______ ______ ______ / __ \ / __ \ / __ \ http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion | / \ | | (__) | | / \ | ____________ ____________ | | | | \______/ | | | | / ________ \ / ________ \ | | | | ______ | | | \_____ | / __ \ | | | _____) | | | | | / __ \ | | \_____ \ | | (__) | | | | / _____/__ | | | | | / \ | | | __ \ | | | _____/ | | | | / / ___ \ | | | \_____ | | | | | | / \ | | | | / _____/ | | | | \_____/ | | \_____ \ | | | | | | \__/ | | | | \_____ \ | | | | | \________) | | \__/ | | \________/ | | \________) | | \__/ | \____________/\\______/ \____________/ \____________/ \______/ ____________ \\\ __________ ______ / ________ \ ____)| |____ / ______ \/ __ \ M A G A Z I N E | / \ |/ ________ \| / ___) || (__) | ____________ ____________ | \__ __/ || / __ \ || | / ___/\______// ________ \/ ________ \ \__ \ / __/| | / \ | || | | / ______ | (_____ \ || / __ \ | \ | | / | | | | | || | | | / __ \\_____ \ | || | / \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | / \ |/ _____/ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || / __ | || | | | | | | | | | | | \__/ | || | | | | | | || | (__) | || | | | | | | \__/ | | \________/ || \__/ | | \__/ || \________/ || \__/ \__/ | \______/ \____________/\______/ \______/\____________/\_____/\_____/ Volume 1 - Issue 6 - Late August 2015 D E F E N S E D I S T R I B U T E D: .'. ..,. ..'''. oKK00NO; .' ... :lxkOkk. KMMMMMMKOOOllllllllloxWMW00K0OkXKOOOOKW0XNNWMO,'.'......'''''',,,,;: ...',O0NNNXXXXKKK00OkOkkkkkNNKMMWWMMMWWWMMMMMMMMMWMMWWMMXlccddocllllokkkxd0 'MMMMMMMNNXXXNXXXXXKXXXXXXKKNWWMMWNWWWWWWWWMWWNNNNNWWMMMMNOOdloOkOOdxOO0OoOO '''.':dMMMMMMXXKK00NWWWWKxxxxxkdkWWWWWKOKXWWNKXK0NNXO00O;.:xKOxodxod; ,N0Ox :OOXMMMMMN000x cMKx oWWWWWWWKdd00Wd ., .; .lO0ddc' 'XKOo dNNWMMMMMXxdd; :M00 lKOO00KN0. .;Xk,'';' .;x0Odlxdko . lMWX ,xc::.'c,'','':O0l:;;' .l0kk0: cMMN cdlcl.;c cXd::cc. .. 'MMO ddlll.c; 'Xooc:' .. ,Oddooco. .. OOdodcdk. ;dXkk00c KNl D E - R E G U L A T I N G G U N S W I T H T E C H N O L O G Y AAAAA L SSSSS OOOOO SAVE TRANS-FATS A A L S O O :: AAAAAAA L SSSS O O ASHLEY MADISON HACK A A L S O O :: A A LLLLLLL SSSSS OOOOO OUR POST-CONSTITUTION AMERICA ABOVE: An MK-18 that was 3-D printed by Defense Distributed -Page 2- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LiberTORian Volume 1, Issue 6 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S: A Publication of Synonymous 1. Published August, 2015. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ACQUIRING RELAY....................3 LiberTORian is published on an Guns and Fat: irregular basis. Cornerstones of Freedom N(c), 2015. Readers are welcome, Article............................3 actually encouraged, to copy and CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR THROUGH GAMES distribute this text by any means possible, preferable by photocopy- DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY...........4 ing. Nerdageddon RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART............5 LIBERTORIAN HAS A DEEP WEB SITE: Morse Code http://libertxn3ogpn6mb.onion/ QUOTABLE QUOTES....................6 (Thanks to an Onionland user.) The views expressed in LiberTORian BLURB..............................6 aren't necessarily those of the webmaster. That's fine with us FEATURE............................7 libertarians. The Skinny on Trans-Fats FEATURE...........................10 CORRESPONDENCE: Defense Distributed Democratizes synonumous1@ruggedinbox.com Second Amendment Send submissions & letters to ARTICLE...........................12 LiberTORian at the above address. A Bruce By Any Other Name is a Bruce DONATE TO LIBERTORIAN: ARTICLE...........................13 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s Constitutional Amendment Even a millibitcoin! (.001 BTC) of the day: The First Amendment __n____n_ CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY......13 >--||---/ \ producin.9x /___________\ * EXTERMINATE! .|____|____|. ARTICLE...........................16 EXTERMINATE! * .|____|____|. David Nolan's Quagmire, Part 2 | | | /----------\ WHO THE HECK IS MILTON FRIEDMAN?..18 /|| || || || | >------+++++++8|| || || || | ALL POINTS BULLETIN...............20 =============== | | | | | FEATURE...........................21 (| O | O| O| O |) The Ashley Madison Hack | | | | | (| O | O | O | O |) GUEST ARTICLE.....................22 | | | | | Is Our Economy (|O | O | O | O |) Too Service-Oriented? By Vox Populi Dalek | | | | | courtesy (| O | O | O | O |) D.N.S. LOOKUP FAILED..............24 textfiles.com ====================== -Page 3- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A C Q U I R I N G R E L A Y CONTROLLING BEHAVIOR THROUGH GAMES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Constitution may be technically Do you remember the game Quiet Ball? murdered by Obama, SCOTUS, and other freedom-hating statists, but until It also goes by the name "Silent it is resurrected, its spirit will Ball". remain alive in the hearts of free- dom loving libertarians across the Yeah, that was a racket, and I don't fruited plain. In no place does it mean tennis. live on more defiantly than with the pioneers of individual liberty, De- Most adults forgot about this game fense Distributed, or DefDist. unless you have children who came home from school and say that they Thanks to peer-to-peer file sharing, played it. the deep web, and a love of freedom that the administration can't stop, So, for those of you who never ever DefDist has resisted attempts to played this in school, here's how stop the democratization of the 2nd it works: children all sit on their Amendment. desks. Someone gets a dodge ball that's about 6 inches in diameter, This issue will cover their story, or a koosh ball or something. The and that of trans-fat. Here is yet kid with the ball points at, then another area where statists in the throws it at a selected child, who federal government overstepped and must catch it. If he misses, he is are taking our freedom to choose out. Game continues until only one from us. Ironic since these hypo- kid remains. crites are only "pro-choice" when it comes to killing babies, and And the most important rule, ANY vehemently anti-choice regarding KID WHO MAKES A SOUND IS OUT. absolutely everything else in life! I hated this game. I couldn't catch This story isn't over yet. We here a cold with a net. So I would make at LibeTORian need the help of re- goofy noises and sit right down. sourceful readers like you (if this describes you.) We're looking for I didn't realize at the time that people who can teach us how to make the only purpose of the game was to your own trans-fat, just as the way shut us all up and give the teacher people learned to make their own some peace and quiet, instead of alcohol during prohibition. If BBS teach us something. users in the 1980s can teach people how to use chemistry to make their That's one of those dirty tricks own explosives, and devices with an which I guess teaches one life les- ability to bypass the FONE company, son: help the kids get in line and I know someone out there can help accept authority just for the sake us make fat! Please help Liber- of controlling behavior as adults. TORian's mission to launch the fat revolution. We aim to do the same So, looking back, considering that thing for fat that DefDist is doing I never played by the rule, early on for firearms. I'm dead serious on in life I learned how to break the this. For it's not about fat. It system of control! ((L)) is about freedom. In this case, freedom's in the form of fat! ((L)) -Page 4- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DEEP WEB SITE OF THE DAY > > > freenovfka2ploir.onion < < < %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NERDAGEDDON type of "hidden" internet. People freenovfka2ploir.onion who read this and think I'm a joke because I'm so tech-unsavvy, please They say that the deep web is 500 correct me if that's wrong. Either times the size of the surface web. way, this site is filled with lots I don't know how true that is or if of interesting gems. Some are of descriptions such as this only re- interest to LiberTORian readers. fer to onionland or all that is not You'll find insteresting, thought- cataloged in search engines. But provoking, researched sites such as, Nerdageddon seems to be at least "10 Signs Russia is Preparing a Pre- the size of clearnet, leaving the emptive Strike against the USA, and other 499 times its site to all the 10 signs that Obama Collaborates rest of the deep web. toward that aim". Maybe the drawn conclusion is exaggerated, but the If you began reading LiberTORian as facts that draw them are sound. You a n00b to the deep web, just as I also will find some of the worn-out, was when I began writing, you can tired, long-laughed to the side kook see how lost I was myself. So this theories like, "Ebola, AIDS Manu- magazine was designed in part to factured by Western Pharmaceuticals, guide you through the deep web with U.S. DoD?" There will always be the me as I found my way through. Over "never landed on the moon" people time, I was able to find my way among them. around it better myself. Hopefully you are now proficient enough that Then there are diversionary links I can show you some less introduc- for nerds everywhere: "irrational tory sites that offer a wealth of numbers" is a site dedicated to the information. Nerdageddon is one of love of just that. There's also, those sites. "Index- Fun With Graphics", complete with fractal art. "Digital: A Love Nerdageddon bills itself as, "infos Story" takes a user back to the late for political nerds". I'm not sure 1980s in a game where you play the exactly how it works. The site has role of a student who receives a hundreds, probably over a thousand new "AMIE" computer and uses it to links. I haven't counted yet but become a BBS junkie. I'm sure my OCD will kick in some- time and I'll know the answer. But Many sites refer to "flogs", which I anyway, you click a link, and a web assume means "freenet weblogs." One site that whoever is behind Nerda- Libertarian site, "Thoughts of an geddon likes appears, but it still Internet Libertarian", contains too contains the original base URL of much anti-Semitic propaganda and Nerdageddon's site. So I don't untrustworthy sources (like the U.N. know if they have a way to make the among others) for my tastes. Still, URL of the linked site appear in- this site offers more than enough side a web page on their side, or links for everyone, not counting what. ones to sites that offer mp3s, and videos to TV shows. Most of these The site's goal is to list ALL free links don't connect to the file. sites that are new or interesting But there is enough at Nerdageddon to political nerds. The links cite to keep even the most hardcore "freenet" a lot, which is another political nerds satisfied. ((L)) -Page 5- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% RAIDERS OF THE LOST ART, PART 1 - By Synonymous 1 - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MORSE CODE -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. . 0 ----- 5 ..... 1 .---- 6 -.... With the increased power capacity of 2 ..--- 7 --... radio devices, the number of people 3 ...-- 8 ---.. who are experienced in Morse Code is 4 ....- 9 ----. dwindling. Decades ago, Amateur ra- dio (ham) operators are able to get The numbers were the original code. FCC licensing without knowledge of The idea to add letters to the Morse Code. It's pretty sad, in my numbers was conceived by Alfred opinion, because it's still a very Viel. effective means of communication. But for today, its obscurity means All the radio frequencies that the that it's an instantly recognized beloved government allows citizens method of covert communication. to use for transmissions allow the use of Morse Code (referred to as Of course, Morse Code is a totally Continuous Wave or CW by ham radio ineffective means of encrypting your oerators). In some countries, CW is communications, as it is understood the ONLY form of communications that by law enforcement. But it is a is allowed for its citizens! Here vital skill everyone should learn. already is a good reason to learn You never know when fluency in Morse it. Code may come in handy. People who were held hostage by dictators or The relatively low-tech technology terrorists have blinked messages in required to transmit and receive CW Morse Code on hostage tapes. is precisely why it is so useful. It's much the same way that, for Devised by Samuel Morse around 1844, instance, a magazine available in Morse Code was originally used in TXT format is more versatile than days before telephones to communi- other, more modern formats. In the cte over radio waves. Each letter event of a crisis, CW can penetrate of the alphabet was given a pattern a range that standard radio communi- of dots and dashes. A "dot" is made cations can not. Suppose that China by pressing a telegraph key down for creates a virus that affects the a short time to complete a connec- internet and it's not available. Or tion, producing a short tone. A Obama uses real law congress passed "dash" is made by pressing 3 times to turn the internet "dark". There as long to produce a prolonged tone. have been recent weather-related power problems that led to the loss A .- J .--- S ... of Americans' cell phones in some B -... K -.-. T - regions. Those dependent on tech- C -.-. L .-.. U ..- nology panicked! Others were in- D -.. M -- V ...- convenienced. Imagine their reac- E . N -. W .-- tion during a REAL emergency! CW F ..-. O --- X -..- could once again become a vital form G --. P .--. Y -.-- of communication, for the immediate H .... Q --.- Z --.. time, at least. When the other I .. R .-. forms of electronic communications fail us, Morse Code will be the one There are also Morse Code symbols that comes through for us... or at for numerical digits: least, for those who know it! ((L)) -Page 6- ....... .;loooooooc .;dkddoolc:. .dxkkOkkdo, ..'',,;:cclllooOOkxl:'. .';:cccc:. .oOdl. ..',;:lllcccccllll:;.. looodododd, .:dll,,:llllloldolodolol;,'.. .coxOOxl'. ..',;oddodxolcclcooodloloc.. .ldOddo::ldOkddddxKXXKxolocodcc;.. :okOkxoolloK0dddcdOOOKx,.,:,.',' 'lkKOd;:oox0kooll. .0l ,,. ckc ;oKxxdollc:. xNl; ,,. ...',;:coddxOOkxc,. .O0.:kkxXo:oddlloKK0d;. ...',:'...:dl::cloddddxxxxxxxkxxxkOOkxxdl' 'k0x,X0xXN0xkdooKkxoc,ooddlllllloxk0KkkOOOOOkxxxxxddxkkOxdxkxkOOO0Kxc. .loxxl,kO0k0WokxdddolcNkkd:.llolcclllooooloodxxkkxxxkkkkkkkkkkOOkkxxkxxxxxxkd .:clol'lOd:NKNoolllccccxOxlcclllc::;;;:cclldkOlo0K0kxxxxxOxxkkkkkkkkkkkkkxxxxd xko:;lloodoooollolllldxxdllllolllooddxxxxxkOOOkkOOOO0000OOOkOOOOkxxkxkxkkkxxxo oodxl;coxxdxddddooddddxdxodxkkxxxkOOkkOO00KKKKKK00000000OOOOOOOkkkkkkkkkkkOOO; ldooxxcokkxxxxdddddxkkOO00KKK0KXXKKKKK00K0KKK00KKXK000000OOO0OkOO00Oxdlc;,.. lddoodkkkkkkOO000KXNXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKKK0KKK0KKKKXK0KKKKKKKkxolc:,'. .oddddOWXXXXXXXXXXXXXKXKKKKK0KKKKKKKKKK0KKKXX0kxoc:,.. ,ddx0WXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXKKKKKKKKKKKOkdoc:,.. :x0MXXXXXXXXKKKXNNX0kdoc;'.. .kMNXXXKOkdl:;'. :;,. - A telegraph - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Q U O T A B L E Q U O T E S B L U R B ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "Arguing that you don't care about LiberTORian needs liberty-minded the right to privacy because you writers! Please consider becoming a have nothing to hide is no different LiberTORian contributor of your than saying you don't care about intellect. Send plain text to: free speech because you have nothing to say." synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com - Edward Snowden LiberTORian is dedicating its prec- ious time to offer the best quality "It is hard to imagine a stupider or ASCII text possible. Please think more dangerous way of making decis- about donating to us if you like. ions than by putting those decisions Our bitcoin address is: in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." 12yfpaKCHL7XCdWGiM8x9nuaBw1TbW1q2s - Thomas Sowell Consider it a "thank you" for all of our hard work, and an incentive for "So if marriage licenses from one us at LiberTORian to continue writ- state now have to be recognized by ing in defense of individual free- other states... does that mean my dom! ((L)) concealed carry permit from Texas now has to be recognized by Cali- fornia?" - A dinosaur from an Internet meme DON'T HURT PEOPLE AND DON'T TAKE THEIR STUFF. -Page 7- T H E O N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ / \ | || || || \ | || \ | || | | ( )( ___ )( )( )( __) / \| || || || \| || \| || | | (__ __)( _)( )( )( __ )(___ ) | |_|| || || || | || | || | | ( ) ( )\ ) ( __ )( )( )( ) | | | |/ /| || . | || . | || | | (___) (__) \__)(__)(__)(__)(__)(______) \ \ | < | || | | || | | |\ ' / _________ ________ __________ _________ _| || |\ \| || | ' || | ' | | | ( )( )( )( ___) | | || || || || | || | | | | ( ____)( )( )(___ ___)(_____ ) \ /| || || || |\ || |\ | | | ( ____) ( __ ) ( ) ( ) \_/ |_||_||_||_| \_||_| \_| |_| (____) (___)(___) (______) (_________) ______________________________________________________________________________ ( ) ( - B y S y n o n y m o u s 1 - ) (______________________________________________________________________________) What is trans fat? If one looks its "fully hydrogenated fatty acid". definition in the Merriam-Webster's This type of fatty acid doesn't dictionary, one will find this: occur in nature, is inedible, and dangerous. This type of fat is what trans fat (tranz' fat) n. Some- has been coined "frankenfats". Now, thing they put in food to make it Monica Reinage pretended to be an taste good. expert on the topic by misusing the term "franken-fats" to describe ALL I'm joking. But this may as well be trans fats. Just a small shot in the truth. Trans fats, put simply, the war on trans fat. make food taste better. Let's take a look at the chemical Trans fats technically are partially bond in trans fats contrasted with hydrogenated oils as opposed to poly cis fats. We begin with an example unsaturated or saturated fats. They of a poly unsaturated fat molecule: are not the "franken-fats" that some on the web have called them. Liber- //\ /\\ TORian will explain all this in this // \/ \\ article, and the fate of trans fats. | | | | trans fats begin as poly unsaturated / / fat. Their carbon atoms are double / / bonded in their hydrocarbon chains. || o The configuration of the atoms in || H C /\ / \ /\ /\ /\ /\ unsaturated fats are called cis \ 3 / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ bonds, as opposed to the trans bonds \ o | || H C | found in trans-fat. The cis bonds | | | || 3 | tend to be unstable. The process of | | \ o \ /\ /\ / creating trans fats causes some of \ /\\ \ \/ \/ \/ the cis bonds to uncouple and bond \ / \\ o with hydrogen atoms, explains nu- | | o | tritionist Margaret Floyd. This | | | process requires high temperatures \ / //\ /\ /\ /\ /\\ and pressure. These new trans bonds \/ // \/ \/ \/ \/ \\ are artificially produced, and more o H C | stable as well as better tasting. If 3 | ALL of the cis bonds are uncoupled /\ /\ /\ / and bonded with hydrogen, the result / \/ \/ \/ is not trans fat but something else: -Page 8- Now, let's isolate one of the H3C But as with anything good, leftists chains as it appears before the and statists in the government wish hydrogenation process, and see what to ban it. The problem they have it looks like after the double bonds with trans fats is that they make are broken: you FAT. Sorry to spoil it for you. While I'm at it, Rosebud was the //\ /\\ /\ /\ /\ sled and Darth Vader is Luke Sky- // \/ \\ / \/ \/ \ walker's father. Sorry, but the | | | entire world KNOWS that trans fats | | | are FATS. It's got FAT in the name! / / \ Of course, the federal government / / \ needs to clarify, since they give || * || laws names OPPOSITE of what they || H C || CH really are! Take "Affordable Care \ 3 \ 3 Act", for instance, which has made \ \ health insurance unaffordable, and | | mandatory, for every American! And | | then there's "Planned Parenthood", \ /\\ \ /\\ which makes people "un-parents" for \ / \\ \ / \\ profit. | | o | | o | | | | The real problem comes from the idea \ / \ / that Americans shouldn't be allowed \/ \/ to have them. Why not? Are we too stupid to know that they are fat? The bond after hydrogenation marked Or are we too stupid because we know with a * is the trans bond. Notice they are unhealthy, but we still how the double bonds at the top of want to eat it anyway? Everyone who the chain are now broken down in the puts trans fat into their system trans fat. understands that what they are con- suming is unhealthy, and when they The war on trans fats began around are coupled with lack of exercise, 2007 when government liberals began will make us fat. So what? As a complaining about it in Oreo cookies libertarian, if I want to enjoy a and other snack foods. For many, food with trans fat on occasion, I this is the first time the term was should. And if I want to neglect my heard of. Soon, it became FDA law body by eating a steady diet of it, to include trans fat content on food it's my decision. I am the steward packaging. Some foods removed trans of my own body, as is everyone for fat from their food around this time his/her own. Are you to tell me how and the difference was remarkable. to care for my own body? Frito-Lay removed trans fat from Doritos (tm) products in 2007... and Well, statists have the opposite they never tasted the same since. thinking. WARNING: Hitler compari- The flavor is gone. The best way to son ahead. Statists' philosophy remember how Doritos taste is to eat stems from social Darwinism, and the their Flavor Blasted (tm) Doritos; idea that you are NOT the steward of they are much more like the regular your body- government is. Statists Doritos used to taste. Now you know believe that they own the population why Doritos taste like poop anymore. like livestock, and the more control they have, the more they are free to Another food that became virtually treat people that way. This is why tasteless after the trans fat was socialized health care is so crucial removed was Resee's peanut butter to them. It is the cornerstone of cup cookies. They taste like they controlling every aspect of people's contain no peanut better whatsoever. lives. When Hitler became Germany's chancellor, his first actions were -page 9- to: 1) take over the health system, There are certain tastes that will 2) ban guns to prevent rebellion, be gone forever. Doughnuts, for and 3) enforce strict smoking bans. instance, are only as good as they If people are the government's are because of the existence of cattle, the government wants them to trans fats. I personally eat one be in good condition, as farmers doughnut a year, as they are the maintain the health of their cows worst food product one can consume. and pigs and such. But most red-blooded Americans eat doughnuts regularly without harming For statists, the motives aren't as anyone. There is no right more noble as even for farmers. It's all simple than your decision to eat about money. Put simply, unhealthy the foods you enjoy. people put a burden on the system. A person's health is now paid for by Prohibition doesn't work. The 18th the collective. If you're dragging Amendment led to organized crime, down the system, statists consider until the 21st Amendment made alco- you a drain of their resources. The hol legal once again. I abhor drugs result is health care rationing. It but think that if they were made is the end result in Netherlands, in legal, the rug would be pulled out England, in Canada, and all around from under all those scuzzy dealers the socialized world. If the state and they'd need to find a new vice deems you too burdensome to care for to peddle. So, will trans fat be then you're left behind, and since the new bathtub gin? I certainly the state controls all health care, hope so. LiberTORian is undergoing you have no alternative. research on nations where trans fat is still legal and produced; dear The stakes are high to ban trans fat reader, please send us your leads. because, to them, you are your own worst enemy. Moreover, they can't Then there's homemade trans fat. It afford to have you enjoy foods that isn't easy to do at home. Heating are unhealthy. But the benefits of oils produce little to no trans fats trans fat are neglected by the media when cooked. But people are re- an government alike. Trans fats are sourceful. I read enough _Anarchist Cookbook_ type entries to know that o easier than cis fats to manage as someone out there knows enough about a solid in recpies chemistry to give us a way to make o able to last a long time without our own trans fat in a lab or the spoiling kitchen. Again, please share your o chemically stable talents with LiberTORian! o suitable for extended cooking use o very tasty! I conclude with a new scientific discovery. Like the defunct Big The FDA decreed a trans fat pro- Bang theory, another 40-year study hibition which begins on June 17, turned out to be paradigm shifting: 2018, three years from the date the scientists now conclude there is no order was issued. Companies like correlation between cholesterol and Crisco, which makes Crisco(tm) circulatory clogging! HCL may now shortening, preemptively removed be just as healthy as LCL! All this trans fat from their products in government control over our food 2003, in anticipation of government intake may be for something as ar- intrusion. Crisco was one of the chaic, scientifically, as man-made wise ones; the estimated cost to the global warming! food industry is estimated to be $1 trillion dollars! So long as the So while we still have them, sit food providers and consumers are the back, enjoy LiberTORian, and shove ones stuck with the bill, it's no as many doughnuts down as you can! skin of the government's back! ((L)) -Page 10- ___________________________________________________________________________|____ .__ .__ ._. . . .___. .___ .__ _|_ [__) [__) | |\ | | [__ [__) DEFENSE DISTRIBUTED / | \ | | \ _|_ | \| | [___ | \ DEFIES THE GOVERNMENT ----+---- .__ .___ . .__. .__. .__ ._. . . .__ AFTER IT CLOSED DOWN \_|_/ [__) [__ | | | [__] | \ | |\ | [ __ THEIR WEBSITE OFFERING | | \ [___ |___ |__| | | |__/ _|_ | \| [__] 3D PRINTER GUN SCHEMATIC$ ________________________________________________________________________________ \________________________ _______________________/ ____________________________\ * By Synonymous 1 * /___________________________ \_____________________/ The advent of 3D printing ushered in gun to be made, and the printer it- a new era of democratization regard- self. And of course, D.I.Y. files ing manufacturing. People are now are meant to be shared. That is empowered to produce in 3D the same where Defense Distributed comes in. way they were able to print upon the __|__ arrival of color laser printers. / _|_ \ / / | \ \ You need an unlimited supply of Lego -(-(--+--)-)- bricks? 3D printers will do it for \ \_|_/ / you. Always wanted to be an action \__|__/ figure? Here's your chance! For as | little as a few thousand dollars, Founded in 2012 by entrepreneur Cody less that you would pay for a color Wilson, Defense Distributed began laser printer in the 1990s, you can as a crowdfunding campaign that was create anything your imagination and given the boot by IndieGoGo. But rendering abilities allow. censorship rarely works. Williams was able to raise more than his goal 3D printers have the ability to do on his own, thanks to the publicity more than materialize things out of garnered from IndieGoGo dropping his plastic and metal; nearly anything project. can be reproduced by anyone with the knowledge of a computer-aided draft- For over a year, Defense Distributed ing (CAD) program, or anyone who hosted 3D printer files for various shares such files. People have used firearms, including their early 3D printers to print entirely edible designs for AR-15 and AK-47 maga- meat, pure medicine/drugs, and human zines, and their now-famous design hands perfect for transplanting. for their Liberator .380. In late 2013, the State Department moved in, Not to mention firearms. and told them to shut down their web site. They complied. In the State Imagine the implications. A person Department's eyes, Defense Distribu- makes a gun from scratch. He or she ted, or DefDist, violated inter- didn't need a background check. national arms regulations, although With no seller, there are no trans- no weapons change hands, only data. fer documents for the beloved The department knows of breaking the government. The only waiting period law: many high ranking members of is for the printer to finish. In that department under the Obama the end, you're the proud possessor administration have, or are aware of of an unregistered firearm. their co-workers using government resources to view pornographic con- Such is one miracle of 3D printing. tent featuring minors. But since This D.I.Y. tool puts the Second they are part of the kakistocracy, Amendment directly back into the it's okay for THEM to break the law! hands of the average Joe. All that a person needs is a schematic of the Undetered by the move by the U.S. -Page 11- government, DefDist opened a second The files are deemed dangerous by web site, DefCad.org, which hosted the U.S. government. In reality, the weapons that led to the shutdown the files are a measure to keep as well as new additions to their liberty secure. People have noted growing open-source file base. that the government's attempt to __|__ censor Defense Distributed is an / _|_ \ attack on both the First and Second / / | \ \ Amendments. The NRA has yet to rule -(-(--+--)-)- in on the enterprise, but TV host \ \_|_/ / Glenn Beck, using one of the plans, \__|__/ was able to produce a gun in an hour | with a 3D printer. Like Mr. Beck, Defense Distributed's philosophy is DefDist hails from Texas. One gun derived from the Second Amendment. proudly displays the Texas state's In their own words, the service that outline on one of their AR-15 maga- they provide is to "defend the civil zines. A state that was once its liberty to public access to firearms, own nation, the Texans value their as guaranteed by the Constitution..." sovereignty and their concealed It's not about the weapons, them- carry rights. Leave it to Texas to selves, but what their gun schematics bring the Constitution into the 21st represent: using technology to main- century. tain the human rights advantage over a government's attempt to deny those There is also a website on freenet rights. Gun control advocates can where DefDist operates in the deep ban the sales of guns or have all of web. It is available in the freenet them registered when they are manu- and through a Nerdageddon link: factured by a business that regulates them. It's a whole lot harder to try http://freenovfka2ploir.onion/ to stop an average Joe from producing USK@7BHsVFc4oEhOpn1zjqWpnKi5psde their own using tomorrow's everyday JsYjsxujL58JAmY,f5deQR4y~9b2uXz7Wz6 household tools. Providing free open UNnMQ5Ro1hh4enBKTgFp-M9U,AQACAAE/ sourced gun archives is, to them, a site/4/ renaissance of sorts, empowering people to manufacture freedom. The censorship-resistant nature of the deep web makes it an ideal place Of course, DefCAD also didn't last to host the 3D schematic mega packs. long, and the anti-Second Amendment Obama Administration had the web site Everyone should download this, not scrubbed from the internet. That is, just gun owners or 3D printer users. when it comes to the hosted files on Why? Because you're making a repos- the clearnet. Their body of material itory for freedom itself. The Obama is still accessible to those savvy administration is notorious for enough to know where to look. The "scrubbing" information that is DefCAD collection is still available either embarrassing to them or ex- to the public, and is still updated pressing dangerous ideas such as as needed. One way to acquire these liberty - the digital equivalent of files is through peer to peer file Nazi book burning. I've archived a sharing. One can find torrent files library of information that's been for Defense Distributed by searching scrubbed; perhaps LiberTORian could torrent sites for this name: be a good place to share it. But by saving the files, you are preserving o DefDist DefCAD Mega Pack history, exactly as it was, for the future's generations, especially if A recent edition that has plenty of all the hard work by Cody Wilson and seeders is version 4.2, code named his allies is crushed by the statist Saito. At the time of this issue's government Goliath. ((L)) release, 4.5 is also available. -Page 12- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A BRUCE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS A BRUCE - By G.P.S. - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% People are calling Bruce Jenner a that contain full pictorials. hero. I don't know why. Someone tell me, please: what's heroic about Okay, I spent a whole column of text making an announcement that, anyone just on blowing the absurd notion of would know beforehand, would bring Bruce Jenner's award-winning courage nothing but accolades from the main- so it's on to the real substance: stream media? Hollywood? The far gender identity. left wing fringe? The far left wing fringe in the White House and the Just as in the story of Rachel Do- federal government? Virtually any- lezal, (written by Synonymous 1 in one who isn't one of those evil, LiberTORian Issue 4,) Libertarians extremist people who believe in God? don't have any qualms about someone But all we haer is hero and courage. who personally wishes to identify with the gender that they're not. I don't know, but a man who remains You are free to believe you are a man but changes his name to that whatever you are not. But just as which is typically a girls' name- the libertarian saying goes, "your Caitlin- isn't exactly the image I rights end where my nose begins." think of when I hear the word. And In the same way, you are free to especially in this political clim- call yourself what you want, but the ate. When I think of courage, I rest of society should not be made think of Edward Snowden, who gave to accept a lie. If Bruce Jenner up his livelihood and country to wants to pretend he's a woman, go expose to the American people the ahead. But I do not have to go NSA's gross violation of their along with a societal delusion that basic privacy. I think of people he is anything but a man. like the group of Christians who were victims of ISIS' recent mass Let's cut to the chase: if a person beheading: how they refused to den- has operations to change their geni- nounce their belief in Jesus, even tals, that person's DNA still is at the point of death. On a lesser that of their original, given sex. scale, I think of Americans who are A man by any alterations is still being persecuted for daring to run a man and vice versa. a business in a way that is in line with their religious convictions. Recently, a woman was in a Planet Fitness locker room when a man was And yet, it is Caitlin, I mean to wandering around, who startled her say Bruce, Jenner, who is the re- and made her feel uncomfortable. cipient of Arthur Ashe's "courage" She reported the man in the locker award. It's really a slap in the room to the front office. They told face to those who show courage. the woman, "Oh, this guy identifies as a female, so he we let him use But to put things in perspective, the women's locker room. It's our the Arthur Ashe award only goes to policy." Both dumbstruck and in- people for their lifestyle. Also, credulous, she complained that it's it helps to get their "courage" a women's locker room, and she award when you're showered with shouldn't have to share it with a accolades from everyone and are man, because it makes her feel celebrated on the front covers of intimidated. For her reliance on glossy magazines with interviews reality, Planet Fitness banned the -Page 13- woman from their gym. Needless to %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% say, this happened in California. So this is what it comes to? Women CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT OF THE DAY now have to feel violated because we as a society have to accept false %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% premises that give special rights to an extremely small minority. Jerry Brown, California's governor, passed THE FIRST AMENDMENT a law that states that a person may use whatever bathroom he or she A reminder to the Supreme Court of identifies with on that day. The the United States what they were bathrooms are segregated to protect supposed to be defending, and what a privacy rights. I'm sure everyone majority of its justices refuse to. has thought of the instant ramifi- cation of this legal insanity: male "Congress shall make no law pedophiles will begin "identifying" respecting an establishment of as a women to get into the girls' religion, or prohibiting the free bathroom in places where young girls exercise therof; or abridging the congregate. Men who stalk women can freedom of speech, or of the now enter their most private places. press; or the right of the people All this is obvious, and those who peaceably to assemble, and to passed this legal insanity KNOW of petition the Government for a this certainty. They don't care; it redress of greviences." is all of part of an agenda to force people to deny basic biology. Notice that the words "separation of church and state" are nowhere in the So, you are free to go ahead and First Amendment, or any part of the pretend to be something you are not. Constitution. An "establishment of And I am free to live in reality and religion" means that the government not have to be shunned by society shall not establish an official for doing it. So, "Caitlin", may religion. It is written as a shield God bless you, and may I continue to from government tyranny, not a sword call you Bruce. ((L)) to attack free religious expression. ******************************************************************************** * * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * % % CLASSIC .TXT FILE OF THE DAY * * % >> producin.9x << % * * % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * ******************************************************************************** This guide is part of the series explains that pictures are unavailable from somewhere around the mid 1980s, for their file, since they're not "Pirate Radio Survival Guide." This possible, but LiberTORian seems to circulated the BBS scene, advising manage. The file was modified from people on the ins and outs of oper- its original 100 column text to fit ating a pirate radio station. This LiberTORian's 80 column format. Other chapter, producin.9x, explains how than that, it is unedited, spelling to produce your own radio show. It errors and all. Enjoy the nostalgia! }88Oo~------------------~~~~ooooOOOO88{{}}88OOOOoooo~~~~------------------~oO88{ -Page 14- PIRATE RADIO SURVIVAL GUIDE Note: this chapter is from the book "Pirate Radio Survival Guide" written by; Nemesis of Radio Doomsday, and Captain Eddy of The Radio Airplane. If you like this book and would like to support their efforts, you may send a donation of your choice to either Nemesis or Capt. Eddy at PO Box 452, Wellsville NY 14895. Please note that some chapters refer to illistrations or drawings, these could not be included in this BBS version of the book. If you would like the illistrations or have other questions you may inquire at the above adddress. PRODUCING A SHOW What you decide to put on the air is only limited to your imagination, every day someone is thinking of an idea that has not yet been tried on pirate radio. This is what is so appealing about pirate radio: listeners are treated to unique and interesting material. Even if the material is not what each listener agrees with or likes, most appreciate the fact that it is genuine, without bias from commercial sponsors, or governmental influences. With that in mind, it is my wish that this book does not influence the content of your programming, I will offer suggestions on technique and ideas, but the final outcome of your work should reflect what you enjoy, believe, and feel; your show should reflect the reason you wanted to be a pirate in the first place. In order to write this chapter, I must make a few assumptions. First I will assume that you will want to be popular with your listeners, and second I will assume that you will want to develop some sort of a following of regular listeners. If you do not fit this category, don't feel that you are wrong; many pirates broadcast without concern for who listens or what they think and desire no kind of recognition what so ever. If this is what you want, that's great, that's what it is all about: individual choices. Once you have set up your studio and decided it is time to produce a show, you will likely have a certain subject matter or format in mind. If you don't, then take some time and review why you wanted to be a pirate in the first place, was it to make a certain point or political view, do you want to entertain or inform, do you just want to play your favorite music, or do you want to do all of the above? In most cases you will be sucessful at anything that you enjoy doing. Concentrate on what you would like to hear from a station; chances are that if you like the show others will also. The important thing is to jump right in and have fun. Dont spend too much time trying to sound like a professional DJ, and you don't necesarily have to make a point, the content of your show will stand alone. Pirate radio listeners are not like the average FM broadcast station listener. Pirate radio listeners aren't hypnotized by a slick sound, they listen to content, they appreciate what you are doing, in fact most pirate listeners report that their favorite stations are the ones who use homemade productions as opposed to commercially made material. They also report that they like the stations who do more than just play music, after all you can hear music anywhere. Whatever you decide to do, quality production skills, and quality technical skills will certainly put your station on the top of any DXers list. Quality production skills are not difficult to learn. Quality does not mean elaborate or complicated, it simply means clean, understandable audio, proper use of equipment, and attention to detail. If you throw a show together with little concern for quality, it will certainly be noticed by your listeners; don't insult them by broadcasting a bunch of junk just to fill up time. There can be a whole lot more to being a radio pirate than just being on the air. -Page 15- Here are a few tips that will help you produce a better program: 1. Go easy with the special effects, Reverb sounds great, but after it is bombarded by noise and weakened by distance, it often can't be understood and is quite annoying. If you speak in a normal voice, with no echo or overpowering background effects, you will be more likely to get your message to your listeners. Always be aware that long distant shortwave listening is often difficult, so your programming should contain material that is easily understood, a good production can be overdone with too many effects and background noise. Sometimes things are better if kept simple. 2. ID your station often, speak clearly and repeat your ID. It also helps to have different people give your station ID; some voices are easier to understand through the noise than others. Some stations give their ID phoneticly, others have used Morse code. 3. It is a good idea to have a few identifiable traits about your show, this will help regular listeners recognize your station. In the past stations have used traits such as Seal barks, Dogs barking, a few bars of music or chimes , musical IDs. Some always play the same song at the beginning or end of their broadcast. 4. When editing a tape, make the edits clean and tight. Avoid long pauses. If you are recording to a cassette tape, and you have a good recorder, you can use the pause control to make fair edits but be sure to go back and check the edits often, most decks are designed with the erase head placed up to an inch away from the playback head, this can cause you to either clip what you have just recorded, or create a longer than desireable pause. Know how your recorder works, make a few test edits to learn the characteristics of it, with practice, you can make very clean and tight edits with a cassette deck. 5. Use a mixer to soften changes from one audio source to another. A cheap mixer can add a lot of professionalism to a show. It also will make your production time much easier and more enjoyable. 6. If your recorder has an audio level meter try to make sure all of your audio is at the same level, and make sure the overall level is correct; if it is too high you may get distortion on the audio peaks, if it is too low you will have increased noise on the tape. Nothing is more annoying than hearing a pirate station with music coming in at a good level but the announcers voice is so low you can hardly hear him. Or worse yet, the station is coming in very well, but it is so distorted that you can't understand a thing that is being said. If you don't have an audio level meter, you will have to trust your ears. With practice it can be done. 7. Because you can't announce a schedule, most of your listeners are forced to try to find you while you are on the air; this usually means that very few people ever hear the first few minutes of your show. When you put your show together, it is better to put the most important parts at the end of the show. Many pirates play a few minutes of music at the beginning of each show to allow the listeners time to find them, others play an interval signal much like what is heard before licensed short wave broadcasters go on the air. This lets the listener know that someone is getting ready to broadcast. The interval signal has a few drawbacks, first it requires you to be transmitting longer, thus giving the authorities more time to find you, and second your interval signal may not be heard by someone who is just scanning the bands. -Page 16- 8. In most cases it is wise to avoid live broadcasting . To broadcast live and sound good is a VERY difficult thing to do. This is not to say it cant be done, many stations have the talent and experience to do it well. However, others do it and it is disasterous. Live broadcasts can result in lots of dead air; if you encounter a problem you will have to be prepared to solve it while maintaining a live show in the air. If you tape your shows you will have time to review what you have done and redo it if needed, you can take as long as you like to think of what to say next, and you will almost always sound better. And on the technical side, it is much easier to connect a single tape deck to the transmitter and eliminate the RF noise and feed back, than to connect a whole studio to the transmitter. If your show is on tape you will have the freedom to perform other important tasks while on the air, like maintaining a look out. 9. Ground your studio equipment and use shielded cables to prevent audio "hiss" and equipment "hum". Use quality recording tape (you get what you pay for). 10. Use quality audio input, avoid scratchy records and bad tapes, If you use a poor quality microphone your audio could sound "muddy" or "tinny" good mikes arent always expensive. }88Oo~------------------~~~~ooooOOOO88{{}}88OOOOoooo~~~~------------------~oO88{ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& DAVID NOLAN'S QUAGMIRE, PART 2 - By Synonymous 1 - &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In LiberTORian Issue 4, we discussed Life, David Nolan presented a new applying the Non-Aggression princi- argument. In that argument, he ple to all human beings, including asserts that a pregnant woman who the preborn, and how David Nolan and does not want to be is a slave to founding libertarian party members the child, and her right to abort place individual liberty over NAP in her baby supersedes the NAP: this case. Over the years the party softened it stance somewhat, because "'I cannot... accept the notion so many libertarians believe that that a newly-impregnated woman "don't hurt other people" applies to must be consigned to nine months everyone, regardless of their lo- of service... to a small group of cation. cells... lacking consciousness, will, or the ability to exist Often, people have compared abortion independently.' To me, these to slavery, in the respect that both attributes dfine humanity far more issues have deemed a certain class than simple genetic coding... of people not to be people. Here in part 2, LiberTORian will examine And even if a newly-joined sperm Nolan's idea that pregnancy itself do constitute a human being, [and is a form of slavery. science refutes Nolan's personal definition,] the State cannot David Nolan's arguments in favor of morally compel you to sacrifice the abortion choice were without your life and resources for its merit. After entering in a debate benefit. As I wrote in my 'Ess- by mail with Doris Gordon, the ence' article, 'no external power founding member of Libertarians for has the right to force you into -Page 17- the service of society or mankind that the solution is to tell people or any other individual or group, that they should conform to his ad- for any purpose, however noble. mittedly arbitrary view, and sweep Slavery is wrong, period.'" the issue under the rug, because it makes him uncomfortable to discuss First of all, if you are the kind of it, and discussing it takes his time person, who, like David Nolan, wants from other issues more important to to deny the basic biological fact him. that a preborn baby is a living human being, regardless of its size, What we have in a pregnancy is not its awareness of self, or any other one life with absolute license. We attribute. I'm about is interested have two lives that are intertwined, in arguing the obvious any more than where one is dependent on the other. I'm interested in debating with some The question is: where does one's person who thinks blacks are proper- rights end and another's begin? ty. No time for that. The ideal solution is that both the mother and child should have as much Now, let's examine "slavery". This liberty to do what they want as "slavery" is a biological function possible. The only restrictions on whose purpose is the propagation of their freedom would be when they in- the human species. The same applies terfere with another person's. The for all mammals. It's nature. Now, paramount freedom is the right to you are free to argue that pregnancy life. In David Nolan's own mani- is a form of slavery. Maybe you festo, "The Essence of Liberty", he even have a point. But then I con- writes about the essence of liber- clude that slavery is a part of na- tarianism, and exactly where those ture. At any moment, millions of rights are limited: women in America are slaves. If slavery is just a matter of basic "The right to own and use anything biology, maybe it's not such a taboo [is only under the condition: ] so in once sense; not all slavery is long as [we] do not harm others evil. I think the answer lies some- through force or threat of force." where else. Consider the famous Siamese twins, Meanwhile, let's look at it from the Jan and Eng Chen. Joined at the other perspective- that of the baby. hip, literally, their entire lives For nine months, an unborn baby is are intertwined. Does one have the trapped inside the mother. During right to kill the other? Ignore the the whole gestation, the mother de- fact that doing so would kill both. cides what nutrition to put in her Libertarian asserts that harming body, and therefore, the baby's. If oneself is one's own decision. So, the mother smokes, the baby also has is one twin a person and the other to take in the same toxins- the same not? Or do both need to respect the with drinking. The baby is forced other, even though they are one to go wherever the mother goes, hear body? whatever she says or whatever music she plays, and has no choice in any I assert that the right to life is of these matters. So, who is really paramount, and that the right of a the slave here? human person, regardless of size, is more fundamental than the right Let's put this issue to rest. This of one person to kill another just biological function isn't exactly because the other person resides slavery. It's understandable this within them. is a difficult issue. But liber- tarians should examine and debate In part 3, LiberTORian will examine it. It's the only way for the party this in libertarian terms and we'll to move forward. David Nolan thinks meet Libertarians for life. ((L)) -Page 18- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% WHO THE HECK IS MILTON FRIEDMAN? - By Synonymous Xi - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% o HE IS DEAD. Born in 1912, Milton o HE WAS AN AWARD-WINNING ECONOMIST. Friedman lived to the ripe old age Milton Friedman won a Nobel Prize of 94. for economics in 1976. Not that such an award means anything. o HE WS A NEW YORKER. Born in Brooklyn, he attended college at o HE MADE TV SHOWS. He helped to Rutgers University, in nearby New develop a 10-part TV show for PBS Jersey. espousing libertarian economic theory, called *Free To Choose*. o HE WAS A STATISTICIAN. He opposed He wrote a book of the same title, Kenseyian economics, popular in and it became the bestselling his era of the 1960s. He wrote a work of nonfiction of 1980. (In paper that, utilizing Kenseyian 1981, it was _Mastering Pac-Man.) terms, thoroughly refuted Kensey- ian theory. He was an advocate of o HE WAS A MULTI-AWARD WINNER. He a limited role of the Federal Re- also won the Presidential medal of serve. Freedom in 1988, issued by Presi- dent Reagan. o HE WAS AN ADVISOR to such figures as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald o HIS LEGACY LIVES ON. While Kensey Reagan. and his theories are being applied today, to the detriment of the o HE WAS A PROFESSOR at University economic system (proving Friedman of Chicago. He taught for three right), Friedman and his ideas are decades there. It's been all down- more widely recognized than Kensey hill from there. and his theories, which, hopefully will fade into obscurity in favor o He IDENTIFIED AND PREDICTED STAG- of Friedman's ideas. FLATION before Jimmy Carter creat- ed it in the 1970s. --> *BELIEFS FROM MILTON FRIEDMAN'S MIND o HE WAS A FOUNDER of his own advo- o School Choice cacy group: Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, a group o Negative Income Tax: A tax rebate that promotes parental control to was supposed to REPLACE welfare, select the school of their choice not SUPPLEMENT it for their children. o Economic Libertarianism o HE WAS AN INFLUENCE. He taught and worked alongside Leonard Jimmie o Limited role of federal reserve. Savage, and they developed statistic Like the negative income tax, he theories together. He taught many formed plans for the federal re- people who went on to be standout serve that restrained it if it had economists in their own right. to exist. o HE WAS AN AUTHOR. He wrote the book o Legalization of narcotics _Capitalism and Freedom_ in the early 1960s. The book promotes such o Homosexual marriage, but only if concepts as school choice and a done legally. He opposed its minus income tax! enactment through tyranny. ((L)) -Page 19- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...',,;:::;;;,'... ..,clllccccllllloooodddl:;'. .,:lcccc::::::ccccloooodddxxxdxdl;'. .'cllcccllc:::::cllccllllloodxxkkkkkkkxl:'.. .,colc:::cllc:::ccccclllclloooodxxkOOOkOkkxdllc;. .;odolcc:::c::::::c::ccllcccloooolldxkkO0OOOOxddodxl. .loolllcc:::::::::::::c:cccccllloooooxxkkO0OOOOkxdddk0o. 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In a recent plunge into the deep web, Synonymous 1 stumbled across an onion called, *Zinov's Gopher Server*. It contained mostly old-school .txt and ANSI files of his writing that tended to espouse libertarian virtues and defend against the cultural insanity that comes with progressive statism. All of the files are in the public domain, and future issues of LiberTORian may reprint one or more of the Zinov writings. Like LiberTORian, all Zinov's work's consigned to the public domain. There is no copyright infringement if they are reprinted. However, there is no known way to contact Zinov. No email address appears anywhere on his or her web site. Zinov, we would like you to contact LiberTORian. We can't contact you, so if you can, please contact Synonymous 1 at: synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com Or, if any LiberTORian readers out there know how to reach Zinov, please let us know at the above address. /==============================================================================\ |------------------------( T H A N K Y O U ! )------------------------| \==============================================================================/ -Page 21- *gj9%lP2^\gjp~j9vEjw0j9594ujb4q=4D+@ > >> THE ASHLEY MADISON HACK << < - by Synonymous 1 - ;"Md9#fmj(\Adi9!\?0i*vnV6%+`If74$?yL If you aren't aware of what Ashley light on the Ten Commandments and Madison is, it's a cheating web site giving them fangs. I lean toward where people sign up to cheat on the concept that an affair does harm their spouse. Allegedly, there are a faithful spouse, even if (s)he is a whopping 37 million members! unaware of the harm, just as some- one who is slowly being poisoned may Well, some hacker(s) gained access not be aware of the poisoning, even to all its member's account infor- though the effects are real. mation. The hacker(s) intend to release this information publicly, Because of this, in principle, I am where those who were cheated on can siding with the hackers, even though learn their identities. I don't what they are doing does hurt others know much more of this story at the (and if they are blackmailing Ashley time this is being written, but it's Madison's members, taking their fine, because this is being brought stuff, something I don't condone.) up to examine from a libertarian But is it right to hurt people who perspective. are hurting other people? Its the reason I oppose the death penalty. On the one hand, people are free to do what they want. If a person has However, when it comes to Ashley an affair, their freely are able to Madison herself (or whatever is the do so. But libertarianism only ends name of the woman who owns Ashley freedom when its exercise harms Madison) and the people who work for someone else. I contend that having her, I cant imagine a better form of an affair does harm the person being justice. After all, this business cheated on. The question is if the makes itself rich creating suffering person being cheated on is harmed and misery to innocent people, much only if it is discovered, or in all like Planned Parenthood. This is cases? nothing like TOR critics who say TOR enables criminal activity. They Meanwhile, examining the hacker's don't condone such use. Ashley Mad- side, the mantra again is, "don't ison makes their profit arranging hurt people and don't take their trysts between unfaithful people. stuff. I don't know whether or not there is blackmail involved. That So I'm less conflicted when it comes would be a violation. But is it the to those who own the site. In fact, unfaithful person or the hacker who I won't shed a tear if they face 50 is causing the harm? shades of financial ruin and major trustworthiness issues, a grand If you believe that a person is only irony considering their clientele. harming their spouse by having an affair if the affair is discovered, The hacker may have no social inter- then you would likely side against est whatsoever; it just might be a the hacker. For it is their leaking fun prank to whoever was behind it. the information which makes the Nonetheless, it's a thought-pro- affair known and causes the harm. voking incident with no clear answer so we at LiberTORian want to know Otherwise, this situation can be what you think. Send your thoughts, viewed as a hi-tech form of vigil- in plain text only, to: ante justice. Sort of a shedding a synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com. ((L)) -Page 22- {0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0} Is The Economy Too Service-Oriented? - By Vox Populi {0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0} We often forget that for the vast techniques there was surplus food majority of written history all stock on unprecedented scale. This civilisations have been driven by mean innovation on an unprecedented agricultural and industrial econo- scale and therefor economies shifted mies, I will be referring to the two from being purely agriculture to far in a group called "Goods" economies. more dominated by industry. This is when we see the cracks to begin to A goods economy is simple, it dates form in capitalism (and no this back to ancient Mesopotamia: people article is certainly not advocating buy stuff that they use, it has a communism), suddenly over the course practical and real world application of 50 years - a blink of the eye in to it. At the dawn of civilisation human history - we find that a and indeed almost all the way up society that is not largely agri- until the industrial revolution, cultural has not had time to adapt goods economies were powerd far more to an economic system that is suited by the agricultural sector than the to a more industrial one, and we see industrial one, for the sake of sim- ourselves as a society time and time plicity when I say industry I am again running into issues because we including pottery or metal from the have modernised so rapidly yet con- Roman era etc. In fact when I say tinue to use an economic system industrial I refer more so to all that predates 5,000 BCE. goods that are not agricultural. All of a sudden the same methods So for a very long time food pro- used to barter corn prices at an duction technology was inefficient, ancient Egyptian market stand are it was difficult to generate sur- being used to negotiate loans be- pluses and thus very few people tween to imperial trading companies could live their lives without being in a far off colonized continent, bound to farming the land they own suddenly bits of paper begin to be- or rent to feed themselves, if there come as valuable as entire cities was any surplus stock they would and complicated networks of debts sell this to the small minority of can that exist only in accounting the population which did not depend books can fling millions of people on agriculture as a means of sur- into famine and desolate poverty. vival. These groups that were not bound to farming all day were the Many of you may think I'm being too ones free to pursue other carriers narrow minded, even just plain and made up the innovators of socie- stupid in a sense. Of course it's ty, if you're not farming you have not JUST numbers on a page, I under- more time to tinker with ship tand this, after all in a way that building, painting, architecture and logic can be applied to this very science. The more surplus food in a article: it's JUST pixels on a society the more people can live screen with varying colours, nothing life off the land and therefor the special - but of course this hold more people innovating, meaning that true meaning. technology progresses faster. The issue is when we become dis- Once the industrial revolution illusioned with their true meaning, occurred in the 1700/1800s this and this is where we the fate on the formula exploded, suddenly due to entire world is being gambled. By tractors and modernised farming the turn of the 20th century this -Page 23- new world order and economic systems ation or an individual. had taken over and turned much into what we see the like today, this is Again you may be calling me naive unsustainable. In the roaring 20s and short sighted, after all the people took loans out, these loans world NEEDS people like barbers, made sense on paper - bankers and hotel receptionists, store managers, accountants were pleased with them, chefs etc. That's the thing actual- they all fitted nicely and neatly ly, it doesn't. That is the single into columns and the calculations largest flaw in the mindset of said these bankers would get a big today's society and economic system, pay day: person A borrows x amount we allow our GDP to be hijacked by of money, person A gives back 1.10x the services sector, today 80% of amount of money; nice and easy, fits the GDP of the US is in the service right into the spreadsheet columns. sector, 77% in the UK, 70% in Ger- The issue was that all this only many. The issue with having so much existed on paper, it only made sense dependence on these sectors is that in the books and it didn't take into when we go into a recession people account the fundamental idea that stop spending because they have less humans are different, they are to spend, no longer do they go out unique and free thinking. The loans to bars, restaurants, movie theaters only got more and more complex until concerts or hotels. They buy necess- almost no one knew what was happen- ities, gas, oil, food, power; notice ing, everyone was just writing down something, they are all goods. one number and getting a bigger one back. Then, we hit a breaking point. We need economies reliant on core Reality and caught up with the insan- sectors of the economy and we need ity. Everything fell apart, suddenly to stop allowing the hypothetical people remember that all these and disillusioned value of numbers stocks, loans and timeshares actually and words on paper distract us from did mean something. The entire global the fact that all the industrial economy collapsed, millions upon complexes employ real people and use millions of people were thrown into real resources taken from the planet extreme poverty and indeed a vast and shipped out by real transport to majority of historians will argue real corporations and individuals. that the Wall Street crash of 1929 We need to remember that when we was the single largest prelude to loan money, whether to a nation or WWII. household, there is a real trans- action taking place. It seems simple But all this was amplified by an even yet time and time again organi- larger fundamental flaw in our econo- sations like the IMF, the world my, the shift from a goods based bank, the European Union, OPEC, Bank economy to a service and luxury goods of America all seem to forget this. based one. This is all dictated by It's beyond cliche to say that the fundamental laws of supply and de- history book keeps repeating itself mand, when there is economic prosper- but quite frankly it's true. We're ity there is high demand for luxury seeing it now with Greece, we saw it goods and for services, as opposed to in 2008, we saw it in 1929 and being employed in factories many through several other points in the people were employed in jobs that 20th century. There needs to be a were orientated around services, ser- political and economic revolution, a vices being any form of paid exchange new world order that recognizes the not centered around the exchange of a fact that we have made a titanic physical good but rather a service. shift from the economies of ancient Odds are you and probably your Greece and that we must update our parents too work in a service job, economic systems accordingly. I'm rather than producing a physical good not saying Communism, I'm not you provide a service for a corpor- saying National Socialism, I'm not saying Capitalism, I'm saying some- ********** NON-SEQUITIR ********** thing has got to change real damn, because our fragile geopolitical Al Gore is the environmental climate cannot take any more blows. equivalent of a televangelist who ((L)) gets rich exploiting Christians... except that he's much richer. And he has much less charisma. ((L)) -Page 24- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% D N S L O O K U P F A I L E D - By Synonymous 1 - %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% It's been a crazy summer with a lot know what this publication means to discuss. There was so much that to you. I hope you don't just read has been overlooked for the sheer it for the ASCII art. sake of giving my fingers and mine a break every once in a while. Even People do comment on the retro look now I'm lying in my bed with my key- of LiberTORian- all positive, too. board, occasionally mispleing a word sometimes they ask how the graphics because it's dark. are made. the photographic images are produced with a DOS program, What keeps me going? It's because I JP2A. The LiberTORian logo, the believe we all have to do our part, LiberTORian onion, the light bulb with the current state of affairs in are all hand-drawn. Some of the which we find ourselves. We are all logos from feature articles are here on this Earth for something. I "Figlet Fonts" from the 8-bit era. don't know what mine is. But I do These fonts are all featured on the think we are to put our talents to clearnet site TEXTFILES.COM. This productive use to secure liberty for site is an excellent resource of BBS our children's generation. And the postings from the 1980s and early one thing I know how to do is write. 1990s, and where most of the VINTAGE So, for now, that's what I'm doing. TEXT FILE OF THE DAY feature origin- I have no idea if this is making any ates. kind of impact on anyone. Maybe all you readers find my cynicism enter- Since people enjoy images so much, taining or funny or think the format LiberTORian wishes to invite you to is cute. But maybe one of you are submit your artwork AS WELL AS your motivated to do something more than writings. If you create your own just read this. ASCII art, that would be awesome! Please note that we don't publish I truly hope one of my readers is color ASCII or ANSI art. Since we inspired by this to do something all are libertarians here, (a naive beyond reading... even if it's to assumption,) you are just as free to write your own material on the same submit actual art to the magazine as issues. And maybe that will inspire well. Just note that bold, high someone to call their congressman, contrast images or bold line art or to run for local office, or be works best, since all files will be more charitable, or find serenity converted for this format! (Bit- in this sick, dark world. I don't maps? We don't need no steenking know how it's affecting you, dear bitmaps!!!) Well, you know the readers, without your feedback. So, address: synonymous1@ruggedinbox.com if you can, please take a minute out of your schedule and let LiberTORian - - - E N D O F F I L E - - -