2018, Jul 07 - Dimitri Merejkowsky License: CC By 4.0
1: Introducing "Quantum of Ideas"
I've already explained on this blog[2] why I've decided to never follow more than 30 accounts on twitter.
2: Twitter and me, me and twitter
To this day, I'm still convinced that if you follow more than 50 accounts, you should seriously considering cleaning your timeline too.
This may seem like a daunting task, especially if you're already following hundreds of accounts. That's when the Twitter Timeline Cleaner comes in.
* Takes a random sample of recent tweets from this account and asks you to mark them as *relevant* or *useless*. * Then it gives each account a score, something like the average interest of each tweet divided by the frequency of tweets. That way, accounts that tweet rarely but are always interesting get a high score. Accounts that tweet several times per day every day, even if they sometimes have interesting content, get penalized.
When this is done, the TTC shows you a list of accounts sorted by decreasing score, and all you have to do is to select which irrelevant accounts you want to stop following.
By the way, unless they explicitly configured their account to do so, each account you unfollow will *not* get notified, so there's a pretty good chance they won't get mad at you.
3: https://www.manageflitter.com/
And that's all there is to it. We could also extend the TTC so that it prevents *you* from becoming an account with low signal-to-noise ratio using the same technique. For instance, it would display messages like: "only 2% of readers found this tweet interesting", or "you've already tweeted 3 times today, maybe go take a break".
... or you could just use Mastodon[4] where: