. Ask if the money the senators receive from the abortion industry is enough to let them sleep at night. They have blood on their hands. As representatives of the people, they have no excuse to have ignored the Center for Medical Progress videos. By the way, you can reach your senator at (202) 224-3121. By the way, since the NSA records our calls illegally (until six months after Rand Paul's vote takes effect), there's nothing wrong with recording theirs. If you have interesting experiences and your state allows sharing of recorded phone calls, I'm sure YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and the like will enjoy having it on them. The vote took place one hour after CMP video #3 was released. This was their first video with actual footage depicting butchered human babies being sold on the black market. History will remember this vote. ((L)) -Page 14- Everything .. you needed .cckK. .. ;; to know ,o:.xx. ;xK. .xoX. about ;l, :K: cdx: ,O,k' ,x; xO. lOx; .0;x. .:dx,;cXKccc. c. oWx. .XKo . ' .:;cOl .XO .lNc cX; ,c; oN, 'lcoX. .ol .X. .' co,.ld. kK. :o..X; 'oNx;c:.Ox ,lX0 .kNl:c.,xWo .Ok.:l. 0o.:c. .Wo .:oc..cWxc;.Wx, .Nxcl, oMc.:o:KO..;c;'Xc:0Mkc. do:. dXdlc. ,;;.. . ';;. .cl:. .cdO, .cccxx. 'k:.;x, ,;;. XO:c; ... .,;; .::;.,X; .cx. . ;:;;;oK:.cc;';Xxl; oc cxxx .x, oX; :O; 'x. lxoo c. coOc .xd co cOxc co. ;o'ld oX: dl .:;;,dc ,rXylW0. .' .X, .;; .. o;.oc .K0. dc ,dc .c;o' cd:.,NO cXo :cdk. .xl.:O,'oXx.rdK. .c. .O:cd. :Nl ;O OO lNk .:0X..okMl .:xMo .cc. Xl,lOO 0,.XNo" xk .oc. ;kc. .x. l0 OO:c,OOcc.;koc. xxcc..Ooc;.cc;okc' ,Xxlo' ,x' :o:, .ko . ...but were afraid to ask. ------------------------------------------------------- By Synonymous 1 -------- When the first news of the Ashley mands for Ashley Maidson to close Madison hack broke, LiberTORian #6 down their web site. was almost set for release and there was a small piece put in at the last After one month, and no action on minute before doing any research on the part of Ashley Madison, Impact the topic. Now over a month has team released the records of Ashley passed and there is much to be known Madison's 37-million user database. about the topic. An overview of the The information was released on information will be presented here. August 18th. Ashley Madison CEO Noel Biderman re- WHAT IS ASHLEY MADISON? acted to Impact team by acting aloof and dismissing them. Impact Team's Ashley Madison is a web site that response was to release a new hack capitalizes on unfaithful people by including, but not limited to, all helping them to set up and engage in of his email correspondence. There affairs through its online tools and was more information in this data networks. dumps than all of the data of its users. WHO WAS BEHIND THE ATTACK? Strangely, one "respectable" news source actually identified Noel Bid- The hackers (or hacker) is known as erman, the self-proclaimed King of IMPACT TEAM. infidelity as some morality crusader who verbally attacked Impact Team, and secretly held an Ashley Madison WHAT DID IMPACT DO? account! Strange. Impact Team hacked the Ashley Madi- son database and in late July, 2015, WHAT DID THE ASHLEY MADISON RELEASE announced their deed. They made de- FROM IMPACT TEAM LOOK LIKE? -Page 15- It looks like this: _______ _____ __ __ ______ _ _ _ _____ _ |__ __|_ _| \/ | ____( ) | | | | __ \| | | | | | | \ / | |__ |/ ___ | | | | |__) | | | | | | | |\/| | __| / __| | | | | ___/| | | | _| |_| | | | |____ \__ \ | |__| | | |_| |_| |_____|_| |_|______| |___/ \____/|_| (_) Avid Life Media has failed to take down Ashley Madison and Established Men. We have explained the fraud, deceit, and stupidity of ALM and their members. Now everyone gets to see their data. Find someone you know in here? Keep in mind the site is a scam with thousands of fake female profiles. See ashley madison fake profile lawsuit; 90-95% of actual users are male. Chances are your man signed up on the world's biggest affair site, but never had one. He just tried to. If that distinction matters. Find yourself in here? It was ALM that failed you and lied to you. Prosecute them and claim damages. Then move on with your life. Learn your lesson and make amends. Embarrassing now, but you'll get over it. Any data not signed with key 6E50 3F39 BA6A EAAD D81D ECFF 2437 3CD5 74AB AA38 is fake. Following the message is a link to cheated on, and Ashley Madison en- the .torrent file for the Ashley abled it to happen. Madison dump. 4) Impact Team had a problem with the premise of enabling people to WHY DID IMPACT TEAM HACK THE ASHLEY have affairs. MADISON WEB SITE? More research is required on Liber- The above message provides some in- TORian's part. We would love to sight. Still, I'm unsure of their hear from a member of Impact Team, exact motive. They did reveal that in fact, if they write something for most of the women's profiles were LiberTORian, we'd publish it in its fakes created by the company. That entirety. We're curious to get some is likely to provide a clue. It's insight. not up to LiberTORian to provide an answer that's false just because we don't have the answer. But here are WHERE CAN I GET THE TORRENT FILE? a few educated guesses, based on the content of the letter. http://mywuwj5f76usg7eo.onion/stuff/ impact-team-ashley-new-torrent 1) Impact Team was/were members who .torrent were burned by Ashley Madison's fraud and deceit. Contact LiberTORian if the link is no longer available at the time of 2) Impact Team was aware of Ashley publication. Madison's deceit and hacked its site as a form of online justice. IS ANY OF THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE 3) Impact Team had a member who was ON THE DEEP WEB? -Page 16- .',;;'.. ..:o;. ........ 'dxdxxxxxddollc;.. .',;;'.. ..:o;. .:ldO0000kxoool::::;,'.. .oxdxxxxxddool:,.. .',;;,.. ..;l:.....,ckKXNWWWNXXK0kdddddddxkOOxo:. .oxxxxxxxddoolc;'. .',;;,'.. ..;ldolldO0KXNWWWMMWWNXX0kxdlllcc:clollocc;'.'lxxxxxxxddoolc;'. ..,,;,'..,lk00KKKXWWWWWMMMWWWWWNXKOxdolcccccc:;;,',,:ll;coddxxxxdddolc;'. ..',;:lxOXWWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMWWNNXK0Oxddooollllc::clolc:::::coxxxxdddolc;'. .';l0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWXK0Okxxdxxxxdooolllodxkxd:..;:;lxxxxddolc;'. .,oKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNNXK0OkxxxxkkO00000OOkxdoooc;. ..,ldxxddolc;'. 'xNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNXK0OkkkxxxkkO0KXXXKK0Okdo:;,. .,ldxddolc;'. .xWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNXX0OOOkkkOOO0O000000Okxxc;'.. .cxddooc;'. oWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNXXK0OOOOO0OOOOOkkxdool:,... .ldddoc;'. 'NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNXXK00OO00000Okkxdoc:;;,.. .oddoc;'. cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNXXK0000000Okkxdlc:;,,'.. .odoc;'. ;WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNNXXK0000000OOOxdlc:,''... 'ooc;'. .XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWNNNNNNNXK0000KK00Okxoc:,'.... ,lc;'. oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNNNNXXKK000K00Okxoc;'... ;c;'. .0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNNNNNNNXXK00OOOkxolc;'... .:;'. :WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNNNNNNNNNNXX0OOkkdolc:'.... ';'. .XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWNNNNNNNNNNNXK0Okdool:;'.... .';'. .0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWNNNNNNNNNNXK0Okxdolc:;,... .,:cc'. dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWNNNNNNNNXK00OOkxxdol:;,'. .;c;'.,'. ,NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWNNNNNNXXXKK00K000Oxoc,.. .co::c,;'. oMMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNXOxolloxkkxdl:,. ;kNk; ...'.. .KWWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNX0Oxxdolllllx0K0d;. .kNXx:.. ... cNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWNXXKKXNNWW0c;o0XNWWWNO:. 'c:'.. .. 'XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWNXKXNNNWWWMMMK:.,d0NMMWWNOc'. . .OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWNX00NWWWWWWXOxl,.',l0WWWWNXOo,. .cNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWNNNKOO0XXKKK0kdc;'..,o0NNNNNNX0d; 'dWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWNNNX0000OOxdoc;,'...;o0XNNNNNNX0d, .,xWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWNNNXKK000Oxdl;'....,cxKNNNNNNNXkc. .';kWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWNNXKKKK0kdl:'....;dXNNNXKXNX0d;. .',;xNMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWNNNNNNX0koc;.. .;kNNNXK00KXXk;. ..',,ckNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWNNNXOxl;...'l0XNNXXNNNXXOc'...... ..',,'.;xXMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWMMWWWWWWWWWWNN0ko:...ck0XNWWWWN0xo:,'','... .',,'...,OWWWMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWMWWWWWWWNKko;',lkKXXNNNNKxl:;;;....'... ..',''...;KWWMMMMMMMWMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWNNKxc:llkXNNNXXKOd;'.'''..',c'.. ..',''...'lXWWMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWNNX0xoxklxXNNXKK0kdollc::;,'.,;.. ..''''...',kWWWMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWNNNXKxododXWWWWNNNXKOdc:,......,'. ..''''...',cXWWWWMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWN0OdlcxXNNWNXXKOxdl;'.......;odl:; ..'''...',;xWWWWMMMMMMMWWWMWWWWWWWWWNK0kxxk0K000OOOOkxo:;;'.. .,:ox0XX ..''''..',;oNWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWNNXNXKKK0Okxxollccc:,....':codk0N ..''''..'':KMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWNNXKOxdolcc;;,... ..::ldk00 ..''''..,oXMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0Okxool:'.... .lccokKK ..''',:dKWMMWNWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNXKOkolc;'.....okdoox0X ..,lkXWMMMMMWXWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWNKxol:;,,':OWXOxdxOX .:xXMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWNNXOxo::ox.xMMWKOkxOK ,kNMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWWWWWNXXX0xocc:cl0X:cMMMNK0kk0 .;dKWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWNNXXK0Odl;.':codOWXo.KMMWXK0OO .;kWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWNX0Okko:,..;coxk0NMNk.lMMMWXK00 (=============================( NOEL BIDERMAN )=============================) MAGNET LINK TO ASHLEY MADISON DUMP TORRENT FILE magnet:? xt=urn:btih:40ae8a90de40ca3afa763c8edb43fc1fc47d75f1&dn=The+Complete+Ashley+ Madison+Dump+from+the+Impact+Team&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com %3A80&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F %2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=ud -Page 17- There is a web site called ASHLEY running already. Here is the link. MADISON DATABASE, which allows users [http://www.wampserver.com/en/ enter a person's email address to #download-wrapper] discover if that address is in the user list. The URL is: 3rd Download and install MySQL Work- http://cndezd67wnjzg37t.onion bench, link here. Curiously, it asks for *your* e-mail 4th address as well as the one in ques- Make sure WAMP is running and the tion. It doesn't seem pertinent to SysTray icon is green. NOTE: If you the database, so perhaps the system are running Skype, turn it off! returns results to the provided e-mail address. (LiberTORian never 5th tried it out.) The list isn't read- Run MySQL Workbench and select the able, but searches the database for running wampserver. When the inter- the address in the query. face is loaded, create a scheme named after one of the .dump.gz files. ARE PEOPLE WHO USED A FAKE NAME OR ID SAFE FROM BEING EXPOSED? 6th Open the .dump.gz file you want and No. Users had to provide their extract the content (basically a credit card or financial data to .dump file). make payments to Avid Life. Those records are very real, searchable, 7th and easily traced to their users. Get back to Workbench and on the left select Management�>Data Import. Select Import from Self-Contained I DOWNLOADED THE DATABASE FILE. I File and find the .dump file you ex- CAN'T OPEN IT. HOW CAN I OPEN IT? tracted. NOTE: When looking for the file, in the File Type menu select Excellent question. Many curious All files. The default target schema people downloaded the information has to be the schema you created be- but have never encountered a .dump fore. format file before. 8th A guide to opening the files has Start the import. NOTE: It will take been made available at: days to import, the dumps are huge. Repeat the same with all the other http://kgcfwmjmft5nfklq.onion dump.gz files. Then you can see them in the left menu under Schemas�> Here is the text of that guide: YourSchema�>Tables�>TheTableInThere -> "The Guide Click on the small Table icon that pops out when placing your mouse to Hi, so this is a guide, how to open the table name. the Ashley Madison dump files re- leased in July 2015. Thank you for visiting." 1st Download the dumps. Here is the mag- DO YOU HAVE OTHER QUESTIONS/ANSWERS? net for the torrent. [see pg. 16] If you have more to add to the topic 2nd of Ashley Madison, send plain text Install WAMP server and install it to LiberTORian at synonymous1 if you don�t have a MySQL server @ruggedinbox.com. ((L)) -Page 18- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LIBERTORIAN IS ACTIVIST LITERATURE!! - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& There is nothing passive about this currently active are those OPPOSED publication. You are called to go to individual liberty, and they're beyond just reading. Have you no- on the move. ticed it yet? Since issue 1 we've encouraged you to conduct research, So seek deep within yourself, and if become engaged in your community, you are a prayerful person, do that. write, make telephone calls, teach, Discover where your talents lie and spread the wealth, help others, etc. use them for the benefit of others. For it is by helping others that we I hope you are not just passively make life better for ourselves. reading LiberTORian. I, Synonymous 1, and the other regulars write be- As libertarians, we don't have to do cause that's what we know how to do, anything we don't wish to, but para- but I also to the extent that I'm doxically, we do have the responsi- able, I do the things I ask of you, bility to defend the freedoms we dear reader. Freedom won't be re- believe in, or else we lose them. gained by watching others while we sit idly by. For the ones who are So, what are you going to do? ((L)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Happy 100th Birthday, Raggedy Ann!! - By G.P.S. - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Labor Day marked the 100th birthday After the poor girl's death, Raggedy of Raggedy Ann, the doll that young Ann became a symbol of an anti- girls cherish. She was created by vaccination movement. This was lost Richard Gruelle, for his daughter, to history. Marcella. He also authored stories featuring her adventures (and that This story is an example of govern- of her counterpart, Andy) for her ment taking the welfare of children away from parents and into its own There is a story of Raggedy Ann not hands. It happens today; Obama"care" told on Wikipedia. and the "Free Jessica" story out of Boston are two tragic examples. The 1910s suffered the first wave Jessica, under different conditions, of progressivism in the school sys- almost suffered Marcella's fate. It tem. For the Gurelles it came in also raises the issue of parental the form of administrating new vac- rights regarding innoculation. Just cines. Marcella's parents gave like using a safety belt or not, it's their daughter's school permission the parents' right to determine in to provide her a vacaination. They their best judgment what is the best did. But then the school took the way to care for their children, short initiative and gave a second dose of neglect or inflicting harm. of the same vaccine without their approval. The second dose was too So the next time you see a Raggedy much for her to fight off and she Ann doll, thank her for standing up died at the young age of 13. for individual rights! ((L)) -Page 19- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _| _| _____________________________ _| _| _| _| _|_| _| { _________________________ } Tragic _| _| _| _| _|_| _| { { } } _| _| _|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| O { ~~ By Synonymous 1 ~~ } O Tale _| _| _| _| _| _|_| { {_________________________} } _| _| _| _| _| _|_| {_____________________________} of _|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_|_| _|_|_| _|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| _| _| _| _| _| _| _| OR: _| _| _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| _|_|_|_| _| _| _|_|_| Yet another example _| _| _| _| _| _| of the failure of a _| _| _| _| _| _| micro-communist system. _| _| _| _|_|_| _|_|_|_| _|_|_|_|_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's a story about a man named Dan not the figure is accurate. who formed a company called GRAVITY PAYMENTS. This is a "Before and Af- Of course, there would have to be ter" story. fundamental changes to make this work. For one thing, Gravity Pay- * BEFORE * ments' wage equality will be phased in over three years' time. Second, Dan's company provides financial Gravity Payments will henceforth be services to clients. He employs 120 far less profitable. The company's people. For some reason, MONEY payroll will account for 70% to 80% magazine named him, "Entrepreneur of of its profits. An average company the Year". Then in April, he did spends 10% to 20% of its profit on something that took the financial payroll. world by surprise. The reaction to Price's announcement He determined that the average corp- was predictable. He was hailed as a orate salary is $70,000. So he made champion of equality, a forward a decision to give everyone who thinker, more enlightened than the works at Gravity Payments, including heartless, intolerant CEOS of every himself (as the CEO), a pay rate of other company. After all, business $70,000 per year. isn't about productivity, so liberal thinking goes. It's about providing Dan Price's dcision was based on his social and economic equality. preception of the "unfairness" of wage inequality. Surviving the 2008 But Dan Price, who is now hailed as Great Recession that continues to a hero by academia, the press, the this day, Gravity Payments weathered elite liberal establishment, and the hard times without laying off "progressive" economists, still con- any employees. siders this unique business practice to be sound economic policy. "This The average salary at Gravity Pay- is a capitalist solution to a social ments was $48000 a year; 70% of em- problem. I think it pays for it- ployees will have their wages nearly self." He admits, "There will be doubled. And Price himself will cut sacrifices, but once the company's his pay drastically. According to profit level is back to $2.2 million economists, the average CEO makes my pay will go back." This is his 300 times the pay of the average em- self-described motivation, and he ployee. But These figures come from also says that the pay grade will economists. So who knows whether or motivate his employees to succeed. -Page 20- DAN PRICE ..'''... .':lllooolc;.. .....''.......,;clc:;'. . ...'''''''',;:;,'''...'';ldo:,... ..',,::cc;;;cclodkkxddolc:,';ldoo:,,,,.. .,;codxxxxxxxxxkkO000000Okxdolllodl;,,;:;' .,:okO00KKKXXXXXXXKXXXNXXKKKOkOkdllollc:::::cc;. .;ldkOKKKXXXNNNXXNXXNNNNNNNNXXXOdkkdlllllcccclllllc' .oO0KKK0KXNWNNNNNNNNXXXKKXNXNNWXOOOOkdooloooollloolc:;. .lxOKK000KXNNNXXXXXNNNNXXKKKKXXXNXKXKKOkkxxxxkkkxdooolcc,. .:xkOKXX00XNNNNXXXXXXXXXXXK000000O0KXXXKK00Oxdddddxxxddxdlc:' .dkk0XXK0KNNNNWNXXXKKXXXXKK000OOkxdxkk0KKKXKOxoooddodxdodkxlcc' .okk0XNKKXNWWWWWNNNXKKKK000OOOkkkkxdoclodxxkOOkdooxkkxxkxdkkdcc;. ,xO0XNXXNWWWWWWWWNXXXXXXXKKKK0Okkkxo:;'...'',;:loddodkOkkOxxkOxlc;. .xO0NWNNWWWWWWWWWWNWWWWNX0OOOOkdoc;,..............;ldooxOOOOkxOKkooc. :O0NWNNWMWWWWWNNWWWWWXOkdlcc:::;,..................';odxkOkO000KOxdd; cKXNXXWMMMMWWWWWWWNKOdlc;,''................ .......;oxOOOO0K000OOxl. :KNNXWWWWWWWWWWWWNOolc:;,'.................. ........,cxO0O0KKKKK00xc. :XWNNWWWWWWWWMWN0xolc:;;,'.............................':xkOO0XKKXKK0d, cNWNWWWWWWMMWWNOdollc:;;,'..............................,cdOOOKXKXXXKOo. lNNWWWWWMMMWWXOdoollcc:;,''..............................,:d0O0XXXXXK0k' lNNWWWWMWMWWNOxoollccc::;,''..............................':dO00KKXXK0O: lNNNWWWWWMWWKkdoolcc::::;,,'...............................':dKK00KXK0kl. :XNNWWWWWWWN0xdoooc::;;;;,''..............'',,,;;;;;:ccc;,''';xNNKOOkk0d. .xKNWNWWWWWKxooooolllloddoollc:;,.......';ldkOOOxo:''',;:;''.';kXXOolkKo. .dXNXNWMMXOddodk00OOOO0KKKK0Okdlc;,'..',:oxkO0Odollc:,'''.....:kOdcoKXl. 'OXXNWMMXOdoox00Oxdolox0KXXK0Okxo:'...';odxdOKXKxoxdl:'......'cl;;cO0; 'kXNWWMWXOdoodxxddxOOk0KXX0k0Oxdo:'.....';;,:cc:,.............;;',;oo. .l0KXNNWXkdooooodkkkdllool;;oddolc'........'''................''.':l, .;dxk0KNXkooolllollcc:;,,,',codooo;............................'.'c:. .:oxxk00xoolllcc:;;;;;,,'';cooooo:'..........................,'.,:. 'lddxkxooolc:;,'......',;cloool;.......'..................';'.:; .:loxxdoollc;,'.......',codddo:'....''',;;,.............',,..:l. .:lodxooolc:,''.....',:oddddxdl::;cdo:'';cc;'..........',,''c0Oo;,' .':clxxoollc;,'....';oddddxO00kxdookkl'..',:cc;'......',:dxkKNXOo,. .;ollokxdoolc:;,,,;cdxdodxk000Oxool::;,'''''',:c:,',,',;l0NKKOd:. 'ldxold0Oxddoolc:;:oddodxkkkOOxdocol;;:;;;;,;;;,';;',,,,;oKNOdc;' .';lokKKKXNKkxdddooccloodxxkxdddoc:::::,,,,;;;;:c:;''',;,,;;dKNXOo;'... ..:dkKNWWWMMMNOkxdddolcodxkOkkxxdllc::::;:;;:cdxoc::;''',,,;;ckXXK0Oxoc;,. ..;lddkO0NWMMWKkkkxxdlcoook00KKkoc:,.........'''...''''',,;::l0KKOkdooooc' ..,lx0WWWMMXkkkxxdolc::clodddl:;,..................',;;;::xK00kkkxdc;;' .,oOXWWWMMW0kkkxxddc:;;:cloolc:;,,,,,,,,''.....'''',;;;;c0KOkkxolc:,. .l0XNNWWMMMWKkkkxxxdl:::looodddoollccc:;''..''',,;;::;:clkXOddollc:,'. .ckKKKXNNWWWWWKOkkxxxdolllooooooooolc:;,'....',,,;:cc:cc;;lkOdlcc:;,'. 'coxOKXXNWWWWXOOOkkkkkxdooolccc:::;;,'''''',,;;:cllllc,',;codl:,,'. 'ldk00KKNWWWKddk000OOOOkxdllccc;;,,,'',,,;::::clool;''''',,,::,'. .,cxkONWWXkdoodxO0000Okxxxddol:;:::;;;;:ccllddoc;''''. .. ... .;dKWNNKxooooooxOKKK0OOOOkxolcodolcclccldkxl;,'''''. ;xXXXOooooolllodkOKKKKKK0kkdxkkkxxkkxdoc;,'''.''',. .cdkkkxdoollllloodxOO0KKXXXKKXXXK0Odc;,''.....''',c. .'ckKdoollllllllodddddxkkO000Odc;''..........'',kKx, cXWXxollllllllllooooooddddoc;''............''',ONXKo' .,ckNMMNxoollllllcclllooooolc:,''...............'':0NNNXKx:,. .;cd0XWWMMMMNkoolllllcccclllllc:;,'..................',oXNNNNNNXKOoc,.. .';cdOXNWWWWMMMMMMWKxolllllcccccllc:;,'....................';kNNNNNNNNXXK0Okxo: xOKKXXNNWWWWMMMMMMMMWXxollllccc::::::;,''..................':kXWNNNNNNNNXXKK000O XXXNNNNWWWWWWMMMMMMMWWX0xollc:;;,,,;;,,,'''............',:dk0NWWNNNNNNNNXXKKKKKK -Page 22- * AFTER * too. Dan Price has a brother, Lucas Price. Lucas is a minority owner in Four months have passed since Price the company who is now suing his was hailed as a demi-god by the lib- brother. He has made claims that eral establishment. Things have he has been denied benefits that are turned out as expected for Gravity part of the policy for his company Payments, but the media that lav- for being a minority owner. He's ished praises upon the company will also suing over enacting a policy let the story to fade into obscurity that eliminates the company's prof- on their good note, rather than re- it and willingly sets it on a course tract their assessment of Dan Price. of destruction. The lawsuit came days after the change was announced. The employees are becoming disgrunt- Gravity Payments is being crushed led and quitting Gravity Payments. under the gravity of its own self- One ex-employee in particular, named created troubles. Maisey McMaster, worked through thick and thin at Gravity Payments. * The Libertarian View * She began at a much lower entry-lev- el wage. For years she sacrificed Dan Price is free to run Gravity time with her family, working hard Payments any way he wishes, includ- instead, until she attained the po- ing in such a way that it regulates sition of Financial Manager. Under itself out of the marketplace. The the new policy, she earns very lit- company doesn't have a responsi- tle more than she already does, but bility to employ its employers. A she watches unskilled people who business is not a charity. It is in just began working there get their business to sustain itself and pro- pay increased to what she makes. vide goods or services to people who The people are inexperienced, un- seek them in order to do so. Dan skilled, and unable to do what she Price shouldn't be rewarded by the does. "He gave raises to people who government for his incompetence; the have the least skills," she noted, taxpayers are not a charity, either. "and the ones who are taking on the Gravity Payemnts' left-wing philo- most didn't get much of a bump!" sophy may just garner the esteemed title of "too big to fail" from the Paying $70000 a year, equal to $34 kakistocracy. per hour, means that Gravity Pay- ments will have to raise their * The minimum wage swindle * costs to their clients, which makes them unable to be competitive in Dan Price's persistence on providing the marketplace. Clients are al- equality was partly based on his ready leaving the company, which wish to raise the minimum wage. The only increases the percentage of minimum wage issue is a way the left profit earmarked for payroll. The wing (and I include George W. Bush entire system is unsustainable. in that category) tugs at the heart- strings of people who don't under- Gravity Payments' stockholders see stand economics. However, it is a doomed business model and are first-year rudimentary economics pulling their investments. Who that it is detrimental to everyone. would invest in a business that It is a sad commentary that rela- doesn't make a profit? Paying tively few people understand this. everyone the same amount is revo- But who is at fault? The people for lutionary to some, but for those their ignorance, or the school sys- with common sense, it is an example tem who failed them on purpose? I of how *not* to run a business! ordinarily blame the individual, but no one is libertarian overnight. As Gravity Payments is on the road to children, most of use don't know to folding. But it has other problems question things we're taught in -Page 22- school. This is the problem with the minimum wage. It is artificially imposed by FACT: only 2% of people earn the the government and interferes with minimum wage. Most of those people econominc nature. Anytime the mini- receive raises as they become more mum wage increases, for the smallest experienced. The minimum wage is of small businesses, (the ones the for people first entering the work left loves until they become too force for the first time in their successful,) it means the difference field, until they gain experience. between remaining in business or closing their doors forever. If the Now, let's apply Gravity Payments' business you invested all your money model to an entire society. Assume and time into happens to be at the that President Obama issued one of government raises the minimum wage, his famous unconstitutional decrees well, it looks like you're out in that all people must be paid exactly the cold. With all the talk of $70000 a year. What would happen? "fairness" from politicians, this flies in the face of fairness. Firstly, since people are guaranteed their pay regardless of the amount Like guns, if you make paying a per- of work they do, everyone would do son below the minimal wage a crime, as little work as possible. Per- only criminals will pay people the formance rates will dramatically minimum wage. So is the case with drop. businesses who employ illegal aliens to avoid the law. Doing so takes Pay equality now means that the work jobs from people who lost their jobs of everyone is considered of equal due to the minimum wage hike. Of value, whether that person is serv- course, the politicians turn a blind ing burgers or performing brain sur- eye because illegal immigration is gury. Now who would want to become a means for illegal votes for some. a brain surgeon, when their work is considered of no more value than In short, the effects of a minimum a teenager working at McDonalds? No wage increase, in order: one would invest their time and rack up government loans to become a o Smallest businesses lose their brain surgeon. What's the point, businesses when you earn just as much dropping o Employees struggling the most lose out of school to be a gas station their jobs attendant? o Higher ranking employees demand more By the way, when Obama"care" is o Additional costs cause businesses fully implemented, all doctors and to raise their prices to compen- specialists' pay will be determined sate by the gove3rnment, and all doctors o Overall, the cost of living in- will be paid the same, regardless of creases the training or skills required. o More businesses seek to employ il- Communism at work! legal immigrants to skirt the law o The unemployment rate rises, and Not only will the more valued jobs the available jobs for legal citi- become scarce, the lowest-level jobs zens contracts. will be the ones in demand! America would become a slouch society. It's Parts of California have increased already becoming one, with welfare their minimum wage to an unsustain- made to look more glamourous than able $15 per hour, a state that is work creating an imbalanced system on a suicide course anyway. Please where more and more people are liv- learn from the tragedy of Dan Price ing off fewer and fewer taxpayers. and always remember that the amount one is paid means something. ((L)) -Page 23- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY coladrik.txt &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& COLA GUIDE FOR THE '80s This file probably dates to the mid-1980s, right after Coca-Cola switched to New Coke and back again in 1985. For some reason, "Like Cola", released by the 7-Up company in 1982, is missing from the list. The file is in ALL CAPS, which normally indicates was typed on an Apple computer or another classic computer that defaulted to caps, but the BBS information is still in normal format. The author, THE PHANTOM was a prolific writer of BBS text files. Enjoy this blast from the past! ************************************ COLA GUIDE FOR THE 80'S THIS IS A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE MAJOR COLAS ON THE MARKET MIDWAY THROUGH THE 80'S. WITH ALL OF THE CHANGES THE COCA COLA COMPANY IS MAKING, THE CUTTING COMERCIALS THAT PEPSI IS MAKING, AND THE COME-BACK RC COLA IS TRYING TO MAKE, A COOL REFRESHMENT ON A WARM DAY CAN BE VERY CONFUSING. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE OF THE COLAS, NOT OTHER SOFT-DRINKS, LIKE BIG RED AND SPRITE _ COLA (KO`LE), n. A CARBONATED SOFT DRINK HAVING A SYRUP BASE MADE FROM THE DRIED LEAVES OF THE COCA PLANT AND THE SEEDS OF KOLA NUTS, TOGETHER WITH SWEETENERS AND OTHER FLAVORINGS. I WILL START WITH COCA COLA. THIS COMPANY STARTED WITH A BEVRAGE CALLED COKE, WITCH IS BELIEVED TO HAVE ONCE CONTAINED COCAINE. AS THE FIRST 99 YEARS PASSED (ENDING IN 1985), COKE KEPT ITS ORIGINAL RECIPE, AND PRODUCED OTHER POPULAR SOFT DRINKS: COKE-> A SEMI-SWEET DRINK WITH A 'CARBONATION-BITE'. AMERICANS, THOUGH, WANTED A SUGAR-FREE DRINK TO KEEP THIER WASTE-LINES TRIM, THUS COCA COLA WAS FORCED TO PRODUCE ANOTHER DRINK. TAB-> A SUGAR-FREE DIET DRINK PRODUCED TO TASE LIKE COKE, BUT WAS FAR-SWEETER. DIET COKE-> A COKE WITH A NUTRA-SWEET REPLACEMENT FOR SUGAR THAT IS ALSO SWEETER THAN COKE. CAFFEINE FREE DIET COKE-> A DIET COKE WITHOUT CAFFEINE. COME EARLY 1985, THOUGH, COCA COLA DECIDED TO CHANGE ITS ORIGINAL RECIPE, AND CALL THE DRINK 'NEW COKE'. BUT AFTER MONTHS OF COMPLAINT, COCA COLA ANNOUNCED THAT IT WOULD BRING BACK OLD COKE, WITH THESE PRODUCT NAMES: -Page 24- COKE CLASSIC-> THE ORIGINAL COKE. COKE-> THE NEWER, SWEETER, COKE. FINALLY, COKA COLA ALSO DECIDED TO CREARE A NEW COLA THAT IS BASED IN COKE'S HISTORY. MANY BAR'S AND TAPS IN THE PAST DECADES HAVE ADDED EITHER CHERRY OR VANILA FLAVORS TO ADD FLAVOR TO THE ORIGINAL COLA, BRINGING ABOUT: CHERRY COKE-> THE ORIGINAL FLAVOR OF COKE WITH A CHERRY FLAVORING, MY PERSONAL FAVORITE, AFTER DRINKING IT FOR ONLY ONE WEEK. 'HAVE A COKE AND A SMILE' NEXT, I WILL DISCUSS PEPSI COLA. PEPSI COLA WAS PUT ON THE MARKET SHORTLY AFTER COCA COLA. PEPSI HAS, THOUGH HAS CHANGED ITS RECIPE ABOUT FOUR TIMES WHILE OUT ON THE MARKET. PEPSI-> A SOFT-DRINK THAT IS NOT AS CARBONATED AS COKA COLA, YET BASICALLY THE SAME. PEPSI COLA ALSO FACED THE SAME SITUATION COCA COLA DID, AND THEY TO WERE FORCED TO PRODUCE DIET DRINKS: DIET PEPSI-> A SUGAR-FREE SOFT-DRINK (WITH NUTRA-SWEET). IT IS SWEETER THAN PEPSI. DIET PEPSI FREE-> A SUGAR FREE/CAFFEINE FREE SOFT-DRINK (ALSO WITH NUTRA-SWEET). IT TOO IS SWEETER THAN PEPSI. PEPSI FREE-> A CAFFEINE FREE SOFT-DRINK THAT IS SWEETER THAN PEPSI. 'PEPSI, THE TASTE OF A NEW GENARATION' NEITHER COKE NOR PEPSI STARTED WITH INTENTIONS OF BEING SOFT-DRINKS. NO, THEY WERE INTENDED AS 'WONDER DRUGS' INSTEAD. THEY WERE SAID TO BE ABLE TO CURE ANYTHING, BUT THEY WERE CHANGED TO SOFT-DRINKS, WHERE THEY SOON BECAME RIVALS. AFTER THESE TWO COMPANIES RULED THE MARKET, A NEW SOFT DRINK CAME OUT WITH A MUCH SWEETER AND LESS CARBONATED TASTE. THIS SOFT DRINK TRIED TO GAIN A PLACE ON THE MARKET WITH ONE MAIN PRODUCT INSTEAD OF FOUR TO FIVE OR THEM. THIS DRINK GOES THROUGH PHASES OF POPULARITY. ROYAL CROWN COLA-> A SWEET, LESS CARBONATED SOFT DRINK, PROBABLY PUT ON THE MARKET TO FURTHER CONFUSE US. ROYAL CROWN COLA ALSO FACED THE SAME PROBLEM THAT COKE AND PEPSI DID, IT ALSO WAS FORCED TO PRODUCE A DIET DRINK, BUT THIERS WAS ALSO SODIUM FREE. DIET RITE-> A SUGAR FREE, CAFFEINE FREE, AND SODIUM FREE SOFT DRINK. 'SOME PEOPLE GO OUT OF THIER WAY FOR AN RC' I HOPE THAT THIS GUIDE HAS HELPED SLIGHTLY, IF NOT CONFUSED YOU GREATLY. TAKE MY ADVICE AND STICK TO THE ORIGINAL, LESS CONFUSING DRINK: -Page 25- WATER-> A TASTELESS, CARBONLESS, AND CALORIELESS DRINK CREATED BEFORE THE HOMO SAPIEN. --THE PHANTOM --------------------------------------- X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& At last! LiberTORian Public PGP Key - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& It took forever, but I'm figuring out PGP and how it works. Thanks go to many sources, but Quantum 7765 is one of those sources. So I'm trying out this: the Public PGP key for Synonymous 1. Dear reader, why don't you send me an encrypted email? The email address is synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJV65NZAAoJEBwu5qy1IhluzggH/ifOP2jpY5U20b+qr7p6qHJS t4KaJpYcbRNoVE4AgXlZSPP/Qk7gKePd7SKJNHeDXzPnl+jMU8tgeYLq6VWqhJB/ pYLOHext/nVDhbREuY+KGHk7WNm81AEi0fcwkisSZF3XsH91escZX4r52XqR8Yxl 5A3l4AZSQoNGvdr4aBUvE6zbRc9kt6elOqlZyMLJcE0I10uyJVfQx4hpsSAdxriO rfK+pnwltxr7GUugeQCYvNKxV/9+qg08vabKYkDJMBcdioii64xqq61AAVOW/I8x 6hgah1DjohiQJTDXGlbtoxFZu2w3f94cSbEl2QF0uq92OyJPQwnMz/09sgRholc= =9cJr -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -Page 26- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Let's put the shoe on the other foot now. Imagine if a homosexual baker HELP SWEET CAKES BY MELISSA! was told to make a cake for some religious group, and the cake was in &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& celebration of traditional values. The baker was told to write, "homo- sexuality is a reprehensible sin" on If you remember, the company _Sweet it. I stand with the baker's right Cakes by Melissa_ is being harassed to refuse to write on the cake a and persecuted by the state of message they don't believe in. A Oregon, because they exercised their confection is someone's art. It is Constitutional and libertarian right no different than being forced to to refuse to bake a cake for a homo- create art for a cause you abhor. sexual marriage. 1) Ths is a viola- tion of the First Amendment, as the (Actually, it's reaching the point cake is part of a ceremony that is that the hypocrites in the U.S. morally wrong to Sweet Cakes by government are punishing Christians Melissa's religious convictions. for even stating that homosexuality They have made cakes for homosexual is a sin.) couples and will, but they refuse to make one for part of a ceremony that LiberTORian wanted to help by having they oppose for religious reasons. a cake made by Sweet Cakes by Mel- 2) As a libertarian, a person, their lissa. They no longer make cakes, company, or whoever has a right to but are being charged $135,000 for refuse any business anyway. The exercising their rights. They send government has no right trying to the below form letter to those who compel people to perform any kind of contact them. Why not reach out to labor that they wish not to do. them with a donation? ((L)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your email. We have received an overwhelming amount of emails, and unfortunately we are not able to respond to each one. Thank you to each person who has so generously supported our family at this time. If you are wondering how or where to donate, you can at helpsweetcakesbymelissa@continuetogive.com Or p.o box 126 Sandy or 97055 We continue to believe that all Americans should be free to live by their faith at home and in the work place without fear of being punished by the government.We also will not be silenced. We will fight with everything we have. The overwhelming response to our story reminds us that so many Americans believe this too. Thank you again for your support, and God bless. Melissa and Aaron Klein Subject: God bless and thank you Re: From: "Melissa Klein" Date: Thu, July 9, 2015 11:29 pm To: synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com Priority: Normal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS From LiberTORian: I'd publish an article like this for a gay baker if it was open season on them, too. -Page 27- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& BUT WHAT ABOUT... POLYGAMY? - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The libertarian position on polygamy Then there's polygamy. is consistent with that of all marr- iage in general. The view is just as consistent. A religion that allows a person to Marriage is older than government. be married to more than one other Marriage is a religious ceremony. person shouldn't be told by any The government has no business with government that they may not have religion. that right. There should be: Examples: o Islam o No marriage licenses o Certain Mormon sects o No tax penalties for being married o No civil ceremonies for marriages If one's religion sees polygamy as o No different treatment of anyone just, and all those involved are based on marital status consensual and adults, why should a state come in and deny the right? People should have the right to marry in accordance with their re- The hypocrisy of the in-your-face ligious beliefs. #lovewins movement is glaring: they refuse to support the polygamist Some religions consider marriage a movement. This is despite the fact bond between one man and one woman. that every argument the gay marriage movement used, which carry little Examples: legal weight, can be applied to the o Judaism case for polygamy, and usually with o Catholicism better standing. Replace "tra- o Baptist ditional marriage" with "gay rights" & "gay" with "more than two people", Clergy and holy people reserve the and ask how you can have it both right to hold marriage rites accord- ways. ing to their faith. In essence, marriage is a rite, not a right. Example: Freedom to marry does not exist in o Why is it that those bigoted, the U.S. Constitution, but the free- closed-minded traditional marriage dom exists in the First Amendment as people won't allow to gay people the freedom of religion. equal rights to love each other? Some religions permit homosexual BECOMES marriage: o Why is it that those bigoted, Examples: closed-minded gay marriage people o "Orthodox" Episcopal won't allow more than two people o Unitarian equal rights to love each other? Again, because there is freedom of Good question. In the end, they are religion, every faith has the right the least tolerant among us. Keep to marry whomever their beliefs the government out of marriage. Let allow. religions allow whatever type of marriage they subscribe to. ((L)) -Page 28- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. N .S. L O O K U P F A I L E D - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The new 5.x TOR browsers compensate The page that I type LiberTORian on for an exploit that allows tyrants I has an 80-column width. When the in the government to discover the IP page is divided into two columns, 36 addresses of people who open PDF n characters span each column with an files while on the deep web. This e 8-character divider. Those numbers is a milestone in security, just as v are used for me as a guide so that I NoScript was. Keep in mind that it e don't exceed the 36-character limit. is always unsafe to open a PDF file r For column 2, I don't have to worry while on the deep web. LiberTORian about that. I just count 8 spaces is available in both .txt and PDF t from the rightmost edge of column 1 formats. .txt has proven to be safe y and begin column 2. All the lines but some people prefer the PDF ver- p below the first are easy to line up. sion. Be advised that you should e _NEVER OPEN THE PDF VERSION OF I received an email from one of the LIBERTORIAN WHILE ONLINE OR WHILE a Portuguese-speaking readers. S/he USING TOR!_ Always download it, but n was upset that the formatting, for only open it while offline. Even y plain text, does not lend itself too with the new protection offered by t well with Google Translate. While TOR, it's always best to err on the h it may be frustrating and I want you side of caution. i to be able to read this, It pleases n me that Google gagged and hopefully The PDF version of LiberTORian is g threw up on this text! That company actually pretty useful. The images is so evil! We hope to see a Portu- in LiberTORian are created entirely i guese translation in the future, but with ANSI text. If you resize the n the guys at Overchan are at work view of the PDF issue to 16.7% and converting this magazine to Spanish. look at the pictures, they look much t more like the images in your typical h In the next issue, I hope to publish magazines. i something from Howard Thompson, who s founded the game company METAGAMING It takes a lot of work to make an CONCEPTS in the mid-1970s and then issue of LiberTORian and to present m disappeared from public life around the information in a timely manner. i 1983. He is a libertarian (and, I Reflecting on my work, I think I d think, an atheist), and one of his did a fairly good job. You may dis- d writings is uncannily prophetic. In agree. Let me know. But my point l LiberTORian, the article will be re- is that some issues, like Planned e printed and analyzed for it's accur- Parenthood, are ongoing. The Center acy at predicting a future history. for Medical Progress is constantly c creating new twists to the story. o If you don't do anything else, can So if you are on top of things, you l you please take a bit of time and may find parts of LiberTORian a re- u share the LiberTORian onion URL with view. m people up there on clearnet (or n at whatever depth you are). As the Did you know that sometimes I type number of readers increases, the this into my text program as I'm ! potential for change does as well. writing: ! Remember, it's: ! http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion 12345612345612345612345612345623456 ? - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -