______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/ \______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\ __________ ______ / ________ \ \\\ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ | ____)| |____ | / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ |/ ________ \| | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| / __ \ || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | / \ | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 - Issue 7 - Labor Day 2015 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkdlc:,,'.'l;'',;cldkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkxl;. ;xNWK. .,cxkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd:. .:OWXxdcNN; .:dkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl' c0W0xxkNWKc0Mk. .cxkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl. 'XWxd0WXd''KMdkWN. .cxkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko. KMoKMd. .kMkOMX. .lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc .NMlWW. .WM0MM: ;xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; dMOoWN, ;OMX0MK. 'xkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkk: oWKlXWl.dNXKKKW0. .;dO0K0xl. 'xkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkl ,NWoOMO:x0NNk' .cOWKkkkkkx0M0. :kkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkk. coOKK0ko, .0MkdWN0l' 'oKWOkkOWXxd0W0lXWc .xkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkko .cOWKxxkOxdxNX; dWKlNWc;xNNkxxKW0l. ;NNlOMx ckkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk: .c0WKddkNXxdkWKoKMd' :WNl0MXkxkXWOoc; .KWdxM0. 'kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk,,NNOcOX0o. .KWOxWx,oXW0::kNWxoxXddW0. .c0NKcxWN,.kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkk; .KMddWK. :cckNWOxx0WKlXWl dMOdXWxddKWOdokWWd, ,kkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkl kMOlWN; .:kWNkxxKW0llWWo0Mk :NNOxxx00d0W0x; ckkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkk. cWXl0WOod0WKkkkNNk:. .ckKWxxWK. ;dOXXX0x:' .xkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkl 'KMOxkkkkx0WXd, .oKWOo,xM0lNW: :kkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkk; 'oOKXXKkl. xWOdOKNO.cNNo0Wd 'xkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk; xMdoWK:. .XWdkMO 'xkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk: ,KM:WW. .XMcNM' ,xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkko. .KModMO. .cWNlWN. .lkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkc. ,0MxOWX'.c0WXxdXW: .:xkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkl' cWNkKNW0xxONXd. .cxkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkd:. 'XWodxKWKl. .;dkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkxl,. .OWWOc. .,cdkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkxdlc;,'''l,.'',;:ldxkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk PLANNED PARENTHOOD: AMERICA'S HOLOCAUST! (ABOVE: Nazi Flag made from PP logo) - ALSO: LiberTORian's Presidential Picks - ProxyHam... Scrubbed Technology -Page 2- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 __________________________________ ,' ', T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S | ~~ LiBeRtOrIaN ~~ | { -- Volume 1 --- Issue 7 -- } 888888888888888888888888888888888888 { Labor Day, 2015 } { } ACQUIRING RELAY..............3 Again { A Publication of Synonymous 1. } { Published August, 2015. } LETTERS TO LIBERTORIAN.............4 { } { -- } MYTHS THAT LIBERALS BELIEVE........5 { } #10 in a series. Collect them all! { LiberTORian is published on an } { irregular basis. } ARTICLE............................6 { } Catholic Attends Buddhist Ceremony { N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, } { actually encouraged, to copy and } EPIC FAIL..........................6 { distribute this text by any means } { possible, preferably by photocopy- } DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY...........7 { ing. } Cyberia 2.0 { } { } ARTICLE............................7 { LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: } Boycotts vs Individual Cotts { http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion } { } ARTICLE............................8 { (Thanks to an Onionland user. } Meet the 41 Companies That Donate { The views expressed in LiberTORian } Directly to Planned Parenthood { aren't necessarily those of the } { webmaster. That's fine with us } BLURB..............................9 { libertarians. } It's (Not) A Free Country { } { } GUEST POST........................10 { CORRESPONDENCE: } What is GPG & Why Should I Use It? { synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com } { } COVER STORY.......................13 { Send submission & letters to } America's Holocaust: { LiberTORian at the above address. } Planned Parenthood's Barbarism { } { } ARTICLE { DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: } U.S. Department of Injustice......20 { 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s } { Even a millibitcoin! } NON-SEQUITIR......................20 { (.001 BTC) } { \\ } FEATURE...........................21 { \\\ } ProxyHam: Scrubbed Technology { ___)| |___ } { / ______ \ } BLURB: Guys and Dolls.............23 { | / __ \ | } { | | / \ | | } CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......23 { | | \__/ | | } 2w93358a.txt { | \______/ | } { \__________/ } PEOPLE ARE SHARING LIBERTORIAN....25 '-________________________________-' FEATURE...........................26 FREE ROSS.........................27 LiberTORian's President Picks D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............28 -Page 3- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y - By Synonymous 1 - 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Previous issues of LiberTORian have that has permeated society's basis dealt with the treatment of the pre- of respect for one another. Our born as a fundamental issue. The Constitution of the United States essence of libertarianism is defense was founded on the principles of of the rights of the weakest of us. freedom, equal justice, and respect for individual rights that the Bible It seems that this preparation went ideally represents. No libertarian to good use. The right to life for demands anyone to believe something all is but one of many areas where they simply don't. But owning a libertarianism defends the rights of Bible, regardless of faith, provides all against aggression. The arti- insight to the wisdom that our cles in LiberTORian were meant only Founding Fathers relied on and used as an in-depth look at the right to to provide the world unprecedented life... but it's become the central widespread freedom. I would despise focus of the media world. a world where everyone is forced to believe in my faith. But I think Unless you rely on the New York we can agree that, whether or not Times, MSNBC, and other sources of one believes in Jesus' divinity, "news" whose agenda is to actually this world would be a lot nicer if make you more ignorant than you were everyone lived by the advice he before tuning in, you're aware of gave, and the example he lived out. the series of videos from Center for Medical Progress. These have been It's for these reasons LiberTORian exposing the barbarism and pure evil recommends owning a Bible, at least behind Planned Parenthood. There is for its historical importance and a lot that must be told here. This its place in providing a basis for revelation puts America itself at a liberty and mutual respect. If you crossroads, as we choose what path are of the persuasion that the Bible we wish to take as a whole. provides spiritual inspiration above and beyond the culture significance In issue 4, LiberTORian stressed the it provides, more power to you. Any importance of prayer and keeping a suggestion by LiberTORian in no way Bible. This is in no way intended is meant to condemn anyone of a to include monotheistic religions differing belief. This is mentioned while excluding others. The Bible, in LiberTORian 5's article, "Restor- though, is something everyone should ing Liberty". possess. It is the most influential book in the history of the world. Libetarians come from every possible The Bible has changed the world like religious persuasion. It's one of nothing else. People have used it the reasons the discussion of the to change the world for the good or right to life is being discussed in the bad. Shouldn't the most cultur- a logical, not religious context. ally significant collection of Religious evidence is icing on the writing in the history of the world cake, but not universally shared. A be a part of anyone's colleciton? well-reasoned religious argument may convince the already converted, but Moreover, the Bible, regardless of is meaningless to non-believers. A one's belief on its validity, pro- message should have wide appeal, so vides the basis of a code of ethics it reaches a universal audience. Freedom is for everyone. ((L)) -Page 4- .----------------------------------. at a certain level of technological/ | ------ ## | societal development and he covers | -- --- ## | that history from an interesting | | angle. | Letters | | to | You might find his book "Pirate | LiberTORian | Utopias" to be very interesting- he | | looks at piracy in North Africa and .----------------------------------. the Caribbean back in the 16th to 19th centuries, and examines it as libertarians (the pirates) vs. the >>> LiberTORian, oppressive statists (the monarchies of Europe) and highlights ways that Looks great! Thanks for including my statists have maligned pirates over article. And congratulations on get- the centuries to encourage people to ting your own .onion service. ... stay complacent in their heavily- Wherever you're hosting it I hope it policed, heavily-taxed states. He works out. Onion land services can even highlights a few brief periods be really unreliable :-/. in modern history where truly an- archic, libertarian communities I wanted to comment on the issue popped up and managed to live for a (ever think of having a "letters to while before being crushed by the the editor" section?): states and monarchies. A very fun libertarian look at history I 1) You mention that people have thought. either male or female DNA. I assume you mean the XX and XY chromosomes. 3) I've always heard Spokane pro- That's true, but there are also nounced "Spoke Can", and I've been people who genetically have XXY, visiting there off and on for many XYY, XXYY as well. So genetically many years. So I don't think it's a there are 5 human genders. Weird! conspiracy. People on the east coast (male, female, hermaphrodite, super- also mispronounce Oregon so I think male, and superfemale). And even it's not uncommon for other parts more if you consider sterile women of the country to not say the names with only X. the same way. No one in eastern WA or Idaho pronounces it "spoke Cane". 2) When you say that for the ma- jority of world history 95% of By the way your ASCII art is fan- people have lived under oppression, tastic. Do you do it all by hand? I what about pre-agricultural use the command-line program figlet. societies, such as nomadic groups or - Moxygen pre-bronze-age tribal groups? My understanding is that modern anthro- pology sees these people as having DEAR MOXYGEN, <<< lived in very anarchic (leaderless, as you know) groups, or perhaps hav- We do have a letters column! Most ing only a wise "advisor" elder or of the feedback we receive is short elders who had no ability to coerce. and general so not much of it gets Have you ever read anything by Hakim used. But you raise many valid Bey (Peter Lamborn Wilson) on points and I'd like to address them ancient anarchism vs. the rise of here (and I did to you in email). statism? He sees the rise of statism To respond to your points: as an idea that emerged out of ancient, primarily anarchic socie- 1) Believe it or not, I totally knew ties, and he has some odd theories that, yet I forgot about it at about it but I think the idea makes time of writing! I write sense. The "state" could only occur music and keep a lyric book. One -Page 5- of the unused songs in my book is, >>> LiberTORian, "My Superfemale", complete with an X-X-X pun!" P.S. to my last email - I notice you mentioned the Bible and some other 2) I lacked clarity in what I said Christian background for informing in an earlier LiberTORian issue. libertarians. Have you ever looked The 95% figure was for all history into the highly anarchic phil- under a system of government. osophies of Daoism (Taoism), or Zen There's so much to learn and read, buddhism? I would be happy to write and I welcome your enlightening something about the anti-authori- information and resources. tarian nature of some Zen thinking _Pirate Utopias_ seems like a very and some Daoist philosophy for the interesting read. I'll try to LiberTORian if you're not opposed. find time to give it a read, and - Moxygen maybe even write on here. (Of course, LiberTORian welcomes re- views or synopses). Why should I be opposed? And, yes: I have looked into both of these 3) Chalking it up to a looney social religions, especially Buddhism. As life, I heard spok-"Can" mispro- libertarians, we should come to the nounced all my life. Looks like table to open minds, and respect the one of my friends started a trend rights of people to hold any relig- best avoided. Again, as a liber- ious belief that doesn't harm others tarian, they're welcome to speak or infringe on their beliefs. I am it however rightly or wrongly that personally a Roman Catholic. But in they wish in my mind. In the TV no way the Bible the sole source of show *Foster's Home For Imaginary wisdom. Insights into higher truths Friends*, it's pronounced in the can be found everywhere. correct manner. To kick things off, this issue will And about the art: I discussed it a have an anecdotal story into one of bit in the DNS LOOKUP FAILED column my experiences with Buddhism. Look in LiberTORian 6. Some of the fonts for it elsewhere in LiberTORian 7. are modeled off figlet fonts! The -Synonymous 1 fonts are publicly available without the program. For some lettering I transcribe txt files with figlet 888888888888888888888888888888888888 alphabets. But although it's a long and often painful process, I try to MYTHS THAT LIBERALS BELIEVE, #10 hand-create art by scratch, always looking at ASCII art of the past and 888888888888888888888888888888888888 present for inspiration as well as developing my own individual style. THE SLAVE STATES WANTED BLACKS TO I created THE SKINNY ON TRANS-FAT BE COUNTED AS 3/5 OF A PERSON title from LiberTORian 6, as one example. I want more art for Liber- They actually wanted them to be TORian. In the meantime, I'll be counted as whole people. The free personally experimenting with some states wanted them to NOT be counted stylized ASCII. at all. The "Three-Fifths Compro- mise" satisfied both sides. The Readers may remember Moxygen from Northern states didn't want blacks LiberTORian issue 4. Thanks to you counted as people so that the South for your input. Maybe we'll hear would have lower census numbers, from you again sometime soon. resulting in lessened representation -Synonymous 1 in congress. This would give the free states more leverage in the Speaking of which... lawmaking process. Politics! ((L)) -Page 6- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Well, anyway, the point is, this person, whom I'll call "Antonymous", CATHOLIC ATTENDS BUDDHIST CEREMONIES was so bothered by this that he went to the Master of Ceremonies about 888888888888888888888888888888888888 it. He said, as he had said to the others in attendance earlier that day, "Why would you bring Rosaries I, Synonymous 1, am a Catholic. As to Buddhist ceremonies? It's a libertarian Catholic, I will pro- really disrespectful." claim my beliefs, but respect free will and the First Amendment. It is I appealed to the MC myself. "MC, not my place to tell anyone else didn't Buddha say that whatever path what to believe, or even to believe brings one to enlightenment is an at all. One's faith is a essential acceptable path?" part of who they are, and so each of us should respect the religious con- The MC was wholeheartedly in agree- victions of others, as we'd want for ment with me. "Yes!" He, and none others to have for our own. of the others, had a problem with it. They were even kind enough to I have friends who are of various appoint me as a temporary MC to lead belief systems, including agnostics, the meditation during the period of atheists, and nontheist Buddhists. his illness. I modestly accepted. There is a group of Chinese friends of mine who are devout Buddhists. Buddhism is, by nature is very much Twice a week, they attend Buddhist a libertarian faith. The mantra of ceremonies, and have invited me to "live and let live", applies among attend. While I have reverence for the Buddhists, and in their inter- their beliefs, it took some con- actions with others. They don't vincing before I felt comfortable condemn people for believing in a enough to attend, because I felt I manner different than they do. They would be out of place. They were are open to the ideas of others. very welcoming people, however, and And, they don't strap bombs to their so I began attending their semi children and blow people up who do weekly ceremonies. For the next not subscribe to their theocratic two years I would join them for tea demands (like Islamo-terrorists do). and meditation. I'm happy to have these Buddhist I already had studied Buddhism and friends. ((L)) its tenets, so I knew what to come to expect; I adjusted well. Still, I was Catholic, even while I was in ************************************ attendance. At every meeting I .-- .-. - .-- .-- .-. - . | brought my Rosary beads and would |- |_| | | |- |-| | | | silently recite the Rosary during '-- | - '-- ' ' ' - '-- o meditation time. ************************************ Everyone there knew of my religious beliefs and we had mutual respect This quote's been circulating the for each other, except for one per- social networks recently: son there. He was of Hispanic de- scent, which is inconsequential | "As an atheist, I firmly believe except for the concept that since | that libertarianism is the correct he was one of the non-Cantonese in | political ideology for all man- attendance, he seemed to be into | kind." the ceremonies because the religion -Adolf Hitler was "cool" or even trendy to him. Small problem: the quote is made-up! -Page 7- _####__ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& \ oo/ /\ u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u( ,\^u^ BOYCOTTS VS INDIVIDUAL COTTS * DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY * \_( &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& > > > CYBERIA 2.0 < < < http://67g7jo2sxvkqej2w.onion Boycotts don't work. The problem is that free speech wins out. When you announce a boycott, you draw atten- Deep web sites are fluid. Servers tion to whatever it is you're trying go up and down. Servers shut down. to boycott. Not that it is actually Nothing seems to last too long. As a problem; free speech is a good soon as a person starts getting a thing. bit comfortable with an onion site, It vanishes in thin air. While you have the right to protest, I don't recommend taking to the Because of this, social sites like streets demanding that everyone stop pastebins, chans, and forums aren't using a product. The companies places where messages you post last behind them LOVE the publicity. very long. But something sprang up Instead, don't concern yourself with on the deep web that shows promise. bringing financial ruin to anyone. Instead, concern yourself on a per- Cyberia 2.0 is a forum whose servers sonal level. are based in Brazil. I'm not sure what happened to Cyberia 1.0, but it If a company is doing something ab- seems like the new site is intent on horrant with the profits from your adhering to Brazilian law, and asks purchases, decide for yourself if that all posts are compliant with you're comfortable funding that the laws in your jurisdiction. This activity. If, in your conscience, means that they want to ensure that you aren't, stop purchasing it. The the site has a long life. aim isn't to create financial up- heaval for them. It's to keep your Cyberia is a forum on various topics personal conscience at ease. You'll for discussion. The main framework feel pride in yourself, I guarantee. of the site is in Portuguese, but the admins write in English. Hey! When you conduct a personal cott, That's my native language! call or write the companies you are no longer using, and inform them why It seems like a good place for those they've lost your money. Don't send on the deep web to just congregate emails. Calling or writing shows and discuss anything. I used the them you took the time and effort to forum to introduce people to Liber- let them know, rather than just fire TORian. Many people were able to something off hastily. link to the LiberTORian onion, and instantly post their thoughts and Some companies are arrogant (Frito opinions on it. I'm glad to read Lay comes to mind) and won't care. that the thread, and the magazine, they know one person doesn't matter were well-received. I hope that much to their profits. But again, Cyberia becomes a vibrant forum for they don't see the philosophy in a people of all types to discuss the person who has ideals higher than issues, and defend liberty. money. Why don't you become a member of Oh, and there's nothing wrong with Cyberia 2.0 and help them become a telling people who is funding what, bustling hub of deep web social don't demand action; just raise the activity? ((L)) question and let others decide.((L)) -Page 8- 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8 8 8 MEET THE 41 COMPANIES THAT DONATE DIRECTLY TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD 8 8 8 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 _____ / \ --- REPRINTED FROM THE DAILY SIGNAL --- / StoPP \ \ !!! / Melissa Quinn \_____/ @MelissaQuinn97 [on Twitter] |.| 21 July 2015 |.| In the wake of two videos allegedly 1. Adobe showing Planned Parenthood officials 2. American Cancer Society discussing the sale of aborted fetal 3. American Express body parts, Republicans in Congress are 4. AT&T working to ensure Planned Parenthood is 5. Avon stripped of its federal funding. 6. Bank of America However, it�s not only the government 7. Bath & Body Works that fills Planned Parenthood�s 8. Ben & Jerry's coffers. According to 2nd Vote, a 9. Clorox website and app that tracks the flow of 10. Coca-Cola money from consumers to political 11. Converse causes, more than 25 percent of Planned 12. Deutsche Bank Parenthood�s $1.3 billion annual 13. Dockers revenue comes from private donations, 14. Energizer which includes corporate contributions. 15. Expedia 2nd Vote researched the corporations 16. Exxon Mobil and organizations to find which 17. Fannie Mae supported Planned Parenthood and found 18. Ford that more than three dozen donated to 19. Groupon the group. Some companies donated 20. Intuit directly, while others matched employee 21. Johnson & Johnson gifts. 22. La Senza Forty-one corporations and organi- 23. Levi Strauss zations directly contribute to the 24. Liberty Mutual group. 25. Macy's Planned Parenthood has come under heavy 26. March of Dimes fire following the release of videos 27. Microsoft from the Center for Medical Progress. 28. Morgan Stanley The first video, released last week, 29. Nike showed Planned Parenthood senior 30. Oracle executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola meeting 31. Pepsi Co. with actors portraying buyers from a 32. Pfizer �human biologics company.� The �buyers� 33. Progressive discussed the sale of fetal body parts 34. Starbucks with Nucatola while they dined over 35. Susan G. Komen lunch. 36. Tostitos In the second video, released today 37. Unilever Dr. Mary Gattner, president of Planned 38. United Way Parenthood�s Medical Director�s 39. Verizon Council, is seen negotiating the price 40. Wells Fargo of aborted fetal body parts. 41. Xerox Here are the 41 companies that have directly funded Planned Parenthood. o Melissa Quinn is a news reporter for The Daily Signal. -Page 9- l00KXXNNNNNNNNNNNXXXXXXXKOc. oK0KNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXXXXXXXX0l. ,kK0XNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXNNXXXXXKKKKKKx: .dXXXXXXXXXXKKKKXXXXXXKKKXKKKKK00000Kk; .0XXNXKKK0OkdolcccldxO0KK000000OOOkOOO00x. .ONNXXK0Okxlc:,''''''',:oxkOkkkkOkxxxxkkkkO: .ONNXXX0kxoc;,,''..........':ldxdoxkdxkxxxxxO: .0NNXNXKOdl:;,,''...............,cdddkkk0kxkkxk; .0NNNNXK0xc;;,'''...................;lk0KXXK000k0l oNNNNNX0xc;;,,'''.....................'oOKXXXKX0kKl ,XNNNNX0ko:;,,,'''........................;xXNXXXOOK; kNNNNN0kdc:;;,''''..........................c0NXXKxOx cNWWWNXkollc:;;;,,,,,''.................'.....;kKXNkd0; .ONWWWN0ooooodxdolllllll:'.......,clcc::::::;...:0XN0dkk. :XNWWWNkooooxo:;coddoc;,',,'......';loooc;...'...dXNXkx0: xNNWWWXdooooold0K0KKOxloc;l;.....,oxOKkOdOkc'....;0WN0xOx. .0NWWNN0dooolllllc:c::,,',;::,....,;:c:,,'........'xNNKxOO, kNNWWN0doolcc:;,,''......,;;'....................'xNN0kOOc kNNWWNKxdolc:;;,'.......',;;,....................'0NXOkkOx. .0NNWWNXxdoolc:;,'.......';;;,....................cNNKkxxkk. .0NNWWNKkddoll:;,'......,:::;,.......'............kWX0xxkkk, .KNNWWWKkdooolc;,'....'cxlcc;;.......,c;'........'ONXOkkkkkc ,XNNWWWkOxooooc:;,'',;coddoodo;...'....:cc,......,KNKkkxkxxl lXXNWWWMM0ooooc:;,;;;:::ccloooc;'........,lc,'...cWX0kkxkxko xXXNWWWWWNxoool;,';cldxolcc::;,''''..':;'',;'...'OWXOOkkxxkx. .KXXXNWWWWWXdoll:'..';lxkd:;''........;c'........xWNKOOkkxxxx' ;XXKXNWWWWWMNxoll;...,::::cc;,'....'','.........xWWXK00kkdkxx: oXKKKXNWWWWWMNkolc,..';:c::;;;;,,.............'xWWNXKK0kkdkdx: .OXKK0KXWWWWWWWNkdoc,..,,;;,'''''.............;0WWWXXKKOOOxkdxl .OXK000XNWWWWWWWKOxdlc:;;,,'''..............':KWWWNXKK0k0kkkxdd. :OK0O0OKNWWWWWWWXOkkxxdoc:,'''............'''oNWWWXKKKOO0kkkxxx. lOK0OOO0NNWWWWWWX0Okxxxxdolc;,'.........''..,xNWWWXKKKOO0xkkxdx. .OkKKOkOOXXNWWWWWN0Okxxxxxxxdddolc:;;,,,'....;OWWWNKKKKOKkxkkxxx. ,0k00OOOOXXXNNWWWN0Oxxddddddddoollc:;'.......cKWWWXKKXOK0xxOkxxx: c0kO00OkOKKKXXNNWN0kxddoolllc::;;,'.........,oXWWNKKKK0Xkkk0kdxx: .kKkO000kO00KKKXXNXOxdoolllcc:;,,'...........;xNNNXKKKOK0kOO0kxxx: .'.;0KOOO00kk0000KX0KOxdoolc::::;,,'...........,cOXNNK00O0KO0O0Oxkkx, xkKWWXKKKOOkO0OkOO0000kkdlcclc:;,,;;,'...........';oOXXX00O0X0O0K0kkkxxo. . WWWWWNXKKOOk00OkkOO00kol:;;;:c:,'''''''..........,:oOK00OOKKKO0KK0kkkxxkokXOxlc, WWWWWNNKKOOkO0OOkOO0Oo:;,''';::,...'''...........,:okO0OkKKK00KX00kkkxxOkKNXXXXX ....ooooOO()OOoooo.... { M E L I S S A Q U I N N } ....ooooOO()OOoooo.... 888888888888888888888888888888888888 tice how no one ever says that any- 8 8 more? The reason is obvious: it's 8 It's (NOT) a Free Country... 8 no longer true, and Americans feel 8 8 it everywhere. Since the industrial 888888888888888888888888888888888888 revolution, and in the last few years at an accelerated pace, there have been government attacks on our Remember in the good ol' days, when freedom. And since the beginning of someone says they're going to do this decade, So much freedom was something, often something weird, stolen in such a short time that you and people who wouldn't care would can't say, "It's a free country" and respond, "It's a free country", to be telling the truth. mean, "Go ahead"? Did you ever no- ((L)) -Page 10- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- send and receive for keywords. These Hash: SHA512 keywords allow them to learn more about you and to offer ads to you What is GPG and why should I use it? based on what you are sending and By Quantum7765 receiving. If you're receiving or sending messages about shoes, you ************************************ may get ads for shoes. If you're sending a message about cars you'll It used to be that as an average get ads for cars. Over time it will citizen if you wanted to speak pri- learn and the ads will get more spe- vately with someone it was easy to cific as it builds a profile about do. You wouldn't worry about someone you. That data is then used to show reading your letters in the mail, or you more ads that you are likely to someone recording your phone calls click. They also may sell this data when you order out for food. You to other marketing companies for use could reasonably count on being able in their own ads. to have a private conversation with another person. A private conversation is no longer private. In the digital age, thats no longer true. Many conversations happen on- But there is a way to take back your line. E-Mails, instant messages, digital privacy. texts, documents are passed around without much thought given to who's I recommend a program called GNU really looking. You are given the Privacy Guard. illusion that when you send an email or other communications that only GNU Privacy Guard (also called Open- you and the person you are communi- PGP, PGP or GPG) is a data encryp- cating with are able to see the tion and decryption computer pro- message. gram that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data Sadly, this is not the truth. communication. GPG is often used for signing, encrypting, and decrypting There's now a long list of people texts, e-mails, files, directories, who have access to everything you do and whole disk partitions and to in- and say online. Internet service crease the security of e-mail providers commonly monitor and care- communications. fully record your activities and messages. A few internet service You can run the program on Windows, providers have even been caught Linux, Mac and Android. injecting malicious tracking numbers into requests for websites(Sometimes -Windows: GPG4WIN called Super-Cookies) to collect (http://www.gpg4win.org/) data on its customers. Marketing companies buy and sell your shopping -Linux: GPG (https://www.gnupg.org/) habits, personal data and search requests on a daily basis. Govern- -Mac: GPG Tools ments watch and record what you do (https://gpgtools.org/) in order to find if you are a crim- inal, an activist, or even just if -Android: APG (http://www.thialfihar you are someone who holds a view .org/projects/apg/) thats contrary to the current political agenda. Why do i keep hearing about PGP/GPG/ For example, the commonly used e- OpenPGP/etc? Whats with all the mail provider GMail (and many others different names? like it) searches all messages you -Page 11- PGP was the original commercial pro- anyone who has your public key can gram written back in 1991. The verify that it is authentic and has source code for it was released to not been tampered with. If even one the public in the form of a book bit of the message or file has been when the United States Government altered in any way GPG will notify tried to shut them down. In the form you that the file is NOT authentic. of a book, it was covered by the This is very useful if you're con- First Amendment as free speech. Also cerned about "man in the middle" with the code released to the public attacks where messages are inter- it was no longer possible for the cepted and changed between people government to "put the genie back in exchanging information. You simply the bottle" so to speak. GPG was distribute your GPG public key and based on that source code and is by anyone who has it can use it along far the most commonly used version with the program to authenticate as it was created and distributed as the message. an open source program free to all forever. In order to keep compati- Common questions: bility between the different pro- grams a standard was written called QUESTION: I heard the government can the "OpenPGP Standard" which defines break any encryption easily. PGP/GPG based programs should func- tion so they can work with each ANSWER: FALSE. If you had EVERY other. single computer in the world trying to crack a GPG encrypted file with So what can GPG do for me? a strong password it would take well 1. Encryption beyond your lifespan to break. In- stead agencies like the FBI/NSA/CIA Encryption allows you to take mess- rely on backdoors hidden in the en- ages and/or data that you wish to cryption software, poor passwords or keep private and modify it in such a malware to spy on you and get the way that it is impossible to read key that way. Encryption WORKS when without the correct password. But applied properly. Thats why the GPG takes it a step further and uses United States Government has been a public/private key pair as well as pushing for more backdoors so hard a password to secure your messages. in the last few years. The public key file can be shared with anyone freely. Thats why its QUESTION: What is a backdoor? called the public key, its meant to be public. It can be used to encrypt ANSWER: A backdoor is a hidden piece a message and to verify the authen- of code in a program to allow some- ticity of a message but it cannot be one access. In this context, a back- used to decrypt or sign a message. door would be a hidden piece of code The private key file is the one you in the encryption program that al- keep secret. It allows you to de- ters the encrypted data in such a crypt a message signed with your key way that the government (or hackers) and it also allows you to sign a can bypass the encryption with the message or file so that others can right secret code. verify its authenticity and that it has not been modified in any way. QUESTION: How can I check for a Without the private key file AND the backdoor? password it is not possible to decrypt the message. ANSWER: For most commercial appli- cations, you can't. In order to 2. Signature really tell for sure you need to As mentioned above GPG is able to look at the source code and typic- digitally sign an e-mail, attach- ally only the programmers have ments, documents and files so that access to this. The source code is -Page 12- what programmers write that gets ANSWER: Yes. The process to use it turned into a working program you is actually pretty simple and there can use. This is where GPG really are many tutorials and youtube vid- shines as its completely open source. eos that show you how. No math or Anyone can examine the source code advanced IT knowledge is required to and have your own computer build it use the program. into a program if you wish. The source code for GPG is peer reviewed QUESTION: Will it work on Tor? and analyzed for hidden code and security weaknesses regularly and in ANSWER: Yes! In fact many places and an open manner. sites on Tor require a working know- ledge of GPG for security. QUESTION: How common are these back- doors? I hope you find this article useful and take a look into encrypting your ANSWER: Very common. For decades the data and communications. NSA and other organizations have put a large amount of pressure on var- If you want to learn more about GPG ious companies to either build a and how to use it i recommend this backdoor into encryption software tutorial for the windows version that would allow them access to (GPG4WIN) at: messages that have been encrypted or to force them to use very weak en- https://www.deepdotweb.com/2015/02/ cryption protocols so that its easy 21/pgp-tutorial-for-windows- for them to break. Examples include kleopatra-gpg4win/ banking software, pharmacy software, popular websites, operating systems, And of course the main homepage as cell phones, etc. We'll never know well: https://www.gnupg.org/ for sure how many as most companies when pressured to do this are also - - Quantum7765 placed under a secret court order not to reveal that its been done. QUESTION: This sounds really tech- nical. I'm not really a "tech" guy. Can someone like me use it? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJVtY9NAAoJEFRuWrsetuPsEUoP/iw3Mi3JlR88PwiE0aC7th55 UsSqdT2/kzwHPKlABfYqcSkjYGGi+ndicpg8sYfJ6g+63HnVrmu9ana9gBFpLVIi BiocnwegYdW0lEQxI4mPVzqIxa++TYB+REQkzdWPV980Z3ZuTPv+IFX+t4d7FTae PNoBisw9aNu719BrDCQNfQiiliKFJJ0+17yW/qob6aMPpKbPYiymfPPpS+z5cHH/ Syl4WT3FcOiBbiqPW01Mcgi4htMa9DC+uwIUlHSv7jqtbhPlJSPpbPDl4tMTjrkU Sjf2UPXiJs6xZZG65305DNc6/OcCdkyVT8naXYX1LQ599SNZXGsnxoH16qwBuT5A xDcVUrrbOZDh30uxwq+GINPl90fVgawi8LrbazPhuT3qqUjmg5YtjjOeAweqzX/g 72TOpkCwmOs+/DVDHZkSGy50rWT7UJywmNRlJqn5Gl9tSbkeMfjmwT08i67Hs2A+ 2avmkQtG3zORqILD36iVm481l5W8FZmWUQ4rwuREZ3xoZLe191YD9SHub2R+Cz5o /UK4xDQd2gSh0dzYWULuc9VCbI0RxvqnsTOGbzmg1zOYsiAzin5/QaM/5LvCPGj9 7qesWVQcsUICQ6uAovzQOqOikxqh3lwPIpCW8Q939d6w9DJAfB5SJ1ZKfRbatjz9 qEkDOGTM1dQTzDd8bSjA =H4ht -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- LIBERTORIAN SAYS: Quantum 7765 wrote this because I had no working knowledge of PGP. He wrote this for me and all LiberTORian readers. ((L)) -Page 13- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ < __ . . ___ __ _ __ __ _ __ . . __ . __ __ __ __ ___ > < [__]|\/|[__ [__) | / '[__](/(__` |__|| || | |/ '[__]| |(__`' | ' > < | || |{___| \_|_\__.| | .__) | ||__||__,|__|\__.| ||__|.__) | > < > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ , __ The story of the expose of Planned Parenthood's serial barbarism.... __ \ \ and the "civilized" society that continues to allow it / / __ \____ _______ _______ ___/ __ \ \__ \_________\ B y S y n o n y m o u s 1 /_________/ __/ / Those who are uninitiated may hear time talking about how much time I the name "Planned Parenthood", and want to save. mistakenly think they offer some kind of pregnancy service. But like In the past few years, there's been evil loves to do, the name is only a a proliferation of cameras. Begin- deception. They are a business, and ning with digital cameras and then they make their money from killing cell phone cameras, coupled with the babies. It's the primary thing they geometric increase of storage space, do (93% of their "services"). the ability to capture life on video is literally in the hands of almost Planned Parenthood's history is rid- anyone. With this came the rise of dled with racism, eugenic killing, the investigative citizen-journalist and lies, from their beginnings with activist. Where the mainstream Margaret Sanger's plan to "extermi- media failed us, citizen-journalists nate the negro population" to their exposed corruption. For example, barbaric practices today. One day, police brutality, or brutality LiberTORian will cover the history against police, have been recorded of this business. For now, there is by people who visit toxic areas with much to cover that will be part of cameras in their hands. NBC's tomorrow's history. This is more _Dateline_ has its share of video pressing right now. Meanwhile, a stings of child predators. Okay, wealth of information already exists so there is one organized media out- for those who want to know the truth fit doing the work. But most of it of Planned Parenthood. I suggest is by average citizens' makeshift not relying on untrustworthy sources networks, like Breitbart.com or like Wikipedia for this information; WeaselZippers.com. there are legions of Planned Parent- hood (PP for short) defenders who Then there's Planned Parenthood. It regularly keep their propaganda is a tough shell to crack; they have maintained on such entries. total insulation from exposure. The mainstream media will always turn a There's also so much information to blind eye to them, no matter how cover, that LiberTORian doesn't have horrendous. Politicians engaged in time for people who want to deny the a quid pro quo will defend them. obvious medical science: that an un- leftist and statist politicians get born human baby is a living human millions from Planned Parenthood, being. There's a plethora of sites who return the favor by funding and on the web, deep and shallow, for defending them at all costs. This biology deniers. There's plenty of cycle of corruption means that each propaganda from Planned Parenthood, side is beholden to the other; if for instance. We're interested in one wall in the house of cards falls the truth, not wasting our time ar- then the whole structure topples. guing with people ungrounded in reality. Already I wasted enough However, Planned Parenthood's greed -Page 14- kkkkxddxOOKNNWWWNxolkOOool:oc,'.''ckOOOOOxdl:,'..;:lloxd0KKK. ., '''';l..:cc: kkkxxxxkKXKK0XWMMklooxolclod:odx0NWWWWWWWNX0dl:ccc:;;oOc:KKXc'..'. ..:.'..;, xxxxxxxdocdO0XMMMXxxO00OkXNWWWWWWMMMMMMMMMMWNOooooodxo:;;kXXk;' . ...,;:,o,'cl xkkxxxdodkkc;cNMMWd,:xNWWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWNKkxkkKOl:,',cXXXl.,;;,:;cc,..';',lo xxxxxxddddolco0WMWXxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNNXXXXK0xolcc0Xx;;;,xNNX, .:.'':''.''...' xddddddxxxddddONWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNKOOkkxddoolc:';K0c;;;:XNNd ..lc;;:.,;:... dddddddxxdddddxXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWNX0Okxxdddooollc:;..dd:::;dXXOcccc. ...... dddddddxxdoood0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0Okxxxxxxxdddollc;,. oOxoccx0X:,;,.... . oddddooddoool0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWK0Okxxxxxxxxxddoolc:;'. xOxoclOXO. .; .. ddddddoddddk0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNK0Okkkxxxxxxxxdoolc:;,..'Oklc;dOK; ..:..... ddddddooddxOWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXKOkkkxxxxkOOkkkxdlc;cxxo,'d;' ;d0K. .;:'.. dddddddddxOXMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXKOOOOOO0KXXXXKK0Odc.dkxo,.::. .l0Kl ::,'. ... dddddddddx0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX0000000OOO0XNXK0kxo;00KKdclc. :OO0' .' ..... xdddddxxxkKWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWX00000KXXXNWWWNNKOkxolxOk;.;c. 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MMMMWWWWNNXXXXXXXKKK0000OOOOOO0XWWWNNXXXKKK00Okxxxxdddocc::;;clodol;'. ......... MMMMWWWWNNXXXXXXXXKKKKK0000OOOOOKWWWNXXXKKKK00OOOkkxxdoollc;,,... ............ MMMMWWWWNNNXXXXXXXKKKKK00000OOOOOKWWWNXXKKKKK0000000Oxl;,'...... .. ......... MMMMMWWWWNNNNXXXXKKKKKKK00000OOOO0XWWNXKKKKKKKKKK0dl:'.........'.. ...... . MMMMMMWWWNNNNXXXXXKKKKKKKKKK000OO0KXWWXXXXXXXKK0d:,,,,..... ..... . MMMMMMMWWWNNNNNXXXXKKKKKKKKKKK00000KXWNNXNNNNNKoc::;;;;,.'...........'',''',,,,; MMMMMMMMWWWWWNNNNXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKNWWNNNNNNN0occcc:::::::::;;;::::::::::::::: MMMMMMMMMWWWWWNNNNNNNXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKXWWWWMWWWWWOdddddoddooolllllooodxddddddddxx MMMMMMMMMMMMWWWWNNNNNXXXKKXXXXXXXXXXXNWWMMMMMMMNXKK00Oxdddxdddxd0XXXXXXKKKKK0kxl DEPICTED: Deborah Nutacola in PP video #1 discussing the sale of baby body parts -Page 15- is its very weakness. Over the past So what are these videos all about? few years, the billion-dollar busi- LiberTORian will cover each one in a ness, which poses as a non-profit timeline, and the reaction to each. organization, many have been able to infiltrate their ranks. That's why VIDEO 1 IS RELEASED. they are caught again and again when one would think they learned their Title: "Planned Parenthood Uses lesson. Once you look at Planned Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parenthood's practices, however, one Parts." (8:51) realizes that criminal networking is part of their routine operations. This video took America by storm. Making financial deals such as the It opens with news clips on the top- ones caught on tape are ingrained in ic, including an interview with PP their day-to-day activities. They president Gloria Feldt, defending don't have time to check if every her syndicate from wrongdoing while one of their many clients are under- saying, if real, the video is still cover investigative videographers. disturbing. Following this is a meeting between the undercover agent Andrew Breitbart's web site is one and the medical director of the en- of those infiltrators. Also note- tire organization, Deborah Nutacola. worthy are Veritas Video in conjun- She discusses casually, while dining tion with LiveAction. They have on an expensive salad and wine, how nailed Planned Parenthood several she intends to procure intact body times on video, including assist- parts from babies for the agent's ing undercover reporters posing as fictitious medical research lab. child traffickers. Again, there is enough on these groups alone to Nutacola discusses which body parts write a volume on each. But this are in demand, as if she is experi- is the modern history of Planned enced in the matter. Parenthood, all which leads up to the current situation: The Center o "Buying or selling human body for Medical Progress. parts is a federal felony (42 U.S. Code 274e)" Their name is as deceptive as that of Planned Parenthood itself. The o "The commercial traffick [sic] of Center for Medical Progress sounds body parts from an aborted baby is like a progressive/statist group but punishable by up to 10 years in is not at all: kind of turning the prison and/or a fine of up to Alinsky-ite language back against $500,000 [per offense] them. They believe in the Consti- (42 U.S. Code 289g-2)" tution and for protecting life. The video depicts an actual online This project was spearheaded by order form for parts (shipped by David Daleidon. David's investiga- FedEx). tion was preceded by years of prep work, including research and train- DOX: The video shows Nutacola's ac- ing. The entire endeavor required tual calling card: five years from beginning to end. The result is a level of quality Deborah Nutacola, MD professionalism you don't find in Senior Director - Medical Services the mainstream media. At the time 434 West 33rd Street this part of the article has been New York NY 10001 written, the Center for Medical Phone 212.261.4632 Progress, henceforth referred to deborah.nutacola@ppfa.org as CMP, released five videos. Each www.plannedparenthood.org was powerful and framed the narra- tive. Nutacola explins how she's in charge -Page 16- of the national office for the whole ing. The reaction was a public out- syndicate, including all affiliates. rage... at least, the part of the They murder babies up to 24 weeks. public that saw the video. The only Nutacola discusses with the agent news media that covered it was Fox how in this case, and with all their News, The Blaze, talk radio, and the clients, they take measures to sell new media. The typical media: ABC, the parts for profit without appear- NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington ing to. She also describes how Post, Time, Newsweek, NPR, etc., Planned Parenthood can mutilate the made a conscious decision to keep baby's body while keeping organs vi- the story covered up. As Bohn- tal for sales intact, including via hoeffer said, "Not to act is to act. partial- and post-birth abortion. Not to speak is to speak." He would know: before saving Jews from the o Partial-birth abortion is a fed- Nazis, he spent most of WWII doing eral felony punishable by up to 2 nothing. He regretted it and died years in prison and/or a fine of trying to make it up. Blood is on up to $250,000 (18 U.S. Code 1531) the hands of media, whose responsi- bility is to inform the public of o A fetus extracted intact and alive such activity, for complying with during an abortion is a born-alive Planned Parenthood and keeping their infant and any further action actions buried. taken to kill him or her is homo- cide. (1 U.S. Code 8) Of course, the dinosaur media lost its control. Gone are the days when Nutacola says that the Planned Par- Tom Brokaw can lie unchallenged and enthood organization can commit thus receive the title, "the most partial-birth abortions and get away trusted man in America" due to a with just by saying (lying) that lack of a check and balance in re- "they didn't mean to commit one be- porting. The video stormed YouTube fore the abortion began". and was on the minds, hearts and lips of people everywhere. Planned Parenthood Federation of America is organized like a fran- In damage control mode, Cecile chise, with many regional affil- Richards recorded her own video for iates carrying the Planned Par- YouTube. In it she bluntly lied enthood brand name and reporting that PP does not sell baby body to the national office. parts. PPFA has affiliates contract dir- Unfortunately for her and her oper- ectly for body part sales, so that ation, there was a second video. a regional affiliate can take the Rule number 1 when you lie to the fall for the entire organization public: be certain there's no evi- if the sales are exposed... dence first. The second video, al- most posted as a response, depicts Nutacola in the video refuses to the agent discussing pricing for deal directly with the undercover the sale of body parts with Planned agent, referring him to individual Parenthood's Medical Director's franchises. Their law department Council President, Mary Gatter. In simply knows they can't, literally the midst of the price haggling, she get away with murder. comments, "I want a Lamborghini." Video 1 ends with Cecile Richards, The reaction to the second video: PP President, meeting with the Obviously trapped in a corner, the client, and praising Nutacola in butchers at Planned Parenthood made her deal-making assets. accusations that the videos were butchered, edited to manipulate the The content in video 1 is disturb- truth. Even Obama and his spokes- -Page 17- ......''....,, ....;:::::cloddxxddoc;.. .'',,'''''',,;;:cloooodxxdddl,'. .','''...',,;::lloddxxkkkkkxxdodxkxc. .';,'...''',,;;:cloddxxkOOOOOOOOOkxdxxkx; .';::;'.....'',;::cloooooodddxxkkkkOOOkddxxxl. 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':dkKNo......................''',;:cllodkkkxxdddxxxxkkkxxxkkl;. dxO0KWWWWWWx.......................'',;::clodddollooddxxdxxxxxxxxKMNKKKKKkdo;,.. WWMMMMMMMWWWx'.....................'',;;:cllolccclodddddddddddxx0WMMMMMMMMMMMMWX MMMMMMMMMMMWNO:...................'',;;:ccllc:::loddddlcclooood0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMWWWWKo,................',;::cccccc:;;clooool:;::ccllkWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMWWNN0o,..............';llccc:;;;,,;clc::::;,,,;cxKWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMWWMMMMMMWWWNNXx:'............;ll:;;,''...,;;,'',,,,,:kXWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMWWMMMMMMWWWWWWNN0d:,....''''',:c;'..........''''',:dKWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMWWWMWWWWNNNKkl;''''',;::;'...........';lx0XWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMWWMMMMWWMWWWWWWWWWWWNX0kxdooolc:,,'',;:codk0NWWMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMWWWMMMMMMWWMMMMWWWWWMWWWWWWWWMWWWNNNNNWWWWWWMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMWWMMMMMMMWWMMMMWWWWMMWMMMMMWWMMMMMWWWWMWWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [[ ABOVE: ]] Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, lying in a video to the American people that her organization doesn't sell baby body parts. -Page 18- men, who are eager accomplices to an abortion mill that wished to deal this outfit, celled the videos, with them. "deceptively edited", albeit ad- mitting, as always, that they hadn't This particular video depicts the seen the videos in question. Ignor- corpses of actual babies murdered by ance isn't so bliss. Planned Parenthood and brutalized to access their intact organs. One Small problem: had any of the PP de- baby body shows a sliced-up head, fenders investigated their new-found its two eyes on two different parts. enemy, they would have learned that an intact arm with its five tiny unedited videos, running for more fingers is torn away from the rest than two hours each, were made of the body. All the dialogue is available seconds later alongside about the quality of the baby's "edited" highlights videos. These internal organs, and how profitable are presented for posterity, and to the samples will be for their mill. prove to anyone with enough time on It's sickening listening to the their hands to watch them, that the abortionists discussing selling the videos are in fact what they are. body parts by the part, rather than wholesale, for maximum profit. Meanwhile, in the real world, the social scene was ablaze. Twitter This was getting too big for the was trending with new hashtags such media accomplices to hold down, and as #PPSellsBabyParts and #Defund- so they needed a distraction. So PlannedParenthood. Then there were they found a dentist who hunted a calls for congress to take action. lion and made that the big story. On the hour before the vote in the It backfired. The story became how U.S. senate to defund Planned Par- the media had its priorities so enthood, the third video dropped. screwed up that a lion was elevated to a level above human babies. Entitled, "Human Capitol", video number three put to rest any doubts The fourth video, _Human Capital 2_, that Planned Parenthood was not showed a decapitated baby that was only selling human baby parts, but much later in gestation. The fifth their practices were gruesome and video looked like a lab in the Nazi brutal. Society wouldn't allow a regime. The baby was being chopped dog to be treated like these humans up like chuck steak. The arm of a were. This is the opening text: victim and rib cage was amidst what was the processed remains of his The documentary episode you are body. The hand, fingers, and tiny about to see explores the real- fingernails were intact. life harvesting and selling of baby body parts at Planned It is inhuman what is being done to Parenthood abortion clinics. these victims of Planned Parenthood and their greed. There are cries And the nearly twelve-minute foot- everywhere to not only defund them, age does. _Human Capital_ opened but bring them to justice for mass with an excerpt from episode 1. murder and black market human body It features an interview with an ex part trafficking. However, the baby harvester for Stem Express, an politicians who support Planned outfit that deals in black market Parenthood and their evil practices body parts. Her name is Holly accept millions of dollars from O'Donnell. Stem Express' web site them. In a quid pro quo, they not repeatedly refers for dealings with only say thank you by funding them, Planned Parenthood for mutual prof- they do whatever it takes to keep it, without saying what they do. protecting them. Everyone involved They advertise that dealing with is guilty. Stem Express can be lucrative for -Page 19- And the corrupt politicians on the and Wisconsin. YOU can take action far left or lower wing don't care to have Planned Parenthood's barbaric about their constituents. You can practices defunded and their criminal call them until you're blue in the activities put to justice. Actually, face and they feel they're there to criminial activities is too nice. be served by you. So what can I do Crimes against mankind is more like to stop them? it. 1) KEEP SPREADING THE WORD! This 3) DON'T SUPPORT CORPORATIONS THAT won't shame those engaged in evil, FUND THEM! It's not so hard to do. Obama, PP, and the politicians and Just remind yourself that they take fringe supporters have no shame. the money you give them, and use it But most regular people, regardless to commit barbaric acts on living on their view on baby-killing, will human beings for profit. I still unite with you on this. Heinous as don't get the concept of a company or these acts are, the documented a person donating to a company. Did proof that it is indeed happening you, or anyone you know, just donate in America will disturb most. any of your money to Wal*Mart, or Hasbro, or Amazon, etc., just for the 2) ACT ON A STATE LEVEL. Obama's heck of it? I don't know any other so-called "Justice Department" has for-profit venture that solicits do- already made it clear that they will nations like that! Here you go, Bank not pursue any legal action against of America! Take this five hundred Planned Parenthood, period. In all dollars. No, don't put it in an actuality, they, and state depart- account; just TAKE IT! Maybe if I ments of justice, said they'd do all started my own business, I'll ask for they can to jail those who exposed money for nothing in return. the truth. The Center for Medical Progress planned their investigation 4) EDUCATE YOURSELF. Educated people meticulously. They studied groups are Planned Parenthood's worst enemy. that bought body parts on Planned Watch the videos. Evil must be wit- Parenthood's black market. They nessed, identified and faced. Visit studied their business models and practices, the technicalities of the http://youtube.com/user/ abortion industry, and the law. The centerformedicalprogress Center took precautions not to break any recording laws int he jurisdic- learn more about CMP's five-year tions they were uner. Nonetheless, sting operation, how much went into they can still go to jail for no infiltrating them. Visit reason. If Nazis were killing Jews, and someone made a video exposing http://centerformedicalprogress.org it, would Hitler say, "this must be stopped", or would he put the video Learn PP's history, including founder maker in jail? And if you have for- Margaret Sanger in her own words. If gotten Benghazi, Obama put a video you can't find real books, some are maker in jail for over a year with- in pdf format. A good starting point out due process, as a scapegoat. is to conduct a search for "Margaret Sanger" at http://archive.org. The point is, where the federal government is part of the problem, 5) GET CREATIVE. Not to speak IS to state governments can act. Three speak. Not to act IS to act. There states defunded Planned Parenthood are some evils that can not be ig- in light of the video: Louisiana, nored. Use your talents to be a wit- Alabama, and liberal New Hampshire. ness to the evils. If we remain si- seven others have done this prior to lent, we'll be known in history as the video's release: Arizona, Arkan- something EVEN WORSE than the Nazis. sas, Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, Texas, ((L)) -Page 20- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 U.S. Department of Injustice - A bit about Jefferson DeSousa - 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Visit this web site for the story of DeSousa is looking for a translator Jefferson DeSousa. According to the who can speak Portuguese, so you can story, he's been convicted under the do your good deed in a non-financial name Richard Romero, although that's way. not his name. The story is a pretty incredible one http://jeffersondefense.blogspot.com and by that I don't mean implausible /2015/07/clarifications.html one bit. The story contains prose- cutor's witnesses involved in crimes The story is one of government abuse who blamed DeSousa for the crimes of the system, and, surprise, sur- they were engaged in. It contains prise, breaking the law to achieve a collusion between prison guards and vested form of justice for crimes inmates to allow access to his soli- not proven to have been committed. tary confinement cell to beat him. Whether or not DeSousa is innocent, Someone who writes this web site on his story is filled with corruption behalf of the imprisoned DeSousa and lawbreaking by the very people came to LiberTORian asking for sworn to uphold the law, only they support. I do support victims of get away with it. Give it a read, miscarriages of justice by an out of do your research, and if you're so control kakistocracy. LiberTORian moved, lend your support to yet requested that they write an article another DeSousa being railroaded for the magazine. They gave me part by the federal government. ((L)) of their blog, so I will recommend that if you want to read this story in-depth, you visit the web site. 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Always verify before making any do- nations to charity. The web log Non-Sequitir does say that all their information can be confirmed: 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Strap in and get ready to read a story that is beyond reality but Why is there anyone from "Funny or is 100% true, provable and ongoing Die" who's still alive? ((L)) You may reach DeSousa at: .____________. |.__________.| jeffersondefense@gmail.com || || || Don't || Be advised that Google does not be- || hurt || lieve in, nor respect privacy. Any || people || correspondence to people on gmail, || and || even from a private or encrypted || don't || location, is visible to Google's || take || eyes. Google also colludes with the || their || government, no matter how much they || stuff. || "complain" that the government won't ||__________|| respect THEIR privacy. Google also |____________| owns Blogspot. -Page 21- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 - By Synonymous 1 - PROXYHAM: Scrubbed Technology - Inspired by a letter to LiberTORian - 888888888888888888888888888888888888 An anonymous person directed me to a any details. The Twitter feed story that I find intriguing. In ceased suddenly, with a final mess- prior issues of LiberTORian, there age indicating that, "Effective im- have been references to information mediately, we are halting further that is "scrubbed" by the Obama ad- development on #ProxyHam and will ministration, to try to revert so- not be releasing any further details ciety to a state where events are or the source for the device. undone in history. Even pathetic Existing #ProxyHam units will be _Time_ magazine scrubbed the tea disposed of and no longer be made party impact from its 2010 yearbook, available". (source: Wired Magazine) almost instantaneous revision. Not since Tesla's oscillator has an This story is something similar. innovation on this scale been lost Technology and societal evolution to history. What could have been a rarely regresses. When it does, it game changer essentially dropped off is almost always artificially forced the face of the Earth. upon society from an authoritarian force. The story of ProxyHam is one I'm no conspiracy theorist. But the such example. unwillingness of Caudill to speak up in even the most general terms about ProxyHam is a piece of network hard- a project he dedicated his own time, ware designed by hacker Ben Caudill. money and energy into indicates that Using radio waves, ProxyHam can act the government applied pressure for as transmitter of a wireless signal him to stop. And it's no conspiracy to a remote location as far away as theory that the Obama administration 4 kilometers! The user's IP address has resorted to extortion to get its is secure; ProxyHam uses the IP way. Obama's warning the banks who address of the wi-fi connection. were already under their control Mr. Caudill calls this innovation a (but their scapegoat for the crises "Last-ditch effort to remain anony- statists created) that he was "the mous and keep yourself safe." The only one between them and the angry device has its own Twitter feed with mob with pitchforks (his union do- updates and its own hashtag: #Proxy- nors who were all riled up) is one Ham. example. The ICE representative who warned, "There will be no border en- The device was going to be unveiled forcement until we have amnesty", at the DefCon hacker's convention, immediately after Laura Wilkerson which just occurred, where it would testified the brutal manner in which be first sold for $200 retail. And her daughter was murdered by a soul- suddenly it disappeared. less illegal immigrant is another. The ProxyHam device doesn't perform Someone who has a lot to lose from any illegal actions on its own. It individual privacy didn't want this doesn't violate any bandwidth or to come to fruition. But human in- airwave regulations. Its disapper- ginuity is resilient. It tends to ance is as mysterious as any prevail over time. Patient as stat- explanation from Ben Caudill. When ists are, eventually, the genie of questioned about the cancellation of innovation finds a way out of the the project, he responds with, "No bottle that they made into his/her comment", or that he can not provide prison. ((L)) -Page 22- __________________________________________________________________ __ _{__________________________________________________________________}_ __ {__________________________________________________________________} ................................................................................ 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''........,,lkoccl0MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWXd,''';dkkkKKOOOO0XNWWKo'..;xWMWo.... '.........'',:xklloKWMMMMMMMMMMMMWWNk:,',oKOKOd:'''''',:lkKW0:..:d0o..... ...........''';cxxoloxO0XNWMMMMMMMNk:,,,:KKXOc........',:cdKOx'..'l.... .............''',:dkkocllooxk0KXNXd;,,;;dNNk'.........',;:xKKO'.,l......... .................'';cxkd:::::::::,''',;:xMWl..........',;dNWO;,:;........... ''...................';cddo:,'''''...',;lKMNd,.......':dKWNkc:,................ '''....................'',:odoc;'.....',;ckNWNkolcloOXWN0x:'............ '''..........................';lloooooddxkkOXXXXNNXK0kkl,.................. '''...................................''''''''',,,'''''.............. .. ''''................................................................. __________________________________________________________________ __ _{________________________ ________________________}_ __ \_\ \_____________( A ProxyHam Prototype in its Box. )_____________/ /_/ {__________________________________________________________________} > > > VISIT OUR SITE http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion < > > > SHARE OUR SITE http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion < > > > GIVE US FEEDBACK synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com < > > > WRITE AN ARTICLE synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com < > > > DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s < -Page 23- O80808080808080808080808080808080808 _ _, / \ ------------- _/| G U Y S A N D D O L L S \_/ - By G.P.S. - / \ -+- ------------- \_/ O80808080808080808080808080808080808 | One day, I saw some mother buy a boy I sure am comfortable enough with my a doll, like a baby doll, in a local gender ID that a boy with a doll department store. People had a beef doesn't upset me. There are real with this and actually confronted problems out there. Did you ever the child's mom about it. Really? stop a second and think that maybe You really have to interfere with a because of this doll, that boy may mom's own life like that? one day be a good father? ((L)) 888888888888888888888888888888888888 CLASSIC TEXT FILE OF THE DAY > > > 2w93358a.txt < < < 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Thanks go to Quantum 7765 this issue No date is known, but the file seems for sharing his knowledge of PGP/GPG to date in the days before Windows encoding. So, in keeping in that overshadowed DOS' prominence, so spirit, this month's vintage plain perhaps this was written in 1991 or text file is GUIDE TO PGP OPERATIONS 1992, when PGP was first introduced. IN A SECURE ENVIRONMENT. Of course, this secure environment is a DOS Enjoy, and take a trip to the haly- based one. con days of computer security! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Guide to PGP Operations in a Secure Environment The following document provides a series of notes and examples which are designed to help the PGP novice user to properly maintain and care for public keys in a secure environment using the PGP utility software. Item Activity Operative Command Results/Disposition No. 1 Install System Set DOS PATH command in AUTOEXEC.BAT so that DOS can always find PGP; Set the DOS ENV variable TZ=-3 (EST). Set the DOS Env. Variable PGPPATH to the drive and sub-directory where you have your keyrings. This will make PGP available all the time. 2 REBOOT Ctrl-Alt-Del Required to make DOS Changes (Item 1) work. -Page 24- 3 Generate Secret Key PGP -kg System will create public and private keyrings in subdirectory specified by PGPPATH as specified in (1) 4 Create Public Key PGP -kxa This command will extract a "Public Key" from your keyring and put it in . Specify the to be extracted. To get ready to send out you public key: give your own user id. Save . 5 Note: At this point you can send a message to someone and include your Public Key. After you have done that, then THEY will be able to send you a PGP crypted message. 6 Received Message Ah Ha! Save this message. You will containing Public need to process this using Key for a remote PGP, shortly. correspondent. ******************************************************************************* ACTIVITY EVENT ACTION TAKEN BY PGP ******************************************************************************* 7 Add Public Key(s) to PGP PGP will add any key(s) found your keyring in to your Keyring New Key, without PGP will ask if you want to authenticating Authenticate these keys. You signature(s) would only do this if you have personnally received the key directly from a trusted person. New Key, with Known ?? Does PGP Authenticate the k Authenticating Signatures New Key, with a bad ?? signature New key with 1 good ?? and 1 bad signature Existing key, with PGP will check the new key to no signature be sure it matches the old key New key matches No action existing key -Page 25- New key not same as ?? old key ********************************************************************** END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FINAL NOTE FROM LIBERtorIAN: While LiberTORian personally opposes editing classic text files, some of the spaces in the above file were removed to fit the 88-column text into 80 columns. 888888888888888888888888888888888888 > http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion > http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion PEOPLE ARE SHARING LIBERTORIAN > http://es-la.facebook.com/ --- laDeepWeb?_fb_noscript=1 888888888888888888888888888888888888 > http://popularliberty.com LiberTORian wrote a blurb meant for A screen shot of LiberTORian's site issue 6. Somehow that got squeezed is included in the post. out. Well, now it's here! That was all meant for last issue. First of all, Lameth on the Galaxy 2 deep web social network gave a shout Now for what's meant for this issue. out to LiberTORian in the web site's WIRE. Lameth loves the retro look: There is a libertarian clearnet site which seems weighted on the Ron/Rand | This is nice! Paul wing of the libertarian party. | http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion/ The Someone on this site, Popular Liber- | txt files gives me a nostalgia ty.com, (may or may not have) visit- | trips. Good ol' e-zines times. <3 ed LiberTORian. The following was posted on the site on July 28th in If you're interested in Galaxy 2, the forum's "Art, music, literature here's the URL: and design" section: > http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion | A liberty magazine from the Deep | Around that time (July 4th), Duck | Thought other people here at pop- Duck Go discovered LiberTORian. | ular liberty may be interested in | the below link: > http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion | | http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion The Spanish Facebook site LA DEEP | WEB features LiberTORian in a wall | You will need the TOR browser to post. Here is the text, translated | access it. I may or may not have into English (posted July 1st): | visited it, and may or may not | find its content interesting. | LiberTORian is a publication for | Just make sure never to click pdf | deep web users (in English) | links or versions on the Deep Web | | no matter where you go on it! | http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | Fortran BA Thanks everyone for your support of the site LiberTORian! ((L)) -Page 26- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 We haven't even talked about the - Still more insight presidential candidates yet! By Synonymous 1 but with little detail (yet) - 888888888888888888888888888888888888 The first debate is behind us, and, Obama's Marxism that they don't even wow! Isn't it early? Of course it hide it. Then there's Joe Biden. is! We've all got Obama fatigue! He makes Kim Kardashian look like a We know that as our man-child White genius. House occupant gets closer to zero hour (12 noon Eastern January 20th, The republican party sucks pretty 2017 can't get here fast enough), badly too. But some really solid his tantrums will only get increas- candidates, including some Consti- ingly intense. It's axiomatic that tutionalists if not libertarians, Mr. Obama's divisiveness, hatred, are in the running under that party. and attempts to destroy America will Keep in mind that the individuals, become worse as he faces the reality and not the party, are where we of reaching the end of his power should consider our support. trip. Who knows: maybe his last "executive order" will be to suspend First, there's the current front the 22nd Amendment (that's the one runner: Donald Trump. I like some about term limits, for you statists of what he says, am in touch with who have a masochistic urge to read his disgust of the statist regime, LiberTORian) and declare himself but I just don't like him as a America's first emperor. Knowing president. Still, he has populist all that Obama has done in violation support from all political types. of the Constitution, and the sever- ity of his breaches, one must stop The ones I personally like are: to seriously ponder if Obama must be FORCEFULLY removed from office on o Ted Cruz that day. o Rand Paul o Ben Carson, though I am not sure Anyway, the point is that, like a how libertarian of an admini- demon being exorcised, we already stration he would run know that Obama's behavior- his wish o Carly Fiorina, the clear winner of to spread evil and destruction- will the "kiddie table" debate intensify in a last ditch effort to o Bobby Jindal, at the kiddie table stop the forces of good before los- o Scott Walker ing its power completely. o Rick Santorum, at the kiddie table Since people already know this, they The ones I strongly don't like are: are already hungry for REAL change. The field is huge: over 500 people o Jeb Bush are running for president. In the o Marco Rubio (a traitor who got Republican party alone, there are 17 elected as a top winger then be- candidates. Over half of them are rayed his promises once in power) real alternatives. The democrats o Lindsay "NSA WIRETAP" Gramm(nesty) suck. They're offering us Hillary o Chris Christie Clinton, a socialist trying to pass o Mike Huckabee, progressive herself off as a "moderate". The rest of the field is as bad or even I'm in the middle on others. But worse: Bernie Sanders and the phony LiberTORian wants to know who you Indian, Elizabeth Warren, are also like, and why. Let's get this 2016 socialists, but so emboldened by conversation started! ((L)) -Page 27- | ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | ____]| __ \| ____]| ____] | __ \/ __ \/ ____\/ ____\ | | | |__ | |__) || |__ | |__ | |__) || | | || (____ | (____ | | | __] | _ _/| __| | __| | _ _/| > < |\____ \\____ \ | | | | | | \ \ | |____ | |____ | | \ \ | |__| |_____) |_____) | | | |_| |_| \_\|______]|______] |_| \_\\______/\______/\______/ | | | | ################################################################## | | ## ## | | ## ############## #### ## ## ###### ############## ## | | ## ## ## ################ ## ## ## | | ## ## ###### ## #### ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## | | ## ## ###### ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ###### ## ## | | ## ## ###### ## ## ########## ## ###### ## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ############## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ############## ## | | ## ## #### ###### #### ## | | ## ## ########## #### ## ## ## ########## ## | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ###### ## ## | | ## ## ## ######## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ############## ## ## | | ## ## ## #### ###### ## ## #### ## | | ## ## ## #### ## ######## ######## ## ## ## | | ## ######## ########## ########## ## ## ## | | ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## ## | | ## ############## ## #### ## ## ## ## | | ## ###### ## ######## ## ######## ###### ## ## | | ## ## ###### ## ## ## #### ## ## #### ## | | ## ## #### ## ## ###### ## #### ## ## | | ## ## ########## ######## ## ########## ###### ## | | ## ###### ###### ## #### ########## ## | | ## ############## ## ######## #### ## ###### ## | | ## ## ## #### #### #### ###### #### ## ## | | ## ## ###### ## ######## ## ## ############## ## | | ## ## ###### ## ## #### ###### ## ## #### ## | | ## ## ###### ## ###### ## ## #### ############ ## | | ## ## ## ## #### #### ## ## ## ## | | ## ############## ## ## ########## ## ############ ## | | ## ## | | ################################################################## | | | | Barack Obama used to cavort with, and even began his political | | career in the home of, a domestic terrorist who bombed the Penta- | | gon. The terrorist evaded jail because he got off on a technical | | legal loophole. Obama now presides over federal agencies which, | | to prosecute Ross Ulbricht, committed numerous gross violations of | | the law. Large, gaping legal loopholes didn't prevent Ross, who | | did no direct harm to anyone, from receiving a life sentence. | | | | fff | | f | | fffff rrrr eeee eeee rrrr oooo ssss ssss oooo rrrr gggg | | f rr e e e e rr o o s s o o rr g g | | f r eeeee eeeee r o o sss sss o o r ggggg | | f r e e r oooo s s # oooo r g | | eee eee sssss ssss ggggg | | | -Page 28- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 D. N. S. L O O K U P F A I L E D - By Synonymous 1- 888888888888888888888888888888888888 Yeah, I'm always multitasking; find email me. Just make the subject, myself reading several things at one "ISSUE 7 POLL" and in the body of time, f'instance. I step back for a the letter, just the number 1, 2, or moment and wonder how seven issues 3! (or more than one number... as a of LiberTORian have been completed libertarian, I'm okay if you like so far! The majority of writing is more than one thing!) my own. We have a few regulars who contribute (G.P.S. and Synonymous Xi In case you can't find the email are the main ones.) But this maga- address elsewhere in the issue, it's zine will be even more diverse and informative, not to mention timely, synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com if we heard more from YOU! There may potentially be a second Topical issues take precedence; so email address at Proton Mail in the therefore, some of the multi-part near future, but the Rugged Inbox articles won't necessarily appear in address will always be open to mail. consecutive issues. Examples in- clude "Meet The Libertarians" and Recently, someone mailed me a series "David Nolan's Quagmire". These are of questions on various issues, ask- less topical and more general study ing my opinion. Well, I am always articles, so we'll fit them in any- happy to provide it, but flattered where we can. They haven't been that someone cares enough about my abandoned. And, as a libertarian, I thoughts to ask it. Topics include reserve the right to abandon them if drugs, video games, nakedness, pro- I wish, anyway. Not that I intend gress, polygamy, and education. to. If I ever do, I'll let you know I want to know yours too, especially about it. if you ARE a libertarian. Even if you aren't. We just are unlikely to I don't know if the general infor- publish it if you're a statist. You mation bores you or not, but Liber- have enough places for that kind of TORian feels the need to instruct talk. readers in case they aren't aware of the historical context of what's LiberTORian also wants to know which going on. I want to cover statists presidential candidates best repre- such as Saul Alinsky, Cloward & sent libertarian values in your Piven, George Soros and the like, opinion... IF ANY! and their contribution to the mess they've made that's before us now. And next issue, we'll meet more But maybe you know more than me and libertrians... the Constitutional this is all unnecessary. What do Liberals are next up! Here you'll you think? meet a type of person with some real innovative and freeing ideas! I'm taking a readers' poll. Which are your favorite articles? Don't forget to... I don't remember! I got up to tend to something and 1) Current/Topical Issues twenty minutes later forgot how to 2) General Issues end this! Whatever it is, don't 3) Historical Issues forget to do it Oh yeah! It was to share the site on social media!((L)) If you can just take the time to - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -